View Full Version : Blinding Light: Jared's Training II

Salem Ave
Sep 28th, 2004, 05:19:53 AM
Cherice St Hilare
Member of the Krath
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Blinding Light: Jared's Training II


Old Post 01-23-2003 04:51 AM Post #1

A small package had been sent to Jared's room. She had seen to it that Fallon, his dragon 'companion' had ensured its safety until her Apprentice had opened it. The only contents of the package was a small note and a book. The note read as follows:


Meet me at the training grounds at the break of dawn. Be prepared both mentally and physically, for this may exhaust you to the point of death.

- Cherice

The book that accompanied the note was old and leatherbound, and the title was "Phases of Shapeshifting". Inside the pages were yellow and worn with faded writing, but there were detailed descriptions of different accounted shapeshiftings recorded in history. Descriptive drawings accompanied each one, along with the person's life story. It was nothing that could be used for training, really, just something she thought would be a good read for Jared.

If he survived.

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Jared Mriad
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Old Post 01-28-2003 03:24 AM Post #2

The note sat on his nightstand, a valium sheet folded in half with little creases from travel. The book sat on the desk, handly placed by the dragon Fallon whom stood perched on a stand which a parrot would rest upon.

Jared sat in the corner, a faded wood chair his only comfort from the sanity abound. His skin crawled as if dozens of nanoants labored about, but nothing of the feeling was mechanical. Dragons blood flowed through the Warrior.

"Jarrrred.." Fallon taunted, a hissing voice rolling off the /r/ with passion built, "Sssshe waits forrrr her slaaa--" He was cut off by a sailing butcher knife, narrowly missing the reptile's snakelike neck.

"I read the note, Fallon." Jared hissed, standing from the chair. Black attire, he doned, composed of denim jeans and a tank shirt fell loosely around his muscular yet pale form. Lack of good eating on this planet led to the misscorrection of comlpextion.

Canvas handwraps covered new scars on his hands, from the latest shift in form, and added to the mass amounts which cross-crossed his back and apendages.

In the mirror, nothign was the same. The deadly gleam of a killer dulled, the smirk of mischeviousness faded to a dull tug of the mouth. The quick pacing faded to a mere trot.

Jared was not the same anymore... never again. Still, he gathered the essentials: his black duster, leather collar for monitoring of pulse and such, and a saber hilt. The lightsaber he held in his hand was a long memory, back from the days of TSE. It functioned correctly, to peak performace.

A pericing glance was shot at Fallon, a silent command to stay put, before Jared stepped out of his room and to the forest timberline. It would be easy to find Her , his master, and thus he did. A open space, cleared to the perfection of a rectangle. Bloodstains already dotted the green grass, turning patches into dark red deformations.

"I come as you requested."

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Cherice St Hilare
Member of the Krath
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Old Post 01-28-2003 03:52 AM Post #3

She heard her Apprentice before he entered the clearing, and when he did announce his arrival she only smirked. Having her back turned to him, Cherice was staring up into the sky. Streaks of orange, red and yellow clashed with the dull grey as the sun began to rise. It was a breath-taking sight to see a new day dawn before your very eyes, giving you a glimpse of what beauty nature could possess.

It was a rare time such as this when Cherice could feel such serenity, and calmly she turned to face Jared. Noticing his usual attire, she spoke with a slight hint of humor.

"I hope you weren't planning on wearing those clothes after today."

She was dressed in the most shabbiest of clothes, something which no one would ever catch her in until today. Ragged and torn, they were the simple garments of a peasant living on Taboo. Her hair was done in a french braid as to prevent it from straying into her eyes, and on her hands were black gloves.

"You don't look well, Jared. Did you get enough sleep last sleep ? Or didn't you sleep at all ?"

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Jared Mriad
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Old Post 01-28-2003 03:59 AM Post #4

Her words were nothing but a faded drone, but Jared replied with a monotonious filled voice. "I've had not a night of sleep, the Dragon flows through my veins day in, day out-" It is coming! "- My dreams are plauged.."

