View Full Version : The Subjugation of Cerea (Complete)

Jarek T'chort
Sep 19th, 2004, 08:50:15 AM
Spar Sector

In the impenetrable velvet depths of space, the quiet sphere of Cerea revolved imperceptibly around it's sun. Covered in gray cloud, the planet was peaceful. Beneath the brooding cloud, the citizens of Cerea went about their business, their decades of isolation from the rest of the galaxy had proven fruitful - they had been relatively un bothered and certainly unscathed by the Empire and the subsequent Civil War. In doing so, their self contained planet lived and prospered. The Cerean's were a peaceful people, much more so then humans, whom they greatly resembled, aside from an enlarged cranium. Their defense was left to an aging fleet of a few Old Republic era Cruisers and a single Dreadnaught. The Cerean's had no desire for conflict, nor for expansion into the stars. Their way of life was archaic, but it suited their measured and peaceable demeanor.

The Defense Fleet was manned by those deemed hasty or quick tempered, assigned by the ruling council of elders to the Fleet. Such inward thinking dominated the minds of the rulers of Cerea.

Further out of the system, a rippling of star lines abruptly shifted into the giant angular form of an Imperial Mk III Star Destroyer, it's prow coursing through the blackness toward the nearby Cerea. Alongside, a pair of elongated Strike Cruisers dropped from Hyperspace, their drives glowing bright as they followed the Destroyer. From the bay of the Destroyer, tiny TIE Defender's zipped about the task force, which bore down upon Cerea.

The Defense Fleet came about, weapons systems online, to face this sudden threat. Crewers who had spent their years of service driving off pirates or traders, now faced an unprecedented force in their system. The officers faces became as ashen as the youngest midshipman. Aboard the Dreadnaught, Commander Li-Kal-Seitir gazed from the bridge view ports at the silent Imperial warships that approached the recluse planet.

Beside his command chair, a young crewman looked up, his eyes fearful.

"Commander, they are hailing us."

Kal-Seitir was elderly for a Cerean, his hair a distinguished white. He had been beyond the Cerea system many times in his life, experienced the wonders of the galaxy, he alone was collected and calm now.

"Put them on, Chibi."

The view screen to his left flickered to life, the crest of the Cerean Elders vanishing to reveal the shadow lined face of a human in the uniform of the Empire.

"Greetings, I am Commodore Acram of the Imperial Sovereignty, I seek an audience with your Elders."

Kal-Seirtir bowed his head, as was custom of Cerean's. Yet his tone was hard.

"I am Commander Kal-Seirtir of the Cerean Defense Fleet. What is your buisness?"

"We seek to gain your worlds admission into the Imperial Sovereignty," spoke Acram carefully, "You would have full protection from any hostile threats, not to mention, you would reap great economic reward."

"Cerea is a peaceful world, we have no desire to talk to outsiders, you must take your Fleet back from whence you came."

The humans face hardened for a second, become a genial smile settled across his features. His voice now had an edge.

"I'm afraid it is of some importance, I would not like to resort to confrontation."

"Nonetheless, you must withdraw your ships, Cerea has no interest in any parlay."

Acram's smile vanished.

"Then a demonstration is in order."

The view screen went blank, leaving Kal-Seirtir angry, he had no choice but to back them down. Yet, before he could order his ships to assume an aggressive formation, a lance of bright green turbolaser fire shot out from the Star Destroyer, vapourizing one of the small picket ships deployed in front of the Defense Fleet.

"This is Kal-Seirtir, all craft assume formation Xega, fire at will!"

Jarek T'chort
Sep 19th, 2004, 10:32:54 AM
Aboard the Star Destroyer Razor, Commodore Marcus Acram clasped his hands at his back as he watched the unfolding battle beyond the tapristeel view ports. His face was calm as the first wave of TIE Defenders swept out toward the scrambling Cerean fighters. Commander Zerit, his XO, stood next to him, directing the activity in the crew pits behind them.

"Squadron A-1 and A-2 are to destroy the fighter screen, bring B-1 and B-3 about, have them concentrate on the lead Cruiser. "

The orders were relayed as crimson bolts of energy leapt toward the Destroyer, splashing against the sheilds.

"Order port batteries to concentrate fire on the Dreadnaught. Have the Beren and the Acrimony deal with our flanks."


The Cerean fighters were mostly old Y-Wings, or modified Z-95 variants. As such, they were pianfully slugish against the brand new Mk V TIE Defenders. The Imperials superior firepower was already showing, the Cerean Star Cruisers could not match the volume of fire from the Strike Cruisers. Directly ahead of the Razor, Kal-Seirtir's Dreadnaught was trading brutal turbolaser fire with the Destroyer, it's shields flaring at several points as the Imperial ship hammered it with fire.

Jarek T'chort
Sep 19th, 2004, 01:02:48 PM
Ko-Jaf was the largest of the Cerean cities, and by rights the capitol of the isolated planet. It was fairly low rise, but was centered around a deep canyon, at the bottom of which flowed the ancient river of Goros. Many enterprising Cerean's had built their homes into the walls of the canyon, following similar examples on Alderaan. Deep tunnels coursed behind the cliff faces, allowing the natives passage. Above ground, the pristine city was far quieter then any normal world, there was little hustle and bustle, a sign of the subdued nature of the Cerean's. Yet it was not perfect by any means. Though a small (by galactic standards) planetary population, Cerean society had a distinct gap between the rich and poor. The rich lived in palatial estates on the north ridge of the canyon, with the poor living to the south.

It was from the high-perched estate of the Governor General that the council of Elders watched the plains below. Each was well past middle age, weighted down with ceremonial robes. The populace was in uproar, the news of warships laying seige overhead had set the Gundark amongst the Tauntauns. Riots were occouring, not just here, but across the dry planet. The law enforcement services were barely coping with keeping the poorer citizens from storming the Parliment and food stores. The word had spread quickly, despite government orders.

As the Elders debated what to do to quell the uprisings, the people clamoured for a return to a more civilised age, as Cerea had been during the Old Republic. More importantly, for a end to the gulf of wealth. Yet as these arguments plauged the planet, more troubles lay in wait in the docking bays of the Imperial ships above.

