View Full Version : Sunrise: Forgotten warmth (Salem)

Salem Ave
Sep 28th, 2004, 05:40:42 AM
Razielle Shadana
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Sunrise: Forgotten warmth (Salem)

Old Post 01-17-2004 07:51 AM Post #1

For very strategic reasons, the Cabal was on the planet Kirrek. One of the more lovely aspects was the marked lack of sunlight. It usually only lasted a few hours a day. Sometimes not even that. At those times, only the Ghouls of the Cabal were out. Trained to protect the Vampyre's within, and preparing to be given the same power they have.

But today was somewhat different. Having checked the hours of the sun's exact arrival, Razielle intended to be present for the poisonous lights glow. She was still encased within the body of the mortal girl and as such, she would not be harmed. This was all theoretical of course, based upon what a Demon (A Demon she did not trust) had told her. She wasn't afraid for herself, she had ceased caring about life and death long ago. She had tasted Death's icy breath and laughed in his face.

She wasn't quite sure why she slipped away. Probably for the fact that she didn't want Salem following her out in her stupid venture to best Fate. If she was burned to dust that was one thing, but she didn't want to harm Salem. Although, he wouldn't understand if she did this alone. If she died, he would see it as her leaving him on his own again. He didn't need her, he was strong, but he would still be wounded and feel like she had abandoned him a second time.

Sighing Razielle looked back toward Elysium, unable to see the minute details without her Vampyric eyes. He just didn't get it. She loved him, in her own way. She wouldn't have turned him into a Vampyre, infused him with her own Blood and strength if she did not. She had wanted to be with him then because he intrigued her, but the fact was she simply craved his presence always. But she knew that right now, she had everything he was capable of giving and she would push him no further.

Unable to resist she tentatively reached out with her mind, which was all she had in this body, to see if she could find him. She had no clue where he had wandered off to in his borrowed flesh, but she would at least try to let him know the sun was coming and she was outside Elysium's walls.

Salem..? I believe its actually getting greyish out here rather than black.

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Salem Ave
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Old Post 01-21-2004 07:48 PM Post #2

Salem had taken to simply sitting and staring into the waking sunlight. In spite of his mortal limitations, he was perched on a window ledge, looking out into the sky. More than once, he felt himself lurch forwards, as a sense of fear overcame him at looking down into the drop below. He seemed to have overcome that now, however, at least until he heard Razielle speaking into his mind. A sick wave of panic washed over him as he was sure he would tumble from the slab to a painful death.

How observant of you, he thought, swinging his legs back into the tower tenatively. He lowered himself down onto the steps and began to pace downwards. He was suprised with himself, at how tolerant he had been of this whole experience. Against all odds, he actually found he was enjoying it. It wasn't better than his life, by any means, but as they say, variety is the spice of life. It just made things a little more interesting.

He came to the archway that lead outside, and could vaguely see Razielle in the distance. Gingerly, he stepped out and let the light bathe over his skin. It was so odd. Even before his turning, he had found it difficult to be in the light - his eyes were hyper-sensitive to it. Now, however, all he needed to do was squint a little and he could stare right into the sun.

Ambling towards his counterpart, with his hands - with fingers! that was peculiar enough - in his pockets, he called out: "Don't get any ideas," and gave a nod up towards the sun.

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Razielle Shadana
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Old Post 01-23-2004 05:09 PM Post #3

Feeling like a normal person for the first time in years, Razielle laughed and waited for Salem to meet her. "Get any idea's about what precisely...?" She gave him a meaningful glance and looked up at the sky again. Very soon now they were going to be blasted with the first rosey lights of dawn.

Despite her outwardly calm demeanor, Razielle was slightly less then at peace. She was full of mistrust of the Demon they had made this pact with and wouldn't be at all surprised to be scorched when the light hit her. Razielle's slender fingers twitched. She refrained from the urge to hold Salem's hand though, knowing how much he detested affection.

Her mortal skin, though not as sensitive as her preternatural body, felt the warmth searching for her. The instinctual reaction was fear, but she didn't move. The tiny hairs on her arms stood up as she caught a chill, such a silly mortal reaction really. Not one she particularly missed, but she wondered what Salem was feeling. If he shared her apprehensions? She wasn't inclined to pry into his mind at the moment however. She glanced at him one last time before the first rays hit them.

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Salem Ave
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Old Post 01-25-2004 06:00 PM Post #4

It was an instinct reaction. Salem had no real control over it. More a motor function than a mental direction, he seized Razielle's hand into his own. Their fingers meshed together and the vampires grip became ever so tighter as the sun hit them, as though he had actually momentarily believed they would end up char-grilled. Of course, the light just washed over them, warming their skin and leaving them standing their looking really quite silly.


He lowered his head, slightly dissapointed.

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Razielle Shadana
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Old Post 01-26-2004 07:51 AM Post #5

She was feeling somewhat deflated. What had she suspected? A horde of Angels to sweep down from the heavens and unleash holy light dispatching them to Hell...? Razielle was feeling somewhat stupid, standing there gawking at the sun, like any common mortal.

She squinted her borrowed blue-violet eyes against the oncoming light and blew out the breath she had been holding. That was another thing she wasn't sure she liked... The fact that denying herself air had caused a painful stricture in her chest and throat. Of course she let out a sigh or blew a strand of hair out of her face every so often in her Vampyre flesh. But not from needing oxygen for her body to function, she was not so fragile.

At least the events had won her something, it was no small triumph either. Razielle glanced down at their linked fingers and for a moment was afraid to breathe, lest she run him off. She suspected that what prompted Salem's great rebuffal of contact had less to do with dislike and more to do with inexperience. After all, how could he abhor something he had ever been without? Maybe he just needed to be shown that there was nothing disgusting about touch, provided it was someone good doing it.

Deciding to take the task upon herself, Razielle opted to start slowly. Experiment in daylight proven, they were free to head back to Elysiums's walls. But before going, she lifted their joined fingers to her lips and brushed a kiss across the back of his hand. Nothing vulgar and bearing any innuendo, just a soft touch mixed with her slightly exhaled breath. Not wanting to press him too far too fast, and possibly leave him wondering, she dropped his hand and headed off.

"Coming, Salem...?"

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Salem Ave
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Old Post 01-26-2004 04:55 PM Post #6

The child in him wanted to recoil, wipe his hand against his trousers and spit at the ground. It wanted to twist its face, all soured, and squirm at the thought of further similar occurences. It wanted to run and hide its blushing face. The maturer side of his personality, however, was less angered and more perplexed. He allowed his confusion to momentarily slip away though, as he heeded Razielles call and began to follow her - instinctively pushing his hands into his pockets.

For a minute, they walked in silence, before Salem actually felt the need to talk.

"... What shall we do now?"

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Razielle Shadana
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Old Post 01-26-2004 05:51 PM Post #7

Razielle summoned every ounce of will not to throw out any idea's regarding sins of the flesh. If the sun hadn't scorched him, her illicit wishes would have him spontaneously combusting. However neither did she have any answer at the ready for him. She wasn't sure herself what would happen from this point forward. Pausing midstride she rubbed her hands over her bare arms,

"I don't know. But, I think I am going... for a dip. It dosen't seem like this girl was overly fond of being clean and if I am going to stay in her skin, its needs immediate attention."

