View Full Version : Machinations of Fate (Tercia)

Salem Ave
Sep 28th, 2004, 05:36:10 AM
Razielle Shadana
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Machinations of Fate (Tercia)

Old Post 12-27-2003 12:51 AM Post #1

Against her better judgement and for reasons of her own, Razielle had stepped in and interveened in the life of a young girl. The young lady in question, Tercia, might have aspired to a very different sort of life had she remained in the company of the ever vigilant Jedi. It was, however, not to be. The girl had more potential than to be yet another senseless do-gooding Jedi toy.

She had taken the girl from the streets of Coruscant and brought her back to her hotel. After seeing to the wounds Tercia had sustained the night they met Razielle had given her a small amount of her own Blood mixed with wine. The draught had cured her further and made her stronger and more alive than she had been in years. It would be the first of many infusions. Tercia was to be made an honored Ghoul of the Cabal.

Not some mindless thrall, as the name implied. But just a step below the Divine gift of Immortality. Like Michin and Jezebella, Tercia would have many abilities unatainable to other mortals. Perhaps in time she would also be brought over to the realm of the Undead, but not yet...

For this reason, she was brought by Razielle to the planet Kirrek and given rooms of her own at Elysium. After settling her young guest, Razielle took her leave and went in search of Salem to inform him of their newest prodigee. Somehow she had the feeling that after a very painful introduction the two would get on famously....

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Tercia Atroce
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Old Post 12-29-2003 07:01 PM Post #2

The previous night and the now made no sense to me; all I could manage was a few moments of consciousness every few minutes. A lifetime on the streets of Coruscant, sleeping rough in the cold undercity had left me severely sleep-deprived, and coupled with the bite-marks on my neck and the slashed wrist the exhaustion was too much, vampire blood or no.

The bedcovers were twisted about my body several times when I finally roused, through my legs, under my back, and atop my shoulders. I clawed a hand at the cloth nearest my neck, ripping it from my body and writhing out of the knot. I had been stripped to my underwear, I noticed as I sat on the side of the bed. I quickly surveyed my surroundings, my piercing green eyes darting around the room with an uncanny speed, and then I began to check my body.

On my wrist, I found several pink lines; the deep gashes sustained the night before were no more than scars. Several similar marks covered my hands, and I decided my face held more after running my fingertips over my skin. My hands were somewhat relutant to return to their normal duties as I stood, they clinged desperately to my face. My hand skimmed the skin, dipping itself through my black hair, and combing through several strands on its way to my neck. I could feel the wound there, although it was not unpleasant; somehow it seemed good to me, and I instinctually knew the cut was the reason for all my wounds healing.

There was no pain when my hand reached two small spots of scar tissue, in fact there was no feeling at all except a euphoric knowledge that there was power in me, all thanks to Razielle giving me this wound, and her blood. My tongue flicked across my lips, hoping for another taste of the deep red liquid she had fed me, but the sleep had left my mouth too dry.

My feet pressed against the warm carpet; something I could never remember doing in the past, and walked me unsteadily to a dress lying on a nearby chair. It was a simple garment, obviously left out by Razielle or one of her servents, made of black cloth, and two simple straps to hold it over my shoulders. Pulling it over my head, I turned and faced a long mirror, to see what I had put on. As far as I could tell, this dress was neither stolen nor ripping at the seams, yet another rarity in my life.

My pale hands gripped the doorknob, and twisted it with an ease that suprised me ever so slightly. Pushing the door open was a similar experience, but I shook the thoughts away from my mind as I set off exploring the house I had found myself in, my bare feet cringing themselves when they found no carpet this time.

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Razielle Shadana
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Old Post 12-31-2003 07:25 PM Post #3

Razielle had thus far been unsucessful in finding Salem to inform him about Tercia. She could just as easily speak directly to his mind, but she figured he was out and about his own buisness she would try not to plague him, for once. Instead she strolled about waiting for Tercia to awaken and come out from her room.

