View Full Version : Let's see you fight the real thing (Jezreal/Invite)
Dark Lord Rivin
Oct 12th, 2004, 01:14:14 PM
OOC: this takes place Before Leten returns to TLJ.
Rivin had thought long and hard for a task that his young apprentice could do. And now he had it. Having taken his apprentice to Coruscant, Via his underground contacts, allowing them to bypass customs all togeather, they now step out of a lift that had let them out in the dark lower levels.
"Welcome to the cess-pools of the galaxtic capital. here you will find all forms of skum, and most of it working unchallenged. But there are two Jedi Padawans that are making the lives of my criminal opperations more difficult.
One being a young blue lady that goes by the name of Shanaria Fabool. For years now my people have extorting the street people, exchanging work for food, but she is putting this in danger, but cultivating a plant that can be grown down here, without sunlight, and is good for food.
The other one is a street rat that was found by the Jedi, and My men mannaged to get him to fall 1078 floors to the bottom of what they call the abyss. Some how he lived and is now acting as a protector to the Vermin that call this place home. The street people think he has been sent to them by the gods, and that nothing can stop him. The call him The Snat. He seems to be rather skilled in the art of illusions and would likely be the more difficult one to kill.
I want you to attempt to kill one of these two. I will watch, and only interfere if it means that I may loose an apprentice. Choose which one you wish to attempt on. I do not expect you to kill ether of them, since both are rather resorcesful, though I will expect you to try."
Jezreal Darkshard
Oct 12th, 2004, 08:25:07 PM
Jezreal thought over Rivin's words. She was wearing her black sith robes with the hood drawn and her recently constructed lightsabre dangled from her belt "I think I'll try the Fabool lady" She said as she looked up at Rivin.
Dark Lord Rivin
Oct 13th, 2004, 10:30:30 AM
Rivin nods, slightly disipointed that his apprentice is choosing the easy way out.
"Very well. I will take you to her workshop. She will likely be there. and from there you can deal with her as you see fit."
Rivin then guides Jezreal deaper into the lower levels, through the filth, and vermin that line the streets. It's clear that the street people know him, and fear him, and for thoughs that come two close to Rivin or get in his way, Rivin symply picks them up and throws them off the walkway, letting them fall deeper into he darkness below.
It's not long till Rivin Stop and points out a building.
"She is in there, and I will be leaving you now. Though I will be watching."
Rivin then turns and jumps off a walkway, allowing himself to be consumed by the darkness below.
Shanaria Fabool
Oct 13th, 2004, 11:09:04 AM
Shanaria was puttering around her workshop. it's not like she had too much else to do since her master was not really paying attention to her training. She had alot to do, and still felt bad about letting Leten fall to his doom. He was a big help with this, but now she was back to working alone.
The day was going just as it always did, but for some reason, things just didn't feel right. As if there was a cloud of death hanging around her head. Shanaria desides to play it safe, so she locks the main door to her workshop, with her still inside, hoping that another army of thugs were not out there waiting for her to come out again.
Jezreal Darkshard
Oct 14th, 2004, 02:08:57 PM
Jezreal moved toward the door and arrived infront of it just intime to hear the lock slide into place. She sighed and thought over the available means in which to get at Shanaria
I could cut through the door with my lightsabre, or wait here until she comes out, or just knock and see if she's dumb enough to open the door
Jez didn't like the idea of forcing her way through the door, since she had no idea what was on the other side and would therefore but her at a disadvantage. She raised her hand and knocked a few times on the door
She took a step back and moved her lightsabre into her right and and clasped her hands behind her back and out of the view of anyone who answere the door.
Shanaria Fabool
Oct 14th, 2004, 02:32:16 PM
Shanaria was about to get back to work when she heard a knock on the door. Shanaria was about to answer the door, but With the intence sence of evil looming around and her due to ger first encounter with the thugs, she deside to play it safe. She call out to the door.
"Hello?! Who's there?! Can I help you with something?!"
As she is calling out to the door Shanaria pick up her Lightsaber from her work bench and goes to stand beside the door, but slightly away from the wall. She also reaches out with the force trying to feal the person's mind on the otherside, hoping that she could get an Idea of the person's intentions.
