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Salem Ave
Sep 28th, 2004, 05:17:08 AM
Sebastian Kvasha

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Protection of his rights (open)

Old Post 01-06-2003 06:32 PM Post #1

He was here on this planet. He didn’t mind it, really, for here at least, he didn’t have to worry much about the authorities finding him. He was a criminal. Had always been one. And had recently spent eight years of his life in prison for it.

He should have known he had been set up. Everything about the deal had felt wrong to him. Some sort of sixth sense – the force, though he hadnt at the time recognized it – had told him so. If only he had listened.

It was his abilities in the force that had permitted his escape. An escape that had not been easy considering the fact that he’d been holed away in an imperial prison. But time can do strange things to a person, and Sebastian had used it to his advantage. When others had gone insane, letting boredom get to them, he had instead been teaching himself the skills to go on. The skills to regain the life that so rightfully belonged to him.

His chance meeting with Jeseth had given him the good fortune to trash the life he had assumed for himself – as a bartender on an outlying planet known well for its entertainment and tourism. Hed only been doing it until he had the chance to find the one he sought – and as fate would have it, he’d been delivered to him instead.

The past few weeks had been quiet. Jeseth had dropped him off and disappeared, as he was wont to do. Sebatian had not let this bother him, though he was now getting a bit restless. He wanted to meet the others. He wanted to learn.

He possessed only a smaller blade and his blaster, but even more than that, a mind capable and willing to learn more of the force and the powers it could offer. And this was all he needed.

Besides, of course, the others in this group. And now he sought to find them as he wandered what he had heard called the Abyss. It was a place that those who were not members were not welcome and he was prepared as he walked for someone to challenge him and his right to be there.

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Knight of the Krath
Pillar of Dimension
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Old Post 01-06-2003 07:48 PM Post #2

It had not been long since The Krath was formed. Bryce “Cold” Blaine was still an apprentice and he knew that by joining the Krath, he would become much more than a mere apprentice. Jeseth had promised them power beyond their imaginations.

Cold had his eyes closed. One could say he was meditating, but it seemed like he was resting instead. He let out a sigh as he opened one eye to look at the surroundings of the ‘Abyss’. His dark eyes reflected whatever light was in the area, causing them to shine.

He grew up as an orphan. He lived his life on the city streets, doing whatever he could to survive in the cruel world. The streets were dangerous and even Cold wonders how he survived.

Opening the other eye, he spotted someone he’d never seen before. It was odd because only members of the Krath were seen around there. Cold didn’t say anything. He remained silent and observed the stranger as he walked in front of him. It was as if Cold waited for the stranger to do something in order to talk. Cold eyed the stranger for a few minutes until he finally spoke.

“Who are you?”

Cold had no knowledge of the newest member of the Krath

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Sebastian Kvasha

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Old Post 01-06-2003 08:15 PM Post #3

He could feel the presence of another there. Though he did not turn to look, lest he give away the fact that he was aware. This was a heightened sense for him. For years as a criminal, he had been constantly wary, always watching his back. And an awareness of others came easily to him.

Who are you?”

He finally turned to face Cold. The man seemed a few years younger than him, though he knew this mattered little when it came to a confrontation.

“Sebastian.” He replied, his voice carrying his usual gruff and rather non committal tone.

“Who are you?” He asked in return, almost flippantly, with an air that somewhat indicated a lack of concern. This was a poor indication of his true character, for he was capable of respect – when it had been earned.

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Knight of the Krath
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Old Post 01-06-2003 08:41 PM Post #4

"Sebastian," Cold thought, "That doesn't sound familiar..."

Cold didn't know if this man could be a spy, or a new member. Then again, if he was some sort of spy, he would have been running instead of speaking for the group was small enough to know who was a member.

"Call me Cold..." he said not trusting the one in front of him.

"Jeseth did not inform us of a new member... well... nobody informed me..." Cold said in a monotonous tone.

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Sebastian Kvasha

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Old Post 01-06-2003 08:48 PM Post #5

(ooc: In case you want it, this is the link where Jeseth accepted him:

http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showth...&threadid=25063 )


Baz could tell the man didn’t trust him. So the feeling was mutual, he thought.

Call me Cold... Jeseth did not inform us of a new member... well... nobody informed me...

Sebastian might have allowed a small grin, though it was cold in its appearance and nothing to suggest he found any sort of pleasure in the conversation.