She had left her one of Jezebella's unclaimed dresses. Raz had purchased it for her sister, but the ungreatful wretch had never even worn it, adamantly refusing because it was too feminine. Sometimes she wondered about that girl.. At any rate it was just the right size for Tercia and she might actually get some use out of it.

She had just passed by the door to Tercia's room and was heading off down the hall when it opened and she emerged from within. Razielle watched as she cautiously steeped out, barefoot onto the black marble floor. Her feet would chill quickly. The stronghold was almost always cold to mortals, frail creatures that they were. No sunlight to heat the place never bothered the Undead though.

"I might suggest slippers..."

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Tercia Atroce
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Old Post 01-01-2004 05:11 PM Post #4

I shrugged at her. Confused as I was, I could find no witty comeback or harsh insult to lash out with. My feet prickled with the cold, stepping daintily towards her to keep the skin from staying in contact with the marble too long. Like most of my skin, my feet were pale, and a few of my toenails had the chipped remnants of a black varnish on them. Although not fat, my legs were fairly short (contributing to my somewhat abbreviated figure), and ended in fairly wide hips. The stretchy cloth of the dress reached only to my mid-thigh, and as such my legs were beginning to feel the chill.

"I'm used to making do with what I've got."

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Razielle Shadana
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Old Post 01-01-2004 07:49 PM Post #5

Razielle wasn't sure if she should be upset with the girl for being both stubborn and unintelligent, or to commend her desire for perserverance. One thing was for sure, if the girl desired Immortality, she was going to have to adopt some etiquette and class. Running about in chipped off polish, barefoot in the cold was not off to a good start. All the more reason for Razielle to take this one under her wing.

"I see... Well then, suit yourself, Tercia. Come along."

Razielle didn't wait but continued on her path down the hall of one of the upstairs wings. Not bothering to look to see if Tercia followed, of course she would.. Razielle made her way through the labyrinth of halls to the main stair that decended to the lower levels. From there she walked briskly to the study that she had adopted for her own and shut the door behind them with a wave of her hand.

"Have a seat. If you won't look after yourself properly, I shall. For now at least."

Turning her back on the girl once more, Razielle stepped to the bar set into the wall and began to make Tercia a drink. She couldn't seem to help Mothering this girl, though most likely she would never earn any gratitude or thanks. Her harsh upbringing had seen to the eradication of those thoughts in Miss Tercia. Silently she almost wished that Tercia would make some snide remark and give Razielle cause to kill her, she wasn't sure she liked the idea of taking care of someone. She had enough of her black heart tied up in her love for Malik, Jezebella and Salem. They were her family, not this girl.

Turning abruptly, Razielle brought the glass to the chairs seated before the fire. Tercia at least had enough sense to sit there and warm herself. Razielle stood close to the flames, allowing the liquid to warm in the goblet. When it was a suitable temperature, Razielle sat down and set the glass down on the table beside her, her wrist over the cup.

"If you are going to remain here, you are going to have to become more than what you are now Tercia. You will learn to be a lady, to be a killer and someday to be an Immortal. But you will start slowly, I think..."

Her other hand moved quickly as a shadow, her nails having slashed a small wound in her own wrist that bled no more than a few droplets into Tercia's glass. The wound healed almost immediately before the young girl's gaze. Razielle swirled the contents around a bit, then handed her the glass.

"To your education...."

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Salem Ave
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Old Post 01-01-2004 08:09 PM Post #6

"Filthy, disssgusting, put-rrrid…"

Salem's hisses were barely audible amongst the clatter and crashing of things being tossed about the room. The whole floor was strewn with apparatus and oddities, as the vampire tore through his study apparently in search of a needle in a haystack. He was having no luck, and had been in the same state for over ten minutes now. His frustration had all but reached a crescendo, and with one last shatter of glass, he gave in. Storming away from the miniature maelstrom, he seized up the first ghoul he saw by the throat and hurled them into the room, with orders of finding his trinket.

"Frrrelling pathetic."

