View Full Version : The boy returns (Lost)

Leten Snat
Sep 28th, 2004, 12:50:03 AM
Three years. Has it really been that long? Leten thinks to himself as he looks at his reflection in the window of a building. I don't even know my own face any more, What makes you think they will remember you.

Not only had he forgotten his own face, he had forgotten the feel of sunlight, the smell of good food, and the life he had in the upper levels. It took him half a year to recover from his fall into the abyss, which is pretty good since not many people could live a fall like that. As he was recovering he took the time to practice touching the force, as well as the other skills he had learned at the GJO, like controlling his illusions and sensing things through the force.

Near the end of his recovery, Leten heard some people enter the camp he was staying in, the camp he grew up in. Shortly after they entered he heard the sound of blaster fire and screams of fear. He tried to get up to go help his people, but the old woman that had been looking after him would not let him leave, telling him that he would only be captured or killed if he left. So Leten stayed.

He later found out that gangs were raiding the camps of the street people, capturing the young men and women, and killing all the people that fought back. Leten knew that this had to stop. So for the remaining two and a half years Leten has been fighting the street gangs how ever he could. Armed with nothing but his lightsaber Leten took on the gangs of the lower levels, and seemed to be making some headway in his lost cause, until he found the captured street people.

What he saw there was like no other operation he had ever seen. There were more thugs than he could count, and there was a sith. He couldn’t deal with this on his own. He needs help.

After selling some salvage he had collected over the years, he purchased some new clothes, and started his way to the upper levels. Now he stands looking into the window of the diner he tried to call home almost exactly three years ago, looking at his battle scarred 16 year old face in the reflection. After attempting to wipe a bit of dirt his face, and failing, Leten makes his way to the door.

Dexter was just flipping the sign on the door, so that it now says closed, But the door was still unlocked, since the diner still had a few people finishing the food on their plates. So Leten walks in, and makes his way to a stool at the counter near the cash register.

Dexter calls to him from the back of the diner, “Ya cross-eyed or somethin’ buddy! The sign says we’re closed!”

Leten Smiles over his shoulder at Dexter. “Would you really turn away a kid looking to spend his hard earned money?”

Dexter walks up to Leten, looking him over as he says “Judgin’ from the looks of ya, any money you got ain’t any cleaner than your face.” Dexter pauses and shrugs “But what do I care!” Hands Leten a Menu “I want cash up front, and don’t order anythin’ fancy.”

Leten nods and starts to read the menu, hoping to see one of his Lost Jedi friends enter or leave the diner.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Sep 28th, 2004, 09:32:35 AM
*Natia yawns as she steps into the Diner from the street. Dexter starts to yell at her, but notices who she is, walks over and gives her a great big hug. It had been awhile since she had last set foot in the Diner. They talk for a couple of minutes before Dexter goes back to his work.

She looks across the Diner and sighs, nobody she recognizes. But then she looks back at the dirty boy in the diner and there's just something about him that's familiar*

Just wishful thinking girl, wishful thinking.

*Natia takes a deep breath before going to the empty booth in the back corner which is unofficially reserved for her family*

My usual Dex, nothing fancy.

*Natia leans back in the booth before sighing. Between searching for Leten, and her learning, and her travelling, she's not getting much time to relax.

As she's sitting there, her eyes are drawn back to the boy*

Dex, who's the boy. He seems familiar for some reason.

Paying customer is all.

Send him over here. I'll pay for his meal.

*Natia says, hoping that this boy might have a clue on where Leten is. She probably came across him in the lower levels during her search*

Leten Snat
Sep 28th, 2004, 09:46:00 AM
Dexter walks over to Leten "The girl in the corner wants you to sit with her"

Leten nods and looks over at Natia, and smiles. He walks to the back booth. His heart jumping with joy as he sees her.

She looks as beautiful as the day I first met her. Accualy I'd say more so! Leten thinks to himself. Now lets see if she has forgoten me.

Leten sits down across from Natia.