Jarek T'chort
Sep 19th, 2004, 01:49:58 PM
Aboard the Razor

Acram smiled as he viewed the incoming reports from his ships. The Cerean Fleet was crippled, four of the six Cruisers either disabled or destroyed. The Dreadnaught was fighting on, it's hull pockmarked by laser blasts. The TIE's had done their job admirably, leaving shattered and burnt out wreakage of the enemy snub's littering the pitch dark space between the two Fleets.

"Bring us forty degrees to starboard, so our heavy guns can bring down their foward shields."

"Sir, Colonel Harv reports ready."

Commodore Acram glanced at his XO, one eye still on the battle beyond the Destroyer.

"Good, he may commence his landing. Have C-2 run interference."

"Yes, sir."

From the gaping bay of the Star Destroyer, several large transports appeared, carrying the landing forces of the Imperial Task Force. Behind them, under the watchful eye of their TIE escorts, ran the Destroyer's complement of Stormtrooper transports. The ships swept past the battered Defense Fleet, breaking through the clouded atmosphere below.

On the surface, Cerean militia men scrambled urgently, utilising heavily armoured tanks and speeders - the staple of ground forces throughout the galaxy. For whereas the Fleet had been neglected, the Armies of Cerea were far more powerful. The Imperial ground forces landed in east and west of the Capitol, Repulsor tanks and companies of troopers forming the front lines behind the lumbering AT-AT walkers.

Jarek T'chort
Sep 19th, 2004, 05:15:25 PM
Above Cerea

The bruised face of Commander Kal-Seirtir gazed at the scene around him. The bridge was a mess - coolant leaking from several overhead pipes, blown out consoles and injured crewers. Beside his command chair, Midshipman Bre-Jol manned the Ion Cannon station, firing last desperate bursts at the Imperial Star Destroyer looming over them. Kal-Seirtir broke, his face turning frantic.

"It is lost, gather the squadron, we must retreat to the Herj moon!"

The remaining crew looked up, shocked at their commander's outburst, but only too willing to escape the teeth of the Imperial attack.

"Transmit a distress signal to Riflor, Lieutenant, hurry! How long till we can reach lightspeed?"

The Lieutenant looked up, his faced bleeding from a cut on his jaw. His tone was taut.

"A few minutes Com-" He looked down at his board which began pinging at him, a look of shock on his face. "Sir, we've lost our forward deflectors!"

"Abandon ship!"

The old Commander practically fell from his seat, stumbling over the body of a crewer who had been hit by a falling pipe, before reaching his escape pod.

__________________________________________________ _____

The Razor's batteries found their mark, blasting into the hull of the Dreadnaught. It exploded in a brilliant fireball, hurling debris into the shields of the Star Destroyer.

Commodore Acram smiled as he watched, before turning his head to the Comm officer.

"Open a channel to the Cerean General Governor."

An acknowledgement was followed by the flickering quarter-sized holo of a the Cerean official, his robes blood red.

"Governor General, I am Commodore Acram." The Commodore was confident, his voice nearly gloating. "Your defense fleet has been smashed. Imperial troops have landed on your world. Submit to Imperial rule or the hostilities will continue into your cities."

The elder Cerean grimaced. "Cerea will not submit to Imperial rule, we have been independent for over forty years, we shall fight to preserve our freedom."

"You think you can withstand our attack?" Replied Acram sardonically.

"Our armed forces are ready for you, we will not barter."

The Imperial felt an anger rising in him. "Your forces will stand down and turn themselves over to Imperial troops. Any deviance from this will result in the complete subjugation of Cerea."

"So be it." Governor General Do-Nuls spat. "Cerea shall drive you away like vermin."

"Tell me," said Acram, his voice hard, "do vermin have the ability to raise cities to the ground?"

He cut the channel, teeth gritted. This would not be the simple operation he had hoped for.

Jarek T'chort
Sep 20th, 2004, 01:10:07 PM
"An outrage!"



The cries of the hastily assembled Cerean Elders echoed in the ornate halls of the Mansion, at odds with calm air the house retained.

"Please!" Shouted Do-Nuls, "Silence, we must debate what we can do!"

The others quieted at the sound of his strained voice, their faces grim.

"It is too late, our Fleet has been vanquished, our army will be cast aside by the Imperials!" Spoke up an older woman Elder, which brought much nodding of heads.

Do-Nul's fixed her with a glare. "We have been free for decades, we must fight to retain our freedom."

"We should not have rashly turned down the offers of membership with the Republic." Came a clear cut voice from behind Do-Nul's, it was Xer-Fa, an outspoken opponent of the Governor.

"Save the recrimination for after we have defeated this foe, that is the matter at hand."

The Elders murmured among themselves, before turning at the sounds of the doors to the assembly room being opened. A slightly younger Cerean stepped in, his grey uniform of unmistakably military cut.

"Ah, General Nel," smiled Do-Nul wearily, "what have you to report?"

The man's voice bore none of the strain Do-Nul's did. His face was calm, despite the knowledge that even now his troops were engaging the Imperials.

"The enemy is making for the Capitol. From the West and South East. I have assembled defense lines in their path, they will hold for now."

The Elders murmured again, the knowledge that their whole society was on the brink of collapse had left a sinking feeling in every belly in the room.

"We must evacuate at once, while we still can."

Do-Nul's order was met with hurried agreement, the thought of being target practice for the Imperials was quite unsettling, even for the back stabbing politicians.

Jarek T'chort
Sep 20th, 2004, 01:35:45 PM
The Strike Cruisers had sent skeleton crews aboard the captured Cruisers, spoils of an brief, but fierce battle. About the Star Destroyer, TIE Defenders took up picket duties. Their larger counterparts, the Scimitar Assault Bombers, took off in flights bound for the surface.

What remained of the Cerean fighters had fled in system, no doubt to regroup and refit, not that it particularly bothered the Commodore in charge of the Imperial attack.

Acram sat in his quarters, enjoying a cold brandy, at least until his comm pinged.

"Acram here."

"Sir, ground forces are fully deployed, our bombers are away."

"Very good, inform me of any changes to the situation, bring us into orbit and prepare for orbital bombardment."

