View Full Version : Daria's Big Book of Deadly Poisons

Daria Nytherciria
Sep 28th, 2004, 05:52:27 AM
Just moving this over from the Krath :)

BASIC – your average poison, toxic and painful
LETHARGY – will cause your target to become drowsy/fall unconsious
CONFUSION – will cause an overload or desensitization of some senses
PARALYTIC – will cause the targets body to freeze up
SEIZURE – will cause the target to loose control of their body (more violent than confusion)
SPECIAL – has a unique effect

Achorion purple [LETHARGY]:
Administered aurally in drops.

Aquyfin [LETHARGY]:
a mild poison created by Amira Nasrabi, from natural materials collected from the sea life of Vaynai's shallow oceans. It produced a deep lethargy in those beings who ingested it.

Bloat [SPECIAL - explosion]:
Bloat is taken from a deep sea blowfish and causes the targets cells to inflate. If not cured quickly the target will simply explode.

Chall :
this yellow-colored substance was a strong poison developed by the Twi'leks of Ryloth.

Collafa [CONFUSION – human only]:
this natural spice was used by poisoners, since its chemical make-up altered when it came into contact with certain cooking oils. The resulting elements could cause mental instability in human
this fish, native to the shallow oceans of Vaynai, produced a form of slimy oil which was secreted around its body to protect it from a variety of accidents. This oil was also highly poisonous to most species, causing damage to the musculature and rendering the victim unable to move or escape.

Cryptberry [BASIC – humanoid only]:
native to the planet Necropolis, this large red berry is poisonous if consumed by humans and other humanoid species.

Darkkoninn [BASIC – humanoid only]:
the berries of this plant, native to the planet Gorsh, were highly poisonous to most humanoid species.

Devaronian Blood-poison [BASIC – metal/weapon]
this strange gemstone is a strange silver color. When the stone is rubbed into an open wound, or used as a weapon to pierce flesh, it inflicts a painful poisoning into the bloodstream, which lingers for weeks unless treated immediately.

Green Glie [SEIZURE]:
this was one of two forms of glie which were native to the planet Naboo. Green glie could obtain nutrients by absorbing them from its environment, unlike red glie which required active photosynthesis to survive. In this way, green glie could live in any environment, allowing it to spread across the surface of a body of water very rapidly. Because of this, the Naboo considered green glie to be a nuisance. The Gungans barely tolerated it, only because green glie was a source of food for many animals they hunted. Despite its status as a nuisance, green glie was important because it could be refined into a toxic poison which caused nausea, cramps, and sever muscle spasms and seizures. The effect depended on the dosage administered, and affected all human and near-human races. An anti-toxin was produced from the blood of the peko peko.

Irksh [BASIC – lethal]:
this was a deadly Yuuzhan Vong poison.

Kedran Lip-smear [LETHARGY]:
Applied to the lips as make-up would be. Some people buy it commercially and take the antidote before wearing it.

Lexonite [BASIC – lethal]
this powder-like substance is a deadly poison created on the planet Nigel IV. It was used by several Imperial terrorist factions to attack New Republic worlds.

Moonglow [BASIC – lethal uncurable]
this pear-like fruit comes from a single grove of trees in a certain forest on a small satellite world. It is a rare and exotic fruit, although it is more like a fungus. Its crisp, delicious flesh, however, is extremely poisonous in its raw form. A single slice contains enough poison to kill 1,000 beings within a minute, and there is no known antidote.

Mustick [SEIZURE]:
Administered aurally in drops.

Rokna Blue [CONFUSION – lethal, amnesia]
this deadly poison is collected from the rokna tree on the Forest Moon of Endor. In very small quantities, it can induce exquisite states of bliss in its users. A microgram can cause death, so the recreational use of rokna blue is highly dangerous. Prolonged use of rokna blue causes severe memory loss

Scale Dust [CONFUSION]:
this was a mild poison created by Amira Nasrabi, from natural materials collected from the sea life of Vaynai's shallow oceans. It caused wild hallucinations in those beings who inhaled it.

Sennari [BASIC – lethal]
a deadly poison often used to coat the end of darts and arrows. Jodo Kast was one of the most well-known individuals to use it.

Somniject [LETHARGY]
this poison was a fast-acting sedative that rendered the victim unconscious in a few seconds. It was never fatal, and could be counteracted by the injection of an anti-toxin.

Sponge Powder [LETHARGY]:
this was a mild poison created by Amira Nasrabi, from natural materials collected from the sea life of Vaynai's shallow oceans. It caused a being to fall into a deep state of unconsciousness, bordering on a coma, when ingested.

Thetametabuterin [CONFUSION]:
this tasteless, chemical powder was used by the best poisoners in the galaxy. When added to certain meats, like the flesh of the Wroonian flycatcher, it could create a subtle poison that affected the mental stability of a human eater

Touch-not [BASIC – burning]:
Secreted by the touch-not plant, the poison burns and blisters flesh.

Wasp agaric [CONFUSION]:
Taken from the Homunculus-wasp, and administered aurally in powdered form, agaric caused mild nausea and in some species a reversal of the pain-pleasure synapses.

Yurfloo [LETHARGY]
this slow-acting poison was created by the scientists working for Hurn Jak. There was only one known antidote


[b]The Lesser Documented, but equally important, Little Book of Antidotes

Peko-peko blood (green gile)
Spime (bloat)
Thanatizine (wasp agaric)

As you can see, for every antidote, there are about twenty poisons. C’est la vie. Most things just have to run their course.