View Full Version : Broken Reflections [closed]

Salem Ave
Sep 28th, 2004, 05:44:59 AM
Jezebella Shadana
Ghoul of the Cabal
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Broken Reflections [closed]

Old Post 05-13-2004 02:23 AM Post #1

Shards of glass glinted in the fire-light cast from the flames of candles set on the gothic-style furniture, drenching the small lounge with a shattered glow of refracted colors. Following the weaving trail of glass, dripping from what use to be an antique mirror, were constant droplets of blood that turned into a puddle upon reaching the front legs of a highly designed chair, set before the hearth. Setting uneasily upon the cushioned seat was Jezebella, her face contorted as she struggled to sew together the split wound curving up her palm and across her wrist.

Her eyes flashed in anger when the rather poor sewing job was finished and swiped the remaining string up to her mouth, snapping it with one bite. She glared at the ruined antique, her uninjured hand posed in annoyed stance upon her cocked hip. She hadn't liked that mirror ever since it had been found deep beneath the Stronghold, and having discovered its strange ability to warp appearance, Jezebella disliked it even more. It was almost as if the enchanted glass mocked her, taunting her with it reflective surface, and Jez was known well for her hellish temper-even where inanimate were concerned.

Sighing softly, Jez bent down and began shoveling the glass into a pile with her hands, careful to avoid any jagged edges less she injure herself further.

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Winn Yarrow
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Old Post 05-15-2004 09:38 PM Post #2

For the past few days, Winn had been scrambling around Elysium, examining every object in absurd detail. The stained glass fixture at the end of the hall was especially interesting. Only half of it was made by the original proccess. Some of the glass was much newer, obvious with the older bits being much looser on the top. Winn wondered what could have caused need for replacement. It wasn't the shape of the framing. Was this even part of the orignal structure? He shifted slightly to take a better look at the stone when the crevice his left foot was in started to give way.

What would have likely been leathal for the human he was less than a week ago was almost trivial. Newfound coordination and strength found himself scaling the opposite wall back to the floor with ease.

It was then that the smell hit is nostrils, and most of the though left his head. There was blood, and it was strong.

Shattered mirror glass was scattered about the floor, and a piece crunched under his boot. Under Jezebella was a deep red puddle, and it took most of Winn's self control to stop himself from lapping at it.

"Ummmmm hi."

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Jezebella Shadana
Ghoul of the Cabal
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Old Post 05-17-2004 11:42 PM Post #3

Hunger hung in the air as thick as the damning fog that forever haunted the courtyards of Elysium's stronghold. A slender black eyebrow quirked upward in curiosity and slowly the woman tipped her head back to view the invader of her semi-annoyed solace. Her amber eyes flashed with momentary defensiveness, then disappeared when another slit knicked the pad of her index finger. Twitching slightly, she stood and slid the bleeding digit across the hem of her leather corset.

"Hello...'' She mumbled out, eyeing him. Had she met him before? She wasn't sure, of course, some people were so easily forgotten. But he seemed different.

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Winn Yarrow
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Old Post 06-01-2004 04:02 AM Post #4

Winn pondered what people were supposed to do when they were meeting for the first time. Three months alone, had perhaps gotten to him.

In Razielle's presence, things were different. She was in control, asking the questions, unless something jumped into his mind. Winn would ask a question, but she was still in control.

Here, there wasn't a controller of the conversation, and Winn was confused.

He carefully picked up a piece of bloody glass and examined it. Winn tossed it aside, licking his fingers absentmindedly. Yes, it was blood, but it wasn't exactly any different than having a tangy drink from a rusted cup. Obviously this had something to do with Razielle. It was something to ask for later.

"You look smiliar to Razielle." Winn looked her over in a purely visual manner, the way one would examine a tree.

She would probably want to know his name, so he told her. Things were decidedly awkward.

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Jezebella Shadana
Ghoul of the Cabal
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Old Post 06-01-2004 04:18 AM Post #5

Having yet to cut off the flow of blood trickling from her index finger, Jez sighed and popped it into her mouth. Listening to him comment on the similarity between herself and Razielle, her sister, Jezebella considered stabbing him with something. Something sharp, long, and spiky. Her eyes glazed over momentarily with a violent film, that quickly dissolved when his name was mentioned. Her name would put an end to all questions, for a time, but wasn't it boring that way? All the young, stupid women these days hooked a conversation with a twitch of their sassy rump and a little act of pure stupidity. But since when did this ghoul need to converse with others?

"Razielle and I are family. My name is Jezebella.'' She answered after removing her finger from her mouth.

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Winn Yarrow
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Old Post 06-01-2004 04:50 AM Post #6

Winn frowned when Jezebella stared at him. He wasn't good at reading body language, but she was mad. Again, he sized her up, noting her lean frame and long, strong muscle. Jez was dangerous.

It faded as quickly as it came. What had he said? That she looked similar to Razielle. It was true, but Jezebella wasn't happy about that fact.

"Do you?" Winn started to ask the Ghoul if she wanted help, which he knew she didn't before he finished speaking.

"No, you don't." He added quickly. "Do you know anything about this place? I've only been here for a few days."

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Jezebella Shadana
Ghoul of the Cabal
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Old Post 06-01-2004 05:41 AM Post #7

"I suppose I should know something, darling. I have lived here most of my life." She explained, her mouth slanting into a dangerous smile. So he was new, that being the reason why she had never seen him around the keep before. Perhaps she was making a bad first impression then, she had suspected that he might have heard a warning after the mentioning of her name, but alas he had been left in the dark.

Leaning forward, rather close to him, she placed her still bleeding index finger to his chest, leaving a faint stain on the fabic of his clothing, and nodded. "It really depends what you want to know."

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Winn Yarrow
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Old Post 06-03-2004 12:15 AM Post #8

The ghoul realized that he was holding his breath while digesting the fact that she was related to Razielle. Jez seemed to be cut from different cloth. Or maybe they were more similar than they appeared on the surface. He looked down at the finger, pondering the gesture and it's social signifigance. He was used to looking at both smaller patterns, but not of events in motion. What did she mean by that?

It gave him a headache.

"Is there anything I should be cautious around? Besides Salemn." Winn suspected Salemn didn't really like anyone or anything besides Razielle.

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Jezebella Shadana
Ghoul of the Cabal
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Old Post 06-08-2004 05:20 AM Post #9

He was really new, Jezebella thought with a inward grin. Anyone that had been with the cabal for some time knew there was all sorts of things that could be a possible danger. Even though it was their home, most of them could think of safer places to be. Salem. Obviously he knew about it. Frowning in disgust, Jez shrugged and pondered whether she should tell him or not.

"Well.. I suppose there are a few things." She murmured, jabbing her finger further into his chest in an attempt to push herself straight. "First of all, there are the demons. Mostly Succubi. Lucidique might not look like much, but she does have some tricks up her sleeves." Not that she had ever seen the woman wear any.

"Then there are the other vampires. It wouldn't be wise to upset one of them for any reason. As you well know, they are quite capable of lopping your head off should they so choose."

"Then there are the other ghouls... one nasty one in particular. She hates mostly everything and wouldn't think twice before tearing some high minded newbie in two. So, you should probably stay away from her. She has quite the temper, especially when she is injured." Jez informed him coolly, leaning down to scoop up the glass pile.