Jezreal Darkshard
Oct 14th, 2004, 03:13:15 PM
Jezreal was unaware of Shanaria's mind probe, "I wish to speak with you" She said through the door "I come on behalf of those living here on the lower levels" which is partly true She thought with a grin
Shanaria Fabool
Oct 14th, 2004, 03:24:12 PM
Shanaria still was not getting a good feeling about this. And it was clear that from her mind probe the lady outside had no good intentions in her mind towards her.
"What do you want to talk about?! I'm rather busy! can you come back another time?"
Just to be on the safe Side Shanaria quickly packs up her equipment and places it in a hiding spot in the floor of the building, then she grabs a few clippings from her plants, just incase the person was here to destroy her project. Little did she know that Jezreal was here to deal with her.
Jezreal Darkshard
Oct 14th, 2004, 03:29:36 PM
"Its about your plant...." Jez was lost at words "I have some um, important information that could help with you plant project" She was getting tired of playing this conversation-through-the-door game and wanted to get at the woman already.
Shanaria Fabool
Oct 14th, 2004, 03:40:05 PM
Shanaria Still didn't trust this woman, But Shanaria needed some time not much but some.
"Okay, I'll be there in a moment!" Shanaria lied "I just need to finish with the neutrent feed!"
At that Shanaria tip toes around her plants that were growing out of the floor, making sure she did not step on the razor sharp spikes that made up the center stem of the plant. She then uses the force to unlock and open a trap door in the ceiling, and then uses the force to jump out to the next walk way up. She then quickly closes and locks the trap door. She was about to run, but she just hat to get a look at the person out there. So she peek over the edge of the walkway when she is right above Jezreal. Seeing the lightsaber hiding behing Jezreal's back as she was looking at the door told her one thing... Sith.
Shanaria then did what she normaly does when she finds a sith. She ran, not caring if she would be heard. It wouldn't matter for long anyway.
Jezreal Darkshard
Oct 14th, 2004, 03:43:36 PM
Jezreal felt someone watching her, she looked up intime to catch a glimple of someone on the roof but more inportant she saw blue skin
She smiled and used the force to boost her onto the walkway that Shan had been standing on just moment ago. She spotted the Jedi's retreating form and ran after it
She pushed back her hood as she ran and let her blue hair cascaded out. Jez griped her sabre hilt in her right hand and was ready to fight.
Shanaria Fabool
Oct 14th, 2004, 04:35:40 PM
Shanaria ran for a good distance untill she found that the walk way ahead was filled with granet sugs. That would not have been a problem if she had some time on her hands, since she could just effect the minds of the Slugs so that they would move out of the way. But she didn't have that kind of time. There was no walkways that sh could jump down to, and there was a platform above with no easy way to jump up to it, but there was a thick suport beam on the underside.
So Shanaria quickly slips her lightsaber on her belt, and she jumps at the underside of the platform, grabing the suport beam with her hands, and hooks her feet onto the beem as best as she could using the force to guide her hands and feet so that they only grab what is safe, thus allowing her to skitter along the beem about half the speed of her run.
She only hopes that the sith following her will not no that stepping on a grannet slug will likely meen your death, since the Slugs will start to eat anything that they come in contact with.
Jezreal Darkshard
Oct 14th, 2004, 08:34:47 PM
Jezreal stoped at the slugs. In her many visits she had heard of slugs that eat anything, though she has never seen one before but she assumes these are those slugs
She looked around for the Jedi but didn'y see her. She looked up and spotted the Jedi on the beam I can't make that climb She thought as she looked for another way
An idea popped in her head "Well, I can't think of anything else to do." " She said as she activated her sabre, its crimson blade sprung to life. She jumped and brought her sabre up and cut through the beam.
Shanaria Fabool
Oct 15th, 2004, 10:22:33 AM
Shanaria was almost across the slug patch when one end of the beam started to sag, she trys to speed up but the entire platform was starting to crumble. She swings herself and jumps to the otherside of the Slug patch. After she lands on the other side, she quickly draws her lightsaber. Activating it, she jumps and cuts the beam on her side, giving it a break point so that all of the platform does not colapse.
