View Full Version : Destinies: Into My Hands [complete]

James Prent
Sep 22nd, 2004, 10:55:46 PM
The door finally closed behind her, and James sagged against it, as though keeping wellwishers at bay with the weight of her body. Not that anyone was too interested in congratulating the newly knighted Jedi who spent all her spare time in combat training. She got up at five every morning for a five mile run, and then went straight into training.

Or reading. Lately she'd been spending a lot of time in the Archives, looking up vauge references to Force visions. Not Foresight, but... something else. Sometimes when she touched people she felt that there was something there that she wasn't getting. Something tingly in the back of her mind, like information that was begging to come out.

And when she wasn't training or researching, she was usually spending time with another padawan: Jax Tondry.

James scooted her back down the door and sat on the floor of her small apartment, adjacent to her master... former master Salemn Lysce's apartment. Salemn wasn't home, and James had not been informed as to where she had been going. Jedi business, I suppose. It was always Jedi business.

And now their business was hers as well. James afforded herself a tiny smile in the semi-darkness of the room. Jedi Knight James Prent. It did have a ring to it.

But no one was celebrating, and it wasn't because they didn't know her. The attack on the Temple had occurred only a few days previously, and there had been no leads on where Lilaena De'Ville had taken Jax Tondry. James' brow furrowed at the thought of that thing with precious Jax. Pierce had taken off shortly after it was certain that his son had been taken, and no one knew where he was, or else it was 'classified.' Either way, no one was telling a padawan anything.

Except... she wasn't a padawan any longer.

James got to her feet, fumbled for the lights, and closed her hand around her lightsaber hilt. With a smooth motion she released it from her belt, and held it in a salute in front of her face. It was not ignited, but she felt like she was a part of something much bigger than herself. The Greater Jedi Order had accepted her as one of their own, the Council had approved of her spirit and her training.

Speaking of the Council, Master D'an and... Navaria would be meeting her tomorrow, to help her seek another vision. They were hoping she could see into the Force, and collect a lead on Jax's location. James was hoping they were right, and that he would be found with her help. She placed her lightsaber hilt on the countertop of her kitchenette, and looked in the refridgeration unit for anything good to eat.


Sleep was long coming. Aaron Belargic had stopped by for a little congratulatory drink, but hadn't stayed long. James hugged a stuffed wampa she'd taken from Jax's room, and tried to move her pillow into a more comfortable position. I wish there was somethin' I could do. Poor Jax... I am so sorry I wasn't there with you.

But you can't go on, beating yourself up about something you had no control over. James yawned, and nodded to herself. Be calm. You're a frellin' Jedi Knight now, so act like one.

And get some sleep. Her eyes closed.

James Prent
Sep 24th, 2004, 02:29:27 PM
The knight's body twisted and turned under her sheets, as though trying to squirm away from something. The stuffed wampa was hugged to her chest in a death-grip. "No... no, please..."

"Please? PLEASE?!" The shadowy figure of Lilaena De'Ville laughed. "Please don't hurt me.. blahblahblah. Jedi are useless!"

James fell backwards as Jax's mother threw her through a wall, and tried to reach for the Force to retaliate.. but found nothing. The Dark Jedi Master was walking through the hole in the wall towards her, reaching for her. To the side, James saw Jax's dead body, crumpled on the ground.


James lurched upright, panting, and sweaty. It had just been a nightmare. "Just a bad dream." She repeated it out loud, to calm herself. "Not a vision. It wasn't a vision."

Her body curled up on her mattress as she tried some meditation techniques to control the adrenaline that was coursing through her body. Her heart rate and breating returned to normal, but sleep was a long time coming again.

James Prent
Sep 29th, 2004, 12:52:34 PM
Lightsabers clashed with terrific force, and James stumbled backwards, away from the fierce gaze of her opponent. Jax screamed from underneath the green table to her right, just like usual.

The Jedi Knight pushed with the Force, and her opponent stumbled backwards. All around her she could hear shouts and the sounds of lightsabers hitting each other. The smell of ozone was thick on the air.

De'Ville, features still murky and indistinct, snarled at her. "I don't know how you found me, but you are going to die." She launched herself at James, purple blade flashing in the air.

James sidestepped and blocked, and answered, "Don't underestimate the power of the Force." Lightsabers crashed together, and she could almost smell the woman's last meal on her breath. "Duros was the last place anyone would look for you."


James' eyes snapped open, to greet the pale dawn that was creeping into the window over the buildings of Coruscant. Duros!

Wait, where was Duros? Hardly even stopping to untangle her legs from her sheets, the Knight launched her half-awake body from bed and towards a stack of datapads on her desk. Ten minutes of frenetic searching revealed a pad of starcharts, and another half a minute of waiting was rewarded with the location of the Duros System. It was fairly close to the Corellian sector, although she knew that appearances on a map were much greater distances in real life.

