View Full Version : Repairs and maintenance

Oct 12th, 2004, 12:47:56 PM
The K4153R finally enters the lab after a long ride in the back of a cargo shuttle. It had to plunge into the huge crowded streets of Coruscant, and made it back to the lab.

It walked in silently before returning to its place next to the computer terminals near the place where the mad doctor worked.

Luo Vasst
Oct 12th, 2004, 12:51:28 PM
"Well now, is that right?" Luo asked out loud. "It would appear that you have been in quite a fight."

The doctor opened the place on the Kaiser's body to insert the cable jacks. Now he had access to the Kaiser's memory banks. He watched the whole fight through the Kaiser's eyes.

"Well, it would seem you let him go. But no matter. I think you are correct. He will soon die."

The scientist pressed a few keys and then unplugged the robot. The thing moved over to a work space and then shut itself down.

"All the same, it is better to be safe than sorry. We shall repair you and then send you back. In his state he's probably hospitalized. We can go make sure the job is finished."

Oct 14th, 2004, 11:25:17 AM
The Kaiser simply stands, eyes dark, as the doctor begins to remove the damaged coverings from the robot's back.

The whole thing is shot: circuits fried, wires melted despite the insulation covering the metal threads, thruster cones burnt and exploded out of shape, as well as several cracks and burnt places on the metal coverings.

Luo Vasst
Oct 14th, 2004, 11:32:14 AM
Luo shakes his head and makes a tsking sound as he prepares to toss out most all the components he has removed.

"This is some incredibly damage...it is lucky the damage only spread as little as it did."

The scientist steps back to view the robot's inner working parts. Wires crisscrossed like strange bloodvessels, as well as motors, servos, and various pumps.

"Incredible," he said in a hushed voice. He was awed by his own brilliance, as well as the powers of physics.

"Well, we will have to simply rewire the whole thing. It might help if we could find something to either reinforce the strength of the armor, or find an alternate power source."

He worriedly tugged on his moustache. This was going to take longer than he thought. "It won't be any problem to fix the optical unit. We have only to replace it with a similar part."

A strange looking four legged droid walked up to Luo. It's top was flat, and it carried several tools on it. It straightened its legs as much as it could, and stood still.

Luo chuckled. "Well, let's do this."

Oct 20th, 2004, 09:41:28 AM
As the parts were removed from the robot's body, it became more heavy towards the front than the back. The droid leaned forward, threatening to crash onto the ground.

Luo Vasst
Oct 20th, 2004, 09:51:55 AM
Luo grabs hold of the now visible inner frame, holding tightly to keep it up as he calls over a humanoid droid to stand in front and hold the Kaiser up for him.

The scientist let go and returned to his work. All the parts had been retrieved by various robots he had decided to activate, and the cybernetic people and animals watched them all eagerly, some with desperation to be out of their cages, others so they could kill the evil doctor.

"Oh, what's the matter?" He asked them in a patronizing voice. "Want to help me repair the ultimate creation?"

All this was said without looking up from his work. Some of them screamed in their robotic voices, yelling death threats or pleas to let them out.

"But I'm not sure what you're capable of yet," he said. "And besides, I've not had a chance to make you...obedient yet."

He chuckled in his throat as he began installing the small engine that was to be the booster.

"We must use some other fuel...hmm what to use?"

Oct 21st, 2004, 12:47:09 PM
The animals snarled and the people wailed. The Kaiser's thruster engine bolted down in its place, and the robot holding it up let go. The K4153R stood on its own.

The engine now needed to be wired to the CPU, then the fuel source had to be hooked up to the engine before the coverings could be replaced.

The engine was a hybrid model, running both on a fuel supply that needed to be changed out, and it even could run on electricity.

The Kaiser's main power source could not supply much more than the energy necessary to run the program, and supply power to the moving parts that turned the head and worked the arms, legs, and also allowed the robot to pivot at its waist area.

