View Full Version : Galactic History 101
Telan Desaria
Sep 20th, 2004, 06:37:57 PM
Ah yes - - yet another idea from that wrotten Imperial - Telan Desaria.
Moi - -hahahahah
I digress.
MAny of the newer roleplayers here are unaware of some of the things that happened before our restart and sometime thereafter.
So - I plan something of a massive undertaking - the penning of a galactic history. Now, before you ask, this will have a decidedly Imperial undertone as it will be ICly written by Imperial scholars. So - - I compose this thread to ask anyone who would like to contribute to post an event they participated in - links are appreciated but not mandated. Glorify it as much as you like -- goodness knows I will.
This will be written in the style of the Essential Chronolgy with added fluff text and such. Most of it will centre on the Empire and its doings, but we will include a great many things.
Notice - the Republic will be referred to as such but the occassional mention of Rebels to be intended. And if you do not want your character if its a mercenary of anti Imperial to be referred to in a bad way, dont let me know.
Again - we're biased.
This is in no way all inclusive but should provide a detailed if not biased foundation for anyone with the question - "What happened before I joined?"
Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 20th, 2004, 07:13:24 PM
Sounds interesting. :) Good luck.
Figrin D'an
Sep 20th, 2004, 10:40:07 PM
This is going to be a huge project, man... I hope you know what you are getting yourself into.
But, if you need a general rundown on major events involving the Jedi and GJO, I'll dig up what I have on the subject.
Cardinal Aiyalin
Sep 21st, 2004, 12:38:41 PM
Eugh.. good luck.. you'll need it.
Salem Ave
Sep 21st, 2004, 12:42:47 PM
Five years worth of material. Good luck. You're going to need it.
Dae Jinn
Sep 21st, 2004, 01:25:03 PM
Good luck Telan. I tried to do something similar (but only for Dae) and I couldn't finish it. :x
Senator Kensington
Sep 22nd, 2004, 02:18:43 PM
Hmm... gonna have to include the Marzullos, GMA... pretty hefty there. Might want to confer with the old-timers.
Telan Desaria
Sep 22nd, 2004, 06:21:54 PM
I don't doubt it will be hefty and a massive undertaking. But putting the Imperial spin on things will aide me. Hehehe.
If all of you interested would post what you have here or pm them to me. I will also be creating a thread in the Imperial OOC forum if you wish to post there.
I look forward to distorting agalctic perception of your lvies.
Sep 22nd, 2004, 10:02:13 PM
You'll never make it halfway through, even. You're welcome to try though, I guess.
Marcus Telcontar
Sep 22nd, 2004, 11:23:49 PM
The only way possible is to do it as a Wiki - and doing it in a bias Imp slant is not goign to get people into the project - nor one person doing the work. You'll just do half the job and give up or put it to one side and never return to it.
Pardon me if it seems this is an idea hijack, but to do the job right and to do the job well, this needs a community based approach and a Wiki is perfect for it. It aslo suits people like me who dont have the time to sit down and write a thesis. Just add bit by bit or put in corrections.
James Prent
Sep 22nd, 2004, 11:36:32 PM
wth is wiki?
Marcus Telcontar
Sep 23rd, 2004, 12:50:20 AM
Wikipedia is the best known Wiki. And if you really felt inclined, the Wiki can be done in there.
Telan Desaria
Sep 24th, 2004, 09:49:47 AM
I am glad everyone is so faithful in me.
Thank you for your overwhelming support...
Have I angered this many people in my time here? Why do you all think I am such a ridiculous person?>????? What have I done to earn this disdain>>>
I have begun.
Dasquian Belargic
Sep 24th, 2004, 10:47:49 AM
It's nothing personal, Telan, really. It's just that SWfans has such a lot of history, that it's virtually impossible to get it all right and in the right order, etc.
Telan Desaria
Sep 24th, 2004, 10:58:44 AM
I understand - - that's why Im concentrating on the Empire.
