View Full Version : Collective Training II: Trust in me, said the serpent

Salem Ave
Sep 28th, 2004, 05:17:47 AM
Collective Training II: Trust in me, said the serpent

Old Post 01-07-2003 09:25 PM Post #1

The Abyss – a swirling mass of brilliant green. Around it dark waters churned and crashed down into the tumult, instantly evaporating to steam before wafting off into the cool atmosphere and condensing as thick rail storms. The cycle was amazing to watch, as it took mere minutes for it to begin and complete. For some reason today, however, the temperature was too hot to cause the water to become droplets, leaving the falls looking somewhat insipid from where the members of the Krath watched.

Each was stood above on a platform, elevated around the chasm below. The single stone platform hung above the center of the rapture, connected to the main land by a thin rope bridge. Being circular it allowed for each of the members to stand a comfortable distance from one another, waiting for their instructions.

Having achieved the meeting he had wanted, Salem stepped forward and looked to each of those gathered for a brief second before speaking.

“How many of you herrre feel comforrrtable now?”

The vampyre folded his arms behind his back.

“If I were to push you backwardsss, and hold you merely with the forrrce I do not think you would feel sssafe. Undoubtably if it was another apprentice holding your fate in hisss or herrr hands you would be a deal morrre… fearrrful.

Each of usss has come frrrom a different method of training, a differrrent backgrrround. We barrrely know anything of one anotherrr, assside from the fact that we each crave power. How, I asssk, are we meant to trussst in one another as brothers and sisters if we know so little and cannot trussst one another?” Salem said, gesturing out a questioning hand.

“…Each of you will now explain yourrr past in turn, and ssstate your reasssons for being here,” he added, face loosing the momentary pleading expression.

“If you do not, you will be expelled from the grrroup.”

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Sebastian Kvasha

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Old Post 01-07-2003 11:03 PM Post #2

He wasn’t a big fan of heights. Not that he would admit this to anyone. Part of it was some sort of macho attitude and part of it was an unwillingness to show any sort of weakness around those he did not know, nor necessarily trust.

But he stood his ground, his feet planted firmly beneath him.

What Salem had just asked was not something he was looking forward to explaining. Not to mention, if he went into details, they’d be there the good part of the night. But he understood the logic behind it.

He didn’t know most of the others, though many of them seemed familiar with one another from some other association that Cold had explained to him was the Sith Order. He knew nothing of this group, save the name and to the extent that Cold had told him, the rather strained relations between this newly formed group and the association from which it had slipped away.

He chewed on his gum nonchalantly, and then gave a soft sigh. His dark eyes gazed down at the platform he stood on, then began to assess each of those that stood around him, guessing in his mind what each of their stories would possibly be.

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Knight of the Krath
Pillar of Dimension
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Old Post 01-09-2003 07:23 PM Post #3

"I grew up in the streets of Coruscant," Cold started, "as an orphan." He paused a moment so they would see who was talking

"I didn't have parents, I didn't have mentors, nothing. I don't even know how I survived in those dangerous streets. As a child I remember sleeping in the alleys... but it was impossible to sleep peacefully because of the dangers that lurked around. Burglers, murderers and dealers lurked around. Every day, someone got either killed, or someone was mugged. I had to steal food in order to survive." Cold remembered the herendous days he spent in the streets.

"One day, I saw these people... in cloaks. I couldn't distinguish what they were... but they were killing some Jedi. They were using the Force just like the Jedi but they were using it against him. They knew I was near, but they let me watch from where I was hiding. When they left, I saw how brutal and cruel they were. After a while... I learned the name of these people... Sith."

Cold stopped. He remembered the cloaked forms perfectly. They were powerful and he grew an interest in how they fought. He remembers that he kept asking around what they were... He then learned of the Sith Order and joined.

"After a while, I started experimenting on what they did... I started lifting pebbles.. with the Force. It was incredible. I didn't know that I was able to do such things. When I heard of the Sith Order from some dealers, I decided to find it and join. And well... you know what happened after that..."

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Knight of the Krath
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Old Post 01-11-2003 09:18 PM Post #4

"A drifter, before I was one day kidnapped and taken to the secret laboratory of Armaiil Kryatir. He spent two years altering me to become what you see before you. I have the hearing and smelling sense of a dog, unnatural strength, and a sword that transforms itself through nanotechnology to match my rage."

