View Full Version : Forgotten wounds fester...

Salem Ave
Sep 28th, 2004, 05:33:24 AM
Razielle Shadana
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Forgotten wounds fester...

Old Post 08-12-2003 06:22 PM Post #1

Razielle threw open the doors to one of many room's in the stronghold. The great doors slammed back against their hinges with a bang that reverberated through the keep. It was quite apparent that something was vexing her.

She crossed the study with an irritated stride and plopped herself down at the elaborately carved desk. Ripping open a drawer she removed both parchment and quill, ancient means of communication to be sure, but a Vampyre was allowed to be eccentric.

She wrote the missive with a desperate, though slightly annoyed hand. Inviting the one person in the galaxy who's company she missed the most, to the planet Gehenna, to the Elysium Stronghold. He would come or he wouldn't, but either way she wanted him to know that he was welcome here.

Biting her lip she added a few lines, she wanted it clear that he was welcome, and he alone. Letter written, she signed her name with a flourish and made sure that it was worded on behalf of the Cabal. All would welcome him, or they would be reprimanded..in a most permanent way.

Her nights would be long and tedious until a reply was forthcomming, but it would be worth the wait. Unless no reply came..

With that disturbing thought, she sent the missive on its way and went out to Hunt and lose herself in the violence of the kill.