Two smaller batteries rested in the creation's upper arm with wires connecting through the elbow joint to the machinery that worked the fingers, and also converted the hands to their various projectile modes. The batteries were used mainly for powering the laser cannons, and used their own supply of energy. It was simply up to the CPU to turn the batteries on, in much the same way a person pressed a button on a flashlight in order to see in the dark.

The thruster engine would work in much the same way. It would have its own power supply, but the output of that supply would be controlled by the CPU.

The thruster engine was relatively small, no bigger than a person's head, but it provided a marvellous thrust. The main engine was much larger, taking up roughly half the space in the abdomen. The rest was circuit boards and memory cards.

Luo Vasst
Oct 24th, 2004, 04:52:14 PM
The "enhanced" specimens were still scurrying about in their cages. The doctor had stopped working on the Kaiser unit to think on what the fuel source would be. Then he saw it. A small creature scurried around in a cage under a bright light.

"Hmm..." Luo muttered and walked over to watch it more intently.

Perhaps the thing had been a womprat before Luo had gotten hold of it. Luo wasn't sure. But now its back was covered in small, shiny squares that looked like scales. Its stomach had been replaced with a tiny motor, but its brain was left intact to control. The creature could not eat so the scientist had arranged for the motor to power the cells instead. The thing was dead, but yet it was still alive.

"Ah, look at you," he said, and turned the light away from it. The thing still scurried a while, but soon stopped in its tracks. Luo replaced the light and after a few seconds, the thing started up again.

"That's it! That's what I'll use!" he cackled and in long strides made it to his supply room to look for solar panels.

Oct 31st, 2004, 11:02:14 PM
The doctor arrived with the solar panels, and laid them out on a table. they were all odd shapes and sizes, but there were some that were fresh. These tiles were what he needed.

First he retrieved a drill and a small metal cutting bit. Then he began to drill a set of small holes in the rear covering so he could wire the panels to the motor. The covering lay on the table next to the solar panels.

On the bottoms of the panels around the edges was a square of paper that Luo could peel off and apply to the covering. First he stuck the wires--four panels' worth of wires for each hole--into their places and peeled of the paper. He took great care not to get the panels stuck to himself. The glue was very very strong, and only a special solvent could loosen its grip.

Once all the panels were applied, the Doctor got another droid to hold the covering up while the doctor reached his arms around the covering and wired up the panels to the motor. Once that task was completed, the doctor took the covering from the droid and pressed it into place on the Kaiser's back, taking care to tuck all the cords inside the robot. Then he took a different drill and bolted the covering into place.

Luo Vasst
Oct 31st, 2004, 11:10:48 PM
Luo cackled and walked back over to the lamp.

"Let's test the thrusters, shall we?" he said to his cybernetic prisoners.

The cyborgs hissed and slammed up against the plexiglass cages. Luo laughed at their attempt to free themselves and trained the lamp on the Kaiser's back.

"Now!" he loudly and pointing a finger in the air, "we see if our work holds!"

The scientist walked over to his creation and powered it up. Then he retrieved his cables and plugged the robot into the computer. The issued the command for a small thruster burn. The engine whined and the thrusters glowed red, and a small jet issued out of the back of it.

"Good good!" Luo clapped his hands chuckled in his throat. "Now for a more powerful burn!"

His fingers flew across the keyboard as he punched up more power.

Nov 4th, 2004, 01:40:16 PM
The Kaiser's engines whined as they opened wider fo allow more energy to flow to the thrusters. For a second the thrust nozzles burned brighter, then they grew dimmer and dimmer until the whole thing shut down.

Luo Vasst
Nov 4th, 2004, 01:52:02 PM
Luo frowned and his forehead wrinkled. "How odd...there shouldn't be anything wrong with the wiring."

He stroked his chin as he thought it over. "Let's go back to the small burn."

The doctor lowered the levels, and soon the thrusters were working fine again. He shut the test down. This was a problem. The small thrusts were for small changes, but the droid would never get off the ground unless it could funnel more energy into its rockets.

The creatures had decided to stop attempting escape to watch their creator and torturer. Luo hardly took notice. Some of them were amused. Others cringed, waiting for the doctor to take out his anger on them. The bravest ones showed pleasure at the doctor's failure.