“Well he didn’t tell me about you, either.” He replied easily.

“So I suppose we’re even.” He made no effort to shake hands, and instead his hand moved to rest on his blaster. It was more out of habit than an actual intent to use it.

“You been with the group for long?” He asked.

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Knight of the Krath
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Old Post 01-06-2003 09:10 PM Post #6

OOC: Thanks. Btw, I just wanted to start it off like that.

Cold remained silent for a while. For some reason, he began to trust Sebastian's words. He was expecting recruitment to happen eventually.

“Well he didn’t tell me about you, either.”

Cold grinned, as if he wanted to laugh at the comment.

Cold observed as Sebastian set his hand on his blaster. Cold slightly rolled his eyes, trying not to make it noticeable.

What's he gonna do, shoot me? Cold thought in his mind.

"I've been in the Krath since Jeseth created it... It hasn't been long, really."

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Sebastian Kvasha

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Old Post 01-06-2003 11:38 PM Post #7

Baz nodded and then perhaps lightened up a bit, his attitude mirroring that of the one he spoke with.

"Well I havent been here long, either." He admitted.

"In fact, Ive probably only been here a couple of weeks." He didnt add that much of it had been spent recovering from the blaster wounds inflicted on him by Jeseth, though in truth, that was exactly where he'd been.

"How did you become a part of it?" He asked, his hand finally moving from his blaster and his arms folding over his chest in a more relaxed stance. He didnt trust Cold completely, but he could feel enough in the force to know that there was no threat at the moment.

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Knight of the Krath
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Old Post 01-07-2003 07:00 PM Post #8

"Long story." Cold said, as if he didn't want to tell.

He looked at Sebastian and decided to tell anyway. He crossed his arms, and began to talk.

"Most of us here were part of The Sith Order even Jeseth. We were all in group training when suddenly we're stopped in the middle of it." Cold paused.

"Why? First of all we were attacked by this weird monster. Then Jeseth saved us. We all thought we were going to continue the training but Jeseth stopped it completely. But there was something strange about Jeseth. It was because he knew of this new power... he wanted us to gain more power also. Half of us followed, the other half was angered and went back to The Sith Order."

Cold scratched his nose, and continued with his story.

"Jeseth found that The Sith Order was not teaching the proper way. He formed the Krath and we came here to Cinnagar."

Cold thought for a moment. He learned that Sebastian was quite curious when it came to the history of the Krath. He saw that Jeseth had made a wise decision in choosing Sebastian as a member.

"Why so interested?" Cold asked.

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Sebastian Kvasha

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Old Post 01-07-2003 08:21 PM Post #9

Baz had listened with interest as Cold told the tale of the history of the Krath. Jeseth was a man of few words it seemed, for he hadnt volunteered much information to Sebastian on their journey. But this was certainly a better option than the life he’d been living, and from what he understood about Jeseth, would be a far more interesting one

Why so interested?

Baz shrugged at this, finally, slowly beginning to let down his guard the smallest bit.

“Wouldn’t you have wanted to know, if you hadnt been there?” He asked in return, though it was rhetorical, really.

“And what does the Sith Order think of the fact that you’ve all left?” He asked, wanting to know who might be a possible enemy, despite the fact he’d never met them.

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Knight of the Krath
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Old Post 01-07-2003 08:46 PM Post #10

Cold thought momentarily. He looked at Sebastian and answered the question.

"When Jeseth separated one half from the other, the half that was The Sith Order wanted us dead instead of letting Jeseth go on with his idea."

He sighed.

"Let's just say they weren't too happy."

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Sebastian Kvasha

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Old Post 01-07-2003 11:08 PM Post #11

He nodded in understanding.

“And do they still want you dead?” He asked, a slightly cocky amused grin forming. It certainly made life a little different when you had a bounty of sorts on your head, and since he did, it was only natural to want to be around others who were in a similar frame of mind. Not for comfort, but because being with others of the same frame of mind was a safer bet. They were always alert, even if they werent necessarily concerned.

He wondered whether the resentment of the Sith Order was limited to only those who had been members, or if it included any member of the Krath. He supposed he would find out in time. He’d keep that piece of information where he’d remember it, lest he actually meet one of them.

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Knight of the Krath
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Old Post 01-09-2003 07:01 PM Post #12

"Not sure." Cold said.