Excitement coursed through her veins, and before she thought about it, she was writing a note on a blank datapad. She tagged it Figrin D'an or Pierce Tondry and set it aside. Settle down, James, catch your breath! James took several measured breaths, and licked her lips as she thought about the vision. The more she studied it in her mind, the more certain she was that Jax was on Duros, and that she had to go to him right away.


I hope the Council understands. James slung a soft bag over her shoulder, and locked the door to her room. It was still barely morning, about six o'clock, but she wasn't wasting another moment. The datapad was stuck to the door with a little bit of adhesive, and then she left, walking down the hall towards the turbolifts. She passed a few padawans, who nodded respectfully as they scurried about on their duties, and she felt a faint smile trace her lips.

The turbolift doors closed behind her, and she tugged her cloak's hood up to shadow her face. Her lightsaber felt comfortable on her hip... it felt right to go now. But she remembered her vision, and hoped that Master D'an would find her note soon.

Figrin D'an
Sep 29th, 2004, 08:26:32 PM
Figrin had been up early, as was habit for him. His days almost always started before dawn and this day was to be no exception, although not necessarily because of his schedule. He needed time in the morning to wake up and get ready for the day ahead. The Jedi Master would typically mill about his quarters for the better part of an hour... morning shower, getting dressed, something simple to eat, do clean up that he should have the night before... before finally getting down to business.

After completing his routine, and finally feeling concious enough for his brain to process information, he sat down in his study and performed another routine task... checking for overnight holomessages. Figrin scrolled through a few message headers, seeing little of interest. Senator Olandi wants to talk again... Archives will be closed in the afternoon for database updates... . Nearly ready to skip the rest of the messages and read them later, his eye caught one near the bottom of the list that had been flagged as encrypted. Upon further inspection, the encryption technique was one that he recognized almost immediatly.

"Arturo..." Figrin spoke underbreath. It had been months since they last spoke, when the Jedi has given him the job (http://sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=35254) to dig up whatever he could about James Prent's parents. If Figrin was being contacted now, it either meant he had succeeded, or that there was nothing else to find.

The system processed the message, putting it through a specific decryption algorithm, and at last displayed the results for the Jedi to see.


I've attached to this message a data file detailing the incarceration and ultimate fates of a Martin and Miasa Y'Vide, Rebel informants and sympathizers whom the Empire caught over 20 years ago. It includes information about their infant daughter and her adoption records. Considering their status as dissidents, it is not a surprise that the Empire concealed their existence from the adoption agency. Everything about the Y'Vides matches the file you sent me about your friend. The data file also included standard DNA samples from all three of them, so I have included those as well. I'll bet you a bottle of Corellian whiskey that these are the long lost parents your friend has been looking for.

You also need to know that this file is hot goods. The regional database I broke into had active scans and multiple levels of anti-slicing in place around the old prison records. Someone didn't want any snooping around in there. The odd thing is, the countermeasures weren't anything like standard Imperial coding. It is almost as if someone had previously broken into the database and put the measures in place themselves. The file itself was damaged too. Someone tried to delete it, but it only worked partially, and parts of the file were corrupted in the process. My guess is, when they failed to remove it completely, they put up the added security.

Be careful with this one. I've covered my trail well, but since someone went to a lot of trouble to protect this information, you never know who might come calling.


He came through for me yet again, Figrin thought. Perhaps James would now finally have the answers she so deperately needed. It would be a grim fate for her parents that she would have to accept, but it would at least grant her some peace to know what became of them.

With a few keystrokes, Figrin had the computer comparing the DNA samples of the Y'Vide parents and the Y'Vide child to that of James. Barring any bad data corruption, he would only have to wait a few minutes.

As he looked through the decoded prison file, Figrin couldn't quite figure out why the prison file for a couple of Rebel informants would be so guarded. There was nothing to indicate the Y'Vides were particularly important people. They seemed to be like many others... people whom helped the former Rebel Alliance with bits of information here or there, probably because they simply didn't like the Empire. They were caught, interrogated, imprisoned, one was executed, the other died trying to escape... it just didn't make sense that the truth of their lives would be of any major security concern, to the Empire or anyone else. It was disturbing, and the situation had the odor of trouble all about it.

But, that would wait. As soon as he confirmed the record's authenticity, he would pay James a visit. It would be much better to tell her in person than to just send the discovery to her data terminal.

His own terminal chimed that it had the results of the DNA scan. He looked them over, and found exactly what he expected.

Cross-reference complete.
4 Subjects: "Y'Vide, Martin", "Y'Vide, Miasa", "Y'Vide Child (unnamed)" , "Prent, James".