"Thank you for your kind offer. do you know whats good here? I've been in a few times, but never tried the food here."

imported_Natia Telcontar
Sep 28th, 2004, 09:55:19 AM
*Natia smiles as the boy sits down across from her. When she hears the boys voice, her heart almost stops. Either, she's hearing things, or this is him, more grown and mature. She takes a closer look at him, a smile growing on her face the more she looks at him. More mature, grown alot, more confident. It's him, it's truly him.

With a huge smile on her face, she reaches over the table, grabs Leten and pulls him across, she meets him halfway with a hug*

It's so good to see you again Leten.

Dexter, Leten's back.

*Natia lets Leten go after she sees a look from Dexter, a huge smile on both his and her face. She then composes herself, grinning like an idiot, she's that happy right now*

I can't believe it's you. Don't ever do that to me again Leten. You hear me. Don't ever go falling down the Abyss again and not tell me where you are. Do you know how much I've worried about you since I found out that you fell, now knowing if you were alive or not.

*Natia then grabs Leten with the Force and pulls him up and over the table and sits him down next to her, wall side of the booth*

Leten Snat
Sep 28th, 2004, 11:07:03 AM
Leten is grabed from across the table, and as he is hugged he hugs Natia back. Leten's sences are overwelmed by the feel of her skin, the smell of her hair, and the sound of her voice. Intill this moment, he never understood how much he missed her. It might have been the force telling him something, his emotions brought on by being near her again, or maybe a bit of both, but Leten wanted this moment to last forever.

As Natia lets go of him, Leten reluctantly lets go of her, and goes to listen then respond to Natia chewing him out for saving Shanaria's life. But before he can respond Leten is grabed by the force, fliped over the table and planted in the seet next to Natia, but as he was fliped his lightsaber fell off his belt and rolled across the floor to the middle of the diner. But Leten doesn't notice yet.

After he is seeted again, Leten sighs and says...

"Okay, first of all, I have no intentions of taking the quick way down to the bottom of the abyss again. I was lucky enough to live through it the first time, and I don't want to test my luck again. In fact if it was not for my backpack snagging on something near the bottom, taking most of the force on the straps and my shoulders, I would be as flat as the rest of the thugs that fell.

Second, I did what I had to in order to save Shanaria. The thugs were going to kill her in order to stop her Street Food project, and she was hurt. I had the choice of letting them catch and kill us both, run and let them catch and kill her, or take a stand, let her live and get rid of 90% of the thugs that were comming after us. She needed to live in order for that project to continue. She had already saved a number of lives with it, and the street people need her to continue so they can learn make their own food down there.

Third, I had no way of contacting you to let you know I was alright. I had no comm unit, I'm not really skilled in telepathy, and only with in the last two and a half years have I gotten really good at sencing things other that salvage with the force, and that is still with a restricted range."

Leten's big smile turns to more like a half smile.

"I really missed you Natia, But I can't stay long. I came back for help, Jedi help. There is a sith down there, and I can't stop him on my own. He has to be stoped, for the sake of the whole planet."

Leten looks up from Natia, and sees his lightsaber on the floor.

"Um... Could I get up and get my saber, before I loose it?"

imported_Natia Telcontar
Sep 29th, 2004, 09:38:53 AM
*Natia wraps her arms around Leten*

Oh no. There is no way I'm letting that witch take you from me again. If she gets her hands on you again, she won't let you come back or let me see you again. There is no way you are going back to her.

As for getting help from the Jedi, that won't be a problem as long as you allow me to come with you.

*Natia looks at the floor where the lightsaber is and uses the Force to call the lightsaber back to the table.*

Dex, get Leten my usual as well please.

Here's your lightsaber Leten. You might want to find a more secure way of keeping it on your person.

Leten Snat
Sep 29th, 2004, 10:03:00 AM
Leten Hugs Natia back for a moment.

"I have to go back down there. You can come if you want, but I can't say that it will be safe. This Sith is bad news. He is well known down there. Some call him the Dark One, others call him the Dark Lord, and his men just call him The Master. He runs a Big gang down there, and we will have to go into the heart of his men, I'd guess over 1000 of them. Even then I think I also saw a hover truck people were unloading, and heard somebody yell, careful with those boxes! you don't want to blow yourselves up before everything is ready!"