He didn't know if The Sith Order was still after them. He knew that they weren't to be trusted anymore. Cold thought that they had probably attacked them in frustration of their betrayal. The Krath was created to improve the imperfections of the Sith of The Sith Order and the Dark Jedi of The Black Hand. Jeseth had told them that he would create the Krath to create 'real' Sith and 'real' Dark Jedi. The teaching methods of the other affiliations were not considered good enough.

"I'd watch my back though... Can't trust anyone out there."

This was an obvious precaution that one would always have to take. Growing up in the cities of Coruscant, Cold learned that very quickly.

"How 'bout you? Where are you from and how'd you join?"

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Sebastian Kvasha

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Old Post 01-10-2003 07:52 PM Post #13

Not sure. I'd watch my back though... Can't trust anyone out there.

Sebastian’s grin widened at this. No, you couldn’t trust completely in anyone. And he was fine with that.

How 'bout you? Where are you from and how'd you join?

“I’m originally from Argovia, the capitol city of Argovas.” He answered. He hadnt thought in quite some time about where he was originally from. He was from a large family and had long since left the humid, marshy world to pursue a life of his own.

He had kept in touch with two of his brothers and two of his sisters from time to time, though the seven years he’d spent in prison had made it impossible. He had always been the loner in the family, perhaps because he had been a forgotten middle child.

This was perhaps what had led to the life of crime that he led – no one to really keep an eye on him and keep him out of trouble. To get in trouble was to get noticed and as a child he had wanted this. Now, he was the opposite. He was more than content remaining in the background.

“But I havent been back there in about twelve years now. I left there when I was pretty much just a kid to try my hand at smuggling. My meeting Jeseth on Adarlon was nothing but pure luck.”

He grinned wryly.

“Something I’d been lacking for a while…” He added.

“So who are the others, anyway? Whats the deal with ‘em?”

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Knight of the Krath
Pillar of Dimension
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Old Post 01-12-2003 03:50 AM Post #14

"Interesting." Cold said.

When Cold had seen the man in the beginning, he didn't want to know about him. Cold's anti-social attitude led him to be this way. There was also the fact that he didn't trust anybody which was quite frightening. Speaking to Sebastian gave him knowledge of how the world was around him.

"The others? I don't know them that well. They were affiliated to the Sith Order... but I joined when they trailed off to form the Krath. I didn't have much time to know them too well." Cold told Sebastian.

Cold didn't know much about them. When he joined The Sith Order, he headed for the training mission where he briefly observed how they acted.

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Sebastian Kvasha

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Old Post 01-13-2003 03:06 PM Post #15

The others? I don't know them that well. They were affiliated to the Sith Order... but I joined when they trailed off to form the Krath. I didn't have much time to know them too well.

Baz nodded in acknowledgment of this statement.

“Do you trust them?” He asked. Not that Cold’s answer would make him form an opinion either way, but he was interested to at least hear first impressions before he met the others.

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Knight of the Krath
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Old Post 01-14-2003 03:17 AM Post #16

"Heh. It's like trusting strangers. Ya get?" Cold said letting a chuckle out.

It was true, he didn't refer to them as a family... yet. All his life he could trust no one, and trusting strangers only because they have the same goals was a bit difficult for Cold.

"Why do you ask?" Cold's curiosity kicked in.

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Sebastian Kvasha

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Old Post 01-14-2003 08:09 PM Post #17

Heh. It's like trusting strangers. Ya get? Why do you ask?

Baz shrugged.

“I’ve only met one other besides Jeseth.” He shifted slightly and knelt to tie the lace of his boot that had come undone.

From there he glanced back up at Cold.

“Its hard not to wonder about the others. Particularly when it seems I’ve got no other choice than to rely on them at this point.” Jeseth had been no where to be found since he’d been brought here by him. He knew the man was often off on educational trips, but something told him that this time it was more than that.

Something told him he wasn’t going to be learning about the force from Jeseth anytime soon, and without Jeseth, he was pretty much alone on this planet – unless he chose to join the others. And wisely or unwisely, this was what he chose to do.

“You seen Jeseth lately?” He asked, standing back up from his crouched position.

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Knight of the Krath
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Old Post 01-15-2003 12:22 AM Post #18

"No." Cold replied.

He hadn't seen Jeseth but didn't wonder where he was either.

"I'm sure he's alright; it's not that easy take Jeseth down." he said, unsure of his words.

"What do you expect in doing in this group? Anything interesting?" Cold asked a bit interested.

