View Full Version : FAO: Razielle and Jared.

Gav Mortis
Sep 18th, 2004, 07:42:45 PM
Where to begin? Well, first of all I've been doing a lot of thinking about how the three of us can do regarding the new arrangements here at the KA. Getting down to brass tacs, what I would like to do is take a traditional Star Wars approach to the Sith and give it a wee twist of my own. I'm trying to look at this as Gav would and so far this is what I've come up with:

Gav returns from his long absence, after recovering from mental and physical degradation, a changed man with a new outlook for the future. A future in which he percieves Razielle and Jared as a very real and essential piece to the puzzle. Being a changed man he will also want to take his apprentices on a long journey to mold and nuture them both to meet his own standards.

What this involves is very serious and dedicated training which takes place simultaneously with a number of important adventures rather than have training a detatched and often dull experience in seperate threads. The first goal? To train not only Razielle and Jared but also Gav to harmonize with perfect efficiency to form an elite trio of Darkside agents. I have a name for the trio already in mind but would like your feedback first.

Where would they go from there? Well, let's jump forward a little. What I am interested in is the old fashioned Star Wars tradition of having Sith, both master and apprentice adopt more public alias by which they can travel freely and without suspicion, ie. Sideous and Tyrannus took on political stances under their Palpatine and Dooku alter-egos. For example, I was considering, ultimately, having Gav buy out a major manufacturer of weapons and starships and become the company owner. Similarly, would you guys be interested in following suit and having Razielle and Jared take on more public roles thus throwing off the scent of any Sithly suspicions?

Two things to bear in mind here. First of all, the adopted profession and lifestyle should fit your respective characters although I'm sure you've both been nothing but true to your characters all along. Secondly, in having your characters do this, I would like to ask if you would be willing to have them take on a Sith alias? Preferably Darth. For example, whatever we decide to do with our threesome in the future, I'm going to have Gav Mortis become the wealthy entrepreneur of a large manufacturing corporation and have him take on the Sith alias "Darth Nihilis".

One final thing to consider; would you guys prefer the rankings of Acolyte and High Priestess for Jared and Razielle respectively. As opposed to your traditional Apprentice and Knight ranks? Just a spin on things I was considering. Regardless, this is but merely a pitch for you guys. We could run with it or we could scrap some of it and keep some bits and pieces and play about with the ideas as we see fit or we could scrap the idea entirely. Please make suggestions and give as many thoughts about what direction you would like to see our threesome venture. I'm in no way trying to force this course of action upon you guys, these are your characters and I want the best for you and your characters, but the sooner we start discussing their future the better.

Razielle Shadana
Oct 6th, 2004, 06:06:57 AM
LOVE it! Love it all. I have a perfect idea for Raz's public alter ego already :D

I'm just happy to be back at all, LOL I'll get right on working all the fine tuning for Raz out :)

Let me know when you guys want to get going with something, I'll bounce around in anticipation until then. ;)

Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 6th, 2004, 10:31:42 AM
woo wb!

Salem Ave
Oct 6th, 2004, 12:52:54 PM
I have a perfect idea for Raz's public alter ego already

wb Miss Laharra :cool

Razielle Shadana
Oct 7th, 2004, 05:55:16 AM
Originally posted by Salem Ave
wb Miss Laharra :cool

I thought about that but this Raz is still a Vamp so political mishaps may be tricky in the wee hours. :\ besides she has no Vega so the whole thing would be.. off. and Salem, I just can't see as a Senator. LOL

I'll spill my rough draft to you later on today. I'm thinking something along the lines of a uppercrust club owner who caters to the devious tastes of Senators and wealthy buisness men and such. Always a great way to rack in a few bucks and a few good tidbits of info. ;)

Jared Mriad
Oct 7th, 2004, 02:41:03 PM
Sorry for the late reply, I was preoccupied with worldly crap.

I'm in full agreement with that essay of a plan. though I'd have to think for a few days what Jared would incognito as.. :|


Gav Mortis
Nov 15th, 2004, 09:36:45 PM
With "Sith, The Inauguration" underway and little training taking place for your characters, I intend to start a new thread for you guys, either in roleplaying or in one of the forums here. It will have some element of plot to it but it will be a training thread. Don't want to leave your characters hanging when it comes to training. More to come tomorrow.

Zachariah Darmok
Nov 16th, 2004, 05:46:13 AM
Raz' public appearence?

I dred to think...

Somara Ave
Nov 18th, 2004, 08:39:04 AM
you leave my mommy alone! :p