View Full Version : Unholy Alliance: The Summoning of a Demon

Salem Ave
Sep 28th, 2004, 05:36:46 AM
Razielle Shadana
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Unholy Alliance: The Summoning of a Demon

Old Post 08-28-2003 07:37 PM Post #1

The continual howling of the wind outside was serving to irritate Razielle's already rattled nerves. An onslaught of air, leaves and rain were steadily battering at the stronghold walls, as if they would lay seige to the place. Prefering to read by candlelight, she had regretfully had to close all the shutters against the elements. She stood there at the window for a moment, gazing out at the furious beauty of the storm.

At last she returned to her desk and continued on with what she had been working on now for many hours. The tome was big enough to half cover the surface of her desk. Its pages were old and threatened to crack when turned. She stood, carefully studying the ancient text.

"Replete with wisdom...heh."

The book was the oldest and most informative one she had been able to track down on the history of the beings known as demons. She would save her opinions for her private thoughts though. She would hate to make an enemy of the one specific demon she was trying to locate. Lucidique. It had been quite some time since the Succubus had been seen or heard from to her knowledge. One could give thanks for the refreshing silence. Annoying as Razielle found her though, her help was needed, for she was in fact an ancient and wise being.

Violet eyes widened in triumph when at last she came across the text that she had been seeking. The passage reguarding summoning a specific entity to visable appearance. She jotted it down and closed the dusty old book with a thud, which sent dust flying everywhere.

Waving a hand before her face to clear the air, Razielle smiled and tucked the small script into her jacket pocket. Now all she needed to do was explain her plan to Salem and tell him about the mirror. Leaving the study, she closed her eyes and tried to locate him in the keep.

Salem, darling? Where have you scuttled off to? I have something to show you...

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Salem Ave
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Old Post 08-28-2003 08:01 PM Post #2

If there was one thing Salem was particularly good at, it was not being seen. He could trick a shadow into thinking he was its own mother. On this particular day he had been skulking about, as he did, in search of something to experiment on – it had been a good while since he’d dissected a rat – but found his search halted by a summons by Razielle. He arrived promptly to find her looking somewhat excited.


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Razielle Shadana
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Old Post 08-28-2003 11:03 PM Post #3

Salem's appearance rather than a mere reply wasn't counted on, but it was even better. Knowing how he abhorred physical contact and all, Razielle could do nothing else but torment him by sliding her arm around his waist and whispering into his ear.

"I have been up to very naughty things. Come with me and I'll show you all about it, my pet.."

She grinned and didn't wait for his reply before tugging him along behind her to an older and seldom used area of the keep. The place was in such a state of neglect actually that it wasn' t even equipped with lifts, which unfortunately meant they would have to walk up a few hundred steps or so, to the top of a tower.

Shoving the heavy wooden doors open, she revealed to him a rather dusty room. Mostly it was void of anything save the draped object in the room's very center.

"Aha.. Here we go. I was going to show you this earlier. But I didn't have the means to use it until just now..."

Razielle removed the satin covering from the mirror's frame and stood back. The framing was old carved stone, something artistically veined like marble, but stronger and darker. The mirror's glass was black and held almost no reflection at all.


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Salem Ave
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Old Post 08-28-2003 11:11 PM Post #4

“Polissshed obsidian,” Salem mused aloud as he bent forward, observing a vague reflection within the surface of the mirror.

He looked back up to Razielle and stood up straight once more. The smoking mirror, he thought to himself, smirking slightly.

“Who arrre you intending to contact with this?” he inquired, he canting lightly as he watched himself and his counterpart out of the corner of his eye, hazy in the mirrors reflection.

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Razielle Shadana
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Old Post 08-28-2003 11:31 PM Post #5

"An old friend... I am not sure if you met her or not.."

Razielle lit a set of small taper's and stood before the mirror. Already she could feel the irritation that this would be bringing, but she would have to learn to cope.

She removed the small script from her pocket and unfolded it. She was a novice at the art of summoning otherworldly beings. She did not possess the stunning gifts of her Master, that these beings simply flocked around her to do her bidding. But she would make due how she must.

"Well... hang onto your butt."

With that bit of eloquence, she took a breath and read aloud the summons that would bring forth the Demoness, Lucidique, to the Cabal.

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Salem Ave
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Old Post 08-29-2003 09:32 AM Post #6

Salem stood stock-still watching. He had never witnessed a ‘summoning’ before and was quite curious as to how it would occur. Of course, he had read about these things, how spirits could be trapped within mirrors or stones and conjured at will with some incantation, but reading and doing were entirely different matters.

