View Full Version : Sith amulets and Talismans, and holocrons
Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 21st, 2004, 12:33:24 PM
I would like permission to make there a set number of these objects in our RP universe. Doing this will prevent ALL force users from having these objects and cheapening our RP.
I would like there to be just ONE Sith holocron, the one currently in the GJO's vault. In order to use this holocron and gain a HUGE advantage over other dark siders, and the Jedi, one would have to first recover it from the Jedi. That way only the most competant RPers could even lay their fingers on it.
As far as a number of amulets or talismans, I was thinking between 5 and 10 each. ??
Dasquian Belargic
Sep 21st, 2004, 12:34:50 PM
That sounds fair to me.
Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 21st, 2004, 12:52:10 PM
In order to get one, if the number available are all in use, one would have to steal it, or arrange for a 'borrow' from the owner.
Dasquian Belargic
Sep 21st, 2004, 01:32:51 PM
How do we determine has these amulets and talismans in the first place? Are we just going to say that there is a certain amount in existence, or maybe provide location information on them (like potential RP scenarios that people could do)? Also, would there be a limit to how many a person could posses?
Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 21st, 2004, 01:47:48 PM
I would say one per character - or maybe per RPer. So I couldn't load up with amulets for each of my characters...?
I only know of two sith who use them, Gav has one that allows him to read Sith manuscripts with ease, and LD has one that aids in concentration that I RPed her finding on Vortex. We might have difficulty if lots of people already have RPed finding/having them. I'll make a thread in OOC asking for people to post if their characters have a Sith Amulet or Talisman, and then we can go from there. ?
Dasquian Belargic
Sep 21st, 2004, 01:49:42 PM
:thumbup to both points.
Navaria Tarkin
Sep 21st, 2004, 03:20:45 PM
yep good idea and posted what Dale/Alia has :)
Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 21st, 2004, 04:20:04 PM
I have a *new* question now, about non-sith amulets and talismans. Considering this is Star Wars, and not a fantasy fiction board, should we also restrict non Sith amulets/talismans? The one Dale has, the talisman of healing ... it can't be Sith, because the dark side doesn't really *do* healing.
Marcus Telcontar
Sep 21st, 2004, 05:21:07 PM
Depends what they are.
There's a few what I could call unique items floating about, but generally, not many and noe of them appeared in the last few years. It should normally be the case that a Jedi may only have a crystal or two to amp up and help focus their powers a bit, nothing else really and that I dont think should be regulated. A couple of the very long time Masters have a few odds and socks.
I've collected an assortment of Sith and Jedi items over the years, some are pretty basic, others highly exotic. The two that can be marked as Jedi Unique items and would fall under a need to be listed are a Book of Knowledge and a lightsabre.
Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 21st, 2004, 07:38:23 PM
See, I really think these things should be ... restricted... so that not everyone has "something." It makes them so much less Special when they're so commonplace. :\
Navaria Tarkin
Sep 21st, 2004, 08:38:44 PM
Well I wanted to mention it since it is an amulet of the dark god Kashalla that Ogre has worshipped since basically he started :) Tis evil if it counts, but it is a clerical amulet, not Sith, true. Thought it should be included, but I could be wrong.
Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 21st, 2004, 09:30:36 PM
:p Personally I don't think that dark gods and spirits like Vicet have any place in the star wars universe, but as they've been around probably longer than me, I'm not going to start any battles over it. ;)
I opened up the list to all "mystical" objects that grant power or whatever to the wearers. Light, and Dark.
Brian says that Hob has a Sith Holocron (see I knew this was going to uncover a whole bunch of things) and I don't think we should just arbitrarily take things away, at least at this point. So two holocrons. ...Hob hasn't been RPed in several months anyway.
I think two holocrons for the Sith and two for the Jedi and we should be good. Any more that pop up will have to be taken care of, imo.
Dasquian Belargic
Sep 22nd, 2004, 02:22:14 AM
I think two holocrons for the Sith and two for the Jedi and we should be good. Any more that pop up will have to be taken care of, imo.
Marcus Telcontar
Sep 22nd, 2004, 03:23:12 AM
Originally posted by Lilaena De'Ville
See, I really think these things should be ... restricted... so that not everyone has "something." It makes them so much less Special when they're so commonplace. :\
But are they actually commonplace? I cant really say they are.
