View Full Version : Wooo Wasted

James Prent
Oct 16th, 2004, 01:10:37 AM
I'm drunk, who's with me@?

Dasquian Belargic
Oct 16th, 2004, 02:15:49 AM
Shame on you!

James Prent
Oct 16th, 2004, 02:03:38 PM
:o I'm so ashamed!

Figrin D'an
Oct 16th, 2004, 05:39:31 PM
Originally posted by James Prent
:o I'm so ashamed!

You are sooooo demoted.

(just kidding... ;) )

James Prent
Oct 16th, 2004, 06:42:10 PM
:cry I swear it was only OOC!!


James Prent
Oct 17th, 2004, 12:54:43 AM
wooohooo again! :D:crack

Morgan Evanar
Oct 19th, 2004, 08:33:20 PM
I haven't had anything in a long time :p

James Prent
Oct 22nd, 2004, 12:21:14 AM
Time to go CLUBBIN'

Dasquian Belargic
Oct 22nd, 2004, 01:29:11 AM
aw. I wish I was CLUBBIN'

James Prent
Oct 22nd, 2004, 09:56:18 AM
Yeah, me too. :(

Nov 5th, 2004, 07:41:01 PM
I've never been drunk.

Hell, I wonder if I can get drunk. I mean, everytime I get to the point I feel I'm getting a wee bit tipsie, I have to pee really really bad. So i go to the bathroom, and then i'm no longer tipsie or anything and I'm ready for another round.

And then I just get sleepy.


James Prent
Nov 7th, 2004, 05:54:40 PM
Obviously you need to drink stronger, larger drinks. And more of them, regardless of when you have to take a leak.

Navaria Tarkin
Nov 7th, 2004, 10:36:47 PM
wont that just lead to a viscious circle of drinking and peeing until she passes out who knows where?

James Prent
Nov 7th, 2004, 11:47:24 PM
heck yeah, but she'll be able to say "I was definetely drunk!" I mean, if that's what she's going for... :uhoh

Dae Jinn
Nov 7th, 2004, 11:51:51 PM
I've only been drunk twice :( I post once while I was drunk, it's funny. And I told my friend I wanted his body :lol

Valora Ashen
Nov 8th, 2004, 03:22:01 PM
I've never been drunk. The only drinks I have are soft ciders, hard lemonade, or the occsional glass of wine. Other than that my cough medicen is a half shot of Vodka once a day till my cough goes away. (FYI:This is Shanaria)

Dasquian Belargic
Nov 8th, 2004, 03:44:28 PM
Originally posted by James Prent
Obviously you need to drink stronger, larger drinks. And more of them, regardless of when you have to take a leak.

Truth. At first, it seems like I'm not getting drunk, and just visiting the toilet a lot, then all of a sudden BAM I am falling over and groping some random. It's quite hilarious.

Pierce Tondry
Nov 8th, 2004, 04:02:45 PM
Haha, Jenny has a wild side.

Navaria Tarkin
Nov 8th, 2004, 04:54:16 PM
I've never been drunk and I'd like to keep it that way :D

Nov 8th, 2004, 08:08:32 PM
Obviously you need to drink stronger, larger drinks. And more of them, regardless of when you have to take a leak.

wont that just lead to a viscious circle of drinking and peeing until she passes out who knows where?

That's exactly what I was thinking! :lol

Truth. At first, it seems like I'm not getting drunk, and just visiting the toilet a lot, then all of a sudden BAM I am falling over and groping some random. It's quite hilarious.

More blue romulan-ale-wanna-be vodka stuff for you! :D

I've never been drunk and I'd like to keep it that way

Ah, that reminds me... Joe won't let me get drunk. So if he's around, I probably won't get drunk... but if he's not around... skies the limit! >D

James Prent
Nov 9th, 2004, 02:30:57 AM
haha obviously Joe has never seen you tipsy before.

Nov 10th, 2004, 12:02:26 PM
Well, there's really not much to see when i'm tipsie. I just feel kinda dizzy and then I need to pee. And then i'm just dead tired.

Ask Charley. My tipsiness was really quite uneventful and boring.

James Prent
Nov 10th, 2004, 08:42:57 PM

Loki Ahmrah
Nov 10th, 2004, 10:19:26 PM
How many times have I been drunk? Let me see, I've been drunk...