View Full Version : Dark Thoughts.

Salem Ave
Sep 28th, 2004, 05:39:22 AM
Michin Troval
Ghoul of the Cabal
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Dark Thoughts.

Old Post 01-09-2004 06:47 AM Post #1

Michin had been away from The Cabal for quite some time. He had left without a word to anyone. He didn't even tell Razielle. He had left soon after she had granted him her blood. They had a riveting conversation that night- as always. It was then he had come to the realization he had to be alone. He had to think some things out. More people were showing up to The Cabal.

He had traveled the lengths of Kirrek. Walked, used a shuttle. He went to the different villages. He divulged himself in the worship of female figures, when he used them to pass the time, that was. The rumor on the planet told of dark creatures in a far of citadel. He knew immediately what it was when commoners spoke of it.


He had awed many people by the showing of his power. And as something else, while he was away, he had masked his signature via the dark side. Not even his beloved; Razielle, would be able to feel him. So he stayed so secluded. With much on his mind. He was nothing but a feeble servant- even though he enjoyed being such when he was around Razielle.

It sometimes gave him time for studies. But he was going relatively nowhere in training. He had left Dara Shadowtide, and since then, he had not fought one being. Though fights were relatively minuscle in the grand scheme of things. He remembered what he was called while on his little 'pilgrammage'. A harbinger of death. A cruel being. God. Adonis. Virtually everything there was to say.

He was not afraid to show people what he was. A dark sider- he was no vampire. No. And about a day and a half, he had lost the lovely powers that Razielle's blood gave him. He passed by the dark decor of the halls in the large citadel. It was then that he allowed himself to be felt. Just as a wind wisped his cloak into the air lightly.

To show his dark self, in an even darker world. He was home, and he had much on his mind still.

He needed to find one person; to talk to one person.


Last edited by Michin Troval on 01-09-2004 at 07:00 AM
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Razielle Shadana
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Old Post 01-10-2004 01:26 AM Post #2

Oh, so the prodigal son hath returned to his Damned fold?

Razielle had just checked and rechecked the flawless defense of the stronghold. She was making her nightly prowl, having just awoken with the last rays of daylight. It began with a cursory security inspection, progressed to a light snack, and ended with melancholy feelings as she dfited off to the sleep of the Dead come the morning.

She knew Michin was there, although oddly enough she hadn't noted his arrival. Razielle thought on that for a while an decided she didn't like it. The practice of cloaking the mind of a Ghoul, from the mind of the Vampyre who sustained them was somewhat tricky and extremely difficult. If he had gone to such lengths it was likely he had somethign to keep veiled from her vision.

Also she had heard the whispers of the villagers brave enough to serve at the stronghold. Whispers of a wandering Phantom that had come from this area, presumed to be the spawn of the Devils that inhabbited Elysium. It could only have been Michin, no one else had departed for points unknown. The fact that attention had been brought on them, not of her own design also set up her irritation.

But she couldn't be angry with him. She suspected part of the reason he had left was due to her denial of any tender feelings for him. She couldn't help it. Her heart, what charred pieces remained of itm wouldn't allow anyone else close to her. She really didn't need anymore than she had. She had Salem with her now.

I'm in the study...

That was all she spoke to him, the one phrase. But he would come...

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Michin Troval
Ghoul of the Cabal
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Old Post 01-14-2004 05:51 AM Post #3

Her voice, no, her thoughts. He could hear her voice as if it were right next to him; and it caused him to close his eyes and inhale. Intoxicating as it were, he always had a strange attraction to the vampyre; his master, Razielle. His walk changed direction- to the right, at a Y-like intersection.

He hollowed it for quite a distance until he came to large doors. He pushed them inwards, the shadows keeping their ever vigilent watch over him, masking him from the human eye. But then again, no one inside these walls were human, save he and Jezebella Shadana.

To Razielle, it would seem like a Dark God was welcoming home his son by grasping him into his arms. So the shadows appeared to hold him, and then let him go as he stepped into a piece of artificial light that lit the study room.

He saw her, reading over something. What he really couldn't tell. He stood there, saying nothing, merely watching over her carefully. He was curious what her reaction would be. What would she say to his long pilgrammage?

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Razielle Shadana
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Old Post 01-17-2004 07:14 AM Post #4

She didn't move to acknowledge him at all. Running her fingers over the pages she was reading from the ancient text, Razielle looked almost as if she had poor vision. It was, of course, nonsense. It was merely an adopted mannerism from years past. Finally she came to the end of the wrinkled page and set it aside on her desk. Only then did she grace Michin with a glance.

"I see you have decided to return.. I myself began to wonder."

The Vampyre was in no mood to soften words, in fact she was pleased with the opportunity to weild her words like daggers. What she was about to hit him with was nothing less than the truth, if he couldn't handle it, he did not belong among them on Kirrek, no matter how badly Razielle wished it so. For everyone here there was a painful testing of some sort. This would be the beginning of his.

