View Full Version : Sith Amulets and Talismans

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 21st, 2004, 01:56:26 PM
I would like everyone who has a character that possesses such an artifact to post. The moderators are considering limiting the number of these items that are present in our universe, so that they do not become commonplace. To figure out a suitable number, we need to know who already has RPed as having one.

originally posted in Force Powers (read only):

Excerpted from The Dark Side Sourcebook:

Sith Amulet
Sith amulets are ancient relics created to focus and amplify a darksider's power. They are occasionally found in the burial rombs of the ancient Sith, or in the hands of Sith servants like the Massassi. Built in the form of crystal-studded gauntlets, the amulets radically enhance the user's telekinetic abilities - at the cost of leading the user to the dark side.

Sith Talismans
Created by the same dark alchemy used to create Sith amulets, Sith talismans provide the wearer with defense against blaster bolts, lightsaber blades, and even the Force itself. Whenever the wearer would suffer damage from energy weapons or Force-based attacks, he can attempt a Will saving throw to negate an amount of damage equal to his current number of Dark Side Points. (translated: the talisman will only protect you accordingly with your power in the Dark Side. Apprentices would be protected a little, knights more, and masters a lot.)

ooc note: There are other talismans and amulets that have been RPed in this universe, such as the "concentration" talisman that LD wears, or the amulet that Gav Mortis possesses that enables him to read ancient Sith texts with little effort. Check with a moderator if you would like to introduce a talisman or amulet into your roleplaying.

The Force Powers thread will be posted up in the 'serious' OOC forum shortly. And now, to the list of RPed talismans and amulets!

talisman of concentration - Lilaena De'Ville
amulet of flight - Aliandra Mal Pannis
amulet of healing - Dalethria Ma Pannis (may not be a Sith amulet, healing is not dark side)
amulet of power - Rakkel Thunderwing, in the form of a dagger, not a gauntlet
dark side jewelry - Je'gan Olra'en (these are only tainted by the dark side - no power or skills attatched to them)
Sith Holocron - Hobgoblin
Sith Holocron - Jedi Order
various small, unimportant talismans - Hobgoblin

Navaria Tarkin
Sep 21st, 2004, 03:19:05 PM
I'd have to think about it more but all i know is that Dalethria has an amulet of healing given to her by Ogre- because he is a cleric :p Not sure that it is a "sith" item per se.

Aliandra, her daugher, has an amulet that grants her flight :)

Travis North
Sep 21st, 2004, 03:20:55 PM
Rakkel Thunderwing has a dagger with Crystals embedded in it.

They radiate a Dark Side aura which can be used to locate it. When a battle erupts the anger from the user causes the already growing dark forces to be amplified by the crystals, giving the dagger's wielder an increase of speed and strength.

I have yet to create a full story on where the dagger came from although I have mentioned the dagger in some threads.

Marcus Telcontar
Sep 21st, 2004, 05:27:40 PM
Question -

Does this relate to items that enhance a character's ability or does it indude say something like a set of Sith armour, which has no unusual properties other than being black and scary looking? What about other non Force enhancing artifacts?

Je'gan Olra'en
Sep 21st, 2004, 05:48:20 PM
Je'gan has a handful of minor artifacts in his possession from when he and a former Master took on a Dark Side cult. They're basically just pieces of jewelry - rings, pendants and so forth - that have a palpable 'feel' of the Dark Side. Kinda like the Dagobah tree, except that the cultists whose deaths tainted these things weren't nearly as powerful as the Bpfasshi Dark Jedi that died there. No real power in the jewelry save as meditation aids...and Jedi really shouldn't use them as such. :D

I think LV has a true Amulet.

Sep 21st, 2004, 06:10:16 PM
The Laenos Lith is floating around somewhere, but nobody's really taken possession of it. I may or may not do a RP involving Vader & company vs Anbira & company in the distant future for the ownership rights. I'm not decided yet.

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 21st, 2004, 07:42:05 PM
I'm going to open it up to any and all "mystical" objects used to enhance a person's ability in the Force, whether light or dark (please specify!). Objects that provide new skills should also be listed. The moderators are working on something regarding these objects, which may be a bit painful in the short run, but will make RP more interesting, I think, in the long run.

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 21st, 2004, 07:43:10 PM
Originally posted by Je'gan Olra'en
Je'gan has a handful of minor artifacts in his possession from when he and a former Master took on a Dark Side cult. They're basically just pieces of jewelry - rings, pendants and so forth - that have a palpable 'feel' of the Dark Side. Kinda like the Dagobah tree, except that the cultists whose deaths tainted these things weren't nearly as powerful as the Bpfasshi Dark Jedi that died there. No real power in the jewelry save as meditation aids...and Jedi really shouldn't use them as such. :D

I think LV has a true Amulet.

Je'gan, these objects are not talismans or amulets then, I don't think, as they don't concentrate power, or aid in a certain Force ability.