As he paced down one of the strongholds hallways, he continued to mutter and purr to himself. Everything was too difficult lately. It wasn't just not being able to find things – it was the aggravation he felt towards his current state in the Sith Order. It was disorganized, yet not as chaotic as the accursed Krath had been. Just the thought of those idiots made him want to destroy something else – but he would restrain himself.

In his anger, he had failed to notice something that, now that he was simmering down, struck him. A new presence, one that he didn't recognize. Almost instantly, he was up on his metaphorical high-horse. People came and go here and no one told him. Razielle and Phantom, it was always them, planning together. He had founded the place with her. He bit back on his anger and followed his sires signature to its source – the vampires study. Without knocking, he entered.

There sat Razielle, with a young girl. If he had been human, or at least humanoid, he probably would have looked four or five years older than her. The smallest of frowns furrowed his brow.

"Who i-sss this?"

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Tercia Atroce
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Old Post 01-01-2004 09:51 PM Post #7

I eagerly downed the liquid, gulp after gulp anticipating the feelings that were sure to follow. Every time Razielle had given me her blood, I had felt better, and my healing had jumped forwards in not just leaps and bounds, but by miles at a time. As expected, a mild buzz swarmed around my head, just seconds before the blue-skinned man burst into the room. I had to look twice to make sure he was not an effect of the liquid I had drank so readily. I had never seen anyone quite like it in my life; all at once I was horrified and intrigued by his appearance. I literally couldn't take my eyes off of him.

"I - I'm Tercia," I said, pushing myself to my feet towards the warm fire. I was well aware that the dress slipped forward as I leaned on the arm-rest, yet I did nothing to stop the cloth falling from my chest slightly; already I was captivated. I walked towards the man, and outstretched a hand in his direction.

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Salem Ave
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Old Post 01-01-2004 09:58 PM Post #8

Salem looked down at the hand, then back up. My, she had a lot to learn. He cut his solid-white eyes to Razielle for a moment; though she could not see him looking, she could feel his eyes on her as he silently demanded an explanation. Seeing that she wasn't about to give him one. She had a habit of deliberately pushing his buttons, pulling his strings and generally winding him up. It was no wonder then that he was so highly strung and uncoiled like a spring at the slightest provocation.

"Sss-alem Ave," he stated, although he imagined she already knew that.

He folded his arms over his chest and from his towering height of 6'7", looked down at her. She seemed totally transfixed. He had seen people look at him like this before. Takai, he remembered, and all of the others… all the same, entranced by him. It was sickening.

"It's rrr-ude to stare."

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Tercia Atroce
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Old Post 01-01-2004 11:15 PM Post #9

"Well your not blind then," I remarked, noticing that his eyes were devoid of any pupils, "so you have no excuse to not be shaking my hand."

There it was, my short-fuse, rearing its ugly head yet again. I snarled at him, curling my upper lip as dropped my hand to my waist. It slapped against my thigh angrily, but I stood my ground, waiting for him to greet me properly. As Razielle had said, I would have to be a lady now, yet I would have made this stand should I have met him a week ago in the Undercity.

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Salem Ave
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Old Post 01-02-2004 12:14 AM Post #10

Salem flat out ignored the reply, looking to Razielle.

"Pleassse teach yourrr underling some manners, Rrr-azielle. I don't want to have to dissssscipline her myself."

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Razielle Shadana
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Old Post 01-02-2004 03:17 AM Post #11

Razielle refrained from the perverse desire to grab both of them by the backs of their necks and slam them headfirst into each other. Mayhaps then they would see eye to eye?

"That is quite enough, Tercia. As much as I would like to take you along your path in life. I love Salem more than I love my Immortality itself. I would sooner rip your head from your shoulders and hurl it out yon window then hear you speak disrespect to him in his own home."

Razielle made it a point in life never to be rude. She didn't need to elaborate on things as she had just done, the fact that she had made her nothing short of irate. These two she had thought would get along, were about to come to blows. Why could nothing be simple?