DNA samples "Prent, James" and "Y'Vide Child (unnamed)" contain base-pair matching. Probability of DNA match: 99.99972%

DNA samples "Y'Vide, Martin" and "Y'Vide, Miasa" contain comparable strains to "Prent, James". Probability of relation: 99.99421%. Probable relation status: Biological Parents

Yet, following that information, at the bottom of the screen, was a considerable surprise.

1 additional comparable DNA sample found.

Additional sample? the Jedi Master wondered. From the Order's records? How is that possible?

Figrin had the terminal bring up the extra result, his eyes widdening as it was displayed before him. This can't be right, he said to himself. Yet, DNA samples recorded by the Order were impervious to tampering, and a computer glitch was unlikely. An odd truth stared him in the face from the terminal screen, as improbable as it might seem. Figrin wanted more answers, and accessed more records. There had to be something else that would pull all of this together. Yet, combing the Archives yielded no other DNA matches.

Frustrated, Figrin saved what he had managed to piece together to a datapad, vowing to return to it later. He knew there was a missing piece to this growing puzzle that eluded him, and he needed to find it, for James' sake.

That, however, could wait for the moment. He had news that James needed to know. Figrin grabbed what few items he needed for the first part of his day and departed his quarters, the DNA enigma yet on his mind.

Pierce Tondry
Oct 14th, 2004, 08:01:35 PM
Pierce did not usually wear traditional Jedi robes. They got tangled inconveniently, offered no real protection against weapons, and contained no pockets or pouches to carry anything of use. Most frequently, they kept the sun off one's back and that was it. Occasionally they concealed one's identity, though poorly.

But in the halls of the Jedi Order, there could be no better concealment than simply blending in.

The chameleoid trait of appearing to belong served Pierce well, and had for the past two days. Since secretly returning to the Order's grounds, Pierce's greatest challenge was hiding from those who knew him best. A general watch on him issued by IntelHQ remained in effect; the watch stemmed from a departure from the HQ facility that was so abrupt, it was almost an escape.

Pierce snorted. No one was fooling anyone. A hair's less speed in his departure and confinement would have been inevitable.

A noise drew Pierce from his reverie and his thought snapped down tightly. He withdrew casually into an information alcove and began working the terminal as though he were doing a filesearch. Watching with his ears was the safest bet, so Pierce kept his eyes on the computer screen and his back hunched while he waited for this person to pass.

Figrin D'an
Oct 14th, 2004, 10:32:55 PM
The halls were yet quiet, just beginning to show the first signs of activity of the new day. Rays of the dawn shown through the windows, leading the way as Figrin moved out of the elevator and down the long hallways of the Living Quarters wing. He was absorbed so in his own thoughts, particularly befuddled by this latest DNA mystery, that he barely noticed the lone Jedi sitting in the data terminal alcove, passing by without turning for a closer look. He had no idea if the other Jedi had noticed him.

He arrived at James' quarters a few moments later, reaching for chime intending to tap it when he spotted what looked like a data pad stuck the door. He removed it, seeing that it was a message addressed to both he and Pierce Tondry, likely intended for whomever found it first. He poured over it's words, his shoulders slumping as he read.

"I should have expected something like this," he sighed under his breath. "Dammit, James, you're going to get yourself killed."

After a moment to collect himself, Figrin moved to a nearby comm panel. Time was now of the essence.

"Master D'an to main docking bay."

An on-duty repair tech responded almost immediately. "Docking Bay here, sir. What can I do for you."

"Have any ships departed recently?"

"No, sir, but a speeder was checked out. Knight Prent took it about an hour ago. I think she was head to the district's public spaceport. She seemed to be in a hurry."

Less than hour's head start... there was still a chance to catch up to here before something bad happened. But he would have to leave immediately.

"Prepare my ship for departure," he said definitively. "I'll be there shortly."

"Yes, sir. Docking Bay, out."

Though James was now a Knight, she was in over her head. If she was going to try to get Jax back, she would need help, along with a lot of luck.

Figrin turned to head back down the corridor in the direction he had come, only to find a familar figure approaching him.

Pierce Tondry
Oct 22nd, 2004, 04:15:45 PM
Somewhere inside, Pierce had hoped to listen in unnoticed. An electricity in the air around Figrin spoke aloud, told Pierce that something was up and it stirred his gut in such a way that meant he was connected somehow.

Somewhere, somehow, something was reaching out to him, and he'd gotten up from the terminal to follow Figrin to it.

But he hadn't heard enough of Figrin's conversation to know anything, prompting him to make the decision to move closer. 'Just walk on by casually,' he'd told himself. 'His attention's on the comm and he won't notice you.'

An erroneous decision, because as soon as Pierce got into the open, Figrin ended the call. The upshot was that he'd heard Figrin's last sentance, and as he approached the semi-surprised Jedi Master, he asked a question.