He keyed the comm off before sitting back, his feet stretched out before him under his heavy obsidian desk. Imperial High Command had seen to it that he had more then adequate forces for this operation, something he was not entirely used to. Operating with technically superior forces was something he was used too, though not since the Fragmentation had Acram been at the head of a far superior force to those he faced. It was an experience he quite enjoyed. Perhaps that was the sadistic streak in him, he reasoned.


Colonel Harv adjusted the straps on his battle armor as he watched the scene on the plains below from his command vehicle. The mighty AT-AT walkers had penetrated the first line of defense, mainly hurriedly prepared trenches and light anti-armor weapons. The city of Ko-Jaf lay to the North, it's tallest towers could be seen through his marcobinoculars that hung around his neck. Taking them up in his hands, he observed the Cerean Defense forces taking up new positions under the brunt of the Imperial assault. They were tenacious, these Cereans, their troops hard and professional, another story entirely from the abject and redundant former Fleet.

The right flank of the advance was led by a group of five AT-AT's, their footsteps shaking the ground as they lumbered toward the capitol. Beneath them, the AT-ST walkers stalked forward, on the lookout for traps and enemy positions. In a sudden flurry of fire, the lead walkers fell, taken by suprise from a concealed missile team. The Cereans fled as the lead AT-AT swiveled it's cannons, pouring heavy fire into their positions, moments too late. Cerean infantry, manning E-Webs and auto turrets, spat red murder at the approaching Imperial soldiers, whose return fire was almost ineffectual against the dug in enemy.

As the lead AT-AT bestrode a large hill, the first flight of Cerean missile boats swept in from the north, cannons and rockets joining the crescendo of battle.

Jarek T'chort
Sep 21st, 2004, 05:08:58 AM
By the mid-morning, Imperial troops occupied several smaller cities along the route to the capitol, cleared - with some effort - by the 56th Imperial Mechanized Infantry. In orbit, a trio of Constrainer class Interdictors had arrived at the edge of the system, gravity wells online and ready to snatch any refugees or rescue force from the hyperlanes.

Colonel Harv's troops had swept northwest around a particularly strong point in the Cerean defense. By now, they had reached the agricultural areas of the continent, farms and food processors dotted the landscape for miles around. Harv himself had joined his AT-AT group, taking personal command of the drive up the main highway toward the city center.

Aboard the cockpit of the walker, Harv pulled down the periscope viewer with a hand, feeling the pseudo motion as the mighty walker strode forward.


"Enemy troops concentrated at point-decimal 35."

Harv rotated the scope, his trained eyes catching the distinctive signs of a dug in enemy. The highway had been ripped up in places, with discarded landspeeders, rubble and assorted junk thrown and welded together by the dogged enemy.

"Target, have our left flank move up to destroy them from the higher ground."

The left wing consisted of a quartet of Repulsor tanks, their drives whining as they surmounted the steady rise on either side of the highway. A pair of AT-PT's cautiously stepped forward alongside, cannons swiveling in search of their foes. Within a heartbeat, a storm of blaster fire swept over the light walkers and tanks, joined by the sound of a heavy repeater blaster, which knocked the lead AT-PT from it's feet. The walker crumpled and smashed into the highway below.

Harv grimaced as he watched, "Fire at will!"

The armor clad pilots acknowledged, the giant walker paused, shifting to it's right, allowing it's heavy blasters to send bolts of deadly energy into the prepared positions. Cerean troops caught the blasts indirectly, flinging them from their foxholes and from behind fire points, or blowing them to piece with direct hits. The carnage was viscous, with the Cerean troops pinning the light walkers and advancing troops down, at least until the heavier weapons could be brought to bear.

From high orbit, the first green lances of the turbolasers from the Razor stabbed down into the city ahead, engulfing the horizon in plumes of acrid black smoke. In contrast, the crimson blood of defender and attacker alike mingled in the dirt.

Jarek T'chort
Sep 21st, 2004, 07:48:12 AM
The city of Ko-Jaf was in flames, the pristine city was blackened and damaged from the orbital bombardment. Far overhead, flights of Imperial bombers swept above, dropping their payloads with deadly precision, resulting in great explosive balls of flame in their wake.

The Cerean military was holding the tide of Imperial ground troops headed for the Capitol, their knowledge of the surroudings matched with their determination had blunted the initial assaults. Yet the Imperials had air supremacy, roving TIE Defenders that strafed convoys and vehicles not adequately camoflauged.

General Nuls had come to the front himself, charged by the Elders with personaly stopping the Imperials. Such a task seemed insurmountable to him with the limited forces at his disposal. The neighbouring city states had been slow to send any help, too concerned with building up their own defenses, or - if the rumours were true - allying themselves with the invaders.

Nuls held the grip of his blaster tightly, his face was strained, the earlier calm had faded upon reaching the southern frontline and seeing the weight of the Imperial forces, led by their walkers, bearing down upon the Cerean positions. Watching from the secure duracrete bunker, he witnessed streaks of missile fire launch up against the walkers, bursting in brilliant firery flowers against the thick armor of the AT-AT's. Grabbing his comlink, he directed frantic orders to his forward commanders. Yet it was an idle gesture.

The walkers had finally broken through the second defense line, their heavy cannons ripping apart the fortifications.

Jarek T'chort
Sep 21st, 2004, 03:35:21 PM
The distant sun of the Cerea system glimmered from the hulls of a trio of Constrainer class Interdictor Cruisers, newly arrived from the Corellian shipyards, the crew young conscripts aboard brand new vessels that reeked of paint and ozone. All part of the accelerated military buildup occurring throughout the Sovereignty.

Commodore Acram stood, feet apart, on the bridge, in one of the side control ports. Before him, the quarter size holo of a Cerean official stood, his pointed and ridged skull quite a distraction to the younger and rather naive crewers who milled about at their duties.

"...we are willing to allow your forces free passage, in return for assistance against our enemies."

Acram watched the holo carefully, wearing his best sabacc face.

"Governor Feth, might I inquire what enemies you speak of?"

Feth puffed his chest out, a look of irritation on his face.

"The northern city state of Ara-Pol has been our economic enemy for years. Their food and manufacturing plants are constantly at odds with my own states. If you were to eliminate them for us, we would be most grateful."

"I am sure of that." Smiled Acram. "You would allow your fellow Cerean's to die?"