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Sebastian Kvasha

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Old Post 01-15-2003 01:13 AM Post #19

Sebastian shrugged.

"I hadnt really thought about it." He admitted.

"With my...background....I could probably handle whatever. Jeseth didnt really go into details about any of it..."

For a moment he almost smiled.

"I suppose I should have asked." He admitted with a rueful expression.

"Do you have some specific job or something..?" He asked.

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Knight of the Krath
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Old Post 01-15-2003 01:58 AM Post #20

"Nope. Just here to learn I guess. There's also the fact that it's better to be here than to be living in a dumpster" His last sentence had a bit of sarcasm in it.

"I'm sure something'll turn up."

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Sebastian Kvasha

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Old Post 01-15-2003 09:23 PM Post #21

Nope. Just here to learn I guess. There's also the fact that it's better to be here than to be living in a dumpster

Sebastian knew very little about Cold, but he could easily hear the sarcasm in his voice with his last comment.

I'm sure something'll turn up.

“Is there anything you have a particular interest in doing?” He asked as he motioned to Cold and together they began to walk back to the residence the two of them could call ‘home’.

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Knight of the Krath
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Old Post 01-16-2003 03:38 AM Post #22

He started walking with him. Odd how they were perfect strangers but kept talking.

"I just wanna do something better with my life. I don't wanna be homeless. I'm here because I love the feeling of being seen as a dark sider... someone people can fear. Doesn't make much sense, but I understand myself." Cold said.

"What about you? You've joined an organization, risking to end up in jail."

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Sebastian Kvasha

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Old Post 01-16-2003 04:32 PM Post #23

I just wanna do something better with my life. I don't wanna be homeless. I'm here because I love the feeling of being seen as a dark sider... someone people can fear. Doesn't make much sense, but I understand myself.

He stuffed his hands into the pocket of his coat as they walked.

“I understand what you mean about wanting people to fear you.” He replied. “It makes perfect sense, particularly if you’ve come from a situation where having that ability would have made life a whole lot different….”

They were silent for a moment as they walked, perhaps each of them lost in their own thoughts.

What about you? You've joined an organization, risking to end up in jail.

At this, Baz nodded.

“I suppose that is a risk….” He admitted.

“But I havent really avoided that risk in the past. And at this point in my life, I don’t see that changing a whole lot.”

He cast a glance over at Cold, then back to the path that they followed.

“Were you homeless before?” He asked. Cold’s previous statements about living in a dumpster and not wanting to be homeless had seemed to Baz as if the boy were suggesting he wanted something different than what he’d had in the past. Listening skills were a lifesaver sometimes in the line of work he’d chosen.

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Knight of the Krath
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Old Post 01-16-2003 10:39 PM Post #24

"I grew up as an orphan on the streets. I didn't really have a home. Sure I slept in orphanages... but it was never really a home." Cold admitted.

He hadn't lived the life of a child. He had to survive instead of having fun, really.

"So you're not afraid to go back to jail... even if they send you for life?"

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Sebastian Kvasha

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Old Post 01-17-2003 07:59 PM Post #25

I grew up as an orphan on the streets. I didn't really have a home. Sure I slept in orphanages... but it was never really a home.

Baz gave Cold a quick glance, his dark eyes flickering to him and then back to the path. The life of an orphan was not an easy one, and he gave Cold a lot of credit for having made it to where he was.

So you're not afraid to go back to jail... even if they send you for life?

He considered this question for a moment.

“My last sentence was for life.” He stated with a tone that indicated that he understood how serious a prison term for life was. And then he shrugged.

“Afraid….” He shook his head.

“Not afraid. I just don’t want to go back.” He replied. There was something in his voice to indicate that prison had not been an easy time for him. Memories of it haunted him from time to time. He had become hardened by the whole ordeal, certainly, but like anyone, he was not without a breaking point. Prison had come close to breaking him and he would do anything – absolutely anything – to keep from going back.

“You’ve never been in jail, have you?” It wasn’t asked as if he looked down upon Cold, but more because those who had done time usually had a way about them that he could recognize. He did not see this about Cold, and envied the young man for it.

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Knight of the Krath
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Old Post 01-18-2003 12:23 AM Post #26

"No, I haven't." Cold answered.

It was a bit obvious with the type of questions he was asking. Sebastian's experience seemed to make Cold think that it wasn't the place anyone would want to be.

He learned that Sebastian didn't like living in a prison where he was literally trapped.