"If you no longer wish to remain here, you are of course free to leave. But along with your departure, for customary reasons, you will no longer be welcomed back a second time. There are far too many enemies of the Cabal for you to be allowed to leave without notice and return with mental barriers in place. "

Rising from the desk she walked past him, the soft scent of the oil she had dabbed onto the back of her neck blowing in a soft, fragrant halo around him. She turned when she reached the doorway, looking back.

"But it would be a shame to see you go before you have reached your full potential... Pity..." She shrugged and slipped out the door, wondering if he would follow and swallow his pride for an explanation of his motivation to leave, or simply take the easy out and forgoe Immortality?

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Michin Troval
Ghoul of the Cabal
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Old Post 01-19-2004 11:46 PM Post #5

He would not be talked down to in such a manner as she had just done. He began to walk after her; but his face remained calm, collected, as it always had been. His black garb, robes, fluttered behind him as he walked, alongside her. He was silent for the first few moments, as if he were observing her, collecting his thoughts. He turned his head to the left, as if he were admiring her, before he began to speak...

"For you to believe that I would abandon such a cause- such a place. Such a person as yourself, you would be a fool. I left because I had to leave, you should be well aware that I would never leave you. Leave this place, this sanctum in an insane universe. A place where I am welcome to dark kindred. No, never would I do that, Mistress."

He reproached her intial statements.

"I will never leave you, nor the Cabal. My allegiance is with you both. I had to put things in perspective in my life, and my mind, Mistress. You have to understand, alot of what I am is cluttered. I am not like you, nor am I like normal beings. Humans and other specie fear me, and in your inner circle, I am not an equal. My full potential is out of my grasp, partially because of this.."

He said with his ever alluring tone. His normal speaking voice. His red-golden eyes looked her over, glinting in the artificial light as they passed it. He waited for her answer. What would she say, what would she do? Would she shun him?

Or perhaps, even kill him?

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Razielle Shadana
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Old Post 01-20-2004 11:26 PM Post #6

Razielle paused in her late night wanderings to level a stare at the Ghoul, Michin. He had done everything she had ever asked of him. Being given sporadic infusions of her Vampyric Blood had strengthened him to more than a human, but left him still less than the others, the Vampyres. As a Ghoul he had been a Guardian of the Stronghold and the Vampyre's themselves during the sunlit hours. Short of his recent absence he had never failed her, never let her down.

"You are right of course.. It is unfair to keep you as you are and if you do not wish to leave then it is indeed time you were advanced."

He was about to be given his final task as a Ghoul. She wanted something, he could see it plainly in her eyes. Razielle was going to demand some boon from him before she bequeathed upon him Immortality. He would do it or he would lose everything he had worked for.

"I want you to meet with someone. She needs to learn how things are done by the Cabal. I wish for her to learn this from you, she is a Vampyre not of our Blood and I want your personal opinions of her before we finish this.. Agreed?"

She had paused outside Redeemer's room. Michin had but to answer and all would be set into motion.

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Michin Troval
Ghoul of the Cabal
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Old Post 01-23-2004 06:21 PM Post #7

How things are done?

He thought to himself, well aware that if Razielle was listening enough, she would hear his thoughts. He stood there for a few seconds, as if contemplating- but Razielle knew what his answer would be. Any one who knew him would know his answer to this ultimatum- this dilemma. However, he made the seconds turn slower, as he looked into Razielle's eyes, before he finally, responded, looking towards the door they now stood in front of.

"Yes; it is agreed."

He spoke as he stood his full height- which for his size was somewhat tall. At 6'2, he had a lithe frame, most of it was hidden by the large, long black robes he constantly wore. He waited for the next response as they stood outside this newcomers door; how would she react to him, was the question that he was thinking. How would this female vampyre react to the situation that was being given to her?

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Razielle Shadana
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Old Post 01-23-2004 06:35 PM Post #8

Michin's gaze was locked on her's, but he didn't even realize the half of what he was agreeing to. Razielle was pulling the strings here, setting things up exactly as she saw fit. Sadly his choices were limited, do as she asked or be gone. But in the end, she supposed, he would thank her for her whims.

"She has been misled in Vampyre lore since her creation. You are to show her that Vampyre's are Divine among the weaker mortals. That we are not to serve them, they are to serve us or be destroyed."

She didn't explain any further. Redeemer's beliefs that she was questioning were her own, and Michin would learn of them soon enough. Given to eccentricity, Razielle knocked upon the wooden door rather than use mystical or technological means. With a feline grin, she waited for Reedemer to admit them.

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Old Post 01-23-2004 08:12 PM Post #9

She had been in the middle of her nightly ritual, practicing with her sword, deep in concentration when she heard the knock on her door. Stopping in mid swing, her green eyes flashed in agitation at being interrupted as she looked in the direction of the door. She pulled herself up to her full height of 5'9" and moved to gently lay her beloved weapon on the desk nearest her.