"Commodore," returned the alien, "such is business. Risks are taken, losses are made."

"I understand perfectly. Thank you Governor, I shall instruct the ground forces accordingly."

Turning from the holo, which flickered dead, Acram turned to a junior Lieutenant.

"Signal Colonel Harv, inform him of the development."

Striding back to his chambers, he prepared to make his first report back to Thyferra. Things were going excellently.

Jarek T'chort
Sep 21st, 2004, 04:24:28 PM
In the dark space deep beyond the borders of the Riflor system, a small flotilla of ships were performing their routine border patrols. The Advozsec, a race of short and heavy built creatures, were largely outgoing, the opposite of their Cerean neighbours. Their world was a shifting mass of tectonic plates, heavy with volcanic activity. As such, the Advozse had evolved accordingly, with thick skin and superb eyesight to deal with the murky light on their homeworld. A large Escort Frigate, freshly brought from the New Republic, along with a trio of Corvettes, upgraded with proton torpedos installed in their fw'd section. Aboard the ship, Ensign Xaroc stepped heavily over to his CO, Captain Geror.

Deep pools looked up from his command console as the Captain acknowledged his junior officer.


"Captain," responded the guttural ensign, "we have picked up a fragmented transmission from the Cerea system."

The captain clasped bony hands over one another in an Advozsec gesture of curiosity.

"What sort of transmission?" He barked.

"A distress signal, we could not decipher much more."

The Captain snorted, his deep black eyes staring off beyond the bridge viewports.

"Set a course for Cerea, we shall investigate."

"Should we report in, sir?"

"No, we shall investigate," Geror grunted, "I do not think it is clever to report on something we have no idea of, Ensign."

The flotilla came about, before in a flicker of motion, their drive trails suddenly became lost in the mottled blue of hyperspace.

Jarek T'chort
Sep 22nd, 2004, 07:24:07 AM
A deafening explosion ripped apart the Ko-Jaf city parliment, it's giant domes falling in a flurry of masonry and dust.

From the cockpit of the giant AT-AT walker that had fired the powerful blasts, Colonel Harv smiled grimly, his eyes tight.

"Have Major Kerez have his company assault the main power plant. I want it intact."

An acknowledgement from his driver was followed by the walker advancing into the ruins of Ko-Jaf, smaller walkers and soldiers moving past it's enourmous feet, exchanging fire with the remaining defenders, holed up in the rubble strewn streets left in the wake of the Star Destroyers bombardment. Dancing bolts of energy flitted through the air, leaving it ripe with the stench of ozone. The civilian population had mostly fled in the wake of the advance, or let it pass over them. The Imperial troops had strict orders to keep moving, so the proffered hands of refugees went unheeded. No scraps of rations would be given out, this was to be a hard hitting attack on Cerea, with no time for suppourting the ordinary Cerean. That would come after.

Harv watched as a pair of tanks hovered into position ahead of his walker, before moving in flanking formation into the city center. The center was a vast open area, covered in markets and fountains. From behind the limited cover of the market stalls, Cerean soldiers peppered the Imperials with fire, bringing up their own tanks to stall the advance.

The lighter Cerean tanks had less armor then the Imperials, but their firepower was a more than worthy match. Soon, bodies and wreakage joined the rubble in the fierce fighting for the city.

Jarek T'chort
Sep 23rd, 2004, 07:30:23 AM
The ever present hum of the giant engines of the Razor reverberated in the Captains cabin of the warship. It was rather sparsely appointed - save for a large and quite ornate fish tank, which held a number of exotic beaked fish. At the perfunctory desk, sat Acram, his eyes cast over a datapad he held casually in front of him. Latest orders - picked up only a half hour before.

The door pinged once, before the intercom came to life.

"Commander Zerit reporting, sir."

The door slid open with a hiss, allowing the youthful XO access to the Commodores chambers. He stepped smartly in, the door sealing behind him.

"Ah, Zerit," motioned Acram, "Take a seat, please."

The Commander did as he was bidden, he kept silent however, Zerit knew his superior well enough to know that Acram would tell him whatever he needed to know in the Commodores own time. Acram never hurried.

"The latest transmission from Thyferra has arrived." Acram said, his eyes still on the datapad. "They detail our orders with regard to Cerea and . . . other targets."

Zerit nodded. "I see. Which other other targets do you mean, Commodore?"

"This is where it gets interesting." Acram smiled, his eyes bright. "We are to proceed with our mission, which will culminate in an attack on the Riflor system."

If the XO was suprised he didn't show it.

"The Advozsec?" Questioned Zerit, "They will present quite a challenge.""

"Agreed, much more then these pitiful Cerean's."

The Imperial turned a key on his desk, illuminating it with a bright light, which then formed into a fairly elaborate holo display - par de course aboard Sovereignty Capitol ships. The hologram shifted into a representation of the planet Riflor, it's darkened surface perpetually filled with volcanic cloud.

"They are however, rather sympathetic to our cause." Acram went on, "Not to mention it was the Empire who aided them with their grand mobility tech in the first place."

"Why not extend diplomatic feelers then?" said Zerit, his face showing he was quite interested to get this glimpse into the higher workings - something that Acram duly noted.

"We have. On many occasions. However, considering our somewhat poor relations with the New Rep they have decided to sit it out."

"What's so important on Riflor anyway?"

Full of questions, this one, thought Acram dryly. "Vast mineral deposits and smelting works, ideal for war production. Plus a population who have no real quarrel with Imperial law. We shall need all of these things if the war against the Republic is to be succesful."

The XO nodded again, his questions seemingly sated for now. The Commodore tapped the holo off.

"So, the sooner these backward coneheads surrender, the better, that will, be all, Commander."

Zerit stood as he was dismissed, making for the door.

"Oh and Zerit?" Called Acram.


"Inform Major Yula I want the sentry line to notify me of anything they pick up - if the Advozsec get any clue of this, it will make our job that much harder."

As the door slid shut after Zerit, Acram settled in his chair, his mind already at work on how to subdue Riflor.