She then quickly runs farther down the walkway only to find that the only way out is back the way she came due to a pile of dibris that was filling the walkway from floor to ceiling, and the platform was now covering the slugs, allowing safe passage ot her side. Shanaria has no choice. She has to fight. She steps away from the rubble, and watches the fallen platform only 100 meters away. With her Saber in a defencive stance, her feet slightly apart, and her left foot slightly farther forward than her right. She holds her saber's handle about one foot away from her body, near her left hip, angling her saber away from her so that the tip of her blade is about half a meter from her right shoulder. She then just waits for Jezreal, centering herself in the force, as the ambiant glow of her lightsaber casts a blue hew on to the walls around her.
Jezreal Darkshard
Oct 15th, 2004, 03:17:36 PM
Jezreal slowly walked over the fallen platform, her sabre held out infont of her. She spotted Shan and smiled "Its about time you stoped running" She moved closer until she was only a few yards from the blue woman
She darted forward, crouched down a bit so that her head was level with Shanaria's stomach and slash horizontaly from left to right at Shan's waist with the blade in both hands.
Shanaria Fabool
Oct 15th, 2004, 04:21:05 PM
Shanaria steps off to her left, or Jezreal's right if you would prefer, and pivots so that she is facing the blade, as she pivots she lets go her lower hand (her right hand) on the saber and brings the handle up to the hight of her breasts, rotating her left wrist so that her blade goes past her right knee by about one foot. She then puts her right hand back on her saber so that she can brace for impact.
As the sabers contact she holds her ground and trys to get a saber lock, cotinuing to push on her saber.
"I don't want to hurt you! I've done nothing to you! Please can't we talk this out!"
Jezreal Darkshard
Oct 15th, 2004, 09:12:54 PM
Jezreal Held her sabre against Shan's "I already tried to talk and you ran off" She said with a grin. She pulled back a few steps a bought her sabre back to her. She started to circle Shan, She held her sabre in both hands by her right hip with the blade angled up so that it was near her left shouder
She moved and and swung her sabre in a diaginal slash that would go from Shan's right elbow to her left hip.
Shanaria Fabool
Oct 16th, 2004, 07:16:21 PM
Shanaria turns so that she is continualy facing Jezreal as she circles her. She also brings her saber back down into the defencive position she started in. When Jezreal attacks, Shanaria pivots on her left foot so that she is facing the incomming blade, and aside from a slight twitch in angling her blade up a little and moving her feet, she does not change her stance, allowing the blades to contact each other.
"You didn't try to talk. You were going to attack me if I opened that door. I could sence it. If you didn't know, jedi are good at that."
Jezreal Darkshard
Oct 16th, 2004, 07:36:15 PM
Jezreal pulled back again after her attack was blocked a second time "Well we would have talked for a moment atleast" She said before using the force to boost her into the air. She landed next to Shan's left side with her right side facing her
She povoted on her feet so that she was facing Shanaria, She slashed at Shan's left shoulder with a horizontal slash and would follow up with a low kick to her legs if her first attack was unsuccesful.
Shanaria Fabool
Oct 18th, 2004, 09:21:30 AM
Shanaria brings up her sabers handle so that her blade is going past her face at Eye level rotating her torso so that their blades contact again. Though this time as they contact Shanaria's right knee buckkles under sudden contact from Jezreal's kick, causing her to fall on to her right side.
Shanaria knows that if she doesn't do something she is as good as dead, so as she hits the ground at Jezreal's feet, she casts out her left hand, using the force to throw Jezreal straght up into the celing of the walkway. Then Shanaria rolls back to her feet and quickly starts to hobble back to the fallen platform.
Jezreal Darkshard
Oct 18th, 2004, 07:39:51 PM
Jez was suprised when she suddenly shot off the ground and into the walkway above. She then fell to the floor, her lightsabre deactivated as it fell from her hand, she lay there for a moment before looking up
Her vision was blured and her head ached. She managed to find Shanaria as she hobbled away. Jez reached out her left hand and sommoned the force to pull Shan's legs out from under her.
Shanaria Fabool
Oct 19th, 2004, 09:36:47 AM
Shanaria was almost back at the pile of rubble when all of a sudden her legs were yanked out from under her. She lads on her face, as seh trys to brace her fall with her one hand not holding her Lightsaber. the one holding the lighsaber she sticks out to her side pointing away from herself.
Though she she fell to her face it's not long before she goes to get back to her feet.