Darth Viscera
Sep 24th, 2004, 01:48:32 PM
Originally posted by Telan Desaria
Have I angered this many people in my time here? Why do you all think I am such a ridiculous person?>????? What have I done to earn this disdain>>>
Calm down please.
Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 24th, 2004, 02:15:24 PM
:) Telan, its just that it's been tried before and failed. So when people say you'll need a lot of luck, they mean it, and it's nothing personal, like Dasq. said. :)
Sep 26th, 2004, 08:24:44 PM
This should be interesting...
However it could do with out the Imperial slant..
[cheap shot]Ok I know that would make it a little bit short seeing that the New Republic is never around when you need them or don't need them [/cheap shot]
It couldn't be any worse then my last stent roleplaying here.
Arya Ravenwing
Sep 26th, 2004, 08:54:46 PM
I think it will be really interesting with the Imperial slant. :p
Sep 26th, 2004, 09:32:48 PM
I think the point of it is for the Imperial slant. It makes things alot more interesting to read from the one point of view. Since most history books are written as such.
Sep 26th, 2004, 09:46:03 PM
I like the Imperial slant a lot better, mainly because a lot of things happened in the Empire the Republic has no chance in hell of ever finding out....until they read the history, heh. :D
Silus Xilarian
Sep 26th, 2004, 10:40:31 PM
and the fact that Imperial propaganda always makes me chuckle.
Sep 26th, 2004, 10:55:28 PM
So will the Republic doing one of these as well. And that is a serious question, I've taken my one crack at the good guys per thread already!
Arya Ravenwing
Sep 26th, 2004, 11:25:23 PM
The point isn't to have the Republic do one as well. Telan wants to do this, so we're supporting him.
Christopher Munro
Sep 27th, 2004, 11:08:42 AM
On my website (which is another obsenely big task that is taking a while), I was planning on taking a few events and summarising them from both points of view. Nothing too major...just the big ones. Battle of Bestine springs to mind from stuff thats happening now. I might be doing some stuff like the rise and fall of the Republic/Empire, from both sides. I've spoken to Telan briefly about it...I'll see what I can come up with. Don't expect anything soon'll take a lot of time. George Lucas could probably write, cast and film Episode VII before I'm done. :(
Telan Desaria
Sep 27th, 2004, 11:21:39 AM
I appreciate the support. I have begun. It is the Imperial forums - Imperial Soverignty - Recruitment section. It is stickied and title a History of the Empire. I have briefly summarized the NJO books as being the First Vong War. The Second Third and then great Vong Wars are being added/will be added. The Great Vong War for those wondering is the Fleet restart/Imperial Fragmentation.
Please - -keep this thread open and tell me what you think, anything I have forgotten, or anything you would like to see added.
Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 27th, 2004, 12:32:03 PM
Technically, I believe that we wrote off the NJO Vong invasion as never happening in our universe.
Christopher Munro
Sep 27th, 2004, 02:43:29 PM
We did? The Imperial boards didn't...its written in their little explaination thingy...its how the Empire got broken up the way it did.
Mind you, it would explain where all the trees on Coruscant went...
Dasquian Belargic
Sep 27th, 2004, 02:45:57 PM
So far as the majority of the board are concerned, the Vong have never existed :uhoh
Christopher Munro
Sep 27th, 2004, 02:53:50 PM
Well, there's your first bit of evidence that we need a history thing. I wonder how many people don't actually know that?
Telan Desaria
Sep 27th, 2004, 03:34:08 PM
I never knew that. For example, I remember I actually rped against them - - I was made a Rear Admiral for my victory at Belkadan.
Well - - -as far as I have things done, planned out IC and OOCly, is that now we are approx 55yrs After the Battle of endor, the Vong have struck four separate times, and all main characters (Skywalker, Solo, Vader,) are deceeased.
Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 27th, 2004, 04:13:29 PM
*as I understand it* the Vong invasion occured, just not on the same scale as in the NJO books. If it had, then Coruscant, Ithor, and several of our other planets that we RP on would be drastically different than they are as we RP them in our universe.