Leten takes his saber.

"The clip got dammaged and I just haven't had the time or tools to fix it."

imported_Natia Telcontar
Sep 29th, 2004, 10:07:20 AM
I don't care how dangerous it is. I'm not about to let you fall back into her clutches again where she will again refuse to let me talk with you. I'm going. We'll get a group of others and we all will go down there.

Leten Snat
Sep 29th, 2004, 11:25:56 AM
"Natia, There is nobody down there that will stop me from talking with you! But yes we will need others to come. I would prefer TLJ, because the GJO would have to pass a mision like this past the council, and we de not have the time for that."

Leten smiles again as he looks over Natia.

"So what is your usual meal here? Is it good? I'm sure it will be better than what I've been eating for the last three years."

imported_Natia Telcontar
Sep 30th, 2004, 09:49:56 AM
Leten, if it wasn't good, I wouldn't eat it. My usual right now is a big nerf burger. It's really good and juicy.

And believe me, there are ppl down there which want to keep us apart. I should know cause the one person who knew how to find you down there refused to let me talk with you.

Leten Snat
Sep 30th, 2004, 10:36:02 AM
"Ummm... that sounds good. Expecaly since I have been eating trash and awful nutrent bars, likely stormtrooper grade for the last 3 years."

Leten then shakes his head.

"There was nobody down there that knew where I was. I never told anybody where I was going, and there was no way to contact me. They likely didn't help you because they couldn't help."

imported_Natia Telcontar
Oct 1st, 2004, 03:03:57 PM
*Natia doesn't make any comment about Leten saying that there is nobody down there trying to keep them apart, she believes otherwise*

I'm sure you'll enjoy the burger. I know that I quite enjoy them.

Leten Snat
Oct 4th, 2004, 10:05:30 AM
"I know I will enjoy the burger, because I'm sitting next to you."

Leten notices that a bit of the dirt on him has smudhed off on to Naita's chest, and Leten not thinking about what he is doing goes to dust off the dirt with his hand.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Oct 6th, 2004, 08:49:12 AM
*Natia gently catches Leten's hand before it can dust the dirt off of her*

Careful Leten. We don't want ppl thinking you're trying to do something with me.

*Natia glances down and wipes the dirt off of her chest*

Leten Snat
Oct 7th, 2004, 11:40:31 AM
When Natia catches his hand and gives him a warning, leten relises what he was about to do. he hangs his head and gets that boyish embarased smirk on his face.

"ummm...umm... I'm sorry, I just didn't want to see you all dirty on my account. I didn't meen to make you think I was being rather forward with you... Ummm... aaa... Sorry."

imported_Natia Telcontar
Oct 7th, 2004, 12:45:02 PM
*Natia smiles as Leten blushes*

Don't worry. I wasn't worried, but I don't want others to get a wrong impression. And I got dirty on my own account.

Leten Snat
Oct 7th, 2004, 12:51:35 PM
Still blushing, Leten looks back up at Natia.

"So when do we go and see if we canget some other lost to help me in the lower levels?"

imported_Natia Telcontar
Oct 7th, 2004, 12:57:30 PM
After we eat our meal. I'm not about to let you leave without eating. After we've eaten, we'll go talk with the others.

Leten Snat
Oct 7th, 2004, 01:08:31 PM
Leten nods, and the quickly moves his face to Natia's and gives her a Quick Kiss on her lips. He then hangs his head blushing even more, and moves right up to the wall.

"So when do you think the food will arrive?"

imported_Natia Telcontar
Oct 7th, 2004, 01:12:11 PM
*Natia scoots over on the seat, closer to Leten, as he moves away towards the wall*

The food will be here when it's here.

And you look so cute when you blush.

Leten Snat
Oct 7th, 2004, 01:41:46 PM
Leten just blushes even more(If that is at all possable). Hopeing that the food will come soon.

"I don't remember if I asked, but what have you been up to for the last three years."

Oct 8th, 2004, 06:34:56 AM
The cat was purring.

