View Full Version : The Unexpected Package

Sep 25th, 2004, 01:52:39 AM
She had lay there for what seemed like hours, or even days, barely alive, her small, fragile body riddled with cuts and burns. Their ship had somehow veered out of control, landing on the lush jungle planet, yet how she, the lone survivor, had crawled or limped her way up to the steps of the temple was unknown. Her chest moved weakly with each breath, and her legs lay crumpled beneath her, clearly the victim of some terrible accident.

To any observer, she would have appeared dead, but to anyone with a connection to the living Force, they would have sensed her tenuous hold on to life.

In her right hand, she clung loosely to a small fabric animal. It too was blackened by the soot and flames of the crash.

Her only hope of survival rested on the shoulders of whomever might find her... if they were soon enough...

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Sep 26th, 2004, 05:13:04 AM
The hold of meditation broke. Eyes fluttering open, Jubei rose to his feet. In his mind, he had seen something, but for a brief second, but had glimpsed it long enough to know that the wrench he had felt was justified. Abandoning his current work, the monk made quick progress out into the night, along one of the many winding woodland paths. At the foot of the low temple he found, crumpled in a dark heap, the source of the pain he had felt. Though she was still alive, he sensed that without help she would soon pass from this plane of existence. Readying his hands over her body - hovering mere inches above her skin - he focused his mind and allowing the Force to flow through him. Soon it would begin to work healing upon her, if only enough to bring her back from the brink of death.

Sep 26th, 2004, 02:14:01 PM
Light... it was like swimming up to the surface of a still lake. The strong healing energy flowed into her body, coaxing it gently back from the void. Still, her small, pale body was weak, and she did not move except to breathe.

Her eyes remained closed.

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Oct 2nd, 2004, 03:28:57 AM
It did not seem, to Jubei, that the girl had suffered any broken bones. He continued with his efforts a while longer, tentatively coaxing her back towards health. When it seemed that she was no longer in a critical state he cautiously gathered her up in his arms and proceeded back up the temple steps to a small chamber. It had only two walls and a roof, with stone beds – upon one of which he set the girl. A chest sat squat in the corner. Jubei retrieved some medical supplies from within it and returned to the invalid’s side. Quickly, he began his work, pausing first to ask, “Can you hear me?”

Oct 4th, 2004, 08:36:16 PM
She felt herself being carried, two strong arms exerting little effort to hold sway over her slight form. The light that filtered through her closed eyelids flickered from sunlight to a dimmer, artificial light, and with the softer light she stirred a little, remaining unconscious.

There was a voice in her dreams, the voice of a man, and a... a presence that seemed to follow the voice. It was a presence that calmed her. She did not, however, understand the words. They filtered through her unconscious mind like bits of sodden paper floating ever downwards in a pond.

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Oct 12th, 2004, 05:26:26 AM
As he had expected, there was no reply, yet Jubei was sure that she had at least heard his words. Continuing his careful work, he methodically applied aide her and there, to further stabilize her body so that she could begin to recover and regain the conscious state of mind that eluded her at this time. Time seemed to pass quickly, and yet not at all, as the monk toiled.

Oct 12th, 2004, 11:48:06 AM
AB entered the small room, proceeding towards Jubei as he attended to the girl.

She had received a call earlier from him, but was not able to come due to another matter she had been busy with. Yet, she was here now and offering her help.

"Forgive me for not coming sooner, Jubei." She looked down at the girl as Jubei deftly medicated and wrapped some of the wounds. "How is she?"

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Oct 24th, 2004, 04:53:09 AM
Sweat on his brow, Jubei broke from his medidation. Already feeling quite drained, the pause was a pleasant respite.

“It is hard to tell. Her mind is clouded and near impossible to reach.”

Nov 19th, 2004, 07:21:24 PM
AB nodded, still looking at the girl. The wounds she has suffered were neatly wrapped and medicated against infection. But even that was only the beginning. It was now up to her mind and body to heal itself.

She placed a hand on Jubei's shoulder. "You have done all you can. Perhaps even shown her the path. But from here on in, it must be her will to live that will bring her back to strength."

"Never the less..." She watched the girl as her chest rose and fell slowly, "It would probably be prudent for shifts to be kept to watch over her for a few days to be sure she is stable from her injuries."

She looked at Jubei. "Why don't you get some rest. Ill take the first watch."

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Nov 20th, 2004, 07:22:24 AM
Taking a deep breath, Jubei nodded. “Do not hesitate to wake me, should you need me.” With this said, he bowed low before turning from the Temple, departing to his own modest quarters, to sleep.