Jezreal Darkshard
Oct 19th, 2004, 10:19:45 PM
Jezreal was pulling in shallow breaths as she got to her feet and stumbled forward. Her sabre reactivated and she brough it around as she came to Shan. she angled it down and stabed pushed it towards Shan's lower back.
Shanaria Fabool
Oct 20th, 2004, 10:06:35 AM
Shanaria spins around when she hears the lightsaber. She stumbles slightly as she spins, landing agenst the railing on the walkway, but also getting her out of the way of the attack.
Shanaria then gets her mind into Jezreal's mind again and using a strong mind trick shanaria says,
"More Jedi are on their way, You don't want them to catch you. They are almost here".
Jezreal Darkshard
Oct 20th, 2004, 04:32:57 PM
Fear flashed through Jezreal's eyes for a moment and then was replaced by anger "Well, Then I'll just have to kill you before they get here" She could feel the darkside growing in her as her anger increased "And if they get here first" He grinned "I'll just take as many of them down as I can"
Jez moved closer to Shan. She held her sabre in her right and extended her left hand toward the jedi. She threw a force psuh at Shan's chest and then darted forward and brought her left hand to her sabre and thrusted it at Shan's belly.
Shanaria Fabool
Oct 21st, 2004, 10:05:05 AM
The force push from Jezreal knocks Shanaria over the railing of the walkway. Going over the railing also causes Shanaria to avoid the attack, since she is quickly below the walkway, holding on with one hand to the walkway floor. There is nothing below her, but there is a walkway a little was away from the walkway she is holding on to. So Shanaria swing's herself under the walkway Jezreal is on and jumps smacking herself face first on to the walkway directly below the one Jezreal is on.
Shanaria takes a moment to collect her self as she pulls herself to her feet.
Jezreal Darkshard
Oct 21st, 2004, 02:47:54 PM
Jezreal growled as she looked over the edge and saw Shan on the lower walkway "I'm not about to let you go" She said to herself as she deactivated her sabre, cliped it to her belt, grabed the railing and pulled herself over it
She also copied Shan and was soon swinging off the walkway and toward the lower one, she used the force to swing her further and landed on the walkway a little ways from Shan
She rolled as she hit the ground, but she hit her head on the railing as she came out of the roll "Stupid rail" she said as he rubbed her forehead. She got to her feet and staggered around a bit as she looked for the Jedi.
Shanaria Fabool
Oct 22nd, 2004, 02:05:20 PM
By the time Jezreal was climbing over the rail above Shanaria was already back on her feet, and was running as best as she could away from Jezreal. As Jezreal was getting back to her feet Shanaria was ducking into an old stair case and was starting to run up the stairs.
Jezreal Darkshard
Oct 23rd, 2004, 09:17:09 PM
Jezreal caught sight of Shan as he disapeared up the stair case. She ran after the woman and soon reached the stairs. She grabed the railing and started up
She caught site of Shan again and moved faster as she tried to catch up with the jedi.
Shanaria Fabool
Oct 24th, 2004, 10:28:11 PM
Shanaria can feel Jezreal following her up the steps, and gaining fast. So with out even looking back Shanaria taps into Jezreal's mind amd makes her think a large Granet slug gust droped through a hole in the steps above, blocking 5 steps inbetween herself and Jezreal.
Jezreal Darkshard
Oct 25th, 2004, 08:17:02 PM
Jezreal stoped for a moment and then with the aid of the force, jumped clear over the imaginary slug and landed a few steps from Shan
She grinned and chased after the jedi again.
Shanaria Fabool
Oct 26th, 2004, 09:46:48 AM
Shanaria spins around, casting out her left hand and uses the force to try and push Jezreal back down the stairs. After the push Shanaria goes to start running back up the stairs.
Jezreal Darkshard
Oct 26th, 2004, 08:37:49 PM
Jezreal suddenly found herself falling backwards, as if pushed. She reached out her hand and managed to grap the hand rail and stop her fall seconds before hitting the steps behind her
She pulled herself as quickly as she could to her feet and chased after Shan again "You are proving most annoying" She said as she reached out with the force to grab the Jedi's legs and pull them backwards.
Shanaria Fabool
Oct 27th, 2004, 01:06:18 AM
Shanaria feels the pull on her leg and quickly reaches out to grab the railing before she hits face first on the steps.