She changed direction, heading for the overgrown ruins with the pools of gathered water. It was a favorite spot of hers, so she may as well inspect it in the light, ( even if it was still stinging her eyes). As much as she would have liked to think he would follow, Razielle was sure hell would freeze before Salem Ave went swimming. But he probably wouldn't stray too far either for that matter. With a shrug, and a wicked grin that no one saw, Razielle sat on a rock and kicked off the peasant shoe's and ripped most of the length off the dress, for better movement..right? Not bothering to see if he was lurking about, she slid beneath the water, warmed by the meager light.

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Salem Ave
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Old Post 01-26-2004 05:59 PM Post #8

Salem had sat himself down on the boulder Razielle had just moved away from and found himself glancing unavoidably down at his reflection. Though this man was much heavier set than he was, Salem couldn't help but wonder if at one time, he had looked as though Salem had. Before his turning, he had been slim and his strength showed more in his limbs, even with his great height. If he'd continued to train, he might have ended up looking like this. Was it an improvement?

He looked up at Razielle. She hadn't improved, he decided.

The toe of his boot was lapped over by water and he felt a little shiver as the water sept through onto his toes. Frowning, he leant down and pulled the boot off with one hard tug, taking a short time to examine 'his' foot. Toes were odd things, he thought, before setting his bare foot down against the turf and just letting the edge of the pool wash over it. He removed his second boot, and propped his elbows against his knees, just watching Razielle as she bobbed in the pools center.

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Razielle Shadana
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Old Post 01-26-2004 06:14 PM Post #9

She waded there, just watching him as he examined his reflection in the rippling water. He looked both pensive and somehow.. sad perhaps? Razielle didn't know what he was thinking, but she continued to watch as he tugged off his boots and almost cautiously let himself get wet. It was really too much temptation for her.

Slowly she moved towards him, beaded water running down her arms back into the pool. She had no intention of letting on what it was she intended. Stepping up out of the water, as if she were finished, Razielle was so close to Salem her bare toes were just inches from his. Thats when she struck. Grabbing him by his forearms, she surpassed even what she thought this mortal body was capable of, that combined with the element of surprise, she tugged him backwards with her straight into the pool with a very loud splash.

He was going to be mad as hell. Razielle didn't really care, it was for his own good. She wasn't going to sit there and watch him sulk all day when the water felt so good. Besides, he never allowed himself to do anything so ridiculous and it was far too long overdo. Standing and waiting for his reaction, she folded her arms across her chest and tried to look serious.

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Salem Ave
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Old Post 01-26-2004 06:26 PM Post #10

The pool wasn't particularly deep, but Salem still somehow managed to go under. Dipping beneath the surface, his eyes bulged and cheeks puffed out- this was his first ever instance of being in water (he'd never had a hydro shower - only sonic) and he already wanted out. He was struck all at once with the need to breath, and tore himself upwards, gasping for air. It was then he realised that his feet were able to touch the ground without too much trouble.

With hair matted down over his face, and his clothes clinging to his body, he found himself trembling slightly from the cold. He was afraid to move, incase he sunk into some great gaping pit, and so simply brought his arms up around his body - above the water - and looked down desperately at the water. It was a good job he was so distracted by the fear, otherwise he would have been disgusted at himself and, perhaps more importantly, glared at Razielle.

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Razielle Shadana
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Old Post 01-26-2004 06:37 PM Post #11

Belatedly, Razielle realized the error of her ways. She had only wanted him to experience what to her was divine. With dawning horror she saw that instead of enjoying it, she had completely terrified him. He would survive, but he was going to be exceedingly prickly towards her for a while she supposed. Not only had she spooked him, but she witnessed it. She'd be real lucky if he even looked at her.

She couldn't just leave him there like that. Even if he decided to move, the pool's bottom was slippery and if he went under again it would not be pretty. Cautiously she moved towards him. He still hadn't moved, frozen there with his arms protectively around himself. Razielle cursed herself to the deepest, darkest hells for doing that to him. Raising her hand slowly she brushed his wet hair out of his face.

"I'm sorry, Salem.. "

She was mad enough at herself for the both of them. She wished he would flip out and yell at her or give her one of his traditional scathing remarks. Anything but the silence. Wrapping her arms around his waist she made sure he was steady and began backing up towards the shore.

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Salem Ave
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Old Post 01-26-2004 06:46 PM Post #12

Ushered back onto dry land, Salem felt he could once again breathe. He looked down at his soggy excuse for an outfit, pockets full of some sort of pondweed (sprigs of which had somehow ended up in his hair too). He glanced around then, temporarily forgetting Razielle was there, to see if anyone had seen him or was now watching him. It appeared they were alone. A small sigh of relief passed his lips and he reached up to slowly extract the small tangle of weed from his hair.

"Sorry," he apologized quietly, balling the vine in his hands before calmly tossing it back into the water - watching the ripples echo outwards. He felt stupid now, for acting like such a child. It wasn't often people got to see his fears and insecurities. At least he could take small comfort in the fact that only Razielle had witnessed this.

"... I haven't really... ever... been in..." he motioned vaguely at the pond, apparently stumbling over what to say, "... it before... please don't mention this to anyone."

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Razielle Shadana
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Old Post 01-26-2004 07:00 PM Post #13

If she wasn't careful she was going to go all maternal on him, and maternal was the farthest thing from what she usually felt for Salem. Razielle, still disgusted with herself, shook her head sadly. That was something that would never happen.

"I wouldn't. "

She never knew of his aversions to water, not one for technological nonsense, she just figured everyone enjoyed bathing the traditional way, as she did. So much for her carefully orchestrated lessons in teaching Salem to like affection. She had just terrorizd him, nearly choked him and gotten him covered in pond muck. With a forlorn sigh, she picked the last of the remaining leaves from his hair.

"Perhaps you should start smaller, say...with a bathtub?"

It was a miserable attempt at humor. Leaving the tattered remains of the dress and the shoes forgotton, Razielle decided to walk barefoot the rest of the way. She was going to march to her room and berate herself for the rest of the day, until she figured out how to either make it up to Salem or gave herself a splitting headache.

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Salem Ave
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Old Post 01-26-2004 07:07 PM Post #14

It was easy to forget the absence of the Force. Salem extended a hand, expecting the boots to come to him, but they didn't move an inch. He frowned slightly before shaking his head and simply following behind Razielle as she walked. Inexplicably, he felt guilty. She had wanted to enjoy this out of body experience, he could tell, and he had more than dampened her spirits by the looks of things. He would have liked to have said something more than his previous apology, but couldn't think of anything that sounded impressive or comforting. It wasn't his forte.

They got back to the stronghold, and as Razielle made a beeline for the stairs towards her room, Salem followed in tow. He caught up with her a little as she hit the top of the stairs and managed to get himself between her and the hallway. Now he needed to think of something to say. A few sounds passed his lips, as he switched and changed his mind numerous times, before finally settling on the feeble:

"Ar-aren't you hungry?"