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Old Post 08-29-2003 05:39 PM Post #7

Words spoken, Razielle could do nothing but wait and see if it would even work. It seemed, at first, that the only response she would be recieving was the flickering of the candles in the drafty tower. They sputtered and then went out, twin spirals of grey smoke ascending to the ceiling, heralding failure.

Clenching her fists at her side, Razielle blew out a sigh of disappointment and made to turn. It was that second she realized.. Her reflection hadn't sighed, it was just looking back at her with great interest. She quickly searched the mirror, Salem's reflection was gone, leaving only this version of herself present and now smiling at her.

The Razielle in the mirror stretched and tossed her long black hair about, then returned her attention to the pair of Vampyre's giving her an assessment.

Razielle Shadana, what an unexpected surprise. I didn't think you even liked me, let alone that you would come calling.

Not being of this world, the Succubus didn't have a physical voice of her own. The one she was currently using was Razielle's. Though it wasn't spoken aloud, both Salem and Razielle could hear her quite clearly. She peeked out the corner of the mirror at Salem and grew quite serious for a minute.

Raz, who's your friend? He is quite the.. silent-brooding-evil type eh?

Given a reason to see them more closely now, Lucidique daintily stepped first one, then the other foot through the mirror and made her grand entrance. What emerged wasn't Razielle, but a Succubus in all her glory. Bedecked from head to toe in nothing but chains - a symbol of her binding to the one's she served. Black hair, changed as it came through the portal into a mass of deep red waves. Wings graced with what appeared to be black feathers emerged and folded gracefully behind her.

To what do I owe the honor?

Her voice now was a mimic of her own. Created to sound pleasing to whomever heard it, they would interpret it as a beautiful melodic sound.

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Razielle Shadana
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Old Post 08-29-2003 05:54 PM Post #8

At the very first mention of Salem, by the Succubus, Razielle's eyes narrowed dangerously. Toying with mortal men, and immortal men was the Demon's favorite game. Sadly for her though, she would not be having this one as a plaything. In a half protective-half possesive gesture, she backed up a step, standing closer to Salem.

"He's not for you Luc... Forget it."

Razielle cleared her throat and tried to keep the malice at a minimum. She began to tell Lucidique precisely why she had been called.

"I summoned you here, to see if you would help us with a little project. Namely one in the art of possesion. The way I figure it, if a Demon can take over the mind and body of a mortal, why not a Vampyre? Can it be done..?"

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Salem Ave
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Old Post 08-29-2003 06:07 PM Post #9

A succubus – how repulsive. Salem’s lips twisted into an uncharacteristic snarl. For one who so rarely showed his emotion through his expression, he had a lot to say about this woman. Strumpet, he thought. How he loathed this kind of woman. If it were not for the fact that she was here to aide them in some endeavor, he would have snapped her neck on the spot.

“The arrrt of possession,” Salem repeated, glancing between the siren and his counterpart. Her voice sounded to him plain and entirely flat of emotion, a little childish. It reminded him of Takai.

“Ssso she has a use outside of devourrring men,” he murmured to himself, well-aware of the fact that everyone else would hear.

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Old Post 08-29-2003 06:57 PM Post #10

Lucidique was quickly becoming quite entranced with this one. He actually hated her! He was longing to wring life from the flawless perfection of her neck! How utterly refreshing and...attractive. She would try to win him over later though when Razielle wasn't around like a snarling mama-wolf.

I have many uses, I'll show you some later.

Razielle, what you are asking, yes it can be done. Not quite the same way as Demonic possesion though. It will not be a possesion so much as..creating a zombie out of a body and the victims will not survive it. A new host will have to be chosen at each time.

Lucidique hopped up onto the tower's one and only window ledge and sat, swinging her bare legs. She braced her arms on her knees, laced her fingers together and rested her chin on them.

Any specific reason you want to do such a thing? No,don't tell me... I already know what it is you seek. What it is you want returned. I can see it in your eyes and I... I agree with you. It should be as it was. I will help you.

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Razielle Shadana
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Old Post 08-29-2003 07:13 PM Post #11

One more word out of her about Salem and I will banish her to a place no mirror will return her from... Razielle was very close, perilously close, to snapping out of her practiced diplomacy. She didn't know why it bothered her so much, but the thought of Lucidique anywhere near Salem made her want to... fry up a couple demon wings for dinner.