Still having quick access to Jezreal's mind, Shanaria makes Jezreal think she heard a Lightsaber activating more or less directly behind her. Hopefuly that distracts Jezreal enough for her to get up to the next floor. I she can she will try to leave the stairs at that floor, and try to make Jezreal thing she can still hear Shanaria running up the stairs.
Jezreal Darkshard
Oct 28th, 2004, 09:19:54 PM
Jezreal heard the sound of a lightsabre activating behind her, which caused her to climb faster in an attempt to get as far from the sabre as possible
Great, Now I between two people with sabres. Can today get any better? She thought for a moment but stoped to consentrate on Shan
She saw the Jedi stop at the top of this flight of stairs and head off on that floor. Jez force jumped the last few steps and was right behind Shan again I don't think I can run much longer Her legs where hurting and she knew she couldn't keep the run up much longer
She griped her sabre firmly and threw it at Shan's legs, Jez used the force to keep the blade spinning horizontaly and would cut right through the Jedi's legs if she did nothing.
Shanaria Fabool
Oct 29th, 2004, 12:00:43 AM
Shanaria senced the Saber flying at her legs, making it clear that she did not loose Jezreal this time. She had to do something, with her injured leg she could not likely take much more of this. Shanaria looks up and sees another walkway tis time with people on it. They were now in the liveable levels, and that ment that the tecnology was working here.
Shanaria does a force assisted jump on to the walk way above, letting the saber go under her feet. When she lands up on the walkway, Shanaria casts out her hand pushing Jezreal backwards, still making her think that she hears another lightsaber behind her. She then slips into a turbolift that was just closing it's doors and relaxes as the lift starts to make it's way up to the upper levels. Letting her grip on Jezreal's mind go once the doors are closed.
Jezreal Darkshard
Oct 29th, 2004, 09:10:06 PM
Jezreal jumped to her feet as the sound of a lightsabre came from behind again. She ran with her sabre now deactivated and force jumped up to the higher walkway and just in time to catch the glimpse of blue skin through a turbolift door just as it closed
She ran to the door and looked around for a means in which to stop it but found none. Jez banged her fist on the door moved over to the edge of the walkway and leaned against the rail with a sigh and cliped her sabre back on her belt.
Dark Lord Rivin
Nov 1st, 2004, 11:47:07 AM
After the doors were closed Rivin approches his apprentice. Walking along the walkway that Jezreal was on, Rivin comes up behind his apprentice.
"You did well. Better than I thought you would. As I said before she is a very dificult person to catch. This also give me an Idea on what you still need to work on. Do you have an Idea of what you are lacking?"
Jezreal Darkshard
Nov 1st, 2004, 09:00:48 PM
"She must have used illusions more times then I can count" Jez said feeling disapointed in herself for falling for all the illusions "I couldn't tell the real from the illusion. I guess I don't have a very good mental shield or something."
Dark Lord Rivin
Nov 2nd, 2004, 11:08:06 AM
"First of all, she was not using illusion. The skill she was using was effect mind. you were the only one seeing and hearing what she was sending you. The sounds and images were placed directly in you brain. If that was an illusion then everybody near by would have seen and heard it. It would have been a mental projection into time and space, you got a mental projection directly into your mind."
Rivin goes to stand next to Jezreal.
"Effect mind is easer to preform, and is also easer to block. With good mind defences they can not hurt you. Illusions are much more dificult to stop, since you must dis-beleave what your eyes and ears are telling you. If we strengthen your mind she should have a harder time effecting your mind. Like mind trick Effect mind will only effect the week minded."
Jezreal Darkshard
Nov 2nd, 2004, 11:32:09 PM
Jezreal looked at the ground. The jedi hadnt even been using illusions and had gotten into her head without resistance. "Well, I guess I really need some sort of resistance to mind attacks. Or this might happen next time I face a Jedi" She let out a sigh "And next time it might cost me my life."
Dark Lord Rivin
Nov 3rd, 2004, 12:25:02 PM
Rivin nods in aggrement.
"that it may. This time you were lucky you were facing a coward. Lets go back to Corellia. With in the next few days I will call you for another training session."
Rivin goes to walk back inot the lower levels, and back to where they left the ship that brought them here.
Jezreal Darkshard
Nov 3rd, 2004, 08:00:33 PM
Jezreal followed silently behind Rivin.
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