View Full Version : First Footsteps

Salem Ave
Sep 28th, 2004, 05:38:10 AM
Tercia Atroce
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First Footsteps

Old Post 01-07-2004 07:57 PM Post #1

"Razielle?" I called timidly, poking my head around the door to her study. She wasn't inside, but somehow I already knew that; after all that had happened to me in the last few days I was still Force-sensitive, after all. I pushed the door open with both hands just far enough for me to slide inside, and went to the chair sat in front of her desk. I had allowed myself to explore the room I had been given a little further that morning, and had found several sets of clothes in a closet just the other side of the room from my bed. Thanks to my find, I was wearing another gown, this one a little more to my taste than the one left out for me. The main body of the garment was a black material, but the arms were sewn of a fishnet cloth that ended in a sort of half-glove, with individual holes for my thumb and first finger, but one large gap for the rest of my digits to slide through. I was also wearing a pair of boots, which hopefully Razielle would prefer to the bare toes I sported yesterday.

I sat down, and curled up, tucking my legs underneath my body as I scanned the room. Her desk was covered with the essentials for any desk, but one book lay open in the centre. I reached over and lifted one half of it, folding it up so I could read the front cover. Nothing. I was disappointed to see just the black leather that bound the bound the pages, no title, no author. Intrigued, I started to leaf through the pages, squirming out of my seat and leaning on the table for a closer look.

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Razielle Shadana
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Old Post 01-08-2004 11:29 PM Post #2

So Miss Tercia was not above snooping? Razielle smiled indulgently, she had nothing against snooping. It was an intelligent way to learn what wasn't explained to you. Razielle didn't need to be in the study to know that Tercia was inside. Also, she could hear the crackle of the tomes ancient pages turning. She shouldn't have left that particular book open for inspection.

Entering the room she smiled. "Well, at least I know you can read, thats a start." She walked over and plucked the book from Tercia's hands.

"Thats a bit heavy for you, just yet. If you want something to do, you may inspect the weapons hall. Just watch out for my sister, Jezebella. Lady Jezebella, to you, unless she decree's otherwise. Also you may make use of my study anytime you wish, I do not mind. Just.... not this book, ok? "

Disregarding the events of the night before, and the fact that she had nearly thrown her from a window, Razielle patted Tercia on the head in a Motherly fashion and left the room. But not before sliding the book onto the highest shelf in the room, via the Force. Inaccesible without a ladder or other means...

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Tercia Atroce
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Old Post 01-14-2004 02:14 PM Post #3

The weapons hall? What was a sixteen year old girl supposed to do with a room full of knives and swords? No, I had my heart set on another activity. Something about the book had haunted my mind since she slammed it shut, and after Razielle left I looked up at the high shelf longingly. I hopped down from the chair, and trotted silently to the bookshelf. Razielle was forgetting I was a Force-sensitive, but could I reach something that high? I had never really spent time practicing my powers, they had always just come to me when I needed them. I grinned self-consciously as I raised a hand in the direction of the leather bound book, and frowned. The book twitched a little as I concentrated on it, but it was still to far... I was sure of it. I turned and dashed back to the seat, and wrapped my hands around the arms. I tugged it all the way back to the bookshelf, climbed onto it, and reached toward it again. This time it was much simpler; it flopped straight down onto the floor in a flutter of paper, falling free of the loose bindings. I jumped off, and began shuffling the pages into a messy pile. Razielle would kill me for this, I thought. I'd have to take it somewhere to put it back together, her study certainly wouldn't do - she might walk in at any time.

"Set free the evil that mortal's have feared. To this world I bring who in the mirror appears..." I read, after finding a page that looked like the one left open on the desk. The words echoed through my ears in a ghostly fashion, as I shivered away the goosebumbs appearing up my arms. Was this some kind of spell-book that Razielle had been reading? I was all the more intrigued, and hastened to gather all the pages and put the chair back.

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I know what boys like
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Old Post 01-16-2004 05:37 PM Post #4

How convinient, my sister!

The Succubus, Lucidique, was just at that precise moment relaying her latest trip into the physical realm to her equally devious sister, Angelique. She had told her of the wraith-like Vampyre, Salem Ave. Slathering it up a tad, she mentioned that Salem had made it quite clear that he worshipped her as a Goddess. Angelique had no reason to believe otherwise.

She also informed her of the fact that the Vampyre, Razielle was intending to do the spectral realm much damage and they would be in danger. So it was best to eliminate her now. She was afterall a Demon, a little lie was hardly anything amongst her other evil schemes. So with her sister's help, Luci was going to make a little venture back to Elysium and make sure Razielle was out of the picture, then maybe she could charm Salem into a more affectionate frame of mind?

The pair of seducing Demons couldn't believe their eyes as the portal suddenly appear before them along with the command "Set free the evil that mortal's have feared. To this world I bring who in the mirror appears..." Luci merely blinked, then grabbes Angelique by the arm dragging her along.

That would be us, Angel..

Upon entering the physical realm once more, they came across a rather young, foolish mortal. A young foolish mortal who was now in command of them. But it would be a snowy day in the deepedt level of Hell before they told her that. She hadn't stated what she wanted, and until she did they were free to go about as they chose.

"Hello there, Pumpkin. You have our most gracious thanks for releasing us. Oh, and if I were you, I wouldn't tell anyone. If we don't kill you, Razielle and Salem will, that's a promise."

With that the two Demon's slid through the floor and went in search of the nights festivities.

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Tercia Atroce
Unwelcomed Visitor
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Old Post 01-20-2004 03:31 PM Post #5

"Wait," I called desperately, watching their heads slip away through the carpet. "Come back!"

One thing after another, my time at the Cabal was becoming the quickest screw-up of my life. After the punishment I was given for being rude to Salem last night, I would be lucky to get out of this with all of my limbs in working order.