The kitchen was warm and he had managed to sneak in, climbing to the highest point, before settling down for a snooze. It's Master hadn,t been around a lot lately, what with the new two legged kitten He was so fond of. to tell the truth, Stig rather liked this small two legged thing called a 'baby'. Odd name for a kitten, but the two legged things were always so odd with names. The 'Baby' didnt move much, it slept more than he did and seemed to drink milk. A lot. It also had quite a meow that gave Stig a headache. Marcus-Cat seemed to spend so much time trying to stop the 'baby' from meowing. He seemed a lot more tired but happy too. Somethign about this 'baby' had bought a change in Marcus-cat, something Stig was still trying to work out.

Oh well. Stig was still fed and still got snuggle time with Marrcus-Cat when the 'baby' was asleep. In fact, Marcus seemed much more prepared to allow Stig to gain Marcus-cat's lap. He didnt talk as much, but patted Stig more. And had the smoke coming out of the wood thing less.

Now... where was he... ah yes. Kitchen. Warm. Cat's liked warm. Cats also liked food and that was what Stig was looking out for too. Odd scraps or if he was fast enough, a whole steak. The big Dexter-lizard was always yelling at stig to get out of the kitchen trying to kick Stig, but the cat was way too fast. He yawned, looking at the cooks, looking at the food - and then quite suddenly springing off his perch, swiping a meat patty and rocketing out of the kitchen before anyone could get him.

Yeah! Happy cat!

He trotted jauntilty into the dining area, truly pleased with his steal. Just liek he owned the place, he unerringly sensed someone he knew that would stop any attempt to shoo him out, or retrieve his prize.


The cat apepars on the table like he had teleported there, meat patty in his jaws.

Hello Natia-bird

In the manner of cats, he completely ignored the strage two legged thing next to Natia.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Oct 8th, 2004, 09:37:09 AM
*Natia's about to answer Leten's question when suddenly Stig is on the table*

Hello Stig. Now mind your manners and say hi to Leten. You remember him don't you.

*Natia knows Stig at least knows about Leten because of the time which she's spent talking to Stig about Leten and how much she misses him*

Leten, you remember Stig don't you, Grandpa's cat. Correction, Grandpa is Stig's personnal lap and petter.

Leten Snat
Oct 8th, 2004, 12:34:49 PM
Leten looks at the cat, smiling at him.

"I don't recall ever meeting this beautful young feline, though I have heard about him. I'm pleased to meet you Stig."

Oct 11th, 2004, 11:49:07 PM
Much in the manner of cats, he ignored the newcomer that he didnt know. Felines have a supreme arrogance that allowed to get away with just about any rudeness. This time, he was more interested in the meat he had snagged.

When I be getting my hands on that black bastard...


Dexter? Keep it down, the baby..

Baby be damned! That thing of ye stole food again! I told yer to keep it outta the kitchen! When I find the damn thing...



Sudden silence from the kitchen, except for the now wailing baby. The silence of other voices was highly onimous.

One of the chefs could be seen tip toeing out the door, quietly as possible.

"Oh shi......" Dexter voice sounded very worried suddenly.


Stig glanced up at the rumbling wave of sound that was his Master's voice. The cat decided that it would be a good idea to scooch up under Natia's chair, because Marcus-cat's mean temper was scary. Especially if anyone woke his kitten up.

And it sounded like Marcus-cat was gettign a good wind on.


A moment later, Stig saw the stumpy legs of Dexter come out and put two plates down on the table. He sounded worried and fearful.

"There ya go Miss Telcontar. And ummm... if ye dont mind, I'm just gonna sneak out for ten time clicks. Your auntie is being difficult"

imported_Natia Telcontar
Oct 12th, 2004, 10:46:23 AM
*Natia looks in the direction of Marcus's voice and shakes her head. He sure doesn't like ppl waking Arwenai up*

Thanx Dex, and go on, give Grandpa a chance to cool down. He'll be fine once Arwenai is back asleep. And go easy on Stig. He is a cat after all. He thinks he owns the place.

Leten Snat
Oct 12th, 2004, 10:54:14 AM
Leten looks around as all the noise goes through the diner. He keeps himself quiet, aside from thanking Dexter when he brings them the food. After that Leten just starts eating the food that was placed in front of him.

