View Full Version : Blood Splatters on the wall (open)

Vampyre Dalamar
Oct 5th, 2004, 07:08:23 AM
Dalamar threw the man against the alley wall. "Where is it?" the Vampyre asked. His black taloned grip tightening around the mans throat. The man was sweating profusely, the kind of nervous sweat that came from anxious fear. He reeked of it, his clammy skin and fat out of shape body made Dalamar disgusted to touch him. "Where is the object you took from me." The Dark Lord repeated the question.

Shakily the man reached into his many pockets and pulled out a round glass cylinder. It was purple crystal with a clear liquid in it. Dropping the man the vampyre retrieved his possesion from the pathetic thief. He ran, not fast mind you but fast for his sorry carcass. Dalamar didn't even look at him while pulling out his short sword. He pinned the man to the wall. He made no sound as his life left him. The Vampyre's shadow fell upon the mans dead body. He looked up from his lost possesion, and saw something interesting. The blood spattered pattern from the theif had made a roarsharch image. Three flying birds entwined in the blackened blood of the wall. The vampyre smiled at least the bum had found love before he had died.

Je'gan Olra'en
Oct 5th, 2004, 01:05:26 PM
"To do such to a simple thief..."

Cliché though it was, the shadows moved at the end of the alley, coalescing into a too-young figure. Barely out of his teens - perhaps not even that old - Je'gan looked essentially harmless.

Then, though, a gust of wind caught the alley in its grasp and funnelled past the young man, causing his cape to blow out and the shadowy mist to shift. Beneath the cape's dark-green folds, he wore a black tunic and breeches, and a weapons belt containing two lightsabers, a rapier and a slim shortsword with a rotund handle. And as his stance shifted in the wind, it became that the easy grace with which he moved was no accident nor trick of sight - as indeed the moving shadow was. He knew how to use those weapons, and he knew it well.

"Really," Darth Shule concluded, "not the most politic nor forgiving of choices."

Vampyre Dalamar
Oct 5th, 2004, 03:12:13 PM
"To do such to a simple thief..."
"Really, not the most politic nor forgiving of choices." Dalamar knew of the mans prescence before he spoke. The killing of the theif was a display of his intolerance. It also was for the benefit of the man watching a subtle hint to mind his buisness.

But Dalamar said none of this but spoke as a gentleman until the man showed himself otherwise. "Yes, but he had taken what was mine and there was no other response that seemed adequate at the time." "My name is Dalamar how do you do?" The Dark Lord of the Sith nodded in Je'gan's Direction....

Je'gan Olra'en
Oct 5th, 2004, 03:21:08 PM
"I can't exactly say it's a pleasure, but I'm honoured to make your acquaintance." A disgusted twist flashed over the young man's lips as he took some steps closer. The shadows roiled about his feet. "Then again, not much is a pleasure nowadays.

"Je'gan Olra'en. Sith Knight."

Vampyre Dalamar
Oct 5th, 2004, 07:52:02 PM
Dalamar smiled, he knew exactly how he felt. "Yes, not much is worth my time. This vial on the other hand is." Dalamar tucked it behind his black cloak.

He walked over to the thief and pulled out his weapon. Wiping the bloodied blade on the fallen carcass he sheathed his short sword. "So... your Sith what outfit are you with? Its hard for me to keep track of the factions these days."

Je'gan Olra'en
Oct 6th, 2004, 05:42:01 AM
"Let's see," he responded with awful sarcasm. "There's TSO and there's whatever's left of the Black Hand. Two or three factions doesn't make for a lot of remembering."

Vampyre Dalamar
Oct 6th, 2004, 07:42:24 AM
Rage filled Dalamar as the shadows in the alley darkened all around him, his red piercing eye's looked right thru to the soul of the man. His black leather glove creaked from the tight fist he was making his stance changed noticably as the man openly mocked the Vampyre.

"I do not tolerate fools our idiots. Maybe you would like to see what design your blood makes on these alley walls. But don't worry I won't waste much of it." he said, with a toothy smile. " I do not hunt my own, but if a mere Sith knight has nothing better to do than to tempt fate and disrespect rank above his then apparently he needs to be humbled."

"Oh, and don't let my title fool you. I hunt Masters there usually the only one's that have the Mediclorens I need." Dalamar crouched into a fighting position. "I'll give you a chance, for the fact that your Sith alone to take back your disrespect." Dalamar relaxed then spoke with deadly seriousness. "For I don't care if you live or die....."