She slid her gaze, like a carress, to Salem. She knew the very thought of intimacy nauseated him, so to drown him in affection would serve to teach him a lesson far better than to snap off a biting remark. It was true, Salem she adored more than any other being, save for perhaps her Master, Saurron. He was the only person she had ever been inclined to bless with the kiss of Undeath. She hadn't yet bestowed that upon her sister, Jezebella, her blood. Perhaps she had put him through quite enough tribulations as of late? The arrival of Lord Phantom was not something she had planned, but since then Salem had been withdrawn a tad. Razielle was very disturbed by it.

"I brought Miss Tercia here to be properly educated. I know it will probably shock you into a fit of some sort, but I did it because she reminds me of you. Perhaps if you cease bickering and look at the bigger picture you will see the similarities for yourself?"

Razielle didn't move an inch. Her violet eyes never strayed from Salem's white one's, but it seemed she moved to him. For a moment it was as if she had enfolded him in her arms. As if she whispered into his ear.

Don't be mad at me, Salem...

It was almost as if it had never happened. She looked away, cleared her throat and explained further.

"She is to be a Ghoul, and learn. As for dicipline, she will be under the watchings of Jezebella. I put her in charge of the other Ghouls."

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Salem Ave
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Old Post 01-02-2004 01:05 PM Post #12

For a short while, Salem said nothing. He looked between the two, as conflicting thoughts crossed his mind. In his previous anger, the first ting that sprung into his head was that Razielle had brought him the girl as a companion. With this in mind, he looked down at her, Tercia, and quirked a brow. The paranoia in him said that his sire wanted to fill the void she would leave with this child; that when she had no time left for her fledgling, he would be left with this scrap to gnaw on.

But were there similarities? What were they? They were both young, but aside from this he saw none. Perhaps she was mentally geared like him, but to a lesser extent. Whatever the explanation, he had no doubt that he would be uncovering it for himself – Razielle would leave it to him to unravel the allusions. As if subdued by all of this thought, he replied:

"I sss-ee. Verrry good," but then added, almost as a reminder of his nature, "jusss-t make surrre she doesn't go wanderrring in my lab."

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Razielle Shadana
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Old Post 01-02-2004 05:02 PM Post #13

Razielle smiled at Salem, even as she winced waiting for Tercia to make some scathing comeback. She would really have to kill the girl if she did. Perhaps it was their mutual inability to refrain from saying the first thing that came to mind. In Salem it was endearing, in Tercia.. it would have to be controlled.

"Never fear, my sweet. She won't be meandering down that way. "

She briefly allowed her thoughts to touch Salem's, so eager for a quick glance at what he was thinking, since he obviously didn't want to speak to her about it. So he thought she would leave him again? The thought hit her with the force of a slap. She would never in the eons to come be able to stamp out her guilt over the fact that she had, for all intents and purposes, abandoned him as a newly made fledgling.

For her to apologize to him again at this point would most likely only enrage him. She kept her hurt to herself and merely resolved to reassure him of her desire to be with him always. She wouldn't have made him, only to leave him. Were it not for Salem's very sincere dislike for contact she would have made an attempt to reach for him.. As it was she just let him go and returned her attention to Tercia.

"I would suggest you keeping your distance from Salem until he grows used to you, or until you have completed your training and are bequeathed with Immortality. Otherwise I do believe he may kill you."

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Tercia Atroce
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Old Post 01-02-2004 07:05 PM Post #14

"I'm not too sure I want to go near him-"

I scampered closer to Razielle, finding some comfort in the vampire who brought me here. I stood behind her, fixing my green eyes on the colourless orbs lurking beneath his brow. He was a strange one, it seemed, and not just in his looks - the way he treated me was far from normal. Was he jealous that Razielle had taken a like to me, or perhaps did he have something against all normal people? It was far from my place to guess, but I would certainly not be keeping my distance. There was something about him I couldn't quite put my finger on... something alluring in the way he hissed at me, something that induced the greatest sympathy at his every stutter. I wouldn't let him know that, of course; I would simply lash out at him ever chance I got.