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Razielle Shadana
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Old Post 01-26-2004 08:04 PM Post #15

Razielle was somewhat intrigued that he had followed her this far. She figured he'd go off somewhere and lick his wounds as she was trying to do. It did bring her the tiniest sliver of hope though, that he was still here. Tilting her head to the side, she gazed at him, as always trying to figure him out and failing miserably.

"No, not really.."

She thought he was talking of the Hunger for blood. She didn't feel the desire for it in this flesh. But her mortal casing chose that inopportune moment to let out a small rumble in protest. Her eyes flew open wide as she glanced down at the offensive noise. Apparently she was going to have to go through the motions and feed this body.

"On second thought.. Maybe I had better partake of something after all. What do you suggest?"

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Salem Ave
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Old Post 01-26-2004 08:12 PM Post #16

"I don't know what we have," he replied blankly. It was true - the ghouls might have eaten mortal food, but he had no hand in purchasing or stocking it, so he was clueless as to what was currently in stock, "We can go look in the freezer," he hazzarded, looking back off down the stairs. It then struck him that he was forgetting something, "Maybe... we should change first?" he asked, tugging at the clingy wet material on his chest with a hint of a smirk.

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Razielle Shadana
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Old Post 01-26-2004 08:21 PM Post #17

She took in the state of their apparel and wrinkled her nose with distaste. He was quite right. They needed fresh clothes at the very least. If she didn't think he would be horrified she would have suggested that bath... But alas.

"Probably a good idea."

She toyed with the ripped off edge of the dress where it rested on her thigh. Razielle was totally at a loss where this was going, but for Salem she was willing to play along. But she would desist in her efforts to win him over.

"I'll be right back, unless you want to come with me...?"

She spun around and didn't wait for an answer.

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Salem Ave
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Old Post 01-26-2004 08:38 PM Post #18

Salem moved to follow, taking a step forward, then hesitated. What exactly did he plan to do if he followed? Change into Razielle's clothes? Of course not, but in spite of this, he still felt like tagging along. Razielle had wandered off ahead, presuming to know his response already. With this in mind, he decided to follow, if only just to spite her. He instinctively ducked when he came to a doorway, despite not needing to.

"You know, I have nothing that will fit this body," he remarked as he followed her in, watching eagerly for any reaction that his appearance might trigger.

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Razielle Shadana
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Old Post 01-26-2004 09:01 PM Post #19

She resisted the urge, just barely, to slam and lock her door and keep him here. Salem Ave, her shadow, her dark Angel with tattered wings, the source of her amusement and the only being she had ever wanted enough to make them Immortal was in her bedroom. How very...curious.

"I am sure I can find something. I am quite handy like that you know."

Razielle padded across the carpet to the closet, her toes curling in the rug as she searched for something size appropriate for Salem. He was just going to have to settle for something that fit. She pulled out a black silk outfit that she had originally wanted to train in, but it had been made far too large for her, hanging off her arms and legs. Silk probably wasn't something Salem would run off and buy, but beggars can't be choosers. Perhaps he would like the feel of it, if nothing more.

"Perfect.. There you go." She tossed it on her bed and resumed her search for something for herself.

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Salem Ave
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Old Post 01-26-2004 09:44 PM Post #20

Salem held up the outfit, inspecting it. It was black. There wasn't much else he could say for it. If he was in his body, he would have made ribbons of the peasant clothing with his clothes, but as it was he was reduced to peeling them off with his numb fingers. With Razielle off rifling through her wardrobes, of which he imagined she had many, Salem was quite content to undress. He removed himself from the shirt with difficulty. It struck him that the new clothes would just end up too, should he put them on now, so he looked around until spotting a blanket of somekind - which he took it upon himself to use as a towel.

He had no inhibitions about his body, so to speak - least of all someone elses body. Regardless, he was undressed and dressed once again quickly and moved to examine his new attire in the long dress mirror that Razielle kept. It fitted him alarmingly well, and had something oriental about it, in the way that the cuffs flared and hung heavy around his wrists. Starting off buttoning the shirt up, he caught a glimpse of Razielle in the mirror, albeit only briefly.


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Razielle Shadana
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Old Post 01-26-2004 09:56 PM Post #21

Razielle selected one of her pale violet dresses. One simple enough that she only had to pull it on. It was yet another lesson in will for her to remain where she was, when the very thing she wanted most was so close at hand. Somehow she stayed bolted to the floor, stripping away the torn dress and sliding the new one over her body. She hadn't suffered from pond scum the way poor Salem had, she had merely gotten soaked and was already drying. But the dress clung to her in a most irritating fashion.

Cathing his gaze in the mirror, she answered. "Just about.. I'm stuck." She had another wicked epiphany just then. It would be one more way to get him closer at any rate.

"Would you mind..? I can't tie the back." She looked the very image of innocence, but it was a very clever disguise.

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Salem Ave
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Old Post 01-26-2004 10:02 PM Post #22

Looking away from his own reflection, Salem saw that the peasant's body had infacted managed to 'scrub up', so to speak, well. She looked a pale shade of elegant. He nodded at her request and strode over to where she stood, already feeling the warmth coming back into his skin. Standing directly behind her, Salem looked down at the fastening of the dress as though it was some multi-layered computer security network waiting to be cracked - with confusion. His hands hovered over the the ties, as he tried to puzzle out what he was meant to do with the tiny catches.

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Razielle Shadana
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Old Post 01-26-2004 10:24 PM Post #23

She moved her hair off her neck so he could see what he was doing and waited. Nothing happened. Turning her head and glancing over her shoulder at him she smiled indulgently.

"I believe the hooks just slip into the loops. "

She hadn't taken into consideration just how far down the hooks went though when she asked. The silver catches went well past her waist, she really hadn't meant to pick such a bothersome garment. She had in fact opted for somethign simple. But fate was being oh so kind to her..

"I won't bite, Salem... Not unless you want me to, of course.."

With a grin she met his glance in the mirror again.

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Salem Ave
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Old Post 01-26-2004 10:31 PM Post #24

Salem imagined he would have been quite heavy handed with this sort of thing, if circumstances had of been different. Instead, he was quite simply clumsy. He was only just getting used to the five-finger method of living, and so doing up these small loops wasn't the easiest of tasks. He lowered himself into something of a crouch, to get a good eyeline on what he was doing, trying to keep focus on the latches instead of the body behind them. Control yourself.

With the first hook in place, he stood up a little and continued on with the second, "You won't bite," he said, absently mindedly as he poured his focus into what he was doing, "Forgive me if I don't believe you."

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Razielle Shadana
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Old Post 01-26-2004 10:40 PM Post #25

"I do protest, my love.. I have only bitten you twice. Once for your turning, once when it was an urgent matter of Blood."

Her mortal skin broke out in tiny goosebumps as his fingers brushed the sensitive skin of her lower back. Why was she insiting on torturing herself? Because.. Razielle would take what she could get where he was concerned that's why. She recalled the two times she had tasted of his blood. Her eye's slid shut with the memory.