The vampyre waited in the silence, his hand on the hilt of his silver worked Katana waiting for the man to save or seal his fate.

Je'gan Olra'en
Oct 6th, 2004, 11:32:24 AM
Je'gan made no response; in fact, he didn't even move. Yet suddenly the shadows loomed around him, and they had more substance to them than before. Snakelike tendrils of infinite black danced in the shadowcowl. From them, a feeling of terror and rage emanated, old memories, old sins.

"Better men and women than you have spilt my blood, Dalamar. I've fought Jedi both Light and Dark; I've fought Imperials; I've fought vampires; I've fought armies. The fact that I'm still standing should tell you something."

Fangs of his own, needle-pointed and the same infinite black as the tendrils, showed over the white of his other teeth as he smiled. His hands, encased in black leather, tightened and loosened rythmically.

'They didn't like the taste of my blood. They didn't like breaking their teeth on me. Are your teeth stronger than theirs?"

Vega Van-Derveld
Oct 6th, 2004, 12:42:52 PM
“Lord Dalamar...”

Where young Olra’en walked, so his Master followed. Vega had taken to shadowing the Sith Knight upon his acquisition of the boy as an apprentice. It appeared that, finally, something had come of his persistence. The Lupine regarded the insipid figure before him with a crooked smirk, his dislike for the vampire evident. He held his lightsaber hilt in his right hand, and tapped it casually against his thigh as he approached from behind Je’gan.

“What a high opinion you have of yourself!”

Vampyre Dalamar
Oct 6th, 2004, 05:48:31 PM
"Vega the Dog Lord, I should have known this brood was your own." He reeks of your training." Dalamar smiled and nodded to Vega in respect. The man was also Sith and there where forms to be followed. "So it is to be an old blood fued is it? Our are you just here to watch your apprentice?"

"As for you boy, I have tamed many a dog in my day, you think one more or less will faze me?" The Dark Lord of the Sith rested his black gloved hand on the hilt of his sword ready for anything.

The Force gathered on both sides as the alley darkened with black power, a purplish hue surrounded the vampyre as the seconds slowly ticked by, he waited for there responce.

Severen Morkonis
Oct 6th, 2004, 06:31:28 PM
' A dog you say Dalamar? You mean Lupine dont you, im sure of it? It seems to me that your long winded absence has made you slightly, oh! whats the word? Stupid! He smirked, a smirk that contended even agains the great Vega.

From behind Dalamar a figure emerged from the shadow, white locks of hair flowing gently in the evening breeze. The Sith Lords face ever present with the sarasem of a Master joker.

'Oh, Dalamar! I just love what you have done with your hair! was it done by Sarena Studeos down the road? shes excellent is she not?' Kasstra smiled broadly, confident in his own jude of character.

Je'gan Olra'en
Oct 6th, 2004, 06:33:00 PM

Je'gan's voice spoke in Vega's head, though his eyes remained on Dalamar and his mouth never moved.

...he's stronger than I am, but I can take him.

His lips quirked. Dalamar, I mean.

Vampyre Dalamar
Oct 6th, 2004, 08:48:28 PM
"Why Sieken? because I don't cower, maybe three to one odds are more to your liking. But as I well know, you where never a man of honor." Your aproach from behind tell volume's of you. As the fact that I don't care, shows how much your prescensce impresses me.

Dalamar really didn't give a damn. He was past caring if all three scoured him to the bone it would no more ellicit a responce from him than donning his armor. Still he waited for Vega to speak. After all there where forms to follow and respect to be given, even to a Lupine. He would not be disrespected,even if they felt they had to bring to whole dang TSO down on his head. "I kneel to no man great or small even if it means my death..."

Vega Van-Derveld
Oct 7th, 2004, 02:07:29 AM
“I’m not here for you, Dalamar, as surprising as that may be. After all, I certainly have good reason to be, given your most worrying interest in my wife.” This said, Vega began to laugh, though it was an entirely humorless chuckle. “No, think of me as a spectator. I suspect you’ll learn something from this encounter, leech. A little humility, perhaps.”

Vampyre Dalamar
Oct 7th, 2004, 07:22:45 AM
“I’m not here for you, Dalamar, as surprising as that may be. After all, I certainly have good reason to be, given your most worrying interest in my wife.”

