View Full Version : For all you Floridians :)

Cardinal Aiyalin
Sep 23rd, 2004, 01:43:18 PM
I got this through email today, and thought it was pretty funny simply because it's sadly true (some people in AL might symphatize)...

I put a star next to the ones I can relate to...

You might be a Floridian if:

You exhibit a slight twitch when introduced to anyone with the first names of Charley, Frances or Ivan

*Your freezer never has more than $20 worth of food in it any given time

You're looking at paint swatches for the plywood on your windows, to accent the house color

You think of your hall closet/saferoom as "cozy"

*Your pool is more accurately described as "framed in" than "screened in"

*Your freezer in the garage now only has homemade ice in it

You no longer worry about relatives visiting during the summer months

*You, too, haven't heard back from the insurance adjuster

*You now understand what that little "2% hurricane deductible" phrase really means

You're putting a collage together on your driveway of roof shingles from your neighborhood

You were once proud of your 16" electric chain saw

Your Street has more than 3 "NO WAKE" signs posted

*You now own 5 large ice chests

Your parrot can now say" hammered, pounded and hunker down" (I said "hunker down" the other day.. damn it.. I have never used that phrase before in my LIFE!)

You recognize people in line at the free ice, gas and plywood locations

*You stop what you're doing and clap and wave when you see a convoy of power company trucks come down your street

*You're depressed when they don't stop

You have the personal cell phone numbers of the managers for: plywood, roofing supplies and generators at Home Depot on your speed dialer

You've spent more than $20 on "Tall white kitchen bags" to make your own sand bags

You're considering upgrading your 16" to a 20" chainsaw

You know what "Bar chain oil" is

You're thinking of getting your wife the hardhat with the ear protector and face shield for Christmas

*You now think the $6000 whole house generator seems reasonable

You look forward to discussions about the merits of "cubed, block and dry ice"

Your therapist refers to your condition as "generator envy"

*You fight the urge to put on your winter coat and wool cap and parade around in front of your picture window, when you finally get power and your neighbor across the street, with the noisy generator, doesn't get electric

And finally, you might be a Floridian if you ask your sister up north to
start saving the Sunday Real Estate classifieds!

Let me add a few more:

If you've actually seen violence break out because someone either cut in line for, or didn't get any of: plywood, ice or gas... or if you've actually participated in that said violence..

If you've waited in line for more than 30 minutes to get gas at any point in time since August

If you've become a hurricane expert -- knowing things like the fact that the Bermuda high pressure zone is the reason that Ivan missed us and Jeanne's going to hit us

If you've been watching the Weather Channel more than any other network since early August

If you have actually been envious of people who own chainsaws

............ Give me a few moments. I can think of more! :)