"But we can always add to the list...?" Her eyes popped open again, waiting for the self induced torture to end.

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Salem Ave
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Old Post 01-26-2004 10:45 PM Post #26

"Not in this form we can't," he replied matter-of-factly, the last loop slipping into place. He looked over her shoulder into the mirror and at how she appeared now. He gave a slight nod, as though in approval, before turning away just as quickly as he'd arrived. Somewhere, deep down, he knew exactly what he was doing.

"We'd best go see about that food then," he looked expectantly towards the door, but remained firmly planted to the spot. He rolled his shoulders, arms hanging at his sides, thoroughly child-like. She would know by now that he was a follower not a leader; at least this was the case when it came to her.

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Razielle Shadana
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Old Post 01-27-2004 04:31 AM Post #27

"Not in this form we can't.." Well he had sure left that one open, hadn't he? She would explore the possibilities on that aspect later when she had reclaimed her own body.

Giving herself one last glance, she spun about then headed for the door. As she passed Salem she brushed a hand over his shoulder, covered in the black silk. "Thank you.." It wasn't so much gratitude for fastening her hooks so much as it was for him still being here. She had gotten far more out of him in this one day than she ever had before. Even after the incident with the water, he was still with her.

Out the door and heading down the stairs with Salem in her wake, she wondered what they would find to eat. She really hoped it didn't involve cooking, it had been far too long since she had been forced to do that sort of thing. The kitchens were not vast, there really wasn't any need for tons of food when the majority of them would never consume it. But if they wree going to be cavorting in mortal skins every so often, Razielle would see to it that only the finest of everything was stocked.

She looked around at the place, totally at a loss. With a shrug she hopped up on a prep counter and took a piece of some manner of fruit from a basket. "Well here goes.." It had been years since she had wanted to eat anything. Not that she couldn't, the fable about not being able to eat did not apply to her, at least. She simply chose not to, after all she didn't require any sustanence but living blood.

Surprised that she actually liked the flavor, she licked a few drops of juice from her lips and wiped her fingers across her mouth. Salem looked equally unsure of where to start so she took pity, holding out the fruit. "Bite...?"

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Old Post 01-27-2004 05:30 PM Post #28

Salem took the fruit and examined it. His species survived entirely on a diet of meat, usually prepared raw. During his time at 'school', he'd gotten numerous odd looks for his habit of snacking on rats, bats and the like. At the Sith Empire, this habit had been indulged further by Takai Konrad's insistency to find any of the blighters she could find. Some how, the fruit seemed to pale in comparison. There just didn't look like there was much substance to it. Never the less, it made his stomach purr to look at it, so he took a bite. Chewing it slowly, he found himself quite pleasantly suprised.

He placed it down, for Razielle to take if she wished, and began to search around himself - this time, for something to drink. He had tried the blue-green liquid known as absinthe, on the recommendation of the Sith Lord Raine Sarin, and was hoping to find some of that. Instead, all there seemed to be was water - and it wasn't even refrigerated. Frowning, he lifted a bottle, uncorked it and took a long gulp - realizing instantly that it wasn't water. At least, water didn't smell like that the last time he tried it.

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Old Post 01-27-2004 05:57 PM Post #29

Razielle continued to nibble at the fruit. She was content for the moment just to watch Salem, so she remained on the counter swinging her legs, grinning at his puzzled expression while he searched for who knows what. When he started rumaging through what she guessed was a liquor cabinet, she wondered if he wanted to celebrate them not being burnt to a crisp. Somehow Salem never struck her as the alcoholic type, but shrugging it off she smiled.

Seconds later he chugged half of a bottle of some kind of imported gin. Razielle's eyes flew open wide in disbelief. What in the world was he doing? Getting drunk? She suspected that Jezebella had stashed that bottle, it seemed to have a calming effect when her insanity was on the rise. But that was one bottle that she wouldn't be knocking back from the looks of it.

"Perhaps you should..pace yourself?"

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Old Post 01-27-2004 06:03 PM Post #30

The bottle smacked down against the counter. Salem crossed his eyes and made a noise that would have been a hiss if he wasn't screwing his face up so much. He rolled his shoulders, squirming and sticking out his tongue, as if the air would take away the taste.

"<smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont>," he cursed loudly, "Stupid drannits. Tell them to label this dren in the future," he murmured, pressing his palm to his forehead - already feeling the effects of the vile liquid. He glanced sideways at Razielle, who seemed to be smiling. He felt the urge to make some sort of threat about pacing, but couldn't for the life of him come up with one.

"... Don't we have any meat?"

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Razielle Shadana
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Old Post 01-27-2004 06:13 PM Post #31

He'd kill her if she laughed. It was so hard not to though. Apparently he had not been after gin after all. Stiffling the urge to roll on the floor with her mirth, she hopped down and strode over to what appeared to be a cooling machine of some kind. She was really no whiz at this stuff, in her mortality she hadn't bothered to fix food. She had someone do it for her and now she just didn't care to learn. But she would give it a shot for poor Salem.

Sliding open one of the drawers she removed a large slab of some kind of meat. She didn't figure he was going to be too particular on the flavor, he just wanted it now. She slammed it down on the counter and picked up a cleaver, hacking pieces off. Satisfied that she had chopped enough, she picked up a piece and strode towards Salem, who was looking rather on the fuzzy side of sober.

"Open up..."

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Old Post 01-27-2004 08:22 PM Post #32

As requested, Salem opened his mouth. He wondered just how well this body would take to the meat - he could already feel a sort of churning that alluded to something bad. Never the less, he was eager for a bite and took it from Razielles hand, like a child from its mother. Chewing on the cold flesh, he found he was right about his suspicions. The body groaned and moaned the worse for the sudden mixture of the raw meat and the vodka. He wobbled very slightly, and quickly set his palm against the counter-top to keep his balance.

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Old Post 01-27-2004 10:39 PM Post #33

"Oh no..."

Razielle belatedly recalled that this body of his was probably used to consuming cooked meat. Combined with the fact that he was well on his way to drunk and you had a very nasty combo. With a frown she wiped the offending carcass off the counter into a small trash compressor, at least it was out of his sight. She chewed on her bottom lip trying to decide upon a wise course of action. When she was drunk what did she do?

"That's it! Come along, Salem. "

Pilfering a roll out of a basket, she grabbed Salem's arm and draped it around her shoulder dragging him along, back up to her room.

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Old Post 01-27-2004 10:43 PM Post #34

Stumbling along as Razielle pulled him, Salem was learning quickly why he disliked alcohol. His cheeks were burning hot and his vision was slightly blurred at the edges. Never the less, his motor functions were holding up well - he was managing to climb the stairs with a degree of grace, so long as Razielle kept a hold of him. Once he got to the top of the stairs, he just like gravity take its course and guide him half-walking half-tripping forward. In the end, he almost went face first into the bed, but was span in time - the framework creaking under his weight.

"Why do people do this to themselves," he groaned.