Jarek T'chort
Sep 24th, 2004, 10:49:09 AM
Blood red clouds of dawn drifted lazily above Cerea, casting long shadows on the land below. In the far east, the familiar plumes of smoke billowed up into the skies, pouring from numerous fires that raged in the beleaguered cities and towns across the central Cerean continent. From the rolling Vul-mur hills far above Ko-Jaf city, marcobinoculars watched the carnage from within a fortified bunker. It was here that General Nuls had his headquarters, moved quickly from the now gutted Department of the Armed Forces in the capitol. Nuls wore a dark grey uniform, somewhat dirtied and threadbare from the past twenty four hours of being bombed and blow up - not something he enjoyed. With a last scan of the burning city, he lowered the binoculars, eyes meeting those of his assistant, Major Vor-Magai. The younger Cerean cradled a blaster rifle in his arms, even here in the relative safety of the hills and mountains, the Imperials had been dropping groups of Stormtroopers to take the higher ground.

"It's lost." Nuls murmured, his dark orbs dropping to the floor.

Magai's face turned dark. "No, General, our forces in the south haven't been touched aside from light bombing, they stand ready to fight."

"And why is that?" bit back Nuls, "Why are they still in the Southern regions?"

Magai fell silent, his expression mirroring that of the General.

"Because the hold of Ko-Jaf and the Elders is broken. The troops out there, you, myself - we are fighting for the land we have grown up and lived on, not for the pompous fools who have had a stranglehold on this planet for these decades."

Magai stirred. "So they wait to defend their own lands, while letting us be destroyed for them."

Nuls nodded grimly. He turned, facing the reinforced duracrete wall of the bunker. He clenched his fists, watching the knuckles turn white.

"We can only give these Imperials as hard a time of taking this world over as we can. Their air attacks have left us paralyzed, we cannot stop their walkers without losing half a company."

"That is our duty."

Magai sighed, shaking his head. "What will you do now, sir?"

"Now?" returned Nuls, "Now, I will order our forces to stand fast in the cities, the ruins will work to our advantage. I want our armor and heavy weapons brought into the secure areas, from the river estuary here - " He motioned to the map on the wall beside him, "To the coast here."

"If the treachery of the other cities is true, we will be leaving our rear dangerously vunerable." Put in the Major.

"I know -"

The whine of repulsorlifts sounded nearby, then the sounds of a repeater blaster opening up. Finally, a single explosion silenced it, before more small arms sounded.

Magai dived out of the bunker, his rifle at the ready. Looking up, he saw the reason for the commotion - a trio of light dropships had discovered their position, dropping a quartet of Akryd-Viper C-10 War Droids with a platoon of Stormtroopers. Blaster bolts whizzed past the Cerean as he made it to a foxhole near the bunker. About him, young Cerean soldiers had snatched up their weapons, blasting at the invaders. The War Droids arm mounted heavy blasters scattered the Cerean's, the intense fire providing cover for the advancing Stormtroopers, who took over fallen Cerean positions. A roar rang out, as a single Surface to Air missile smashed into the lead droid, blowing into pieces. But still the Imperials came, Magai watching helplessly as his men died around him. The sound of a single blaster shot rang out from the bunker behind him - the Stormtroopers had gotten to Nuls. As the smoke cleared from the explosion of the droid, the remaining Cerean's lifted their arms in surrender, dropping their rifles at their feet.

Magai, wounded in his thigh, could only pray to his ancient gods as the Imperials lifted him to his feet and removed him with the stunned body of Nuls to the safety of the lead Dropship.

Jarek T'chort
Sep 25th, 2004, 06:26:20 AM
" . . . and that, Commodore, concludes my report, I'm transmitting the full brief now."

"Thank you, Colonel." Acram acknowledged.

The holo of Colonel Harv shimmered as he touched a key out of view of the holocam. A green light lit up on the Commodores chair, indicating the transfer was complete.

"What of the prisoners you mentioned?"

Harv looked back up as he spoke. "Yes sir, we have captured a Cerean General in a raid not far from the Capitol. He is wounded, we're treating him in a field hospital. As soon as he is able, we will begin questioning him."

Acram steepled his fingers and paused for a moment.

"Very well Colonel Harv, understand that the prisoners are to be afforded full rights as prisoners of war, as per Imperial law."

"Understood sir."

The holo flickered out and fell silent, leaving only the background noise of bridge activity to disturb the Commodore. The noise of approaching footsteps caused him to turn and see Zerit coming towards him.

"Sir, pickets report the rest of system is quiet, the outlying colonies have been scanned, but they've been abandoned for some time."

"Excellent. Inform me of any change in the situation, I'll be in my quarters. You have the bridge."

Zerit nodded, watching the starfield beyond.

Jarek T'chort
Sep 25th, 2004, 06:51:07 AM
Cerea lay still in the blanket of stars, it's surface wrapped in cloud. Above, the Imperial task force orbited, TIE picket's racing about the small group of ships. The drifting debris of the previous battle had rounded the planet by now, out of the way of the Imperial ships. They stood on alert, constantly watching for any vessels attempting to leave the planet - or, conversely, enter the system. The shroud of secrecy around this operation was key to the success of the wider expansion in this area. Something Commodore Acram had been keen to drill into the minds of his officers.

A ripple in the fabric of space signalled that was about to change. The profile of a large escort frigate, accompanied by it's attendant corvettes dropped into realspace, their systems coming online as they sluggishly manouvered towards Cerea. The Imperial ships had seen them however - the Interdictors firing up their gravity wells as the pickets returned to their mother ships. The bulk of the Razor came about to face the newly arrived force, it's turbolasers tracking the ships.

Aboard the lead frigate, Captain Geror stepped onto the crimson-lit bridgem warning claxons sounding frantically as Lieutenant Burgos turned toward him.

"Captain, we have Imperial ships in sector four-seven, a Star Destroyer and two Strike Crusiers, we read three Interdictor cruisers further out. They are powering their weapons sir!"

"Calm yourself!" Shouted Geror, settling in his command chair. His crew were by no means raw recuits, but the tension on the bridge was palpable. "Send out a broad range distress signal, then jump to lightspeed."

"Impossible, Captain." Ensign Xaroc cut in. "We are caught on the gravity wells and they are jamming all transmissions. "

Geror smiled grimly, the folds of skin shifting. "Then bring us to bear on them, shields up - open fire as soon as we are range. Launch our fighters."