The Vong invaded, the Republic and the Empire went together to beat them back, and succeeded, although Diktat Viscera was never heard from again, and his task force was lost. IIRC this is what was decided upon, as a reason for the division of the Empire.
However, for a time, we had an actual Vong group on the boards, although what they actually RPed or did, I don't recall. They did exist, so you could make a case for two different assaults, one led by the group of RPed Vong, and another which caused the loss of Viscera the character, and the break up of the Galactic Empire.
Telan Desaria
Sep 27th, 2004, 04:51:05 PM
Well As I was planning the NJO invasnion was the First Vong War.
(IC reference - Desaria is born somewhere in this time)
Shortly thereafter, there came a Second Vong War - a smaller but fierce conflict that affected mostly the Imperial Remnant approx 27 yrs after Endor (2yrs after the books). It expanded the Republic allowed it since the Empire was now acting as a buffer between them and the enemy.
A Third Vong War was fought, this one exclusive by the Empire somewhere around thirty years after Endor. Great casualties and allowed some rp fluff on our part.
The Fourth (Great) Vong War - - this is their massed invasion and their final act. Here our galaxy is ravaged and a truce is sworn between the resurrected Empire and the Republic - - Ackbar for the Nr and Thrawn the III for the Empire lead a massed armada with Darth Viscera beyond the borders of our galaxy to eliminate the Vong threat once and for all - - - little contact is had with them. Occassionally battle report will be sent via probe or a stray ship (arise Sarin Vorrann) but none on the whole.
The Empire rises into warlordism once more. The Sovereignty/Balmorra/Remnant/Federacy is created.
Time - - 50 yrs After Endor.
The Fragmentation ends and regriuping begins but the Empire is irrevirsbly torn - -51 yrs after Endor.
Present day - - 55 yrs after Endor.
Jarek T'chort
Sep 27th, 2004, 06:19:20 PM
55 years seems too long to me, military technology is more or less the same as it was at the battle of Endor after all.
Actually, since I'm interested, the main characters like Luke and Han, where are they supposed to be in all the galactic strife and such, if they aren't dead?
Jacen Parami
Sep 27th, 2004, 06:25:15 PM
55 years after Endor, I think Mrs Solo would be in her late 70s. Doesn't someone have her as a character?
Morgan Evanar
Sep 27th, 2004, 06:29:25 PM
Only sort of. I don't really know anymore.
Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 27th, 2004, 06:56:10 PM
The name has been used, yes, but no one's every really stuck us to a concrete time frame before. :p Yes certain things will never make total sense, and that's how you've got to look at any timeline that tries to reconcile Swfans to the movies/books.
Alexi Hesith
Sep 28th, 2004, 09:22:56 AM
Originally posted by Jacen Parami
55 years after Endor, I think Mrs Solo would be in her late 70s. Doesn't someone have her as a character?
She pops up in the Senate stories, we post for her. She's still chief of state of the New Republic- as far as I know.
Jacen Parami
Sep 28th, 2004, 10:00:43 AM
Thought so.
A technique that I've seen used in RPGs/Fan-fiction, and used myself, is that you pick a certain event, and change it. You think "What would have happened if we'd done it?" I'm working on some Stargate fan-fiction at the moment (Me? Like Stargate? Bet you never guessed :wink) that asks the question "What would happen if -insert random event- delayed the Stargate program by a year?". Its one of those parallel universe things, which is sometimes confusing. I'm also doing a "What would the universe be like if Jack O'Neill was God?" thing, as a joke. But I'm getting off the point.