Dalamar KNEW that at the time he was interested in her she was not married. VEGA'S worrying concern should have been in the interest she had showed him.

The vampyre said none of this though. He didn't know the mating and courtship rituals of the Lupine and wasn't in the habit of explaining his actions to anyone.

Vega talkked on “No, think of me as a spectator. I suspect you’ll learn something from this encounter, leech. A little humility, perhaps.”

Dalamar stood silently, black death crouching and ready for action. He knew the man was only a knight so out of courtesy the Vampyre would let the first move be his. Blood, sweet blood waited in a dark alley, as his boot blade silently clicked on and his gauntlet hummed to life. His blood red eye's focused on everything around him. As his hunger and his anger started to grow....

Severen Morkonis
Oct 7th, 2004, 11:23:38 AM
Arms crossed over his chest, Sieken stood motionless. His master, Vega would do the talking, Kasstra's introduction had been completed so now he waited for Je'gan's attack, if it would happen at all.

Being unaware of Dalamars interest in the good lady Vega was married to, it suprised Sieken that anything between her and this wreched creature had ever accured. Smileling somewat at the futile attemps of the Vampire being bold, Kasstra waited, smoothly for this all to continue onward.

Perhaps Kasstra would get some blood tonight.

Je'gan Olra'en
Oct 7th, 2004, 02:44:35 PM
All the banter in the world couldn't have mattered less to Je'gan. The shadows and mist swarmed around him, sank into him, and disappeared. The tendrils wormed up under his sleeves and encircled his wrists and forearms, ready for a quick deployment.

He reached under his cape and withdrew a long rapier of a shiny black metal. Its double edges gleamed with the same malice as the Shadow tendrils had and perhaps might again. The blade whipped up in salute, descended to point straight at Dalamar as Je'gan sank into a fencing stance with right foot - and arm, sword arm - forward.

Extending the same 'courtesy' to the vampire that he had extended to him, the Sith Knight waited for the first move. The symbolic slap in the face, as with many things Je'gan did, was deliberate.

He bared his 'fangs' again.

Vampyre Dalamar
Oct 7th, 2004, 06:24:24 PM
Dalamar swatted the tip of the blade aside to the left as he spun to the right, already moving inside Je'gan's lousy defenses. His short blade that he only momentarily ago cleaned, entered into him piercing his lung. The knights look of surprise and shock was accompanied by a small gasp. The vampyre's black glove was already turning crimson in the young Lupine's blood. As the short sword exited his back.

Merely an inch away the Vampyre's eyes looked into his and he bared his fangs right back, curved in a smile. Vega heard the Dark Lord speak silently "All to Easy." He whispered sounding a little disappointed that the fight might end so soon

Je'gan Olra'en
Oct 7th, 2004, 07:29:32 PM
Controlling pain - self control in general - was something that Je'gan was very, very good at. Not only was his reaction far less than even another Knight's would be, but within a split second one of Dalamar's lungs was pierced by the shortsword that until recently had been at Je'gan's belt. But where Dalamar's blade was a simple blade, Je'gan's was far more. The fat hilt in his left hand, flush with Dalamar's chest, contained circuitry that looped through the blade, turning it into a rigid neuronic whip. Pain beyond pain cascaded through the vampire's body. Again the fangs were bared...and Je'gan, experienced mentalist that he was, 'grabbed' the pain centres of Dalamar's brain and squeezed as hard as he possibly could. That was hard. Between the dirk's impaling and ulterior function, Dalamar was taking more pain than the average Force Lightning blast. With direct stimulation to his mind, that pain was easily tripled.

That was only the warmup. Je'gan stepped around to the right, still close in to Dalamar, and with enhanced strength thrust the dirk farther into the wound, pinning the vampire to the wall. His grip remained steady on the panel that activated the neuronic whip. As the point of the shortsword bit into the brick, he lessened the mental stimulation somewhat and made another brick - obscured by Dalamar's head - explode with the force of a small grenade, throwing jagged debris into the back of the vampire's skull.

Vampyre Dalamar
Oct 7th, 2004, 09:45:49 PM
How unoriginal, Dalamar thought when the Lupine duplicated his move. Electricity coursed thru his body then suddenly an explosion from behind knocked him forward , still he only smiled as the knight before him held his finger on the button. His own blood formed in his mouth making his smile gruesome.