Well at least Salem wasn't immediately smitten by her charms. Grinning Razielle was, once again, inspired to shower affection upon her fledgling. She linked her pale fingers through his clawed one's, before bothering to answer the Succubus.

"If you are in agreement then we can proceed with making whatever arrangements are necessary. I'll see that a couple..volunteer's are recruited from the village. You can stay...until we have concluded buisness."

Razielle turned her face up to peer at Salem.

"I am sure we can find what we will need and be back before Luc has any desire to leave the tower, right?"

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Salem Ave
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Old Post 08-29-2003 07:26 PM Post #12

“But of courrrse.”

Salem glanced down at the hand that was holding his. It wasn’t so much of a torture to touch Razielle. He felt at ease with her, knew her fairly intimately and could trust that she wouldn’t do anything stupid. Never the less, he extracted his hand from hers and folded both arms over his chest, reclining his posture in a slight slouch.

“Bessst to get it over with as quickly as possible,” he said, a hint of insult and mirth in his voice as he looked back to the demoness.

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Razielle Shadana
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Old Post 08-30-2003 02:34 AM Post #13

"Agreed.. I don't like having her around either."

Upon leaving the tower Razielle made her way to the main entrance of the keep. The villagers may not like it, but they would sadly just have to deal with it. Perhaps a healthy contribution of money would sweeten the deal and they would be more willing to give over a few lives to better the prosperity of the whole... Mortals were all too concerned with material wealth and could easily have their loyalty bought.

It was late in the day by Razielle's best estimate, most of the village was up and about in the main square. They stopped in mid-stride and eyed the two Vampyre's with avid fear and respect. Even though they knew the Vampyre's of the stronghold were responsible for an increase in the death toll of the area, they brought with them business and there were less mouths to feed. It was working out well for the poor community.

"Greetings denizens.... I apologize for not making our introduction's sooner. I am Razielle. This is Salem. We are of the Cabal. We wish to reward the village with monies and arms in return for the cooperation of your community."

Razielle, ever prepared, dropped a small pouch at the feet of one of the villager's. The woman wore nothing but a ragged dress and carried hungry looking babies on each hip.

"Let this speak for me when I say that you can change your lot, if you are willing to do as we say."

Razielle nodded to the crowd and backed up a step bowing her head.

"Salem, do you see anyone that would serve us well...?"

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Salem Ave
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Old Post 09-01-2003 10:32 AM Post #14

Salem was getting a few odd looks from the people. Razielle might have looked deathly pale, but he was another kettle of piranha fish all together. It didn’t bother him, of course, and soon enough he had spotted someone who he thought would work well. A stable hand, or worker, of some sort – tall and fairly lank like himself, but strong in the arms, with broad shoulders and a square jaw.

“Him,” he lifted a cloven hand and indicated him.

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Razielle Shadana
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Old Post 09-02-2003 06:00 PM Post #15

Lifting her face to the darkened sky, Razielle let the rain bathe her face. It was merely sprinkling now, and no one seemed to mind, so far be it from her to start complaining. Her attention was drawn to the man that Salem had indicated. He would do nicely, they were of a like size. She peered amongst the villagers for a girl of or about her same build. Spotting a suitable specimen cowering behind the very same man that Salem had chosen, she could only assume they were together. All the better, one would probably be no good without the other in life with them.

"You there... the two of you. You have been invited to the stronghold to take part in some...festivities this night. Come along."

Not wishing to leave the Demoness prowling about in their home, Razielle decided they better make haste back. The going would be slow though with two mortals to tag along with them. The girl was already starting to slip about in the mud.

Was I ever that clumsy and graceless as a mortal? I shall have to inquire of Master Saurron if I ever see him again..

With that thought, she gave Salem a look of disdain at their...baggage.

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Salem Ave
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Old Post 09-04-2003 06:47 PM Post #16

With their helpers in tow, the two vampires began the trek back towards the stronghold. As they walked, the villagers lagged behind a good distance. Salem glanced sidelong at Raziel, eyes drifting a moment towards his human counterpart.

“How can people be ssso small minded?” he inquired quietly.

“Surely they can see they aren’t merely following to enjoy ‘fessstivities.’

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Razielle Shadana
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Old Post 09-05-2003 01:40 AM Post #17

Not bothering to look back at the two disgraceful mortals, Raz merely shrugged. She gestured about them, indicating the scenery.