The crew acknowledged, leaving Geror to think quickly - his frigate wouldn't hold long against a Star Destroyer, but he knew a few tricks.

He watched as the first wave of X-Wing fighters shot out towards the approaching Imperial vessels, a feeling of excitement shooting through his veins.

Jarek T'chort
Sep 25th, 2004, 07:28:11 AM
"Sir, ID check registers these vessels as part of the Advozsec sphere, under a Captain Geror."

Acram nodded to the portside crew pit officer, his eyes on the scene out before him. Their X-Wings were closing, ready to strafe the Destroyer with torpedoes.

"Launch our fighters, spread N formation." He ordered quickly, "Beren and Acrimony are to assume flanking positions. Helm, bring us forty degrees to starboard and prepare to launch our torpedos."

The wedge of TIE Defenders swept out ahead of the ships, mirroring their maneuver against the Cerean defense fleet. As they came upon the X-Wings, they spread out suddenly, pulling out into a triangular shape before loosing their blaster cannons at the incoming fighters. The formation was untested - until now. The Imperial fighters had confused their adversaries, causing them to react to the threat now spreading out around them and causing them to forget their attack on the Star Destroyer. The wings soon became embroiled in a melee of laser fire, twisting and diving as the larger ships turbolasers opened up beyond them.

The Corvettes lay either side of the Escort Frigate, fire lancing out at fighters that came too close. The Frigate itself began to pull toward the Imperial vessels, ion cannons firing into the Destroyer.

Acram winced as an explosion flared beyond the bridge view ports. "Report?"

"Starboard ridgeline damaged,"called up Major Yula, "Minor hull breaches, decks 90 through 93."

"Wait for my signal, fire control . . . now."

The calculating Commodore watched as the proton torpedos raced out, oblivious to the barrage of turbolaser fire in the space between the two ships. With a dozen fireballs flowering on the hull of the Frigate, Acram smiled tightly -


"They've lost their port ion cannons, we read hull breaches and their forward deflectors are down 30%."

"Excellent, reload and prepare another salvo for that foremost Corvette."

Beyond, the Frigates Ion bombardment of the Star Destroyer had dropped off into a few bursts from the starboard cannons. The weaving fighters shot past the pockmarked Frigate, racing over the hull in a deadly dance of combat.

Jarek T'chort
Sep 25th, 2004, 04:32:10 PM
Captain Geror looked down at his horny fingers, now locked in a grip on the arms of the command chair. Narrowing his eyes, that in turn were deep under a steep brow, he watched the unfolding battle before him. The torpedos had caused a fair amount of damage, something Geror knew would get a whole lot worse if they were unable to shift the tide of battle - or, thought Geror less favourably, break the Interdictor's hold on their ships. Running away was not something he nor his species took well.

"Ensign!" he bellowed, his hand forming into a fist, "Order the Corvettes to accelerate to flank speed, then make a run against the Strike Cruisers, full firepower to be directed against their undersides, try to get below them!"

The Captain shook his head, watching the lancing green strobes of turbolaser fire splashing against his ships shields. Beyond, the fighters were holding their own, the newer TIE fighters were faster then the X-Wings, but the elder and updated fighter could still hold it's own against the Imperial snub fighters. A single fighter spun out of control ahead of the bridge, smashing into the deflectors in a ball of flame.

The lead pair of Corvettes had made their move, dipping their noses as they glided beneath the leftmost Imperial Strike Cruiser, their fire finding it's mark with the less well protected underside of the Cruiser. A squad of TIE's chased after them, spitting fire at the generator housing in the midsection of the Advozsec ships.

The Star Destroyer had moved closer, it's turbolaser batteries and ion cannons tearing into Geror's Frigate. A flight of X-Wings dove past, headed for the Destroyers aft, their torpedos loosing as they attempted to knock out the aft turbolaser batteries. Their drive trails were dimly visible to Geror as he watched the viewscreen swallowed up by the bulk of the enemy warship.

Jarek T'chort
Sep 25th, 2004, 05:34:43 PM

Major Yula looked up from her station, in the direction of the commanding voice of Commodore Acram.

"The Acrimony reports micro fractures along their hull from that Corvette run, five turbolasers knocked out.""

She watched the older man as his keen eyes watched the viewports and the confrontation beyond. The raven haired Major had served aboard the Razor for almost four months now, long enough that the disconcerting feeling of being new had faded, she was a competent officer, but looking at her superior, she knew he was someone to watch. Acram had been newly promoted for this expansion, he had his eyes set on Admiral too - if the rumours were to be believed. Yes, she told herself, they were true enough. The man had enough ambition to fill a space cruiser, and the ability to go with it.

"Sir," Yula called up, her voice slightly strained, "Sensors are reading their starboard deflectors are down to 20%."

He smiled, that familiar smile of his. The one, the young Major noted dryly, that signified his somewhat overbearing confidence.

"Helm, bring us a hair to port," he called, "I want the Beren to move closer, we'll concentrate fire on the weak deflector."

The Star Destroyer's prow angled away as the smaller Strike Crusier traded another salvo of blasts with the nearest Corvette. Simultaneously, the Destroyer's heavy Turbolasers found their mark, ripping into the Frigate. As they did so, the Frigate began to shift itself, before it's own guns found their mark on the Razor, setting off a small string of explosions on the dorsal hull.

"Lower ridgeline breached," reported Zerit, from his position above the crew pits, "Sealing that section now, sir."

Acram nodded, his face drawn as he watched the Frigate, his fingers tapping his control screen. "Knock out their remaining sensor arrays, have the Wing Commander strafe their shield generator housing, it looks to have been damaged in our last barrage."

The TIE's responded, darting away from the remaining X-Wings, they weaved past the lead Corvette, itself the target of the brunt of the Acrimony's fury. Racing over the Frigates midsection, they opened fire, azure bolts raking the armored hull and resolving in a series of firery explosions that detonated across the upper hull of the Frigate.

Back aboard the Razor, Acram smiled grimly. We have them.

Jarek T'chort
Sep 25th, 2004, 06:35:18 PM
". . . that highway leads down into the costal forests, our armored spearheads would be better directed against the remaining towns in the valleys."