"-It looks contagious."

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Salem Ave
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Old Post 01-02-2004 11:52 PM Post #15

As much as he would have denied it, that struck a blow. It was a small wonder that he wasn't adjusted to ridicule by now. Perhaps it was just his heightened emotional state. Whatever the reason, he felt somewhat crest-fallen, as though he had been forced down from his metaphorical high horse. Half-turning from the two, he gave a vague shrug of his shoulders.

"We can only prrray it isn't, hm?"

Lifting one cloven hand, he pushed it back through dark lank hair. Now with his back to them, he said, with an unseen smile, "Herrr-e's hoping your child doesn't fall to any unfortunate accidentsss during her intiation."

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Razielle Shadana
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Old Post 01-03-2004 03:55 AM Post #16

Tercia was definately an enigma to her. She openly talked the talk, but then her body language as she moved close to Razielle spoke volumes of the fact that she was not so confident.

Sadly for Tercia, the girl had disregarded Razielle's warning of the proper respect due Salem. A lesson would be taught here. If for nothing more than the fact that Razielle, as Salem's sire, could feel the insult had hit its mark. Salem was not one easily wounded, the girl had won a victory of sorts but it would not be met with a reward.

"I warned you, child......"

The blow was upon her before Tercia knew it was coming. A nasty backhand sent the girl out of her chair and across the room. Razielle's Vampyric speed had her picking Tercia up before she hit the floor. Holding the girl in her taloned grip, Razielle sent the back of her head through the window, the glass scraping a myriad of cuts along her face. Razielle held her there suspended above a sheer vertical drop into stygian blackness.

"Do not make me regret bringing you here... You will learn respect for the Vampyre elders here or be destroyed."

Razielle yanked her back inside and hurled her across the room to slam into the opposite wall and crumble to the floor like a broken doll. This time Miss Tercia could see to her own wounds as a lesson. Razielle strode to the door and held it open for Salem.

"Coming, my dearest? Tercia will heal on her own, she has tasted of my Blood this night. Until then she can ponder her transgression against you and decide her own fate.."

Last edited by Razielle Shadana on 01-03-2004 at 05:49 PM
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Tercia Atroce
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Old Post 01-03-2004 05:45 PM Post #17

These people were just like anyone else I had met in my life. I wasn't like them, living in their mansion, wearing their expensive clothes - I was Tercia Atroce, a street-urchin who had to steal just to eat each night. They made no allowances for someone who had brought themself up, someone with only the most basic understanding of simple things like manners and etiquette. At that moment I hated Razielle, wiping my fore-arm against my bloody face, doing my best to mop up the blood dripping from an eyebrow. I dabbed it with my finger-tips, and felt a sharp spike there; it had glass in it, which I was being left to see to on my own.

"Go then. I've had to look after myself for sixteen years, what's one more night?"

I felt across the wall, looking for something to aid me in standing. I groped at the arm of a chair, and heaved myself from the ground - a task made difficult with a light-head. I turned to face Salem, leaning back against the wall as I did so. I spoke sheepishly, but my eyes clung on to the scowl I had worn since he refused to shake my hand.

"For what it's worth I'm sorry."

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Salem Ave
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Old Post 01-03-2004 07:29 PM Post #18

Salem would have laughed if it was in his character. He simply shook his head at the girl, following Razielle's motion towards the door. He took a few steps, before glancing over his shoulder and saying, without hesitation or stutter: "The apologies of a would-be ghoul are worth nothing."

And with that said, he left.

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Tercia Atroce
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Old Post 01-03-2004 09:11 PM Post #19

"I really am," I called softly, in a voice no more than a whisper.

It was so unlike me to apologize, but I knew I'd gone too far. Razielle would take me in, she would have forgiven me by tomorrow, but Salem seemed to not care for me either way. If I was going to be one of the Immortals Razielle spoke of, I knew I would need his respect. No, more than that: I wanted his respect.