"This place is all they know. They have never seen someone bisected by a saber, or disembowled with a vibroblade. They don't know what evil it is that they so willingly follow. "

Arriving at the stronghold Razielle didn't bother shouting to the Succubus. She would hear her well enough.

"The Laboratory would be a nice place to... begin the tour?"

Razielle wrinkled her face into a frown, usually better with words.

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I know what boys like
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Old Post 09-05-2003 01:52 AM Post #18

"The Laboratory would be a nice place to... begin the tour?"

Lucidique smiled and just allowed her body to slide through the many floors of the keep until she arrived at the Lab. It was often a beautiful thing to not have a physical body. She spotted Salem as she arrived, as he lurched about the Lab like a great spider.

And then sometimes not having a body is just a damn shame...

She allowed him alone to hear that little remark, which earned her some more death wishes she was sure.

The two puny mortals were cowering in the shadows. It didn't appear that they were too fond of the Lab. It was a pity, the place reeked of screaming and brilliant but sadistic creativity. Maybe when she convinced Salem to warm up to her they could play down here! The mortals didn't seem to be put at ease by the bechained and winged Demon either...

"Well well, hello there. Let's get this party started."

Purely for showing off, Luc snapped her fingers and manacles whipped out from the walls like an ancient Hydra of old. They clasped around four wrists and hauled the living pair back against the wall.

"Salem my love, you wouldn't happen to have any syringes stored about would you?"

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Salem Ave
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Old Post 09-13-2003 10:07 AM Post #19

Salem hissed through his teeth but obliged none the less. Moving to one of the many cabinets he fished into a draw and pulled out two needles, that didn’t look particularly sterile. In fact they looked like the type of needle that, if they didn’t give you some sort of disease, you would be incredibly surprised. He set them down on the laboratory’s main table, the great oaken giant, and looked back to the now ensnared mortals.

“Don’t ssstruggle.”

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Razielle Shadana
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Old Post 09-15-2003 07:28 PM Post #20

When the shackles closed about the wrist of the two mortals, the girl started screaming. The man was silent, although he did begin to thrash about and try in vain to rip the manacles out of the wall. The screaming girl so irritated Razielle's sensitive hearing, that she was compelled to step forward and knock her out with a particularly brutal backhand.

"I never understood the need for that. What good does raising the octave, pitch and level of one's voice do in the face of Death anyways?"

The screaming did however keep her distracted from Lucidique's last little remark towards Salem. The still conscious man was cursing them to his Gods in both his native tongue and Basic. It mattered little to Razielle. But she wondered if the Succubus would vanish in a Holy puff of smoke. The idea was both appealing and comedic.

"Well... do get on with it Luc. "

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I know what boys like
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Old Post 09-15-2003 07:38 PM Post #21

"Now now Raz, there is no need for such..violence. After all you are going to be her in a moment. It will be your own fault if you wake up to a headache."

Luci glanced distatefully at the syringes, but as they were going to kill the mortals anyways she wasn't altogether concerned with their sanitary state. Also it wasn't like it would be giving either Razielle, or Salem a case of the sniffles.

"Okay you two. Pick a spot to leave yourselves. "

The Demoness patted the oversized Lab table.

"Salem, you want to go first, being the big brave man and all...?"

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Salem Ave
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Old Post 09-15-2003 07:55 PM Post #22

Obediently, he climbed up onto the table which for a moment creaked under his weight. The thing did not accommodate his full size, and his feet ended up dangling off of the end, with his arms in the same position at the table sides. Salem lifted his head slightly to look around at the others before letting it touch the tabletop once again, his dark hair falling away from his eyes.

He wasn’t looking forward to being in that awful body, but it was worth the sacrifice to be able to travel about in the day.


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Razielle Shadana
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Old Post 09-15-2003 11:11 PM Post #23

Razielle stood at the head of the table just behind Salem. He didn't need her protection, he was quite capable of looking after himself. But as a fledgling, he was hers, and she loved him dearly. The Demoness would pay dearly if this didn't go smoothly and picture perfect.

She lifted wary eyes to the Demon and made her choice. Dragging what appeared to be an older supply cart over to the table, she hopped up onto its rusted and bloodied surface. She suppressed the urge to complain about its state of neglect. Laying back, a few feet from the table where Salem lay supine, she finally spoke.

"To hell with being second. We'll do it at the same time."

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I know what boys like
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Old Post 10-15-2003 07:27 PM Post #24

Lucidique cracked her knuckles with a grin, nearly unable to contain her pleasure. She was going to enjoy this, very very much.