She had been trying to change everything about her since making a home there on Kirrek. The way she thought, the way she acted...everything that had been instilled in her since her birth. Even her name. She had gone by Redeemer for so long that she had almost forgotten her real name. She owed it to herself to cast away the old Redeemer of Khar Sian to give birth to what she hoped would be Mira Salinsky of the Cabal. But her sword, she could not give that up. It was a great love for her, a way to relax, a feeling of strength for her.

Redeemer ran her hands through her blonde hair and then walked slowly to the door, hearing soft voices speaking to one another. She recognized Razielle's right away, but the other...the male...she could not. Her eyebrows furrowed in puzzlement as she checked herself to make sure she looked presentable and smirked as her eyes caught her ever present throwing knives strapped to her biceps. Even alone, she could not be without them.

She opened the door giving Razielle a smile while nodding her head in respect. She cast a sideways glance at the tall male standing next to her and one delicate eyebrow rose in response.

"Razielle, good to see you as always." She spoke, her voice welcoming but also holding an unspoken question as to exactly whom her campanion was.

Last edited by Redeemer on 01-23-2004 at 08:38 PM
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Michin Troval
Ghoul of the Cabal
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Old Post 01-23-2004 11:26 PM Post #10

He looked to the blonde bombshell that stood before them with a quirked brow. He canted his head towards the right to look at Razielle and listen for her answer to the girl that was before him. He hadn't said a word to this person, nor did he even know her name. He would only speak to her once Razielle left them together, or introduced the girl.

He let his golden red eyes look her over, taking in the details of her face, the contures. A beautiful girl indeed, Michin almost thought that Razielle were pairing them together for more than the reason. Which were no doubt true, but he put that thought out of his head.

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Razielle Shadana
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Old Post 01-24-2004 04:07 PM Post #11

"Good evening, Reedemer. I will keep this as simple as possible. In order to learn all that has been denied to you, you will need a mentor of sorts. I regret being unable to see to the task personally, but Salem and I shall be departing soon for a short while."

The Cabal would not be without strength in their absence, the Vampyre, Motaniuss would remain. She was certain he was quite capable of making sure that all was obeyed. Razielle slid her jewel-like stare to Michin, pausing only a moment to contemplate him once more before sealing the agreement. She was right, this would benefit all concerned. The end justified the means.

"This is Michin. He is a very long standing, and very cared for friend of mine. Among other things, he is what we refer to at the Cabal as a "Ghoul". Roughly, a mortal given frequent draughts of Vampyric blood to stengthen them to our powers. They are not yet Immortal, but neither can the sun harm them. They are our protection during the day."

She flipped her gaze between the two of them and smiled. It was quite a calculating smile, one that didn't warm the dead chill in her eyes.

"You two, shall learn from each other. So I suggest you get to know each other better."

She headed away from them back the way she had come, leaving Michin standing there before her door, waiting. "If you will excuse me, I have arrangements to make.. "

Last edited by Razielle Shadana on 01-24-2004 at 09:48 PM
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Old Post 01-24-2004 09:36 PM Post #12

She watched in curiosity as Razielle introduced the two of them and then turned to leave. She figured on having someone as a 'mentor' and Razielle's choice surprised her, though she was not disappointed one bit. Her green eyes took their time roaming over Michin as he watched Razielle leave and Redeemer smiled at her when she looked back at them.

"I appreciate it, Razielle. You and Salem...be safe on your trip." Redeemer said, giving her a wink before turning her attention back to the Ghoul.

She crossed her bare arms over her chest and leaned against the door way, canting her head to the left a little, silently studying Michin. She had come across Ghouls before in her long life, but none quite like the looks of him.

"Michin," She spoke, her eyes still taking him in. "Looks as if you and I are going to be stuck with one another."

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Michin Troval
Ghoul of the Cabal
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Old Post 01-26-2004 05:20 AM Post #13

"Indeed, it appears so."

He returned her long gaze at him, with one of his own, before he gave a smile. He looked inside her room, and then he looked to her..."Perhaps a dress would better suit you."

He offered up as a suggestion. He leaned inwards...

"For a night in the village?"

He gave a smile as began to walk away.."I'll meet you in the lobby..Fifteen minutes from now, Redeemer, if that is your name."

And it seemed as if he had disappeared; quite a talent for a mere mortal.

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Old Post 01-26-2004 06:57 AM Post #14

She smirked as he disappeared, leaving her still leaning against the door frame. Redeemer glanced back over her shoulder into her room and then down at her leather clad body. Letting out a small laugh, she turned on her heel to head into her closet to look for something suitable.

With a sigh she reached in, grabbing a corseted vinyl dress with soft flowing off the shoulder sleeves and quickly slipped into it. She brushed her hair, letting it fall into soft waves around her shoulders then reached for her cloak. Fastening it at her neck, she smoothed the folds for a moment and then turned to leave her room to meet Michin.

Redeemer found in where he said he would be and quietly walked up behind him, placing a soft hand on his shoulder.

"Is this quick enough for you?" She asked with a raised eyebrow. "And please, call me Mira. Redeemer is no more."

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Michin Troval
Ghoul of the Cabal
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Old Post 01-26-2004 04:37 PM Post #15

OOC- Continued Here