View Full Version : Across the miles..(Bowdin)

Salem Ave
Sep 28th, 2004, 05:37:51 AM
Razielle Shadana
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Across the miles..(Bowdin)

Old Post 01-16-2004 06:07 AM Post #1

Razielle would be leaving Kirrek soon, bound for Tatooine to reclaim the dying Vampyre, Xanatos. But she was equally concerned for the well being of someone else. She knew that Vampyre's were capable of stronger emotional extreme's than any other being. They loved forever, and harbored their hatred within their very blood, merely waiting to unleash it upon their foes.

What she was concentrating on now was a broad range of emotions that she didn't fully understand. Swirling through her mind was anger, pain, affection, rage and malice all at once. Wherever he was, he was losing himself to these chaotic feelings. She would help him in the only way she could right now. He was family to her and she would go through hell and back to save him if need be.

Razielle mentally repeated to her friend over and over the name of the planet the Cabal was on, willing him to her side. She repeated it like a mantra, a prayer meant for him alone to come to them and be with his true family.

Bowdin... Its Razielle... We are on Kirrek, at Elysium..

She sent these thoughts to him alone, and could do nothing more now, than wait for him to come, or to feel him slip away entirely.