The stoic form of Colonel Harv, battle armor still strapped to his body, listened carefully to Major Kerez give his briefing beside the command vehicle, it's engine chugging away to itself.

"All right Major," Harv's stiff tone ordered, "Bring the armor to bear on the southern flank and clear the rest of those towns."

The Major nodded, the blue pipping on his collar evident of his Caridan training days.

"Sir, I must say, in my sector at least," he said, raising his voice over the noise of the engine, "the resistance is dropping off, looks like these coneheads have lost the will to fight."

Harv grinned, the nickname for these aliens had spread quickly among the troops, for all of the Propaganda ministry's spouting, the human dislike of the unknown and of aliens in general, was still very much a part of the Imperial psyche.

"I hope so Major, let's get moving."

The coloumn behind them consisted of a variety of armored vehicles and troop transports, all headed for the next target on the map, a fortified city that lay due southwest of Ko-Jaf.

Jarek T'chort
Sep 26th, 2004, 06:50:35 AM
A haze of sparks shot out from the control panel nearest Geror's command chair, the Advozsec Captain flinching away despite himself.

"Stand by!" Geror said, his voice gravelly, "Helm, bring us about by thirty degrees, keep our damaged side out of reach of their weapons."

The Frigate Obrag turned, it's starboard inching away from the turbolaser blasts that pummeled the ship relentlessly. The Captain turned to face Lieutenant Tlem.

"Lieutenant, what is our fighters status?"

"Blue and Gray squadrons are down to half their compliment!"

The youthful officer kept his dark eyes on the Captain, it was pointless trying to battle the enemy ships, they were much to powerful, only by breaking the Interdictor trap could they escape.

"Have Blue Squadron target those Interdictors," The Captain ordered, his voice now sounding regretful to the ears of his crew. "Disengage and pull us out Helm, if we can push to the edge of the gravity cone we can make the jump to lightspeed."

The Frigate continued turning awkwardly, it's remaining turbolaser batteries firing back at the Star Destroyer, with two Corvettes providing cover.

The Interdictors had seen the third Corevette, it's X-Wing's in tow, coming towards them, a wave of TIE Defenders chasing them. They began to shift away, preparing their own jump to lightspeed - Interdictors were only moderately armored. The Advozsec fighters swept past the Interdictors, their torpedos lancing out and striking the hulls of the Constrainer class ships. Bright red and orange balls of flame burst out from sensitive areas that had been hit, the gravity wells powering down.

The Obrag was taking the brunt of the Destroyer's fire, it's aft sections repeatedly battered by the heavy bombardment on the rear deflectors as the Frigate made it's ungainly escape.

Jarek T'chort
Sep 26th, 2004, 07:14:52 AM
The battle was beginning to break up, but not all was going to plan. Commodore Acram had a grim look on his face as he watched the Advozsec fighters strafe the Interdictor line. They had little choice but to power down, the Beren couldn't reach them in time.

"Inform the Wing Commander to destroy those X-Wings as they make their second run in a Kereg manouver." Acram snarled, "The TIE net should have caught those fighters."

Zerit stood close behind Acram, his face neutral. "The Acrimony reports serious damage to her stabilisers, requests permission to leave the battle."

"Very well." the Commodore muttered through clenched teeth, "Accelerate to flank speed, then lock our tractor beams on that nearest Corvette."

Tractor control acknowledged, followed by the Destroyer giving chase to the fleeing ships. The rearmost Corvette faltered as it made it's dash for the edge of the gravity cone, it's midsection errupting in a geyser of gases and flame. The tractor beams locked onto it, holding it in place as the other Strike Crusier, the Beren, moved alongside, all weapons firing into the Corvette. The Destroyer itself delivered a broadside as it raced past, green bolts smashing into the already crippled Corvette. It finally burst into a great explosion, it's forward section ripping free and tumbling away into space.

The Frigate and the remaining Corvette were determined to make it to the edge of the cone, their engines glowing brilliantly in the darkness of the void.

Acram leant forward in his command chair, his face drawn, the frown lines on his forehead creased.

"Intensify forward firepower, target their lower quarters."

The Destroyer's gunners responded, the brilliant energy of the ships heavy weapons ripping into the rear of the Frigate. A sudden burst of an explosion, and the the Frigates engines died. The deflectors had been penetrated.

Jarek T'chort
Sep 27th, 2004, 06:40:05 PM
A flare of an explosion ripped through the Advozsec Frigate as it listed to port, its engines glow fading to a dim white. Gases, material, droids and crewers were swept out from the breached section of the ship. The Obrag was helpless, numerous fires breaking out through the vessel. The Star Destroyer that had crippled it hovered over the warship like a vulture, it's batteries now turning to join the Strike Cruiser that was pummeling the last two Corvettes.

Commander Zerit smiled confidently as he watched the stream of reports coming in, the TIE's earlier lapse had been an annoyance, but they had islolated the X-Wings and were proceeding to destroy the more skilful survivors. The Beren had crippled one Corvette and was even now bringing the last Corvettes defenses down with concentrated turbolaser fire. The Interdictors had powered down, the attacks of the Advozsec fighters had damaged two of them, but with the fighters and corvettes forced into Cerea's gravity mass they could not escape easily.


Zerit turned to the midshipman sitting in the crew pit beside him.

"Assault shuttles report ready sir."

"Very good, remind the squad leaders we want prisoners," Zerit said, "Set weapons for stun."

The young midshipman relayed the order, his hands darting over keys as he worked with an efficiency Zerit had noted pervaded this bridge, the entire crew even. Inspired by the Commodore of course - though he kept to himself, the man was a more than competent officer and led by example. Rumor had it, Acram had a mind for politics too, with friends in the Cabinet. Commander Zerit smirked as he thought of Beth Yula's words on their superior during a private moment - "A man who says jump and you ask in midair how high."

As he turned back to his console, he watched the Commodore in his command chair, sitting pensively and issuing terse orders to the crew. Acram was a man to watch, thought Zerit, a man to watch indeed.

Jarek T'chort
Sep 30th, 2004, 03:50:52 PM
The final thunderclaps of explosions sounded off in the distance, the evening sky lighting up with the glow. The evening was warm, the air thick with smoke.