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Salem Ave
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Old Post 01-11-2003 09:21 PM Post #5

“Verrry good Cold, Inu,” the vampyre said, in response to their words, with a small sly smile forming on his lips.

“… Next.”

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Jared Mriad
Member of the Krath
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Old Post 01-12-2003 10:44 PM Post #6

"I don't remember anything before TSE's fall, but afterwards I was rogue for a matter of time. Laying low, moving in the dark, feasting on anything I could grab a hold of," Jared began, panning his eyes back and forth from the sky to the floor, "I then arrived at the TSO base on Corellia, from there.. the story collides with most others here, I disbanded from the order and enlisted here."

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Sebastian Kvasha

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Old Post 01-13-2003 03:13 PM Post #7

He knew that eventually the questioning looks would come to him. He felt as if he were at some sort of summer camp – and he was the camp counselor. All of the others around him appeared to be a good five years younger than he was. And while he didn’t judge based on age, ever, he couldn’t help but feel a bit more on the outside than he already was, by nature of his admission to the group.

He had not come from TSE, nor had he come from the Sith Order. He continued to look at the faces of the others and listen to their stories. It was interesting, he considered, how fate could bring such a random group together.

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Salem Ave
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Old Post 01-14-2003 02:17 PM Post #8


All eyes seemed to watching the newest and most elusive of the group carefully.

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Sebastian Kvasha

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Old Post 01-14-2003 08:08 PM Post #9


His gaze didn’t move at first from where it had been, focused on the last one who had told their story. Slowly, his gaze moved to Salem and eyed him for a moment.

Though he didn’t look at the others, he could feel their eyes upon him. Eventually he turned from Salem, his dark eyes one by one meeting the gazes of the others before he sighed softly.

“I’ve actually been thinking about this question for the past seven years of my life,” He began, “What I’d tell people about myself when I got out of prison. Because let me tell you, you’ve got plenty of <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont>ing time there to think about it. And when you’ve spent a good part of your life there, you begin to wonder if there’s anything you really can tell people about yourself.”

His voice was even as he spoke, carrying just enough for all to hear, but no louder. As a child, he’d craved attention. As an adult, he preferred to sink into the background. And this was clear in the way he spoke, for his words were well chosen, and he said nothing more than he needed to.

“My criminal record has more counts on it than the group of you has years on your life. You name it, and I’ve probably done it.”

These words were not said with any sense of pride, but rather resignation that this was the life he led, and there was little point now in changing it.

“I make my own rules and I change them when I feel they need to be changed. If you’re looking for someone to trust, Im probably not your guy, but then, things change, so…” He shrugged.


He shifted slightly.

“I knew nothing about this group when I arrived here, except for the fact that you existed. I came to learn about the force from Jeseth and how I could become as powerful as I could possibly become. I didn’t come to make friends, I didn’t come to find a family. But as that seems to come with the territory, I’m willing to give it a try.”

A small smile touched his lips.

“If you’re looking for someone who will try anything once, then Im probably the guy you’re looking for.”

His explanation was a bit different from the others. He had not given them his life story, for it wasn’t really worth telling – at last, not in his opinion. Rather, he’d been up front with all of them about who he was now, and what they could expect from him, to some degree. If they wanted to know more, they could ask.

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Salem Ave
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Old Post 01-17-2003 02:46 PM Post #10

Slowly, Salem nodded.

“My turrrn then…”

If he had needed to breath, he would have taken in a deep breath at this point.

“I went to a boarrrding school for ‘gifted’ children, to learrrn how to use the Force. I wasss expelled at age 18 for attempting to kill anotherrr student, after he tore off my wings. Afterrr this I travelled to the Sith Orrrder and was taken as Jessseth’s apprentice. He became busy, as he alwaysss seems to, and so I found another Master at The Sith Empire, named Laran Katern.

I seem to have bad luck when picking Masterrrs, since he neglected my trrraining also, so I turrrned back to Jeseth and the Order. After that, my storrry co-insides with everyone’s elsesss really.”

Out of his cloak, Salem then pulled out a small hand-full of knives. One by one he handed them out to those gathered, making sure there was one for himself.

“… Now, to begin with, lift the knife into the airrr with the forrrce, and hover it over the person to yourrr left…”

Salem was stood between Inu and Sebastian, with Inu on his left, so let the blade drift into the air above the apprentices head.