The Dark Lord then spoke "Toys and parlor tricks, truly the use of the force these days have waned in my long absence." Pulling himself down the length of the dirk, he leveled his guantlet in Ja'gen's face and fired it at point blank range.

It was then Ja'gens turn to be pinned to the wall. Thru the neck and thru the air as the sharp point of the grapple pushed him and his sword away from Dalamar. Nailed to the wall Dal, reversed the flow of blood in his body and showed him what true horror was. His concentration lost he released the vampyre's pain centers.

Again the alley went silent as Ja'gen thrashed on the wall "Whats next your amatuer display of Sith magic or will blades decide the evening." another bloody smile appeared as he drew his twin black dragon Katana's.

Je'gan Olra'en
Oct 8th, 2004, 05:36:38 AM

Oh, but it hurt. Yet in the past he'd taken far worse. As rage built in the pinioned Sith Knight, things started to wrong for Dalamar. Very wrong.

The grapnel ripped free from the side of his neck and Je'gan turned invisible. Masking his Force signature, he vaulted away towards Vega with a Force-enhanced leap. A slick black solid crept up under his clothes from his forearms and wrapped around his neck and chest, sealing the wounds, eating away the excess blood in cloth and on skin. His blades - also, by extension, invisible - were once more raised. The young human (ooc note: not vamp, not Lupine) took care to make little sound as he watched Dalamar carefully.

Vampyre Dalamar
Oct 9th, 2004, 05:11:59 AM
The boy rippled then faded from sight as soon as he had landed. "I wouldn't want to be here either If I was you." he said with a bloody smile.

Whichever way the boy moved Dalamars eyes followed, not knowing the tell, tale beating of his living, flowing heart was like a beacon to the ancient vampyre. The blood coursing thru his veins, his very life was leading to his death. Raising his blood soaked glove to his mouth he savored the sweet taste. There was no hiding now.

Steam rose off his black armor as his hand tightened its grip on the Katana's. Boom, boom, boom Je'gan's heart beat like thunder in the night. Was that fear the vampyre sensed, as his eye's pierced the dim light, there red glow unnerving to the soul.

The Shrine had died but this lone warrior was still standing. The Eye of the Dragon had faded from power but he was still here. Powers came and went but he was eternal he had outlived and outlasted them all. Dalamar would still be here when they where all dust and whispered legends. What could one knight do that he had not already endured a thousand times over.

Moving towards Je'gan he closed in on his prey...

Je'gan Olra'en
Oct 9th, 2004, 02:20:44 PM
He watched the vampire approach cautiously, trying and failing to feel secure under his illusion. It just wasn't working.

An abrupt shift of mindset later, he was visible and his Force signature could once again be felt. The illusion, he decided, had served its purpose, had bought him a critical moment to seal his wounds - the deep puncture in his chest and the nasty rent in the side of his neck - and regain his footing. Now, once more visible, he levelled his weapons and amped up his physical enhancement as high as it would go. One of his minor specialties, really, right behind mentalics and fencing, and ahead of explosive kinetics. He liked to specialize, and today it might just pay off.

Faster, stronger, and with reflexes off the charts from the instinctive rage flowing through him, he blasted into his vampiric enemy with blades flashing. Dalamar was fast, and he was good, but not many in this day and age could fight a fencer. In a practiced maneuver mid-thrust, the tip of his rapier danced around the katana block and skewered Dalamar. Even as his blade sunk home, though, he was stepping back to try to get out of range of those katanas, dirk raised defensively.

Vampyre Dalamar
Oct 9th, 2004, 08:48:52 PM
Dalamar grunted with pain as he was stabbed again. He moved toward Ja'gen without pause. Not flinching or hesitating he came relentlessly forward. Je'gan stabbed again and again. Clutching him by the neck the vampyre slammed him against the wall "It's not working boy!!! Try harder."

Tendrils of the force was unleashed from his fingertips as blood was drawn from the raw neck wound. Bleeding fresh crimson a hunger appeared in the Dark Lords eyes. "Where's my lesson, Vega! Where's the threat, I see now that this boy is not even Lupine! Has your blood line so thinned?"

