View Full Version : Operation: Sentinel Wolf

Gurney Devries
Oct 14th, 2004, 08:53:17 PM
What I'm looking for, off the top of my head, is a slicer, an NRSF contact, someone to play a terrorist (or multiple terrorists), and possibly someone involved in illicit activities. If you can think of some way for your character to fit in, let me know. Or, if you want to join in, but have no idea how to fit in, contact me and we can work something out.

"Frell you. Next time, don't bother calling me at 3 in the bleeding mornin', cus the answer's just going to be the same." I tapped the off switch on the holocom before plopping back down on my bed. I laid my head down and closed my eyes, some part of me pretending that they wouldn't call back any secon-

beep-deep-beep... beep-deep-beep

Bloody hell. I'm going to tear that thing out of the wall one of these days. "Look, do you want it in writing? I'm a Jedi now, so bugger off." The image flickered danced as the face it portrayed strained to remain calm. Colonel Degrada was famous for all sorts of things, from battles he singlehandedly brought to victory to his inhuman ability to inspire morale in his troops. Patience, however, was not one of those things.

"Ah, that's right. How goes your Jedi training, Gurney? You've been there an awful long time now. Must be a full-fledged Knight by now, I'd bet." He said it calmly, and I wanted to punch him in the face. "Yeah, whatever. What business is it of your's?"

"Look, I'll cut the B.S. Neither of us likes to beat around the bush. We know that you aren't progressing for squat as Jedi. I'm sure the Order can do without one more lax padawan for a few weeks. In fact-" I hung up on him again. Bastich. He may be right, but he doesn't need to rub my nose in it. The holo beeped once more, and I flicked it back on. Degrada's face had lost much of its calm, and his voice reflected it.

"Gurney! This is no time to be playing games, dammit!"

"Yeah, I know that. That's why I'm going to take the mission. Now leave me the hell alone."

His face looked shocked before I cut him off again. I suppose he didn't expect me to cave in so early.


12 hours later, I was sitting on a public transport en route for the NRSF base on Arcan IV. Degrada had booked the flight in advance. I made a mental note to strangle him as soon as this was over. Cocky Bastich.

I had barely set foot on solid ground before I was swept up by two NRSF personnel and rushed into a nearly empty conference room. Degrada was standing behind a podium at the far end, and I was sorely tempted to see if I could get a shot off before the two grunts next to me tackled me to the ground. Restraint won out, this time. So I sat and listened to what he had to what was so bleeding important that he had to fly me half way across the galaxy at this ungodly hour. After he was done talking, I was surprised that he hadn't called me earlier.

Gurney Devries
Oct 14th, 2004, 09:19:00 PM
"I know you don't want to hear me _____foot around the subject, so I'll cut to the chase: What we have here is quite possible the largest threat the Republic has faced since the Empire."

Degrada probably saw me rolling my eyes, because he cleared his throat impatiently.

"We've received threats from an unknown person who claims to have access to a new kind of viral weapon. It's the most potent biological weapon our tech heads have ever seen. 99.9% kill ratio."

I was skeptical. Who wouldn't be? "How do you know that he really has access to this virus? Or that it can even do what he claims it can?"

Degrada was grim. "Oh, no claims. Its effectiveness was demonstrated to us along with the terrorist's threat 14 hours ago. A mining colony of about 10,000 beings on Dubrillion was utterly wiped out. Every being of every race and age, no exception. Our experts tell me that, had the mining colony not been so remote, it could have potentially wiped out all life on the planet in a matter of days."

I grimaced. He wasn't exaggerating about how dangerous this was.

"So what does he want? A boatload of credits? Political power on his homeworld? What?"

"That's the most puzzling part," Degrada replied. "There haven't been any demands as of yet. Just a warning. In 48 standard hours, they're going to release it into the atmosphere over a major city. This will continue every 24 hours until, well, whenever they decide to issue their demands to us and we comply..."

"... or until I can track them down and stop them, right?"

"Correct. We don't have much time, Gurney. We could be looking at millions of deaths, possibly mo-"

"Yeah, yeah, I get it. Less yapping and more fact-feeding. Give me everything you've got."

Ishan Shade
Oct 15th, 2004, 12:05:10 AM
The shuttle landed just outside the industrial complex of Courcant's main street. A lone figured emerged from the ramp, trailing a cape behind. The guards stood to attention. They eyed one another nervously. Rumors had been circulating about Lord Shade. Rumors of his tutelage ... under a Dark Lord of The Sith. Not that it could make him any more intimidating, Shade was never known for his mercy or sympathy. Captain James Kent, head of operations for Shade Industries stood at the doorway to meet him.

Kent bowed at the waist. "My Lord. We are truly honored."

"Are you, Captain?" came the short reply, "I understand that you were surprised by the news of my visit."

Kent surrendered about two heads worth of height to Shade, and had to crane his neck to reply. "Pleasantly, of course, My Lord."

Ishan merely looked down at him. Kent could not tell whether it was annoyance or new respect. Truthfully, it was impossible to tell through the Falleen's stern expression. They walked into the large industrial stronghold before Ishan began.

"I have heard of the Senator's change of heart to our situation on Dalmore. I trust this matter will be taken care of."

Shade did not change his walking pace, nor bothered to look at the Captain. Unbidden, the words came to Kent's throat.

"It would not be wise to target someone so predominant in the Senate, My Lord."

Ishan stopped. Kent knew that hadn't been very wise at all.

"You doubt my will?"

"Of course not," he said quickly, "It's simply that the killing of a Senator would not go down quietly. More than likely the Jedi would get involved."

Kent felt an oppressive tightness in his throat, and hoped fervently that his own nervousness had placed it there, for he too had heard the rumors.

"Your opinions are irrelevant," said Ishan, and he began walking away, down the gleaming rows of marble, "So long as you carry out your orders."

"But the Jedi will start an investigation," he said plainly, "They would surely trace it back to us."

Shade turned on him. A black-gloved hand came up in a threatening gesture, and this time the tightness in Kent's throat was not at all natural.

"Perhaps you require a reminder of the high value I place on loyalty."

His lungs burned for air, and all he could do was give a simplistic nod. Kent fought his need for oxygen to a standstill. Ishan released him, as Kent drew in a long breath.

"See that you do not lose sight of that, Captain Kent." Ishan boomed as he walked away from the bruised officer.

Dalmore, however, was far from his mind. There were more pressing matters at hand. There will be no one to stand in his way now. . .he had some meetings to keep.