"Hopefully I won't end up there... if I'm lucky."

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Sebastian Kvasha

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Old Post 01-21-2003 05:51 PM Post #27

Baz nodded.

"Hopefully, you wont." He replied, his voice perhaps a decible quieter than before.

There was a comfortable silence for a moment, both lost in thought.

"Have you seen much of the galaxy, then, or only enough to get you here?" He asked.

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Knight of the Krath
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Old Post 01-22-2003 03:00 AM Post #28

"The galaxy? It's still a mystery to me. I haven't been around really. Never really had the money and sneaking into cargo ships is a big risk..." Cold told Sebastian.

It was odd how Cold had never wondered what happened around the world. Like he had said, it was a mystery to him.

"I'm sure you have. Anything interesting out there?"

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Sebastian Kvasha

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Old Post 01-22-2003 10:55 PM Post #29

The galaxy? It's still a mystery to me. I haven't been around really. Never really had the money and sneaking into cargo ships is a big risk….

Baz grinned at this. Yes, it was risky. But well worth the price in some cases.

I'm sure you have. Anything interesting out there?

Baz nodded.

“Theres always something interesting if you’re willing to open your mind.” He replied. This was not spoken in a lecturing tone, but more as a philosophy of life – that he himself lived by, but did not preach to others. It was their choice, he felt, what they chose to do with their own beliefs.

“I got caught up in pirating and smuggling for a while.” He offered, glancing over at Cold and answering his question a little more directly. It was interesting for him, for he hadnt spoken much since before he’d gone into prison. With the exception of his conversation with Jeseth, this was probably the most he’d spoken to someone in over seven years.

“It gave me a chance to see more of the galaxy, I suppose, than most jobs….” He looked out at the woods as they walked through them.

“I’d go back to it, too.” He added somewhat wistfully. It had been a life of adventure and living on the edge – something he’d rather enjoyed. Something he missed about his life now. Though, with this new group, the doors seemed to be wide open on what he finally decided to do with himself.

“You ever done something just to see if you could get away with it…?” He asked.

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Knight of the Krath
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Old Post 01-23-2003 02:49 AM Post #30

"Tons." Cold replied. "But most of it was for survival I guess. I bet I'd be able to steal anything with the skills I learned stealing food."

Cold smiled at this. Not really anything he could be proud of, but what made him smile was that he'd succeeded in doing it. He didn't care who what belonged to anyone as long as he was able to use it to his own benefit.

"It's a tough world out there isn't it?" Cold told him, looking up at the sky.

"We can't really do anything about it I guess."

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Sebastian Kvasha

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Old Post 01-23-2003 04:34 PM Post #31

Tons. But most of it was for survival I guess. I bet I'd be able to steal anything with the skills I learned stealing food.

Baz chuckled. This was a sign that he was slowly warming up to this stranger. Cold would have made a good pirate. There was something about him, perhaps just the fact that he was a street rat that made him appear hungry – but smart about it.

It's a tough world out there isn't it? It was a tough world out there. There was no doubting that.

We can't really do anything about it I guess.

His hands were still stuffed in his pockets as he walked, his shoulders hunched against the wind that was beginning to blow at their backs.

“No, I don’t think theres anything that can be done to change that reality.” He agreed.

“But knowing that its tough and that you probably arent going to get the break you want…that puts you a step ahead, I think.”

He shrugged.

“You get used to it, you get hardened by it, and you live with it. It just becomes a way of life. You did, on the streets, didn’t you?” He asked, more rhetorically than anything else to prove a point.

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Knight of the Krath
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Old Post 01-24-2003 09:23 PM Post #32

"I guess." Cold shrugged.

Some can't survive. Some go mentally ill for living the type of life Cold did. It seemed that Sebastian's lifestyle wasn't so easy either. The fact of always looking around to see if you're going to get caught isn't very healthy.

"Anyway... I gotta go take a nap. I haven't slept in days." Cold told Sebastian.

"It was great meeting you, I'm sure you'll make a great addition to the Krath." Cold said with an honest tone.

"Take care." He started to walk away from Sebastian, knowing that Sebastian was a person he related to a lot.

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Sebastian Kvasha

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Old Post 01-24-2003 10:19 PM Post #33

Baz nodded. His way of saying thanks for the welcome of sorts.

"See you around..." He replied, watching for a moment as Cold walked off, and then he himself began to head for shelter.

The wind was picking up, and he needed a bit of rest himself.