Marcus Telcontar
Oct 17th, 2004, 07:12:32 PM
Marcus had the baby in his arms. It wasn't exactly easy to calm himslef enough to soothe Arwenai - The girl had kept him awake the last week and right now, he was fraying. First damn time the baby had been sound asleep, Dexter just had to go wake her up. It just wasn't fair.

Walking through the kitchen and out into the dining area, he sighed. Every Jedi should have a baby to look after to teach them patience and understand what real calmness was. If you could cope with the unrelenting demands of a infant, you could face anything.


Over the top of the bench, he landed on the seat neatly, right next to Natia. Spotting her cheered him up. She was always good for a chat too.

"By the force Natia, I tell them once, I tell them twenty times. Why cant anyone listen and take me seriously when I want quiet?"

imported_Natia Telcontar
Oct 18th, 2004, 10:16:16 AM
*Natia smiles, happy she scooched over closer to Leten because there are now three ppl on the same bench in the booth*

They probably just got carried away Grandpa. I think they do try though.

Leten Snat
Oct 18th, 2004, 11:11:23 AM
Leten, now being squished up ageinst the wall, looks around Natia and smiles at Marcus.

"Hi Marcus. I don't know if you remember me but we have only really met once. And you drew you gun on me at that time. I know I've changed alot since then, but it me, Leten."

The dirt covered boy smiles hoping that he is remembered, and that it doesn't intice Marcus to pull a gun on him again.

Marcus Telcontar
Oct 19th, 2004, 05:47:01 AM
Pause. He hadnt even realised someone else was here.

"I'm sorry, I dont remember you" he said. "I certainly dont recall pulling a gun on you and letting you live. That's a rare thing indeed for me".

imported_Natia Telcontar
Oct 19th, 2004, 09:44:02 AM
Remember Grandpa, I've talked alot about Leten, even more so after he disappeared three years ago. And you did pull your gun on him, but things got worked out and he's one of us now, remember.

*Natia looks at Leten and smiles*

He's been busy with Arwenai lately.

Leten Snat
Oct 19th, 2004, 10:44:18 AM
"I was let into TLJ by Xazor, and we first met when I came running up into the hideout saying that somebody was after Natia, you pulled your gun at me, and I stumbled over a couch and from what I've been told made myself look like a lamp, untill Xazor and Natia came in and let you know I was alright to be there. Then I told you about how sombody in Natia's family wanted to take her away and put her in jail."

Marcus Telcontar
Oct 20th, 2004, 02:10:19 AM
"Did you now? I still do not recall. Xazor is departed from us thankfully and I have other things on my mind. A young child puts chance encounters to one side and makes you see things differently"

The baby in question was staring at Letan, seemingly facinated.

"I am sorry Natia, things tend to slip around the edges lately. I dont doubt we have talked". a thought occured in his tired mind. It gamined hold and broke through.

"Oh, I was interrupting wasn't I?" he asked, a hint of 'Oops' on his voice.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Oct 20th, 2004, 09:56:28 AM
Not completely. After our meal, we were going to look for you to see if you and maybe some others would be willing to go with Leten and myself down to the lower levels to stop a problem.

*Natia gives both Marcus and Arwenai a hug*

Don't worry Grandpa, I understand that you have other things on your mind.

Leten Snat
Oct 21st, 2004, 12:10:56 PM
Leten nods as Natia says that he was looking for help.

"The street people in the Lower levels have come to think of me as their protecter over the last 3 years, but I have come across a probem I can't solve alone. I followed a bunch of thugs who had just kidnaped a number of street people, and where they were taken I didn't like what I saw. The thug were making the street people chip away a very large support pillar on the bottom floor.

I was about to attack the thugs when I saw this dark cloked person pull out two lightsabers and kill five street people that were trying to light crate on fire. The man then turned to the Thug that was supose to be watching them and killed him too. Then he put a new thug to guarding the crate and told him that if those explosive go off before they are in place not only would he be dead but so would his intire family. He then went on to say that with only one truck of explosives to work with, they have to make every box count to it's fullest.