He stalked further into the clearing, the duster flapping in the still air against Jared's thighs. His unkempt hair fell loosely down, the back tied in a 'tail and the rest left to fester, unlike Cherice's own.

"Fallon taunts... day in, day out..."

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Cherice St Hilare
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Old Post 01-28-2003 04:26 AM Post #5

She watched blankly as he began to walk some more, his ramblings similar to that of a mad man - if he were not that already.

"And I see you give in, day in, day out. If you keep giving in, Apprentice, soon you will crumble and I'll leave you there to rot in misery. After all, only the strong survive."

Not knowing if her words penetrated his demented skull - and not really caring, either - Cherice looked over to an oak tree that stood outside of the clearing. Propped against it was a dead body of a child, her golden curls framing her innocent face. Her leg was twisted at an unnatural angle and bone stuck out of the flesh, showing that it had been broken in the process of killing her. Bright red blood soaked the blue frock she wore, mixed in with dirt.

"Jared," the Succubus cooed softly, "I've brought a present for you ..."

Jared felt an invisible hand tug on his shirt before he involuntarily turned around to face the "gift".

"It's been so long since you had a decent meal, isn't it ? Go, eat your fill, young one."

Thoughts of tearing into the carcass filled Jared's mind as the wind seemed to nudge him forwards ...

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Jared Mriad
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Old Post 01-28-2003 04:44 AM Post #6

"How kind, Mi'lady. A present for the disbeliver!" A voice spoke upon Jared's eyes landing on the corpse. The blood was fresh, but the kill was old - cryofrozen and brought here from a ship perhaps?


Jared softly padded up to the carcass, his head fallen to the side to stare into the blank eyes. Her flesh was pale, sugessting noble blood or lack of outside stimuli, and the cuticles of her fingers well groomed.

He crouched, resting on the back of his shins while he stared at the corpse. Fresh... so fresh. He could feel Cherice's eyes watching, wading in the Cannibals unique curiosity of the gift.

devour it.. his mind taunted, and thus he did. Jared's hand softly curled around the girls neck, bringing it close to his chest as if he was cuddling the infant. Jared swung down and ripped through her neck.

Instantly blood splattered out, covering the Sith's skin in a spray of red velvet. Rivelets drippled down from the major accumilations of crimson liquid, rolling off his chin as he devoured the flesh loudly and without timid haltings.

Alas, one feast was good enough for now. Jared felt revived for the moment, a newfound feeling ebbing into his mind and the renewed gleam glowing bright.

"The pawn is greatful of the gift." the voice, not of Jared's, spoke again from his mouth. A hinting glance over the shoulder to end the statement with a harsh point, Jared dropped the girls corpse onto the ground ceremoniously before returning to Cherice.

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Cherice St Hilare
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Old Post 01-29-2003 03:56 PM Post #7

Good, he had taken the bait. Little did he know that while he was feeding, the moon was steadily moving across the sky ... Today, there would be an eclipse.

Cherice watched with little amusement as he feasted off of the child, greedily devouring her flesh and muscle. When he stood up and dropped the corpse, (well, what was left of it) it looked like Jared has just taken a blood bath.

Looking on with a placid smile, Cherice watched as he returned to her, only quirking a brow when he spoke. The voice wasn't his his - was the cursed dragon blood's finally not only destroying his sanity, but also controlling his actions ? Pondering over this, she held up a hand to let Jared know he was to stop.

"Now that you've eaten your fill, I want you to look up into the sky and tell me what you see."

The placid smile was replaced with a wicked grin.

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Jared Mriad
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Old Post 01-30-2003 03:47 AM Post #8

Jared halted, his eyes narrowing slightly in question. He turned his eyes to the sky; a fissured star hung overhead, a silver disk moving into sync with the celestial form. Jared felt a slight tingling, not just from the adrenaline running through his veins, but from something else. Something...deeper...more primal. The quicksilver fire coursed through his appendages, emanating from his chest and filling every pore of his body in a quickly shrinking spiral. He felt it involuntarily fill the last part of him, becoming one with him, becoming him. All of a sudden, a ragged jolt of pain shot through him.