Vega Van-Derveld
Oct 10th, 2004, 04:07:51 AM
Though the vampire spat bile with his every word, no anger flickered in Vega’s expression. He was calm, and observed the combat with an air of detachment. It was quite amusing, he thought, that vampires always saw a blood feud in everything they did. The Lupine cared little for the nocturnal leeches, and saw their melodramatic antics as little more than an annoyance. “Unlike your kind, Dalamar, I don’t turn every living being I meet.”

Severen Morkonis
Oct 10th, 2004, 07:26:30 AM
Sieken grinned somwhat at the relentless attacking Dalamar laid upon the Sith Knight. Kasstra, although he disliked the young Sith greatly, thought he would witness some sort of impressive behaviour from Je'gan, somthing outstanding from the training of the Lord Lupine. Clearly not.

With Vega's disapearing act some time ago, so must have vanished the very thing that made his apprentices some of the most potent within the force, Blade Ice, now a Lord and then Kasstra also were both strong within the force, this boy, however was struggerling within the shadows of a vile beast. Kasstra was mildy unimpressed.

' It seems to me, Master, that this boy is not showing his true potential, does his rage not bring this out within him?'

Je'gan Olra'en
Oct 11th, 2004, 06:39:10 AM
Gritting his teeth, Je'gan dropped his rapier and hit Dalamar square in the chest with a fully-enhanced Teras Kasi punch. Cartilage cracked in the vampire's rib cage, and his grip around Je'gan's throat was broken as he literally flew backwards, having taken a harder blow than the average Force-push, focused in an area the size of the first two knuckles of a talented martial artist's fist.

The rapier returned to Je'gan's hand and was sheathed. Magor came out, black and silver, curved hilt, blue blade igniting to purr like a small tiger.

Vampyre Dalamar
Oct 11th, 2004, 07:32:58 AM
The vampyre smiled, what he had planned was working somewhat. First he wanted the boy to give him a good fight, so naturally he goaded and taunted him and Vega. Vega being an expereined fighter knew it for what it was. He wasn't going to be baited. Dalamar's respect for him grew slightly, he would be a formidable enemy if it came to that.

“Unlike your kind, Dalamar, I don’t turn every living being I meet.” Vega said. The vampyre turned to him quickly during the duel. "Then you will lose." Still smiling he couldn't resist another taunt. He would be patient, maybe the Lupine's anger could be sparked. He would try another tactic.

Just then the boy became an annoyance, The Dark Lord would have to keep his wits about him if he was to be succesful in tonights venture. "Hey Sieken, how tiring for you to be on the side of the losers." Why don't you kill Vega and join me. I'll show you power you've only dreamed of." Sieken was a wild card, crazy and unpredictable. Lets see what response that would get.

Rubbing his hand across his chest he stood straight, cracking his neck and his ribs back in place. He winced the punch was good he had to give the boy that. His twin silver worked Katana's where still in his hands. There black dragon hilts gleaming in the dim light of the alley. Tendrils of the force where extended along the length of the blades. No one knew, but the vampyre what he was going to do with that. Taunting the boy more he dragged the saber resistant blades against the alley floor causing them to spark. "Here I am boy!! Show me, teach this old Sith a lesson." Black hearts where about to be joined and the vampyre thought it was a shame to kill a Sith. But everyone die's eventually except me, he thought bitterly..

Je'gan Olra'en
Oct 11th, 2004, 07:42:36 AM
There were only two reasons for Dalamar to keep the swords out. Either he was a lot faster than Je'gan and didn't mind losing one of the ornate weapons - unlikely - or they were, in some way, resistant to a lightsaber.

The Shadow, he judged, had cauterized the wounds in his chest and back. Dalamar's grip had delayed the same process being successful on his neck, but now enough Shadow was freed up that he could make use of it. His shortsword returned to its sheath, and his free hand extended. Tendrils of solid darkness streamed away from his fingers, wrapping around the vampire in a burning grip.

Vampyre Dalamar
Oct 12th, 2004, 07:04:46 AM
He fired the spikes in his gauntlet nailing Je'gans foot to the floor. Suddenly the burning sensation stopped, apparently the pain had distracted him. "Well Sieken what say you?"

Dalamar spun in the air with a kick, his boot blade slicing the increasingly raw neck wound. Fresh blood splattered the wall.
To his credit the boy made no sound. The Vampyre's canines where exposed and his hunger started to grow. But this man was Sith and even the vampyre knew that protocol would be adhered to. Kill him yes, turn him no. So he did the only thing that he would allow himself. Je'gan's hands went up in defense as black death closed in on him.

