View Full Version : Teaching depravity.. (Winn)

Salem Ave
Sep 28th, 2004, 05:45:22 AM
Razielle Shadana
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Teaching depravity.. (Winn)


Old Post 04-30-2004 06:26 PM Post #1

It would probably serve as a wedge between herself and Salem, but Razielle had made up her mind that she was keeping the Lieutenant. She couldn't allow the man to leave, taking tales of the monsters of Kirrek back with him, and she had no desire to kill him. He was privy to knowledge that could benefit the Cabal and she was quite taken with his strength. Winn Yarrow was definately not given to fits of tears and pitiful cries for mercy.

After leading him out of Salem's presence, Razielle grabbed a bottle of wine and Winn's arm dragging them both along with her and out of Elysium's walls - they weren't safe for the mortal just yet. In relative silence she walked the well worn path beyond the main keep, to the place commonly referred to as her Garden. It was more of an overgrown and half sunken ruin, but by moonlight it was quite lovely.

Plopping herself down on a mossy rock, Razielle patted the spot beside her and indicated Winn should take a seat if he so desired. "I think it would benefit us to give Salem a while to digest your presence. I haven't been this lenient with a mortal since... Well since I made Salem, himself, a Vampyre. He'll eventually figure out that he has nothing to fear, whatever is left of my heart belongs to him. At any rate, I'll protect you from his wrath.."

"Talk to me, Winn. Tell me more about...you."

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Winn Yarrow
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Old Post 05-02-2004 10:36 PM Post #2

"I was born on a backwater that mostly shipped fruit. All anyone talked about was the weather or how the crop was coming along." Winn was pacing.

"I've been told I'm not a "people" person. It might be because I don't like most people. I'd rather do something else. It was one of the reasons I was assigned to a scout ship." He was distracted, much like a puppy. He sniffed one of the vines while feeling it with a hand. If he concentrated, he could feel the capillary motion. His mind buzzed with bloodlust and sensory input. He resumed pacing.

“I uhmhm. I graduated at the top of my class with various degrees, I mentioned that. I’m an astronomer and anthropologist. Ruins and stars only talk if you ask them to. Like a book.” Winn frowned.

“People, beings, they talk all of the time, but they’re not thinking. Buzz. Noise. Dren, trash. I don’t like to talk much. My mother, she talked all of the time. Queen Gossip. Now, she knew everyone’s business, except for mine.”

Winn wanted more blood. He felt something sharp poking at his distracted chewed lower lip. The fledgling straightened, and glanced at the bottle.

“That. What’s that?” he said, pointing at the wine.

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Razielle Shadana
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Old Post 05-07-2004 05:34 AM Post #3

People, beings, they talk all of the time, but they’re not thinking. Buzz. Noise. Dren, trash. Razielle listened to Winn's brief history. But that one phrase was far more interesting than the rest. He was far more than a mere former farm-boy. It seemed he already had acquired the knowledge that he was far more important than the rest of the human herd. That would be the point that she would focus on to sway him..

He was already craving more of the power that the Ghoul's were rewarded with. She had been so cruel to him, punishing and abrupt. There was no more need for that. Razielle had taken it into her head that he was going to be with the Cabal, and so he would. She no longer needed to threaten him, she would teach him and allow him the comforts of his new home. Winn's eyes followed the bottle as she lifted it to shake the contents around a bit. "This...? Its for you, of course, but it's not ready yet."

One sharp thumb nail raked across the first finger on her hand. A crimson drop of blood immediately pooled, then slid into the bottle. A steady drip followed. When she was satisfied it was enough, Razielle gave it another shake, then handed it over to Winn. "Sip it..don't gulp."

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Winn Yarrow
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Old Post 05-13-2004 05:06 AM Post #4

Winn's hands shook. he could smell the blood, her blood and the strength of it. They steadied when he began to raise the glass, but random twitches leaked through. The ghoul took a sip before he lowered the glass from his lips. It took a visible effort, and his tounge made sure there was none on his lips.

Razielle seemed pleased, but Winn did not notice. He watched the liquid move with each twitch, its surface tension along the edge of the glass. The blood had mixed surprisingly well, but it was still noticable when (Winn took another sip) when there was more than otherwise. While the flavor was interesting, he would have preffered that the glass had been filled to the brim with Razielle.

"Why the mixture?" He asked between sips. It was going too fast, even with his self-imposed patience.

Last edited by Winn Yarrow on 05-15-2004 at 09:58 PM
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Razielle Shadana
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Old Post 05-16-2004 02:32 AM Post #5

He really would be a splendid fiend, Razielle thought. "Because.. you don't need it to survive. You crave its texture, its taste and the power it carries with it. But you do not yet know anything of the Hunger that will ravage you if and when you are turned. "

She really hoped he would be turned. It would be nice to have such a mind bred to the indiscriminate violence of a Vampyre. She didn't mention the fact to him that the wine was brought for him, only to give the illusion he was consuming more than he actually was. Her blood had only amounted to a few drops. But it was enough...

"I am sorry for the fact you find yourself held here against your will. I truly am looking out for your best interest, which isn't like me. Once you are acustomed to your fate, you will be free to return to your stars Winn. Although certain concessions may have to be made...should you become Undead..."