With a genre that is constantly growing, as Star Wars is, you'll never be able to include everything. The same is true of Star Trek, especially when they brought in Enterprise. People got extremely confused when they came to try and incorporate Enterprise into the "modern" Trek universe. A whole bunch of dates have been messed with by this "Temporal Cold War" thing. Its obvious (to me, at least) that the result of that is an alternate reality...Enterprise is not a true prequel to TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY, and all of the movies. I have no doubt that the ship classes, the technologies, and many of the characters existed - in Nemesis, there was a USS Archer listed at one point. However, the events are influenced by an outside source. Every successive Star Trek production after Enterprise (I would assume) will take no notice of the Xindi, the Expanse, or anything like that. They may make vague references, but its different...on a tangent. If you were to re-make every episode with Enterprise in mind, you'd have a whole other universe.
I think that's how we need to treat fans. Because new EU comes out all the time, and because Episodes I-III (like Enterprise) keep adapting history, and with all the conflictions and contradictions, we need to, as a community, come up with a point up to which we treat history as it should be, and then what happened after that. What we would effectively be doing is ignoring the Expanded Universe, and only taking what parts we want, and what fits in. If Fans has only taken account of two Vong wars, then we only have two Vong wars. We could follow EU up until the first Vong war, and then decide, with our characters, what has happened in the mean time.
I seem to recall, from brief synopsis that I've read, that the Vong turned Coruscant into a jungle (or something...not read any NJO :\). From what is currently roleplayed, I somehow doubt that event has been accepted in the Fans history. So, we just ignore it. If we do that, we can squeeze out two Vong wars, and keep a few people like Leia, Wedge Antilles (I think he's floating around the NR...not sure, though), Winter, and so forth...we can fit them in, and they'll still be alive.
Jarek has a point. Our military technology is fundementally the same as back at Endor. Ok, we have new craft designs coming out of our ears with fleeting, but I don't think we've made any major leaps or discoveries. In 55 years in reality, massive technological leaps have happened. Cruise Missiles. The Internet. CDs. DVDs. Television. The Jet engine. Machine Guns. These all came about in the last 55-65 years. Half a century is a long time. I think we may have progressed a little further in that time.
I'm starting to run out of steam, so I'll stop. Basically though, I think that, as a community, we need to decide on at least a vague course of events...things like the Vong war are pretty major. Little things can be gotten away with. However, some things can get slightly nuts...if Alderaan had gone boom in one of the NJO novels, rather than in a film, would we roleplay that Alderaan still existed, or not? If the Human race was wiped out, would we roleplay that (of course not)? These are the sort of things we need to decide on, as a community. I know it only effects parts of the community. However, these parts of the community need to know these things...and it would be far worse if those parts just decided, rather than us doing it as a whole.
Marcus Telcontar
Sep 28th, 2004, 03:25:37 PM
the Vong have struck four separate times
No. Once.
Basically though, I think that, as a community, we need to decide on at least a vague course of events
They already have and moved on. DPS
Frankly, this thread is proving my point - a wiki based approach is the only way. Your discussing points I could answer in two seconds. If a 'history' as such was to be done, it needs to be someone like me, who has been around forever and actually knows. But, I dont have the time or willpower to execute somethign like that - nor the memory to fill out some details. And I suspect, neither do other long termers. And I'm nott going to work with someone else. I dont have the time or patience - and you need someone like me because unlike others, I actually know and even helped guide and create the RP Galaxy as it stands. But, I know that if anyone bugged me about it, I'd probably eventually flame them to death.
If it's wiki based, anyone with a hint of interest can put the bits and pieces in as they have the recollection or willpower. And even supply basic outlines of some characters that were important, but are now gone.
A good place to start is there are two threads in GJO, time line threads, of which I have no idea where they are - they sort out some basic time lines. That would be a good place to start a wiki or even this.
Telan Desaria
Sep 28th, 2004, 03:43:02 PM
naysayers aside, I am moving on. Anyone who wishes to contravene my efforts may. If it is the collective wish of the board - -Ogre - - -the admins may delete it. However, I am doing this again , from an Imperial stand point. I have rped this galaxy in every event since my joining as being one half century after Endor.
As per Technology, perhaps it moves at a slower rate than in the real universe. After all, energy weapons in SW have been around for twenty millennia - and the epublic for twenty five. If things evolve so rapidly, such a government of galactic proportions would have fallen. So things are slow - - for a hundred years we have used the Internal Combustion engine and so here we have used the Star Destroyer for half that.