I do admit I am somewhat puzzled why this is being bought up. Is there an issue somewhere I missed? I really cant see it being too much of a concern unless someone is going outside of fair play and common sense. I mean, I can see that it can be an issue if someone was assclowning about, but with common sense actually being pretty common........ so I must be missing somethign somewhere. Is someone playing silly buggers?
Puzzled in Sydney
Master Yoghurt
Sep 22nd, 2004, 03:50:10 AM
Although, I may not be roleplaying these days, Im also puzzled about this suggestion. Ok, I can understand its not desirable having everyone and their womp rat running around with holocrons and amulets. But is that really a problem on these boards? My impression is, these objects are currently used only as plot devices, and theire used fairly sparingly. For the occasions they have been used, its generally not overboard or unbalancing in any way.
Im just getting worried this is the start of a trend where everything roleplay related is strictly controlled by detailed rules for what is allowed and not, when such rules could have just have been done without. Thats not a good direction to go IMO. Part of the lure of the roleplaying on these boards is the free form and the flexibility, in contrast with the roll dice approach.
Gav Mortis
Sep 22nd, 2004, 07:16:46 AM
Originally posted by Marcus Telcontar
But are they actually commonplace? I cant really say they are.
I do admit I am somewhat puzzled why this is being bought up. Is there an issue somewhere I missed? I really cant see it being too much of a concern unless someone is going outside of fair play and common sense. I mean, I can see that it can be an issue if someone was assclowning about, but with common sense actually being pretty common........ so I must be missing somethign somewhere. Is someone playing silly buggers?
Puzzled in Liverpool
Repeated for emphasis.
The only thing I agree with here is the restriction of holocrons. There being one known one kept in the Jedi Arcghives is a really good idea and could provide many a roleplay. If Hob has another we should keep it on the quiet so it's not so vastly sought after.
As for the rest, I don't think it's an issue and I would strongly recommend against bringing any numbers into play here. Big or small they should have no place in our roleplaying. We are not book-keepers and we discovered that with fleeting. Common sense should still be the only restriction on such matters.
So rather than slap a big seal of restriction on artifacts, matters should be dealt with on an individual basis; if someone is abusing the common sense rule then pull them up on it and deal with it there and then. The thought of having an announcement which reads "So now there are only six amulets and six whatevers in our roleplaying galaxy, you must now register and perhaps have to withdraw ownership from your characters Sith artifacts" is somewhat difficult to stomach.
Pierce Tondry
Sep 22nd, 2004, 11:25:49 AM
This feels to me like an extension of the revamp over at KA. In theory, it could be good- the more rare an artifact is, the more powerful it then becomes. However, in practical terms, I'm not sure this is warranted. These things just aren't used and passed about like candy as they were once upon a time. They are already controlled.
If someone popped up as being in abuse of this kind of thing in the next week, half the board would shout them down. We all know this. So the extra measures aren't particularly required.
FYI, Hob's holocron has specialized information. If I have to, I'll do a write up on it and explain what it does and does not contain.
Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 22nd, 2004, 11:42:54 AM
This is not an extension of the re-vamp over at KA. I added some information from the Dark Side Sourcebook to the Force Powers info. thread, and thought "well if everyone can read this then everyone might invent one for themselves."
If it becomes a problem I guess we can deal with it then. Thanks for the info.
edit: The addendum "check with a mod if you would like to introduce an amulet into your RPing" should catch all abusers?
Navaria Tarkin
Sep 22nd, 2004, 06:58:37 PM
Originally posted by Lilaena De'Ville
edit: The addendum "check with a mod if you would like to introduce an amulet into your RPing" should catch all abusers?
Sometimes people do this in the OOC forum but not all the time. Usually it gets caught in a post and it is brought up before everyone when it happens.
ya just wanted this so avoid any hassle in the future right? :)
Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 22nd, 2004, 07:02:24 PM
yes :)
Sep 24th, 2004, 05:08:36 PM
Hang on. TSO has been RPing for years that they have a Sith holocron in their Library. I've made no secret of it and I'm not about to stop RPing that. As it is, it's mostly been used to RP out as a learning/training/getting advice tool.
I suggest, if you want to limit the number of holocrons, that there be two Sith holocrons known to exist: the one that TSO has and the one that GJO has.
EDIT: I noticed in the thread that Hob had a holocron as well. I think this late in the game, you can't start putting restrictions on these types of things. We've done so much writing and RPing and building, who knows who else has stuff out there we don't even know about.
I sense that a very large can of worms is about to be opened.