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Razielle Shadana
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Old Post 01-27-2004 11:07 PM Post #35

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Razielle smiled down at him. He had really been through quite alot for one day, for him at least. He should be cozy laying there in the silk and the rest of it should pass soon, she hoped.

"I think generally people get to this point gradually for the most part. You kinda skipped the fun part, the sipping, getting warm and fuzzy, getting all tingly and such. But I do believe you'll survive."

Breaking up the bread into pieces she made him eat them slowly. Inwardly she was still warring with her more nefarious side. Here he was, laying in bed...in silk...drunk... Damn damn damn... She was cursed. That was it, she was cursed to spend eternity like this. Razielle wished she'd have brought the bottle along.

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Old Post 01-27-2004 11:13 PM Post #36

Aside from the fact that the ceiling seemed to be swimming, this wasn't so bad. He was being hand-fed by his sire. Quite comfortable, he stretched his arms out at his sides and let out a breath. Oddly, Salem found himself smiling. No, this wasn't so bad after all...

"The body is..." he paused to allow himself to hiccup, "expendable anyway."

Somehow, he reasoned, that he should wear it out before he was done with it. There was no point in having it otherwise. He had to push it to all of its limits and do everything he could to make good use of his time in it. What that constituted, he wasn't quite sure entirely, but he was sure he'd work it out along the way.

"... People get fuzzy? Hairy?"

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Old Post 01-27-2004 11:22 PM Post #37

She made a face at him. "No, not hairy.." How did one explain fuzzy? She tried to think of the best way to explain it to someone who may well be feeling it.

"Fuzzy, as in.. Your mind kind of wanders into area's it normally wouldn't. Things you normally wouldn't consider, start to sound like a great idea. You know? Its like.. you can feel every single nerve all at once and touch is multiplied?"

With a frown she realized he probably had no idea what she was talking about. She'd show him.. But he may get aggitated with her, so she just continued her nursing ministrations until she was sure he was feeling better.

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Old Post 01-28-2004 05:15 PM Post #38

"I feel fuzzy," he replied, closing his eyes. His mind wandered as he considered the dull sensations of the human body, paled in comparison to those of a Force user or a vampire. It was like experiencing the world from behind a barrier, but this 'fuzziness' seemed to have lowered the wall a little. His legs, dangling over the edge of the bed, began to swing.

"Don't you?"

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Old Post 01-29-2004 12:06 AM Post #39

"Oh how I wish I did... It would give me plausable excuses for actions I have yet to commit. "

It was said with only half humor. It would be so easy to allow her most base of instincts to guide her into profane acts, then later claim drunkeness. But some small part of her didn't want it that way, she wanted to know exactly what she was doing. Still.. this was so much more than she usually got out of her love.

Back to being the attentive one, Razielle grabbed his legs and hauled them up on the bed, making him more comfortable. She climbed over Salem onto the opposite side of her bed and sat cross legged next to him, munching on a piece of bread.

"I could always get to that point, though.. But maybe its a poor idea.."

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Old Post 01-31-2004 10:07 PM Post #40

"Perhaps," he said, with a slight nod, mentally noting his change in position and wondering how it had occured, "At least then... I wouldn't be the only one, would I?"

Subconsiously, he wondered when he would be torn out of this body and back into his own, and even deeper in his mind he wondered whether or not this body would die upon his exit. He had decided for some reason that he'd like to use it again.

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Old Post 02-01-2004 01:17 AM Post #41

"Tell you what, we'll compromise. I'll drink, but not gin. Nasty stuff, that. And we have to do this right."

Hopping off the bed, Razielle sauntered over to a wardrobe and rumaged about inside until finally emerging with a rather large bottle of wine. Uncorking it with her, small but even, mortal teeth she spat the cork onto the floor and climbed back up onto her bed with it, beside Salem. Getting cozy on her side she studied him for a long moment before raising the bottle with a grin.

"Right then, here's to you getting past your aversion to affection someday..."

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Old Post 02-03-2004 06:05 PM Post #42

Salem raised his hand, as though toasting. He made a double-take, however, and looked quizically at his curled fingers as he realized he was holding nothing but air between them. Smirking, he shrugged and tipped the invisible glass against his lips.

"Are you liking your body so far?" he asked groggily.

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Razielle Shadana
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Old Post 02-03-2004 07:05 PM Post #43

She glanced down, looking at her mortal legs and wiggling the little mortal toe's. It was okay she supposed, but it didn't have the enhanced sensation, endurance or strength of her own flesh. "Its okay I guess, although I do miss my own. The sunlight is overrated. Oooh idea!"

Rising once more she sauntered to the door and hollered for one of the revenant villagers that served as staff. Razielle didn't open the doorway enough to allow him to see that she wasn't in her own body, but rather left it cracked so he only heard her voice. Briskly she ordered him to bring food, good food, for herself and Salem Ave. If he wondered what the Undead wanted with food, during the day, he did not question it. After she sent the man on his way she returned to her bed, with two wine glasses plucked from the mantle.

Pouring them each a glass, she smiled. "Perhaps slower this time..?" She peered at him adoringly as she sipped from her glass, waiting on the food.

Last edited by Razielle Shadana on 02-03-2004 at 10:14 PM
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Old Post 02-05-2004 08:50 PM Post #44

"Slowered..." he mused. Perhaps. Perhaps not. It didn't matter much to him. He'd drunken more than enough already to leave him tipsy for the best part of the day, once the initial heavy haze wore off. All of a sudden, he felt the urge to do something quite odd yet infinetely appealing.

"Come," he gave the spot on the bed a light pat, before sitting forward some and reaching out to her, "Lie by me?"

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Razielle Shadana
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Old Post 02-06-2004 12:46 AM Post #45

Here was yet another grand example of things she had forgotten the mortal body could do. Her heart stopped beating enitrely for a second, then proceeded to pound alarmingly hard and fast. Razielle could not have just heard him right. She would be damned before she would second guess Salem though, and if he regretted his actions later so be it. At least she would have this.

Setting the wine glasses down, utterly forgotten, Razielle cautiously knelt at the foot of the bed and slowly crawled forward into his arms. She half expected him at any moment to fling her to the floor and gag distastefully. Holding her breath she waited, silently to see what he was up to.

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Old Post 02-06-2004 05:45 PM Post #46

With suprisingly steady hands, Salem guided Razielle downwards so that she was lying beside him. He paused for a moment, just looking at her. On his next movement, his intentions became a deal clearer. He lowered his head down against her chest and closed his eyes - thumpthumpthump. Smiling, he relaxed. The human heart was fragile, feeble even, but it was also calming. Draping an arm over her body, he was content to listen to the steady pulse, timing his own breathing with it.

"How does it produce blood," he mused aloud, a little airy, "... it's fascinating."

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Razielle Shadana
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Old Post 02-06-2004 07:16 PM Post #47

That pretty much settled things for Razielle. She was investing in more Gin. Lots of it. Only in her very deluded, feverish fantasies had she ever gotten this close to Salem. When she spoke it was barely more than a whisper.

"I think its to do with ventricles pumping and such..."