Deride me if you like, but do it silently.
I thank those who support me. If you cannot appreciate the work itself, I only ask that you say good luck. I would for you.
Figrin D'an
Sep 28th, 2004, 04:02:46 PM
I wouldn't worry about the tech part. Tech didn't seem to change all that much from the Prequel time period well into the time frame of the later EU stuff. Blasters are still blasters. Lightsabres are still lightsabres. Turbolasers are still turbolasers. I've always been of the impression that the Star Wars galaxy (universe) doesn't have the same tech advancement rate as, say, something like Star Trek, in which every few episodes there is some new invention with wide ranging ramifications. So, having our RP universe set 50+ years out from the original trilogy time period is easily feasible.
There's a lot of things in our history that are going to make zero sense when placed in comparison to other events. That's life in RP. We just have to deal with it on a case by case basis when it happens to show up and cause a potential problem.
Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 28th, 2004, 05:11:56 PM
Telan - keep on plugging away. :) I'll be interested to see what you turn out when you're done.
Everyone else: shhh
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Sep 30th, 2004, 11:25:31 AM
Originally posted by Lilaena De'Ville
Everyone else: shhh
In all seriousness, I'd like to point out that Telan is stubborn, hard-headed, imperialistic, and prone to fancy words. Therefore, to pass up an opportunity to cast an Imperial slant/light on the history of Fans; to miss the chance to use words like superior might, decisivness, aristocracy, and other big words which fail to come to my mind, the boy would have to be a royal dumb-dumb.
Darth Viscera
Sep 30th, 2004, 12:02:23 PM
To be fair, I don't see anyone here questioning Telan's command of the english language, just his determination to do this without the involvement of a great majority of the RPing community.
Vega Van-Derveld
Sep 30th, 2004, 12:05:34 PM
I like Marcus' idea of a 'wiki', that we can all contribute to without too much effort :thumbup
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Sep 30th, 2004, 12:06:45 PM
Originally posted by Telan Desaria
Please - -keep this thread open and tell me what you think, anything I have forgotten, or anything you would like to see added.
Seems like he's open to a little help, to me.
edit ~ and I second this Wiki idea. Anything that needs as little effort as possible can only be a good thing.
Darth Viscera
Sep 30th, 2004, 12:15:35 PM
Another vote for the wiki.
Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 30th, 2004, 12:25:59 PM
I dont' see why you guys can't start a wiki if you want to. :huh
Telan can still do his own history.
Sep 30th, 2004, 12:31:39 PM
Thats what i was thinking Lilaena.
Darth Viscera
Sep 30th, 2004, 12:36:48 PM
Good idea :)
Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 30th, 2004, 06:16:04 PM
I typed something in there, clicked save page, like two hours ago, and it's gone. :\
Darth Viscera
Sep 30th, 2004, 07:06:13 PM
Telan Desaria
Oct 1st, 2004, 09:48:56 PM
Perhaps adding to mine would thusly be beneficial in the light of vagabond text....
Marcus Telcontar
Oct 1st, 2004, 11:42:48 PM
Originally posted by Darth Viscera
Good idea :)
Allright then. seems you caled my bluff, I kicked off with somethign basic.
Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 2nd, 2004, 10:01:05 AM
Yes, well, the wikipedia nazi police are going to delete the page.
Darth Viscera
Oct 2nd, 2004, 11:12:03 AM
Swfans History
Nonnotable website. Wikipedia is not a web directory. Wile E. Heresiarch 06:15, 2 Oct 2004 (UTC)
* Delete. not notable. - cohesion ☎ 08:22, Oct 2, 2004 (UTC)
they have pages about SomethingAwful. They are a web directory when it comes to SA, but they're not a web directory when it comes to SWF?
Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 2nd, 2004, 11:43:03 AM
I couldn't figure out how to vote against it's deletion. :\
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