After that I got out of there before my cover was blown and I made my way up here as fast as I could. that was yesterday morning that I saw this, and I haven eaten or slept since, just so I could get here quickly."

Leten then picks up a hand full of fries from his plate and shoves them into his mouth.

Marcus Telcontar
Oct 22nd, 2004, 01:14:43 AM
Twin sabres? Explosives? Single truck?

He may have had other things on his mind, but the fight at that factory was quite clear. Two Sith, explosives trucks and thugs.

"Are you certain of this?" he asked quietly, suddenly with his full attention on Letan. "I fought two sith some months ago when they were attempting to steal explosives. They got away with one truck. If what you say is true, you have found what became of them. "

Leten Snat
Oct 22nd, 2004, 10:20:52 AM
Leten quickly finished his mouth full of food, and Replied.

"I'm as certain of what I saw a heard as much as I am certain that I'm dirty, hungry, and tired right now."

Leten pauses to take a mouthfull of his drink.

"The part that I really don't like is where this is going on. Those Big pillars are holding up 15 floors on their own, and the top of those hold the suports of another 20 floors, and so on. Those pillers come down and the devastation will cascade all the way up to the top floors. Likely the hole will get biger around as it goes up he floors."

Leten takes a bite out of his burger.

"If my guess is correct, and I hope it's not, the center of the hole on the surface will likely be in the High class homes around where the Senate lives, and the edges of the hole, again if I'm correct on what might happen, might get as far as the GJO, taking this diner with it. But I do know that if those go down, 18 Street people havens will be crushed, and the hundreds that are doing the work on the bottom floor will likely be killed. No matter what happens to those pillers, if they fall down the death toll will be huge."

Leten shoves another hand full of fries in his mouth.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Oct 22nd, 2004, 10:27:19 AM
*Natia remains silent as Marcus and Leten talk, listening to what is being said as she starts to eat her meal*

Marcus Telcontar
Oct 28th, 2004, 02:01:36 AM
"It will take a lot more than a truck full of explosives to collapse a major section - but I'd agree. This is not something we can let slide. My first sense is we dont have a lot of time, but we cant run headlong into this. If this is the Sith I think this is..."

To be blunt, he hadnt ben too impressed when he had come across the Sith his thugs. If it came down to a fight, he was certain he would clean them up with no real sweat. But the explosives would add a slightly different cmplexion. Now what could be done and what was on his side?

Natia was not really as tried and steady as he would have wanted. She was a Padawan (His Padawan and he was pleased with her. But still, she was no Jyanis). Not for a direct confrontation, but disarming anything?

Letan, he didnt know, but he probably knew the layout. That was more than useful.

Now why had he thought of Jyanis Scorpion? He hadnt been seen in years.

"You can clean up and eat as you will, young one" he said adressing Letan. "But as for rest, this cant be done. You will lead Natia and myself back down there. I would have a .... word ... with this Sith. This sort of attempted murder will not be tolerated."

Leten Snat
Oct 28th, 2004, 11:19:22 AM
Leten nods as he again finishes his mouth full.

"I fully agree with you . This needs to be delt with. I also agree that one truck would not be enough on it's own to take it out but he has hundreds of street people chipping away at the suports with vibro-picks I noticed that the have aleady chiped one of the 13 meter duracrete piller away to the point that there is only 5 meters left holding it up. I think the explosives are only there to syncronise the colapse of the pillers."

Leten finishes his fries and goes to to work on his burger again.

"But as for the sleep, I really could use at least 2 hours. It's a 2 day one night trip down there. And I don't know if I could remain alert enough to make it."

Leten thinks for a moment.

"Though there is a faster way down... Ive taken it once but it took me half a year to recover from it. The abyss. It's the site of an old crash that plowed it's way down to the bottom. It didn't destablize the structure so people didn't bother to repair the damage it did to the city, and left a 1200 floor drop. I took me about a miniute to get to the bottom. If the fall could be made safe that could be a fast way back down there. anf from the site of the Abyss it would only take me 3 hours to get you to the Sith camp."