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Winn Yarrow
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Old Post 05-16-2004 03:30 AM Post #6

"Oh." He stated between sips. How could anything be more overwhelming than what he felt now? He had though the truth drug he had taken once for an outer rim tribe had been potent, but it did not stand next to Razielle's exquisite nectar.

"Truthfully, Elysium is fascinating. I'm not certain, but there are four distinctly different eras of occupants. I think I'll need a year to study it. Ordinarly we have teams that come after the scouts, but I think this should be removed from the log."

'This is the first piece of rock I've ever had a real interest in. How did you come to find it?"

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Razielle Shadana
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Old Post 05-17-2004 05:17 AM Post #7

Razielle nodded to the obvious, Kirrek must remain as unobtrusive in the eye's of the galaxy as possible. "I've always come here, since I was small, with my family. An archaeic castle doesn't do my family much good anymore since their dead. The Cabal needed a home. Elysium belongs to us all now."

She didn't elaborate too much on her family. It was a sore subject ,when one lost everything in their life. But she had a new family now and Winn was to be a part of it.

"Feel free to explore to your hearts content. I hold no secrets from you. But do be advised, even though you may think yourself alone - even in the light of day - there are many Ghouls here and they wouldn't let you wander to far." It was only a warning, one that probably didn't even need to be given. He genuinely seemed to be growing used to the fact that he was already becoming a part of this place.

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Winn Yarrow
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Old Post 06-01-2004 04:10 AM Post #8

Winn's body shifted to leave, but there were other questions. Razielle wasn't being completely open, but he had only been here for six hours.

He pondered on what to ask.

"What about the village bellow? Anything of note there?"

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Razielle Shadana
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Old Post 06-01-2004 01:57 PM Post #9

"Rustic civilization at best. Uneducated pitchfork weilding farmers at worst. Although for a moment I have bought a more docile attitude from them. A small taste of Elysium's wealth and protection, for the most part, from ceaseless killing. In turn they allow certain...considerations , and serve without question."

Razielle would have rather had educated, beautiful and tasteful servants as she had as a child. Sadly though, cooperation could be bought, but it was not always trustworthy. These people however had everything to lose from betraying her, monetarily speaking as well as looking out for their own safety..

In time when she trusted Winn more, Razielle would take great delight in showing him personally to some of the lower levels of Elysium and the surrounding grounds. The place on which they stood even now was littered with remnants of long ago, waiting for the right person to find them.

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Winn Yarrow
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Old Post 06-03-2004 12:08 AM Post #10

Razielle wasn't telling him everything. While not blessed with the greatest social graces, Winn knew it was because she didn't trust him. He was probably the most immediate threat to her and whoever else lived here. Theoretically, he could sneak down to his ship, and press a panic button. Although the ship was small, it had a powerful sensor and communications suite. The scenario left him dead, though. Leaving Elysium would be a difficult task, and right now, Winn didn't particuarly care to.

"I'm presuming that, for the most part, I am free to discover the castle and whatever surprises there may be in it. Is there anything in partictular I should be wary of?"

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Razielle Shadana
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Old Post 06-04-2004 01:19 PM Post #11

"Not especially, no. " Razielle lifted her gaze to Winn's own inquisitive glance. Covering the distance betwee them in seconds, she leaned in close to inhale the scent of his skin.

It would be so easy. Hold him in your grip. Break the skin again. Drink his very life away. Drink until his whole life is inside you and then toss him away like a scrap of food.. The pulse beneath her lips beckoned to her, but Razielle still thought there was much more than a quick bit of sustenance to be had from the Lieutenant.

Resolving instead to whisper into his ear, she smiled. "Everything here obeys Salem and myself. You are under my protection. Provided you don't launch into an attack with my fledgling, you'll be fine."

Leaving Winn to search the grounds for himself, Razielle stepped away from him and turn to leave. When she was a few shorts steps away she uttered one last final warning. "Don't entertain too many thoughts of that ship, love. Its already under guard and will be moved to the caverns where the other vessels lie. "

It hadn't taken vampire magic to guess the thought had crossed his mind at one point or another. "I give you my word in time you'll be free to leave, to go to your stars..."

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Winn Yarrow
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Old Post 06-09-2004 03:07 AM Post #12

Winn froze.

"I wouldn't attempt to move the ship without my supervision. It is the property of the Expeditionary Force. Only I can move it." He sincerely hoped that Razielle hadn't told anyone to try to move the ship, since it would encrypt any data, lock itself, and then activate a distress beacon.

"With the various Imperial warlords lurking about, the Republic has become guarded with intelligence resources." She didn't look pleased.

"If you'd like, I could show you the ship."

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Razielle Shadana
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Old Post 06-10-2004 01:29 PM Post #13

Obvioulsy she was going to have to either let him move it, or find means of moing it that wouldn't set off its defense system. The later of the two would take longer and Razielle wasn'y feeling patient at the moment. Silently ordering the ghouls to back off, she nodded to Winn.

"Why not..? We'll go and you can move it to the caverns. " It was to be his first test of gaining her trust. He could easily set off the alert and have the Republic down their throat, but he had little to gain and everything to lose from such a blatantly stupid act.

There was also the possibility that he would try to overtake her and return to the Expeditionary Force. Let him try.. He'd be dead and other Cabal ships would be enroute to retrieve their mistress before the ship left Kirrek's atmosphere.