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Knight of the Krath
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Old Post 01-17-2003 06:18 PM Post #11

Salem floats the knife over Inu's head. The Jackel's not worried in the slightest. Even if Salem should drop the knife, heis nimble enough to dodge. He floats his dagger, somewhat wobbly from lack of control, and brings it to a steady hover. Once he is certain that he won't drop it, he brings it to rest over Cold.

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Sebastian Kvasha

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Old Post 01-17-2003 08:14 PM Post #12

Upon the completion of the stories, Baz had expected some sort of ritual. To merely know the stories of one another was the tip of the iceberg. Cold hearts did not melt easily and suffice it to say, not a member of the Krath had anything less.

As the knives were disseminated, Sebastian took one. The blade glistened in the pale light of the evening. His dark eyes stared at it and then with a practiced hand he ran it along his palm to test its sharpness. As a thin layer of blood appeared, he seemed satisfied and wiped his hand on the dark coat he wore.

… Now, to begin with, lift the knife into the airrr with the forrrce, and hover it over the person to yourrr left…

The gleam of a smile appeared not on his face, but in his eyes and he did as he was directed.

The blade hung in the air over the vampire, the member to his left.

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Knight of the Krath
Pillar of Dimension
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Old Post 01-18-2003 12:32 AM Post #13

Cold listned to the stories and knew that they came from different backgrounds. Everyone had their stories and a little danger to them.

As the knives were distributed, Cold immediately started to hover it in front of him. Motioning his hand up, the knife slowly hovered its way above Jared who was at his left. Cold maintained it with a bit of ease.

He waited for further instruction from Salem

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Jared Mriad
Member of the Krath
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Old Post 01-19-2003 03:47 AM Post #14

Jared had also tested the edge of the knives passed about, running his thumb across the blade and making slight 'flick' sounds. He then levatated it out of his hand and maneuvered it over Sebastian's head, the tip pointing down..

Jared's eyes flicked back to Salemn, awaiting further instruction.

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Salem Ave
Co-founder of the Cabal
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Old Post 01-26-2003 11:13 AM Post #15

“Now, everyone, take one ssstep backwards…”

Already the group were at the edge of the abyss. One more pace and they would each plummet into the jade fire below.

“You must rely on the member to the left of you to hold your feet firmly against the lip of the platforrrm.”

Now the members would have to use the Force to keep the person who held a knife over them in balance, whilst also hovering a knife over another.

“Again, if anyone doesssn’t not wisssh to do this, you will be expelled.”

-- or more likely thrown head first into the Abyss.

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Knight of the Krath
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Old Post 01-26-2003 08:51 PM Post #16

Inu takes a step back, splitting his focus to keep Salem on the platform. The knife over Cold's head wavers, and Salem's balance shifts unsteadily. The Jackel shuts his eyes in concentration. If he fails this, he's gonna be pissed.

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Sebastian Kvasha

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Old Post 01-27-2003 11:10 PM Post #17

A step back was not what he wanted to take. But he did not let it show on his face, nor did he allow this feeling to surface. Instead he took the step back as instructed.

Oddly, he trusted that Salem would keep him where he was. It wasnt like he had much other choice. And splitting his concentration in half was enough of a task already. The knife wavered for a moment as he split it, reaching out through the force to steady Jared on the edge as the other half reached out to steady the knife that hung over Salem.

He was newer to the force, though calm enough and controlled enough to focus and succeed at the task at hand. A mistake could potentially be fatal - and he did not doubt that the consequences would suit the crime of making a mistake.

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Knight of the Krath
Pillar of Dimension
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Old Post 01-28-2003 12:26 AM Post #18

Cold held the knife above Jared's head. It was an easy task at the moment. The young Sith stepped back and was now at the edge of the abyss. If he were to fall, then everyone else would fall with him because they were all connected.

Cold closed his eyes and faced forward. His right hand was lower than his left hand as he held Inu with the Force. His left hand held the knife above Jared's head. If he broke his concentration, he would fall with the rest of them.

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Jared Mriad
Member of the Krath
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Old Post 01-28-2003 03:35 AM Post #19

Jared stepped back, teetering on the edge with only the balls of his feet. He had split the concentration of the knife over Sebastian to Cold, the effect; The Knife wavered slightly - seesawing back and forth over the fellow's head - before steadying back to place.

Jared used his left hand to hold the knife in place, a channel in which to direct half of his concentration, and his right to keep Cold in balance, another channel.