"Going somewhere?"

Figrin D'an
Oct 22nd, 2004, 10:58:24 PM
"Pierce... I didn't know you were back," was all Figrin could manage to get out at first. The last time they had spoken had been not long after Jax was taken, and it did not end cordially. At first glance, it was impossible to tell if Tondry still held the same acrimonious feelings toward the Jedi that he did that day.

The Jedi Master tried to work past it, at least for time being. He held up James' note.

"We've got trouble," he said, handing the note to Pierce. "James apparently had another vision, and decided to act on this one. I don't know what she was thinking going alone, but I intend to go after her."

Pierce Tondry
Oct 23rd, 2004, 01:49:04 PM
Curious interest turned to a whirling buzz of thoughts as Pierce began to read through the note. Duros! His son was on Duros.

The news hit Pierce like a sack of bricks to the gut. He sagged, swayed, and stumbled back-first into a nearby wall. His legs slowly gave out, and he slid to the floor.

How thoroughly she played him! And how stupid he now felt! Had Pierce been in a clear state of mind, he possibly would have considered Lilaena's sour history with the Sith Order and guessed she might sneak through Duros to throw people off. Instead, he'd done an extensive search of the Coruscant underground; a logical move since Lilaena possessed connections there, but completely misdirected. Twenty-four hours of violence and self-induced anguish now revealed as perfectly unnecessary.

And this sat on top of the pain and guilt at his son's initial loss.

Pierce's deadened eyes looked up, sought out Figrin's face. "I was wrong," he said.

He flinched back tears and shook his head. "Duros, huh?" he asked quietly. "That's where you're going?"

James Prent
Oct 23rd, 2004, 03:28:05 PM
The datapad fell out of Pierce's hand to the floor, it's message still displaying.

Master D'an, or Master Tondry:
I had to leave, I hope you understand that. I had a vision tonight, when I wasn't even trying which just figures. Jax is on Duros, on the largest orbiting space station. I don't know exactly where, but I have left to find out. Master D'an - my visions are coming true. I know the future is in motion always, but well, they still haven't changed.

I feel that there are other lightsaber battles going on in my vision, and so those who follow me should be prepared. I don't know how I know this, just that it is.

May the Force be with you,

Figrin D'an
Oct 23rd, 2004, 03:35:25 PM
Figrin nodded.

"She left less than an hour ago, and my ship can hit point-three past lightspeed. We still have a chance to catch her before she gets there."

Pierce was still reeling from the news. It seemed as though the man had been hit by one blow after another, starting with his son's kidnapping. He was like a prize-fighter on his last legs, bloodied and bruised, just barely holding himself together. Yet, there was now an opportunity to turn the fight around, and make things right again.

"Pierce," Figrin began kneeling down next to him, "I know your mind is only of your son right now, and this can be an opportunity to find him and get him back, but only if we can get to James first. If she gets to Duros and tries to confront De'Ville on her own, we could lose them both."

Figrin now found his own thoughts focused on the Dark Sider, Jax's mother. De'Ville was cunning in everything she did, and though he had never met her, much less faced her in combat, Figrin was well aware of her equally impressive reputation as a Dark Side practitioner. Her own bold attack upon the Jedi Order had made her one of the most wanted persons in the galaxy, and perhaps the most feared. It would take a combined effort to defeat her plans. Pierce knew De'Ville perhaps better than anyone, and would prove invaluable if they were to do just that.

De'Ville, Figrin thought silently, attempting to analyze all that he knew of her.


It struck him, the epiphany that solved everything. It seemed so unlikely at first... perhaps closer to impossible... yet, it fit the facts at hand. A being of logic, Figrin had always followed the axiom that when all other possibilities had been exhausted, what remained, although improbable, must be the truth.

The urgency to find James before it was too late became even more profound.

Figrin looked to Pierce, and held out his hand to help the Jedi Knight to his feet. "We need to go, now. And we need to have a talk on the way. I've discovered something that could change a lot of outlooks on all of this."

Pierce Tondry
Oct 23rd, 2004, 08:50:58 PM
Pierce stared at Figrin's hand. His son needed him, and so did James, who had rashly taken the matter into her own hands. Intuitively, Pierce knew she should not have gone alone, and yet even in her boldness, she had not taken any less action than Pierce himself. Her hands were far less bloody than his.

Even if he went, what would he do? The thought of Lilaena holding his son, keeping Jax away-

Pierce closed his eyes, unclenched his fists, and fought away the anger. Jax needed him; son needed father. That was all that mattered in the world. And he would do whatever he had to for his son.

Pierce took Figrin's outstretched hand and allowed himself to be pulled to his feet. "I'm with you," he said. "Let's go."