"Enough ado, let's boogie."

The Demoness raised both hands, one extended over the bodies of the two Vampyre's in her care for the moment. She wouldn't be able to do it for long, but for the moment she brought forth sufficient power to hold them down for the procedure, lest they try to move and things get a bit messy. The other hand directed the required instruments.

The bonded man, once again tried in vain to free himself, but his efforts were wasted. As would be his insignificant life. The two syringes lifted and with precise movements impaled themselves into the jugular veins at the throats of the two Vampyre's, taking the blood from its most powerful and symbolic source. Luci could see Razielle's naked distrust in her eyes, but it was too late now.

Still holding down the Vampyre's, Luci smiled down at Salem even as she held him, she couldn't seem to refrain from using her otherworldly touch to stroke his cheek. Then without further wasting time, she directed the syringes into the hearts of the designated mortals, the needles sinking in all the way. Struggles ceased, they grew silent as the Vampyric blood was slowly infused into them as the plunger on the syringe lowered.

With a last look at Razielle and Salem, Luci uttered softly in her Demonic tongue the words for the transformation. The language of Demon's was not able to be spoken by any other being, nor understood, securing that their rites could not be duplicated. When she was finished, the Vampyre's lay silent and cold as did the mortal bodies.

All she could do now was wait for the Vampyre's to awaken as mortals. She was almost sorry for them, they would rid themselves of their weaknesses temporarily, but the price was high. They would have none of the powers they had undoubtedly grown so used to.

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Salem Ave
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Old Post 01-03-2004 12:05 AM Post #25

The human male trembled, shook and convulsed – then all of a sudden took a giant breath of air, his eyes snapping open. Immediately, a sort of glaze could be seen over them, turning his irises a milkier white-blue. He choked out a cough, and from behind those eyes Salem stared out at the world with a different perspective. It felt repulsive and amazing all at once. He could hear his heart thumping in his chest, but felt no unavoidable thirst. It was a surreal feeling, this out of body sensation. Still tied to the wall, he strained to look at his own corporeal form – grotesque, phantasmal – then down at this new body, so pristine and clean. So fresh.

"It seems as though the ritual worked," he coughed, his voice absent of slur, hiss or stutter, as he pulled himself free from his restraints and stretched his limbs with great interest.

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Razielle Shadana
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Old Post 01-03-2004 04:12 AM Post #26

The body of the young girl twitched as if, unconscious she still would put up a fight against the possesion.Her spine arched and she gave a final shudder then went still. Seconds later, a gulp of much needed air was taken and and the mortal eye's opened. They were not exactly Razielle's natural violet hue, but neither were the ordinary. The girl's natural blue had taken on an eerie glow.

"Ouch... I really hit her hard, didn't I..?"

Razielle disentangled her wrists from the manacles, as the girl could have done herself, pending a bit of intelligence. She took a step and looked about, her eyes blinked a few times. Either the girl had really terrible eye sight or Razielle was simply unused to normal vision.

Not paying a bit of attention to the Succubus, Razielle lifted her hands before her and watched the blood pump through the living veins. She felt no desire for it, how peculiar. She had been a slave to the Hunger for years now. Razielle turned to observe how Salem was faring.

"I think I hate this..."

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Salem Ave
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Old Post 01-03-2004 07:50 PM Post #27

Salem stretched his arms and rolled his shoulder, the feeling of strong, yet comparatively feeble, mortal muscles fascinating him. He had been weak before he was turned, and so this strength without cost was new to him.

"I'm surprised it doesn't make you feel nostalgic."

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I know what boys like
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Old Post 01-07-2004 03:16 PM Post #28

Lucidique watched the object of her affections as he moved this way and that, getting a feel for his new -if somewhat temporary- body. He was apparently liking what it felt like to be mortal again. She wondered briefly if he would have a kinder reception to her now? After all she had made good on her promise.

Then again there was Razielle. As long as she was around, her thoughts of tying Salem up and showing him how all those muscle's could be properly tested, were futile. The overprotective Sire in question was currently looking like she would be sick.

"Awwww, what's the matter Razzy? Not feeling quite your all powerful self? Shame...."

Lucidique grinned and took a step closer to Salem testing the water's on both points.

