View Full Version : Downward Spiral: The Iron Citadel [Jehova's Trial]

Salem Ave
Sep 28th, 2004, 05:16:00 AM
Jeseth Cloak
Pillar of Balance
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Downward Spiral: The Iron Citadel [Jehova's Trial]


Old Post 11-11-2002 01:30 PM Post #1

Jeseth stepped into the dark and hallowed halls of the Iron Citadel. A great war had taken place there once between the Order of Krath and the Jedi of the Old Republic... The Jedi hadn't bothered to clean up after themselves very much. Walls, doors, ceilings... they all bore the scars of glorious duels which had brought an end to the Dark Jedi of the Order of Krath. They had been playing with great power, and lost control. The silent reminders of their failure were visible in every room that Jeseth explored.

These were not mere Dark Jedi that had fallen. They were brothers and sisters to him. They had struggled for power, and been defeated because of their own foolish mistakes. Jeseth would make no mistakes. He had already made them all once before; The Black Hand would wither and die, an one day fall to legend. It was an embodiment of his mistakes. To think that he had let anything get so far out of hand... but he had wished to give them what they wanted. None of them had any purpose anymore. Raving lunatics, misguided pawns... and then there were those rare ones who simply had no place else left to go.

It was in the past now. He would never look back... The Iron Citadel would return to its former glory.

"Jehova?" Jeseth's voice echoed quickly down the dark pathways. Where has he gone off to?

Last edited by Jeseth Cloak on 12-08-2002 at 11:18 PM
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Jehova Eaven

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Old Post 11-13-2002 09:34 PM Post #2

Jehova had wandered away from Jeseth, he had grown bored of following his path along the halls of this old keep. He desired to unlock the mysteries of the castle on his own. This palace.... it seemed odd. There seemed to be a feeling of darkness surrounding the area. He was about to go into another room when he heard a voice.

"Yes?" He responded to Jeseth's voice slowly. His attention was on some of the old books that lay on one of the tables in a room across from Jeseth's position. He had learned the value of information. Knowledge was power, a very different power from that of his own. Jehova wanted this power badly.... Jeseth and these books were the key.

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Jeseth Cloak
Pillar of Balance
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Old Post 11-14-2002 08:05 PM Post #3

Jeseth had walked on, finding a circular room with several seats high above the floor. There were nine seats in total. Jehova responded at last, his voice echoing loudly into the room. "Hm," throated Jeseth in thought deeply, "this is the right place. Touch nothing - I wouldn't be surprised if all of this fell apart without warning." Jeseth blinked seconds before he heard a crack. The vibration of their voices had been too much for the structure to stand up against. The winged man looked up, watching as several large steel beams tore loose from their place in the rafters.

The falling projectiles were easily large enough to crush Jeseth, and in a cloud of dust and soot, he had vanished. The floor was crushed beneath the weight of the girders, and large cracks ran throughout the room. Jehova walked in to find a large hill of sharp metal debris and blunt stones. Jeseth ran his hand through his hair to clean out some of the ash. He was standing atop the mountain of rubble, having survived only through a well-timed execution of jumps.

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Jehova Eaven

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Old Post 11-19-2002 06:10 AM Post #4

It would seem as if he had spoken too soon. He had heard the timbers fall loose from the ceiling and entered the room quickly to find Jeseth standing atop a heap of debris. It was pretty surprising to see a Cloak move so quickly. Slayn, his clone and “son” would have probably been crushed.

“You should have heeded your own advice,” Jehova said nonchalantly. “Have you found anything of use?”

He stared at what was left of the tables and chairs. From what was left he could tell that there were once nine chairs. “One for each of the ruling council…” he thought. It would appear that Jeseth had indeed found something.

Last edited by Jeseth Cloak on 11-26-2002 at 07:57 AM
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Jeseth Cloak
Pillar of Balance
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Old Post 11-26-2002 08:07 AM Post #5

Jeseth looked around and walked down the heap of rubble. "There's nothing here of any relevance. This place was ravaged long before we ever arrived. Others have come before us... probably in search of knowledge - or artifacts." He walked past Jehova and made his way down the corridors, stepping out into the cold air that surrounded the Iron Citadel. Jehova followed him.

"So, I understand that you ascended to the title of Master in my absence..."

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Jehova Eaven

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Old Post 11-28-2002 03:27 AM Post #6

He sneered as he walked outside. The fresh air forced itself into his lungs. His eyes took a moment to readjust to the bright sunlight. Jehova still wasn't used to the planet's environment. He was used to the smog-covered planets of Corellia and Coruscant and the ash-covered Vjun.

"Hrmph, it would seem that this is a case of the student surpassing the master." he said as he brushed his hair from out of his eyes. "But don't take it too badly. It was bound to happen sooner or later."

Last edited by on 11-28-2002 at 03:35 AM
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Jeseth Cloak
Pillar of Balance
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Old Post 12-06-2002 04:45 AM Post #7

As the last of Jehova's words left his lips, he found himself lifted into the air by a massive impact. Jeseth had used the Force to toss Jehova as if he had been a rag doll. He turned and met his former Apprentice's gaze. "It's time you learned humility... a final lesson."

Jeseth clenched his right hand into a fist, squeezing Jehova's heart firmly. It was as close to a heart attack as the alien would ever come... and it was many times more painful. "They were desperate... you were given your title much too soon. The time to pay for their mistakes has come." Jeseth released his fist and allowed Jehova a chance to regain his composure.

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Jehova Eaven

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Old Post 12-10-2002 07:32 AM Post #8

He coughed blood as he fell to his hands and knees in front of his former master. Jeseth was standing in front of him ominously. He knew that in his heart he was taking great pleasure in watching his student squirm. Jehova knew this for he could feel it from him.

"Finally, the power..."he managed to say before coughing up more blood. Jehova had been wondering if the Masters before him were as powerful as he. Now he would have his chance to learn.

He rose to his feet and quickly wiped the blood from his mouth before smiling sadistically. Now it was Jeseth's turn to feel pain. He held up an arm quickly and a volley of energy shot forth from his fingertips.