View Full Version : SWG: Anyone miss me?

Christopher Munro
Sep 27th, 2004, 04:02:12 PM
Yes, I am still alive. I've not given up, run away, or fallen into a ditch. I've just had a rather hectic month, the most problematic element of which has been my computer messing up, leaving me unable to access SWG.

So yeah. I'm alive. I don't know why I posted that...it just seemed like a good idea at the time. :\

- Ozaan, Xanthos and Kirano Tzin'kor

* * *


On second thought, I cannae be bothered with my old accounts. I had too many, anyway. If I re-roll my Chilastra account, can someone grab some of my stuff for me? I'm gonna cut things back down to just one Imperial and one Rebel character...the Imp being on Chilastra, and the Rebel being on somewhere with lots of goos, wholesome Roleplaying. The main stuff I wanna keep is all my Imp memorobilia...I've got a full suit of ST and TIE, plus a couple of ST pieces...and my cool painting, too. And my house. Oh yeah...and my money. Can't forget that. :D

Oh, yeah. On Chilastra, if I go around overt, how likely am I to die? Lol. I'm toying with the idea of doing stuff in costume...flying in TIE, driving in AT-ST, and going around either in Imperial uniform or Stormtrooper armour. I'd have some Composite as well, for the real nasty stuff (or maybe a cross between a few different armour types, to come up with something that looks like chunky Stormtrooper armour), but I just like the idea of being in costume. Lol.

Last thing...do you know if I can "re-roll" my forum account? As in, get a different name, and start my post counts from zero? Or should I ask a forumy person for that kinda info?