He hit his knees, clutching his face with both hands, clawing at the skin. It rippled and began to change color, shifting to a mottled grayish. His muscles bulged and began to expand. The clothing he wore, already slightly worn, ripped with ease under the pressure, imploding in shreds of cloth and twine.

Another whip of pain hit Jared, and he screamed, his voice changing from his normal growling, slightly mellow tone to a deep, menacing rumble, a sort of animistic roar. His jacket's back finally slid off fully, revealing a massive set of feathered wings from seemingly nowhere.

His skin was now solid gray, with thick, shaggy fur. He opened his eyes, his taloned paws going from his face to the ground in front of him. The optic orbs were now set far back in a snouted face, and glowed with a deep yellow flame. The only thing distinguishing him as Jared and not the furred dragon-beast he now was a scar under his right eye, small, but still visible where the fur had not completely regrown.

'Youuu...' He hissed, the /u/ rolling off into a deep malevolent snarl. Any mental evidence of Jared'ism in the beast was completely erradicated, leaving a killing mind bathed in years of bloodshed.

'Ssss... you caauuusseed haaarm...'

Last edited by Jared Mriad on 01-30-2003 at 03:55 AM
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Cherice St Hilare
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Old Post 01-30-2003 04:25 PM Post #9

With glee she watched as Jared transformed, observing him like a scientist with a new specimen. The changes were completed quickly as the moon slid over the sun, the eclipse fully formed.

'Youuu... Ssss... you caauuusseed haaarm...'

Amazing, he could still talk ! Her blue eyes swept over his morphed form, from the snarling mouth to the clawed feet. In her mind, the wings had to be the most impressive feature. Their wingspan was huge as blood dripped off, forming puddles.

"That's what I'm best at," she said sweetly, her muscles tense as she waited to see what Jared - or rather, the beast - would do.

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Jared Mriad
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Old Post 01-31-2003 04:18 AM Post #10

Jared let loose a deep-throated growl, backing away from the Knight in slow steps. His instinct commanded for an attack, to rip her limb from limb and devour what was left of the corpse. But something in the back of his mind commanded an order much louder.

He drew his serpentine neck back, rearing up and exposing his chest. Expanding his stained wings, which set off a cloud of crimson mist into the air, and experimentally flexing his claws Jared drew in a breath of the air and exhaled a cascade of napalm.

The fiery liquid ignited on contact with the clear air, saving Jared’s face from a horrendous facial makeover, and rolled with a fury at Cherice..

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Cherice St Hilare
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Old Post 02-08-2003 04:20 AM Post #11

Gritting her teeth together, the Knight leaped to the side aided with the Force. As soon as her feet hit the ground she silently watched as Jared used his napalm glands. When he was done, she slowly reached up and began to clap, smirking. So far, things were going according to plan.

Now it was time to test his strength.

Cherice formed her right hand into a fist, concentrating. She was drawing up her energy, along with the Force - a little combination trick she learned as an Apprentice. Blue sparks began to cackle around her fist as she drew her arm back before pushing forward, opening her fingers. A powerful 'blast' was sent towards Jared and for a few seconds, time seemed to stand still. The only thing moving was the air that visibly rippled as the blast was surging forwards ... and connected with the dragon form.

The scales on the beast were nearly ripped off as the wind was knocked out of his chest. Meanwhile, Cherice was already forming another Force blast, aiming between the beast's eyes.

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Jared Mriad
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Old Post 03-18-2003 12:39 AM Post #12

Jared reared back onto his hine legs as the blast struck him dead center. Roaring at the intence heat, paralyzing shock, and confusion, he packed a few paces away and lowered his head quickly (saving from the second blast) and let loose another defening roar.

Propelling his girth forward, Jared lept into the air and extened his feathery wings. The beast in him was raged, beyond rational thought, and willed the sane part of him in a loose dive...