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Razielle Shadana
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Old Post 01-07-2004 03:29 PM Post #29

Razielle hadn't felt the frustration of being so helpless in her fury, since she had watched her homeworld of Davora shatter into space dust. Since she was eighteen mortal years old, she had made it her solemn mission to eradicate the people responsible for that rage. Now, here she was faced with the prospect of a Demon- a She-Demon at that, with the power to simply abduct the one person Razielle prized most. Alas, she wasn't in her body, had only the foggiest notion of how to get back in her body, and Lucidique was grinning at Salem like she would devour him whole.

"If you so much as even contemplate it...."

Still unsure of her now clumsy and ackward mortal body, Razielle moved to block Lucidique's path to Salem. In the process however she tripped over her own two unfamiliar feet in cloth, peasant style shoe's and crashed right into him. Her anger was further driven to blinding rage when she heard the Succubus laugh like she was watching a staged comedy.

"Oh, this is beautiful. Salem, you sure you want to spend eternity with..... that? Without her powers she is, I hesitate to say it, ..nothing!"

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Salem Ave
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Old Post 01-07-2004 06:33 PM Post #30

Holding Razielle steady, Salem felt an inexplicable urge to protect her. It was, no doubt, traces of the body's true spirit ebbing through into his actions. For a moment, he hadn't realized he had been spoken to, and instead found himself admiring the small nuances of his mortal counterpart's beauty. By all means, she was not stunning, but there was something about her. Looking back up towards the demon, he smirked.

"And what are you without yours?"

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I know what boys like
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Old Post 01-07-2004 06:59 PM Post #31

It was probably a poor idea to engage a Demon into a battle of wit. A jealous, angry Demon at that. Lucidique, barely restraining her desire to do something mortal and disgusting, like puke, did not miss the soft look that passed from Salem to Razielle. Even out of body he still favored the little wretch. She couldn't do much about it now, having been summoned by Razielle she was bound to serve her. But she could stoke the flames of irritation to her little black heart's content.

"But Salem, my love, I still have mine...."

As a demonstration, the Succubus raised a hand and lifted Salem off his feet, much to his dismay. She floated him a few feet from Razielle and set him back down with a laugh.

"Never fear kiddo's. I know my boundaries in this realm when I have been called. All is fair in love and war though if I get here on my own... Now, if you will excuse me?"

Having done what she had been summoned to do, and mad as the hell from which she came, the Demoness departed. She would be back though, she had decided she wanted Salem. Razielle had best bide her time.

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Razielle Shadana
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Old Post 01-08-2004 04:03 PM Post #32

That was the thing, Razielle supposed, about Demons. You had better make sure you are damned specific about what you want from them. Having asked for Lucidique to enlighten them on the possesion of mortal bodies was what she had asked for. Sure, the Succubus had given them a clue about returning but she hadn't seen it done. Now, she was gone.

Razielle realized that, now steady on her feet, she was still clinging to Salem's mortal shoulders. She hadn't missed the brief look he had shot her way before the Succubus demanded his attention once more. She couldn't seem to credit what she had seen. Supposing the man and woman they inhabbited were still somehow with them, they may have sent each other a look like that, perhaps? Then again, it was Salem controlling that body now and his eyes that peered back at her. In fact... That was the first time since she had created him as a Vampyre that he had made any sort of move to touch her willingly.

Somehow irritated, as much as she was thrilled, Razielle let him go and moved towards the table where their true bodies lay. She went to his side and lifted his taloned hand in her own flawless mortal one and smiled sadly. She lifted her gaze up to his after a moment.

Figures that I would have to summon a Demon from Hell, claim the lives of two mortals, leave my body and possess someone, then nearly fall on my face, to get you to look at me like that.

That was all she was going to say on the matter. Nothing else needed to be said. If Salem doubted for one instance that she was sincere in her devotion to him and that she regretted ever leaving him, he was a dolt. She sighed, she wouldn't change him at all though, his character was why she adored him as she did.

"Come on, lets go see when the next sunrise will be, so we can flaunt our pitiful mortal selves in the face of all thats holy."

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Salem Ave
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Old Post 01-08-2004 06:34 PM Post #33

He tried not to let his mind wander to what she had thought about him – it was a difficult subject for him really. He had been ill educated in what it was to be affectionate and how love worked, so he wasn't to blame really. Still, he felt a little guilty for disappointing her. Wolves in sheep's clothing, Salem thought, thinking on the idea of flaunting with the other humans.

"Alright," he said, with no real enthusiasm in his voice, despite the smile growing on his lips. Somehow, smiling didn't seem so hard now.