Before anyone could stop him he grabbed the boy and started to feed, sucking the life out of him from his bleeding wound. All manner of attacks where leveled against him from the boy. He ignored them all as the hunger consumed him. He knew that Je'gan would weaken as his blood only empowered the vampyre more.

Je'gan Olra'en
Oct 12th, 2004, 12:38:50 PM
Oh, joy...

The inside of Dalamar's jaw exploded, throwing shrapnel into the vampire's gullet and further enlarging Je'gan's wound. The Shadow that had been around his neck was mostly shredded - of little use. He had to get out of here, make some more Shadow, before he bled to death.

His free hand whipped out to grapple with Dalamar, but failed to find anything to hold onto save something...a faceted object that he couldn't see. Brief memory told him of the vial, the one that his opponent had said was worth his time. Now Je'gan had it, and tucking it into a pouch, he backpedalled, slashing up on a diagonal with his lightsaber for Dalamar's left side.

Severen Morkonis
Oct 13th, 2004, 12:44:35 PM
Ignoring the fact the Vampire and his playmate were scufferling between themselves, Sieken answered;

' HA! And what, do you think, could ever possibly lure me towards your kind, Dalamar?' Unfolding his arms he paced from the left side of the ally to the other, simply to lean and watch from a better angel.

Vampyre Dalamar
Oct 13th, 2004, 10:49:34 PM
Dalamar's Katana blocked the dirk, He then sliced to his right cutting Je'gan on the cheek.

' HA! And what, do you think, could ever possibly lure me towards your kind, Dalamar?' Sieken said.

The vampyre looked at him "So you do live?' the vampyre said jokingly. "The fact that this man is considered knight material alone, should make you defect." He spit the young sith's blood onto the alley floor. Its power healing his wounds like water washing dirt away.

He turned his attention back to Je'gan the boys foot was still nailed to the floor. Aiming his gauntlet he pinned the other foot. he so enjoyed hearing that kid howl. Slowly and taking his time he pulled his Short sidesword. He approached the young man grabbed him by the hair on his head and stabbed him in the chest. Je'gan fell to the ground slowly, like a leaf in a soft wind.

The Dark Lord of the Sith was already walking towards Sieken his back to Vega's apprentice. "Do you see what I mean? The Vampyre cleaned his weapons on a soft velvet cloth before sheathing them. Steam still rose off his black armored body. His gleaming silver swords were back in there black and gold lacquer containers. Except for the heat emanating off his body you could not even tell that the vampyre had been fighting.

"The Force has been sullied by the prescence of amatuers for way to long. To many think they have the gift. Only thos truly dedicated to the Dark Side can master its mysteries. Come with me Sieken I will show you the true power of the Darkside..." Commanding power emanated from his voice one of control and assurance in who and what he was. "Your mind is fragmented Sieken I see it, You are not, what you could be. Taking orders from a half breed has diluted your training and your potential."

The Vampyre stood silent waiting for the replies of both TSO members...

Je'gan Olra'en
Oct 14th, 2004, 08:36:37 AM
In backpedalling, he'd tripped over the forgotten quarrel that pinned his foot to the ground, and now a second one had joined it to immobilize his other foot. Stabbed, he fell. He had now lost more blood thatn he'd believed possible; had his feet not been nailed to the ground, he'd have slipped on it.

Dalamar had walked away.

The fact penetrated his pain-soaked mind dimly and slowly. A rage rose in the young Knight that dwarfed anything he'd ever felt before. Simply abandoned as a threat...that hadn't happened without retaliation since Sorsha. Since Sorsha! Dalamar had taken upwards of ten on-target stabs - he'd been skewered - and with no effect whatsoever. The Knight ached with a desire to disprove his foe in the most violent way possible.

But fatigue was tearing at him. His striking potential was sapped; his rage found little anchor in the Darkness. Breathing shallowly, he collected his Shadow - its fabric regenerating in the darkness of the alley - and used it to seal over his wounds. The neck wounds, already partially cauterized, hissed into impotence. The new chest wound, too, seared itself shut. Shadow, after all, mirrored his emotions, and in this case provided perhaps the only available outlet for his rage. Its chaotic fabric burned him, but the pain now was on his terms - now he could begin to feed off the agony, as was his wont.