Also, with this in mind, you'll also have to limit the number of Jedi holocrons in existance to be fair.
As to talismans, LW and I started a RP several months ago utilizing one that TSO had in it's secure vault for such artifacts.
TSO also aquired an amulet, albiet in pieces, a couple of years ago in a RP. I tried looking for it, but I couldn't find it.
And, yes, there are Jedi talismans (no amulets that I've read about). I seem to remember reading up above someone asking, but maybe I dreamt it up.
Originally posted by Master Yoghurt
Although, I may not be roleplaying these days, Im also puzzled about this suggestion. Ok, I can understand its not desirable having everyone and their womp rat running around with holocrons and amulets. But is that really a problem on these boards? My impression is, these objects are currently used only as plot devices, and theire used fairly sparingly. For the occasions they have been used, its generally not overboard or unbalancing in any way.
Im just getting worried this is the start of a trend where everything roleplay related is strictly controlled by detailed rules for what is allowed and not, when such rules could have just have been done without. Thats not a good direction to go IMO. Part of the lure of the roleplaying on these boards is the free form and the flexibility, in contrast with the roll dice approach.
Uh, yeah, pretty much sums it up for me.
Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 24th, 2004, 06:13:49 PM
Originally posted by Lilaena De'Ville
at KA. I added some information from the Dark Side Sourcebook to the Force Powers info. thread, and thought "well if everyone can read this then everyone might invent one for themselves."
If it becomes a problem I guess we can deal with it then. Thanks for the info.
I merely was asking questions and seeing if there was any interest in this at all. The overwhelming "omg NO" response is enough, thank you for your participation.
The whole 'holocron' thing is - they should be rare, and I don't think it does the SW universe justice if every Tom, Dick, and Harry has one in a closet somewhere. Those that are already in RPed existance obviously will remain in existance no matter what. The thought with the thread in OOC was that we could get an idea of what is out there. The holocron at TSO was not mentioned, and I certainly had no recollection of it from my time there, or I would have mentioned it myself.
This is not a personal attack on anyone, or anything. Please, every time I suggest something, it seems that half of the people in this forum immediately jump down my throat. :( A simple "no, I don't think this will work, and this is why..." is sufficient. No, this is not a start of a trend, unless we suddenly all agreed that this was a direction that we wanted to go in. LD is not trying to take over the whole board.
I get ideas in my head, and they seem okay to me, so I post them in here to get a feel for what other people think. The initial response was semi-favorable, so I went ahead with the thread in OOC to test the waters there, so to speak.
Rie - as far as a 'can of worms,' again, not my intention, and as far as I'm concerned the topic has been talked about, and is basically over now.
Figrin D'an
Sep 24th, 2004, 06:14:10 PM
To my knowledge, no one in GJO actually 'owns' a Jedi holocron for their personal use. Those that do exist are RPed as being the restricted section of the Archives. Talismans and amulets, etc, are probably around among certain members of GJO, but I've rarely seen any of them used beyond a simple plot device. I recall once incident from a couple of years ago in which someone attempted to use some such device to enhance their abilities (basically trying to get around the 'everyone starts out as an initiate' rule), and was promptly smacked down. It hasn't been a problem since.
I would seem to me that the introducing of these types of items into RP should be handled on a case-by-case basis, depending upon what the person wants to use them for. That way, a measure of control can be mantained over there usage while still allowing for flexibility and avoiding over-legislation of rules.
Sep 24th, 2004, 06:57:31 PM
I'm sorry if my post came across as an attack. I certainly wasn't attempting to jump down anyones throat.
I was just writing what my thoughts were on the matter.
As for the holocron at TSO, while we've RPed with it since we left TSC, it hasn't been RPed often, so it wouldn't surprise me if you'd never heard of it. I've used it more recently (recently as in the past couple of years) when we get new recruits as a training tool. Of course, you haven't been a part of TSO within the last couple of years, so of course you wouldn't have noticed it.
and as far as I'm concerned the topic has been talked about, and is basically over now.
I only just came across this thread today, so I felt I needed to put down my thoughts. I'm a member of this board and I just wanted to voice my opinion.
But really, I meant no harm or malise in what I said. Honest. :)
Zasz Grimm
Nov 26th, 2004, 09:00:32 PM
I skipped alot of things, only read the first post.
I'm chiming in that one of charactes has a talisman. The Krath Amulet.
Mind you, this character is on the waiting list for me to actually play out, as I'm far behind.
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