Still slightly afraid he was going to bolt, she cautiously raised her arms enfolding him closer to her heartbeat. One hand inching upward to trace slow soothing circles upon the mortal skin of his back. If he was liking this, he had no idea what it would be like upon his Vampyric flesh. She shuddered imagining the possibilities.

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Old Post 02-06-2004 07:37 PM Post #48

"It's going very fast, isn't it?"

Racing would have been an apt word. Salem's heart, on the other hand, was doing more of a slow trot. It, like most of his motor functions, was slowing itself down. For a moment, he was aware of a soft touch on his skin, but it faded. The alcohol had dulled his senses to the point where there was a constant tingling sensation and very little else.

"I feel like a child," he said, voice muffled. A slight laugh passed his lips, as he buried his head against her body, nestled in close.

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Razielle Shadana
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Old Post 02-07-2004 06:40 PM Post #49

From the unholy metamorphosis that had claimed it, to the hour spent in the water, then running up and down Elysium's stairs in search of food, the fragile mortal shell that Razielle wore was growing tired. The lazy haphazzard circles she drew on Salem's back affected her also. Soothed into a calm lethargy she drifted of into the innocent sleep that only a mortal body can have.

Somewhere in the space of time that passed she wondered where the food was, when Salem would sober up and what he would do when he did. But for now she didn't give a damn. Holding him tight to her she let sleep claim her. Her last thought was something to do with hoping Salem didn't freak out when he did regain his full faculties..

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Old Post 02-09-2004 11:18 PM Post #50

What time was it? The curtains were drawn, it was impossible to tell. All Salem knew was that it felt like he needed another day of sleep. He blinked his eyes open, a thousand little man clattering hammers in his head, and cringed. The hours before this one were a blur. He remembered drinking something and then... well, it had taken some kind of effect on him. Now he lay here... lay where? His head turned, and he realized it wasn't a pillow he was resting upon, but someones body.

Instant recoil, Salem snapped up to a sitting position, looking straight forward. He exhaled slowly. He had been lying on Razielle. What was he doing that for? Why had she let him? Why couldn't he remember? Scrunching his eyes closed, he ran his fingers through his hair, feeling as though he might pull it all out.

She was stirring.

What was he going to do? How was he supposed to explain this? She wouldn't have, in her right mind, permitted that... Salem looked down at the body he was in, and wished he had some more sensory awareness of it, or at least knowledge of the human anatomy and how its coital functions worked. Dipping his head, he sighed.

There would be no living with her after this.

Razielle Shadana
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Old Post 02-09-2004 11:28 PM Post #51

She didn't awaken. But Razielle did almost immediately feel an overwhelming sense of loss. In her sleep she didn't know exactly what was altered. She just knew whatever warm cozy haven her mortal body had been enveloped in was gone.

With a smile on her face - clearly saying that whatever dream was floating about in her brain was an entertaining one - she rolled over onto her side, searching for the warm body that had just been pressed to her's.

Her fingers, followed by the rest of her arm inched over Salem's lap, draping over him. A content whisper, filled with longing escaped her lips.. "Salem....."

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Old Post 02-11-2004 08:57 PM Post #52

His skin prickled, a little cold shiver spiralling up and down his spine; "Wake up," he said, calmly, looking down at the arm laid over his body, carefully lifting it and removing it from his person.

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Razielle Shadana
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Old Post 02-11-2004 11:01 PM Post #53

Ripped from her dreaming back into harsh reality, it came clear to Razielle that Salem was, as she feared, no longer reaping the effects of Gin. Her eye's blinked open, focusing on his familiar rigid posture. Well... at least things are back to normal.. She refrained from letting go of a dissapointed sigh.

Sitting up, she arched her back in a lazy feline stretch - arms over her head - toe's stretched out. It was highly gratifying. Brushing her hair over her shoulder, she peeked over at Salem. He still looked like he was ready to climb the walls.

"Feeling better...?" Razielle wondered if he had any recollection at all of the time he chugged the bottle until he awoke. But to save him from any discomfort she wouldn't ask. It would be very interesting indeed to see what his thoughts on the day would be..

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Old Post 02-18-2004 01:57 PM Post #54

"My head hurts," he said, looking over at the window and the light seeping through. It felt like his brain had turned to mush and was trying to escape through his ears. He rubbed his cheeks, trying to get some form of feeling in them. He could feel his stomach churn and groaning, with what - hunger, nausea - he couldn't tell.

"Did ... something ... happen?"

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Old Post 02-18-2004 05:35 PM Post #55

Sadly it appeared that his few moments of willful touch had been rid from his mind along with the effects of the gin. He also appeared to be slightly hungover. Probably due to her lack of culinary skills, she hadn't been able to fill his tummy with anything but raw meat and too much alcohol.

Answering his question, Razielle was deliberatly not revealing too much. Let him ponder his own behavior. She had no regrets. "Something..? We took a nap. It was lovely. " A timely knock upon the door saved her from having to give out anymore details. As she moved to retrieve what was surely their food, Razielle couldn't help push Salem a bit further with her play. "I was thinking actually, that you should take permanent residence in here with me. I could grow quite used to resting beside you."

That little tid bit would most likely not sit well with him. But she wasn't in a merciful mood. The prospect of spending Eternity always wanting, but never having, Salem was making her say and do the strangest damn things today.

Rolling the cart bearing their food in and away from the revenant, Razielle shut the door in his face, after a muttered dismissal. Lifting the lid off random trays, she searched for something that would settle Salem's stomach for him. "Soup...?"

Last edited by Razielle Shadana on 02-18-2004 at 07:14 PM
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Old Post 02-18-2004 09:05 PM Post #56

Salem watched Razielle as she moved. She was quite clearly enjoying the fact that he was in the dark, so to speak. Sometimes she drove him wild. With a sigh of frustration, he fell back against the bed and closed his eyes.

"I'm not hungry," he said, in the tone of a child who would rather die of starvation than appease it's parents. This was the voice of blackmail and spite.

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Old Post 02-18-2004 11:32 PM Post #57

Here it came. The childish, bothersome, traditional, stubborn behavior that made her love him as she did. No one else could provide her with this kind of amusement. It started out she loved it because it was different. But now the scathing nasty comments had become so close to her heart that they were counted as endearments. In any case, Razielle was prepared for the remark and knew the only antidote for it.

Ladeling some of the steamy broth into a bowl, Razielle smiled. She ripped off another hunk of the bread and padded back to her bed. Laying on her stomach next to Salem, she put the food in front of her, where the scent drifted up to tease his senses. Dunking the bread into her bowl, she soaked up a good amount of broth then brought it to her lips to nibble at. Every so often she would peek up at Salem. Finally she found torturing him wasn't providing her so much amusement as it normally did. "Liar liar..pants on fire..."

She grabbed his jaw and stuffed the yummy piece of bread in his mouth before he could form a reply. "Eat. I'll tell you whatever you want to know..."

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Salem Ave
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Old Post 02-21-2004 08:14 PM Post #58

It took mere moments for him to begin chewing. In reality, he was famished and was thankful for Razielle’s forceful approach towards dealing with him. He swallowed the small morsel and felt his stomach churn and ache for more. Eagerly snatching up another piece, he looked sidelong at his sire. When he had eaten his fill of bread, he took a moment to let the food settle – it did quite the opposite, in actual fact, and his stomach continued to utter a lot growling.