Luo looked at the lamp, looked at the K4153R, looked at the lamp, then the solar powered animal in the cage, then looked at the Kaiser again.

Without a word, he walked over to the lamp, and trained it on the animal. It started up again, and resumed its erratic behavior. Luo tugged at his moustache, and twisted it between his fingers. "Hmm..."

He watched the creature a moment longer and dimmed the light a little. The cybernetic thing slowed down. Luo made the lamp brighter, and it sped up.


Luo went over to his computer and retrieved a small datapad and a reciever, then went to the Kaiser. He pulled the plug that connected the robot to the computer and then plugged in the reciever.Lup turned on his datapad. On the screen appeared the Kaiser's visual. The scientist pressed a button and the robot moved forward. Luo led it to the cargo elevator and then took it up to the very top floor.

"Good thing it's sunny out today," he said to no one in particular. "Armaill, I'll make you pay."

Nov 9th, 2004, 02:04:13 PM
Luo guided the Kaiser out onto the roof where the sun beat down on the robot's head and shoulders. The sunlight glinted off the solar panels as Luo began the second test.

"All systems, full power!" He cackled and opened the thrusters wide.

The small whine returned, and a second later the Kaiser was in the air, jumping from rooftop to rooftop. Luo slowed it down. "Now to bring it back."

The Kaiser looped back around and returned to Luo's building. The doctor removed the reciever from the robot's body, allowing the robot to move on its own.

Luo Vasst
Nov 10th, 2004, 08:37:33 PM
Luo chuckled. "Good. The Kaiser's new systems are functioning perfectly."

All that was left to do was to return the Kaiser to the planet where Armaill's...thing was located. Then he would have to find some information on the creature's whereabouts.

"Let's do some research," he muttered to himself, and returned inside.

Nov 13th, 2004, 02:19:47 PM
The Kaiser watched its creator go into the building. It stood there a moment, then turned its head in a full circle, slowly scanning the area for any species anomalies. None found.

It paused, evaluating where to go next. The building was very high from the ground. All the people were farther down than it was. The danger of jumping off the building proved to be too great a risk for the AI, so it decided to go back into the building.

The droid advanced to the door, but it did not open. WHAM! It punched the door. The door dented, but still held. The fingers on the K4153R's hands separated so they were evenly spread apart and the tips opened up. It's hands blurred as the gatling guns fired, turning the door into swiss cheese. The door now looked awful, but it still offered some obstruction. WHAM! the second punch knocked the door in. The scrap of mangled metal flew to the opposite wall of the turbolift shaft with a clang, and began its long descent to the botttom.

The Kaiser unit glared down the shaft with its red eyes. It was a long way down. A ladder clung to the left side of the shaft. The robot ignored it and jumped down the shaft.

As the robot fell, its speed grew exponentially. Its internal sensors warned the AI of the fatal velocity the droid had reached, and the AI sprung into action. It activated the thrusters and performed a slow steady burn in order to decrease speed.

The Kaiser activated its night vision and peered down into the hole in order to adjust the thrusters for a safe landing. The floor kept getting closer at an alarming rate. The AI increased the thrusters, when CLANG! the floor met the robot halfway up the shaft, and continued on towards the rooftop level.

Luo Vasst
Nov 13th, 2004, 02:26:16 PM
Unaware of the Kaiser's location in the turbolift shaft, the doctor had gotten onto the lift to retrieve his creation from the roof. The research had not been difficult. The doctor had simply searched for all major hospitals on the planet that treated patients for near-fatal injuries. The planet only had but a few, and it was no big feat to dig through the medical records for Inu-Aku's information.

The doctor looked up at the roof in bewilderment when he heard the loud clanging sound and pressed the emergency stop button to see what was the matter. The roof of the lift car was low, so Luo reached up and unlocked the emergency hatch. Standing on the closest handrail, he peeked out of the hatch.

"Kaiser! What are you doing there?" Luo chuckled in spite of himself and got away from the hatch. The robot was a fast learner. It would soon see it could climb down through the hatch.