The Imperial 24th Mobile Infantry had worked their way through the southern valleys most of the night, attacking the pockets of Cerean militia that sprung up and fought with some gusto. The Imperials had dislodged the majority of opposition from the cities and towns, leaving scattered groups of Cerean troops in hastily formed units left to fight losing battles in the countryside.

On a narrow highway leading down to the valleys, an Imperial column had stopped to refuel. In the open hatch of his command vehicle, Colonel Harv lifted the protective goggles from his face with a sigh, it had been a long day, in fact, he didn't even know what the time was.

"Kurseen, what's the time?"

The comm officer glanced up from his station inside the vehicle at his superior. He was young, like most every other Imperial soldier on Cerea, with tousled brown hair and grey eyes. His voice was young too, barely broken.

"07.00 hours, Colonel."

Harv nodded, looking back out at the landscape around them.

"Thinking hard, Colonel?"

Kurseen's voice broke into Harv's thoughts, causing the elder man to grin at the soldiers confidence.

"Yes, I am." He lifted the macrobinoculars to his narrowed eyes, watching a distant hilltop. "I'm thinking how it's interesting that these people don't care."

The comm officer wasn't expecting that comment. "Don't care sir?"

Harv grinned again, "No, I mean, Kurseen, you've been a soldier for how long?"

"Well, about four years now."

"When you've been on as many campaigns as I have, young'un, you'll come to notice that we aren't usually welcomes too fondly when we conquer a planet."

"I see, sir." Kurseen murmured, unconvincingly.

Harv rolled his eyes, before ducking inside the cabin again. "Look, these coneheads don't even bother with sabotage, or hiding their own blasted soldiers!"

"That is odd." Conceded Kurseen.

"Odd? More like they've given up completely." Harv snorted, "The ones that didn't desert in droves are fighting and running, mainly because they aren't well liked by the general populace."

"Who knows with aliens? " Interjected the younger man, his tone hard. "Maybe they know when they are beaten."

Harv grimaced. "Well, enjoy it Kurseen, while you can. I can guarantee you this will not happen to a solider of the Imperial Army all that often!" With that, he clambered out, leaving the comm officer to sit thoughtfully at his comm set, reflecting on the words of the Colonel.

Jarek T'chort
Oct 1st, 2004, 02:16:12 PM
Captain Hil Geror stepped onto the cool durasteel deck of the Imperial Star Destroyer, from the lowered ramp of the Imperial shuttle that sat with elegant folded wings behind him. A pair of white armored Stormtroopers flanked him as he was nudged forward. He took in the immense hangar bay, the TIE fighters in their racks, the assault shuttles, the numerous Imperial personnel who attended to their duties. He was marched in silence toward the end of the bay, behind him he could hear the assault shuttles from his vessel landing, full with prisoners and captured equipment. Looking down at his hands he mourned silently that he had allowed himself to be captured, but the restrictive manacles were a grim reminder.

"All right, hold it."

Geror stopped still at the command from the gruff voiced Stormtrooper behind him, letting his hands fall in front of him. He dark eyes watched as a tall figure in the uniform of an Imperial Captain approached him, followed by two more Stormtroopers and a pair of black-uniformed Navy troopers. The human stopped a few feet from the Advozsec Captain, his face neutral.

"Captain Geror, I presume."The human said, his tone level."I am Commodore Acram."

"That I can see." Spat Geror.

A smile settled on the humans face as he stepped fractionally closer.

"You are now a rather important prisoner of mine, Captain. You see, this operation is to remain secret - for the time being. Your untimely arrival was unfortunate, but not overly damaging to our plans."

Geror stayed silent, his lip curled in contempt.

"Nothing to say? I had heard your species was rather vocal in their opinions?"

"I have nothing to say to a being like you," Geror snarled, "Imperial scum."

Acram's tone became harder. "Really? Well there is great deal you will be saying, regardless of whether you wish to or not."

"Pah! I have little you can learn from, little you can use to your filthy gain."

"You will come in very useful. Very useful indeed." The Commodore nodded to the Stormtroopers with a smirk. "Take him away."

The Advozsec scowled beneath his brow, muttering curses in his native tounge.

"And Captain?" Called Acram, the smirk still present. "Do not assume because you are useful, you are indispensable."

Geror growled, before a swift knock in the back from a blaster rifle sent him on his way toward the Interrogation block.

Jarek T'chort
Oct 5th, 2004, 11:31:47 AM
The morning was breaking over the city of Nuy, its dull and subdued buildings broke into the horizon, beneath circling lizard birds that nested in the taller structures. Nuy was somewhat smaller than Ko-Jaf, but was more suited to Imperial needs. The need at hand, was for a suitable location to accept the Cerean surrender, of which the ancient Jedi temple was well suited.

The Temple was large, its sky blue ceiling vaulted and strong. Built almost seven hundred years prior to the Galactic Civil War, the building had served as a spiritual home for the Cerean Jedi, among them the famous Jedi Council member, Ki-Adi-Mundi. Darker times, however, had now fallen upon the venerated temple.

In the antechamber, nearly a hundred Cerean elders had gathered, their robes still as decorative as they had been in past years, but the beings that wore them were not the same as their ancestors. These were the turncoats and cowards, duplicitous beings whose concepts of honor and loyalty were gravely misplaced. Among the gathering, the dim blue and greens of the Nuy militia stood out, providing security for the peace accord to be signed by the Elders. They carried slug throwers and light blasters, purposely ordered by the conquerors who now processed down the ranks of Elders toward the waiting diplomats.

Commodore Acram strolled quickly down the ranks of bulbous headed aliens, his eyes straight ahead. Beside him, Colonel Harv walked, his hand resting near his blaster. A quartet of officers followed, with a squad of Stormtroopers bringing up the rear. Acram stopped at a high table, cut and engraved in ancient stone. Beyond it stood a trio of Cereans, one much older - the Elder of Nuy.

"The City of Nuy welcomes the representatives of the Imperial Sovereignty and extends the Kirir medallion of peace to them."

The old alien handed the golden medalion to Acram, who eyed it momentarily before handing it to Harv.

"We accept the offering," Acram spoke, his voice loud and carrying so that all could hear, "And prepare to accept your surrender."

An hour and forty minutes later, Cerea was officially an Imperial world.