“How have I ended up lying in here, with this headache…”

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Razielle Shadana
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Old Post 02-23-2004 05:13 PM Post #59

Seeing that his discomfort was not subsiding, Razielle frowned. Salem most likely would not appreciate her help now, but that was simply too bad. Besides, she was fast learning when it came to her, he griped more than anything, but usually let her have her way.

Pulling him forward a bit, Razielle crawled behind him, locking her legs around his waist so he wouldn't try to escape. Her finger's went immediately to the back of his neck and began to massage the tension that was partially causing his headache. It was probably due to him not knowing what had occurred between them. That, at least, she could ease for him.

"The abbreviated version would be, you came to my room with me. We changed, then went to look for food. While we were there, you mistook a bottle of gin for water and drank most of it. Gin, being the nasty stuff it is, made you slightly inebriated. So I brought you back here until you were feeling better."

Pausing in her summary of the last few hours, Razielle moved her fingers up to his scalp and worked at the tension there. Bit by bit, his body was relaxing under her touch, if not his mind. "We chatted about the effects of alcohol on the body, you lay your head on my chest - to listen to my mortal heartbeat, and there we both fell asleep. "

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Salem Ave
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Old Post 02-23-2004 06:53 PM Post #60

"How odd," was the first thought that came to mind. It was instinct for him to react as such. He would defy everything put against him to the last, even if in his heart of hearts he had somehow developed a penchant for it. It was simply his natural. "This is what comes of dabbling in that Demonesses sorcery," he continued, trying to focus upon anything but Razielle's touch, "... idiocy. Pointless acts of sentimentality."

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Razielle Shadana
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Old Post 02-23-2004 09:57 PM Post #61

"Pointless indeed..." Razielle's hands moved to his shoulders, working there for a few moments then down his arms. She was fairly certain had he been a cat, Salem would be purring by now. Unsurprised, but still a tad dissapointed by his words, she longed for her own body. Then she would be able to ascertain the truthof his words by delving into his mind. Not that she usually did, but on this matter she was far too tempted.

Deciding to teach Salem a lesson about touch was not pointless she leaned forward a bit and rested her chin upon his shoulder. Her soft cheek lay against his before she whispered in his ear. "I think I was feeling that way before Lucidique's summoning though..."

Patting him on the back, as if she were done with him Razielle hopped off the bed and went to the heavily draped and light sealed window. Removing the film covering the transparasteel, she looked out as the sun was beginning to leave the sky. She was longing for her own body. "You don't have to stay Salem. It was only a suggestion that you remain here permanently. I'll understand your reason's not to."

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Salem Ave
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Old Post 02-23-2004 10:23 PM Post #62

A sense of frustration was continuing to build within. Salem was torn. On one hand, he felt as though Razielle knew what was best for him and indeed what he truly wanted, to lower his guard and allow his bond with his sire to become stronger, to rise to another level. On the other, he felt an obligation to the standards he had set for himself. Hypocrites were something that he could not abide and he felt as though he was teetering on the brink of becoming one. "Would it please you for me to stay?" he asked, quirking a brow as he watched her dark silhouette against the blood red sunset.

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Razielle Shadana
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Old Post 02-24-2004 03:37 PM Post #63

"I don't think I can answer that fairly, but for you I'll give it a try." Razielle thought on all that had passed between them. Since her first meaningful encounter with Salem Ave she had been preoccupied with him. Looking back, she recalled that she had even warned him it would be so...

She walked towards him slowly, her raven tresses bouncing upon her shoulders, catching the glow of the light. She looked sad for a moment and lightly trailed her fingertips across his cheek.

"I must confess something to you first.. This is an act of pure selfishness on my part. I do believe you will be a strength to the Coven, but you.. I want for myself. You enthrall me. I want to teach you everything that We are..." It was a pleasant memory that had ended with her first taste of him.

Turning she walked back to Salem. For as selfish as she was, this was something she could not decide for him. Razielle knew, for them both it would be just as easy if she took the responsibility of such a choice away from him and simply made it so. But she couldn't do it, she valued his opinion as much as she valued her own.

"I would be pleased if you wanted to stay.."

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Salem Ave
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Old Post 02-24-2004 05:56 PM Post #64

Awareness of the human body he was in was returning. All of the signs of mortal anxiety and worry were creeping upon him. He felt cold and somewhat irritable, playing constantly in irritation with his shirts cuff. After so long of mourning of Razielle's passing, seeking unrequited comfort from the bastard Cloak, how could he deny her? There was an irony in it all. One wants what one cannot have, yet it is the chase which keeps this spark of interest and curiosity alive. Salem continued to stare into the sun.

"I think I have been out of my own body for too long."

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Razielle Shadana
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Old Post 02-24-2004 06:14 PM Post #65

She had lost the battle it seemed, but the war was still on. She would keep playing, her tactic was to advance and retreat until she drove him to doing something untraditionally Salem. For now, she would regroup. Her next attack was already forming in her mind with his words. "I agree. Although short of killing ourselves, I don't know how to go about returning. Guess we better go figure it out if we want to keep these mortal shells."

If he was surprised she had let their conversation go at that, Razielle didn't stick around to see it. She spun about and headed for the door. Salem was probably relieved to be out of the situation anyways, she thought. She assumed he would follow, he always did. But perhaps this time he wouldn't? Maybe she had pushed him too far too fast?

Razielle, passed the stairs leading downward and moved on to the end of the hall. Tugging a tapestry aside, she slid open one of many hidden panels. This one led to the turbolift that descended to the bowels of the keep. Nearly a mile beneath, to Salem's lab, where their true forms lay waiting.

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Salem Ave
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Old Post 02-24-2004 06:22 PM Post #66

He followed, stooping, into the lift, as the door slid into its place, leaving them both in silence. He recalled his first visitation to the laboratory, the earthy smell and the implacable sense of home that came with it all. If the Gods had recreated Salem as a reincarnation of something else, it was more likely than not a rat. He remained motionless as they traveled down into the depths, showing now habitual signs of the anxiety he felt as they neared the conclusion of the trip. Were their bodies intact? He was no quiet so convinced of the demonesses’ loyalty to them yet. They stepped out into the dimly lit chamber and sure enough, there they lay. It was an almost astral sensation, as Salem moved quickly to his own body, looking down into the open, empty eyes. It was, in fact, like attending ones own funeral.

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Razielle Shadana
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Old Post 02-24-2004 06:41 PM Post #67

Her shadow had come along after all. She hid her pleasure, lest he think she was expecting him to follow. Stepping out of the lift she was overcome with relief at the sight of her own skin. This body was okay but her own fit her so much better, less retrained, dead but so much more alive. "Don't look so somber.."

She broke the silence and moved not to her own flesh but to Salem's. Peering down at his face, so familiar, she was eager to get them back to normal. Not giving a damn if Salem protested or not she leaned over, removed the shroud-like covering from his true face and planted a kiss on his cold lips.