Pierce Tondry
Sep 21st, 2004, 09:10:52 PM
Hob is in possession of a Sith holocron and on occasion will craft something from it's knowledge stores as an experiment, however the only true successes he has had so far are talismans that hold inside them spirits or strong impressions of Force users who died through violent means. Those come from around two or three years ago, when things were much different- they were never crafted in any RP, only alluded to being created. None of the other items allow Hob any personal enhancements or any powers different from those he has already dabbled in, though admittedly I've never had a pressing need to define what these trinkets could do in a linear fashion.

His collection of such items is extremely small and I'm definitely open to adhering to any guidelines that come up.

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 21st, 2004, 09:21:32 PM
I was not aware that Hob had a holocron. :\ We were going to limit the Sith Holocron's to the one in the possession of the Jedi. You don't RP Hob anymore anyway, do you?

No matter, one in the possession of the Jedi and one in the posession of a currently not RPed character is the same difference, I think. We will *not* be allowing anymore Sith holocrons to 'pop up' however. They were rare to start with, and if we've got more than two in our universe it's too many because we don't have a bazillion RPers, unlike the Star Wars universe with a bazillion beings in it.

And the making of Sith amulets and talismans is supposed to be lost, not even recorded in a holocron, according to the Dark Side Sourcebook.

Pierce Tondry
Sep 21st, 2004, 09:36:45 PM
Remember that things were very different on the boards when these ideas were conceived by yours truly, and it isn't as though this subject has come up before now. I've been a responsible RPer for the most part, and so as far as I knew I had tacit assent to proceed on these things within reason so long as I wasn't abusive with them.

Take Ogre's character for example. He had a Force mask that was never abused, but was still valuable as a plot point or occasional tool. That's how I always viewed the holocron business. No one ever just waltzed into Hob's domain and borrowed one of his toys to go on a killing spree because I darn sure wouldn't have stood for it.

In fact, I want to RP Hob, but I'm not finished with the "Pierce arc" of events that I started last year. Hob will be returning at some point and Pierce will fade into the background, and at that point the holocron business could be an issue. I'd rather handle this now so there's no troubles down the road.

I can gladly discuss this over AIM, if you'd like?

Sep 21st, 2004, 11:19:50 PM
So, are we including Jedi talismans in this account as well? I've been planning an RP to gain an amulet, but it will be rather technologically based, and will not give any light side powers. It will have another use.

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 22nd, 2004, 01:51:25 AM
Well I was wondering if there are any out there already, actually. I don't think that such items exist in Star Wars, persay, at least in the movies or EU. But I was wondering if any existed on the boards.

Brian - check the group mod forum. I didn't want to continue the discussion here as nothing is in cement yet.

Dae Jinn
Sep 22nd, 2004, 06:01:53 AM
I know Sorsha's apprentices had some sort of amulet thingy. I know Dae has one but doesnt do anything with it.

Je'gan Olra'en
Sep 22nd, 2004, 06:11:06 AM
Originally posted by Lilaena De'Ville
Je'gan, these objects are not talismans or amulets then, I don't think, as they don't concentrate power, or aid in a certain Force ability.

*shrugs* I considered them borderline enough that someone might jump on me 'way down the road for not 'turning them in', as it were.

Gav Mortis
Sep 22nd, 2004, 07:55:26 AM
I roleplayed it that Gav owned a concentration talisman so that LD could use it to decipher Sith texts and what have you but only for that reason. He's never used it and as stated above, isn't even in his posession anymore so I don't think that counts but it was worth a mention.

Other than that I've always roleplayed Gav with a very particular leaning towards the ancient Sith and Sith traditions which in the past meant that rather casual mention of ancient artifacts was commonplace from him. I wouldn't like it for my character to be limited in what he could say or know with regards to these things since he's always been very learned in such matters. This would go against his character.

And finally, rather immediatly I plan on putting into motion a series of roleplays which will conclude ultimately and at great cost, with him obtaining and reforging an ancient Sith sword. Would these new restrictions, if put in place, limit what I could do here?

Salem Ave
Sep 22nd, 2004, 09:34:07 AM
Originally posted by Dae Jinn
I know Sorsha's apprentices had some sort of amulet thingy. I know Dae has one but doesnt do anything with it.

That just ... links them to Sorsha somehow, allowing her to communication with them, as far as I know.

Dae Jinn
Sep 22nd, 2004, 10:31:45 AM
I thought that they could hold Sith Magicks in them or something o_O I'm not overly sure either.

Pierce Tondry
Sep 22nd, 2004, 11:14:52 AM
Brian - check the group mod forum. I didn't want to continue the discussion here as nothing is in cement yet.


Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 22nd, 2004, 11:45:27 AM
There aren't going to be any 'restrictions,' don't worry, we're not going Nazi Germany on anyone.

Thread has served it's purpose, thread closed.