Shadow crept around his feet under his shoes. As physical enhancement returned, he kicked up sharply and ripped his feet loose from the quarrels. Infinite black flame burned the wounds shut by instinct alone; he was already in a trance.

He got to his feet and, to his eternal shame, ran. Away from Dalamar. At full physical enhancement, not many could match him. He'd run down airspeeders on occasion, using his limited knowledge of Force shields to protect what needed protecting. Now, he arced past Vega and out into the open. He wasn't going to stop...

Vega Van-Derveld
Oct 16th, 2004, 05:59:50 AM
Vega made no reply to Dalamar- he made no reply at all. He watched in silence as Je’gan fled, and maintained his quiet as he awaited Sieken’s response to the vampires goading.

Severen Morkonis
Oct 16th, 2004, 01:37:54 PM
' And what exsactly makes you think i am dissatified with, my current leige?' Sieken said eyeing the boy run into the shadows aswell as Vegas expression.

Vampyre Dalamar
Oct 17th, 2004, 08:54:40 AM
"You Seethe from within I can see that much." The vampyre's grace in movement was off putting with the power that came from his voice. One who knew the truth to often and would point it out to you with brutal honesty. "Again I say your mind is splintered. don't you feel within yourself the different directions that you are being pulled in? Why your master Vega, has not aided you is beyond me, maybe he finds you difficult."

Long had Dalamar struggled with his own splintered past. Where had he come from, why was he so old, What was his relation to Saurron if any. Some answers had been resolved, he was made to be a weapon that much he knows.

He smiled soon none of this would matter, once he hunted down the notorious Anibira he would attain his mastership. He would be promoted and Anibira would pay for turning his back on the Darkside. Long had he hunted the man but he remained ever elusive from Dalamar's grasp.

Vega stood quietly as he and the vampyre Lord waited for Sieken's response....

Vega Van-Derveld
Oct 24th, 2004, 04:45:32 AM
As he listened to Dalamars words, Vega found himself wondering exactly why the leech was trying to lure Sieken away. The thought of the man trying to amass some private army, some rag-tag legion of apprentices, made him smirk. It reminded him of Sorsha and her little army of brats. “Kasstra stays with me of his own free will, vampire. If he was unhappy with his lot, he could walk away at any time.”

Vampyre Dalamar
Oct 24th, 2004, 10:35:57 AM
The tenet of the Sith, cause dissenion and chaos amongst your enemies, plant seeds of doubt and mistrust that will grow into full blown hatred. Dalamar was plainly having the effect that he desired with Siekein and Vega. There was something of a gap between them. The Vampyre knew that if he could make the span wider that maybe they would not be able to bridge there problems in the future. Mix a little truth with your words, wittle down the will of the man. Siekien was splintered, that was the truth. Why hadn't Vega helped him, hmnn a question. Jealousy as to why show such interest in Jegan and yet leave Siekien untrained.

“Kasstra stays with me of his own free will, vampire. If he was unhappy with his lot, he could walk away at any time.”

Ahh indifference, Dalamar liked the tone in his voice, basically lending credit to his argument that he didn't give a <smallfont color=#FFFF00>-Censored-</smallfont>. Whether that was the truth or not who knew. But Siekien was no fool he would catch the nuance of the statement. Lending more credence to the Vampyre's that Vega found him "Difficult."

Still there words roiled around in Siekien's mind. He waited patiently to hear his answer. Mental game's like this where usually beneath him. But being aware of such obvious weakness in your enemies and not eploiting them seemed to be the greater sin.

Je'gan had been of some use to him after all. This opportunity for one. Imagine interupting my retrieval of the "Crimson Veil." Then acting as if the precious contents where not worth the murder of the vile thief. He had to die for soiling it with his putrid flesh. Safely tucked into his belt Dalamar patted the vial reassuringly.

It was gone!!!! Outwardly the vampyre remained calm not letting anyone know how important the vial was to him. But inside he raged. JE'GAN, I will crush your bone's for what you have done, I will suck the marrow and the blood from your flesh. Afterwards I will hang your lifeless body on this alley wall. Written in blood as an example. Dalamar went on and on in rage about how badly he would kill the young fool for touching what was his and his alone. His eye's flared red but he was a creature of absolute control, no one knew anything as he spoke calmly and assuredly to those around him. But the Vampyre knew this, Je'gan MUST DIE!!....