These shell's could be replaced easily. But she would rather keep them on hand now that she had grown used to this one. If the process was accomplished by the death of these bodies, they could reanimate them perhaps? "Bacta tank. You have one? Tell me you have one, I have an idea."

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Salem Ave
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Old Post 02-24-2004 06:46 PM Post #68

Pulling himself out of his thoughts, and slight shock at Razielles actions, Salem nodded and made for something large in the corner of the room that was draped over with a covering sheet. He pulled the cloth aside to reveal an inactive cylinder. With a flick of a switch, the thing hummed to life, adding a little more light to the darkness. "... What do you intend to do with this?" he asked, peering across the room at Razielle and the formless cadavers beside her.

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Razielle Shadana
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Old Post 02-24-2004 07:15 PM Post #69

"I intend to keep these bodies around for a bit." She looked down at her form, then to Salem. Looking him up and down she decided. "We'll fit." Not caring that she was probably completely confusing him, Razielle began to run about the lab collecting things: two scalpel's, two large size test tubes, waterproof casing and lastly a hand held datapad that was also underneath the drape that had been covering the tank.

Moving to their true bodies with ominous intent, Razielle raised her vampyric wrist and cut a deep gash into it with the scalpel. Catching the dark Blood that welled, in the test tube, she indicated to Salem he should do the same. "We'll add our Vampyric Blood to the bacta. It should reanimate these two bodies, like ghouls. Then the bacta will heal them. I think their spirits have departed this exhistance though, sadly.."

Moving to the to the tank she poured her own crimson life into it and awaited Salem. Either it would work, or they would drown in the tank and simply awaken in their bodies. Glancing over she wondered how she was going to get Salem to submerge himself in the tank, after his reaction to the pool eariler?

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Salem Ave
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Old Post 02-24-2004 07:38 PM Post #70

Salem followed unquestionningly, draining the tube of blood into the bacta as Razielle had done. It seemed a plan unlikely to work, but he would indulge her for now. It appeared as though the next stage was to shut themselves inside of the tank, lock it shut, and die. Already having died once in his life, Salem wasn't particularly fond of the idea, and eyed Razielle for a moment before gripping the edge of the tube. He could see the depth of the liquid and therefore was not worried by it, although the thought of impending death was slightly unnerving. He sat, and then lay, still fully clothed in the bacta, eyes shifting from side to side. "I hate to state the obvious... but I'm not looking forward to this."

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Razielle Shadana
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Old Post 02-24-2004 08:01 PM Post #71

Climbing in the tank, Razielle wished the close quarters were under some more physically joyus circumstances. Figures, she gets this close to him...to die. "I know.. " Completely prepared to not let him suffer, thinking she was doing her love a grand favor by sparring him the submersion, Razielle slid the scalpel into her fingers.

As the lid closed over them, Razielle herself knew a sense of panic. Not only for Salem, but for herself as well. She didn't fear Death, not in her own flesh, but should the Demon have lied, this would prove permanently fatal. Stretching out to accomodate them both, Razielle lay full against Salem and hoped this wasn't to be the last thing she was going to do.

Laying her head on his chest, Razielle linked her fingers through his as the bacta level raised over them. With no breathing masks, it would be a horrible way to die. She had no desire to drown, besides the Vampyric Blood would need a way to enter, so her actions were justified. Without warning him, Razielle's other hand, weilding the scalpel slashed up through both their arms, ripping the fragile mortal veins open.

It was quick, she could feel the shock rip through Salem at what she had done, but she didn't want him to worry over it, so she had given him no notice. The tank quickly filled with their spilled mortal blood. Just as quickly, their own hungry Vampyric Blood sought the wounds. Her grip on Salem's hand tightened as her eyes slid shut in Death.

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Salem Ave
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Old Post 02-24-2004 08:13 PM Post #72

There was pain and then nothing. Salem's eyes had remained open as death took the human body and it was as though for a split second he saw his own spirit escaping into the ether. Moored to their bodies as they were, the two souls made quick work of returning. When his vision returned next, it was no longer a sight of the tank that he saw, but the stone ceiling of the lab. His limbs were entirely numb at first, though a wave soon washed over him, returning each sense piece by piece. There were no bonds holding him down, but he tore himself upwards regardless, claws pressing against his forehead as he felt his vampiric senses returning and the Force embracing him once more. He looked to the side, white-hot eyes narrowing slightly, "...Rrrrrr-azielle?"

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Razielle Shadana
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Old Post 02-24-2004 09:15 PM Post #73

Not waking so violently as Salem had, Razielle's eyes fluttered open. Relief washed over her that it had worked at all. It would be unfortunate if the mortal bodies had been damaged irrepairably in the transformation, but she wouldn't care. Too great was her pleasure at being encased in her own skin, so delicious it felt.

Rolling onto her side on the blood stained and dirty makeshift table, Razielle smiled. "Present.." Even though she had spent all day with him, she felt like it had flown by in the span of a human heartbeat. She had, she hoped, taught him many things. One of them being that just maybe, he was wrong about his opinions on contact. If he recalled with any detail the closeness they had shared less than hours ago, he would rember he had been a willing participant. If he had thought that was nice, he was in for a serious shock with the same touch upon his infinately more sensitive preternatural flesh. Running her fingernails gently down his spine she mused aloud. "Well, it worked, shall we go check on the mortals?"

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Salem Ave
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Old Post 02-24-2004 09:41 PM Post #74

His back arched away from the touch and moments later, he began walking towards the tank, not one allowing his eyes to align with Razielle's. He looked into the tank and there, amongst the blood and bacta, the bodies lay meshed together. Through the Force he was able to ascertain that they were still alive, if only barely. The cycle of detoriation and restoration would continue eternally, leaving the pair in a sort of stasis, not living yet not dying. Just being. Looking back over his shoulder, he nodded and pushed his hair out of his eyes, "They'rrre... alive. I sss-uspect they will stay asss such."

Without the pains of the mortal body, Salem was beginning to recall everything now in alarming clarity. The haze was washed away as Salem remembered his intoxicated state and speaking with Razielle. He dipped his head a moment, before straightening his posture rigid to hide his sneaking embarassment.

"I think thessse might have some rrr-eal use in the future," he said, giving the tank a pat before pacing back towards Razielle.

"What now?"

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Razielle Shadana
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Old Post 02-24-2004 09:55 PM Post #75

She flinched. It shouldn't have suprised her at all. After all, he didn't recall anything, so why should things be any different. But they were different. For her at least. She shouldn't let it bother her, if anything Razielle should be good and used to it by now. No matter what she did, he would always be repulsed by touch, repulsed by affection, repulsed by her.

She was going to have to take it out on some hapless mortal, this emotional defection she was feeling. Nice and slow, all the better to make someone else feel crappy. But she would drown herself in the bacta before she let her dear sweet fledgling know he hurt her. Glancing at the tank she saw the bodies so recently departed. Sprawled together in the bloody bacta, as lovers. Disgusted she turned away and headed for the lift. "Now? Now I am going out to feed."