View Full Version : Mission

Kyle Raiden
Sep 18th, 2004, 03:43:44 AM
I fancy doing a full-on Halo Force mission, to slot in a bit before Bestine. Preferably a two-parted operation, with a ground objective, and a surrounding space battle. Sorry that the following is so long-winded...is it ok?

* * *

What I'm thinking is that the Asgard, Midgard, Ask and Embla (Bothan, Majestic, and 2 Rangers) drop into an outlying system (nothing too major), and distract the local space forces, drawing them out into a battle. They drag the ships (there wouldn't be many...a couple of Corvettes, Frigates, and a few fighter squadrons) away to one side of the planet. In the meantime, my Bifrost (Sacheen) drops in from the other side of the system, and deploys Dark Angel Squadron and Covenant Platoon (my special forces people) down onto the far side of the planet, to take out the headquarters of the operation.

Who would I be fighting? I'm thinking a pirate/privateer, most likely. Well, sort of. More of a mini "Kingpin", who's organising some of the pirate raids in the vacinity. It'd be out towards Hutt space, so its not being a huge nuicance...but its a nuicance all the same. Since Halo Force is suited to the job (because of size and resources), they get sent to do it. This thing comes out of a half-finished story I started writing a while ago...Talon Kinkade was the adversary in that. He likes to be called "General", because it makes him feel more important than he actually is. His holdings are basically this one planet. Its in an uncharded system, so its not on any regular maps. He's just being a mini-thorn in the side of the people in that area.

I do realise that, being near Hutt Space, he might attract the attention of TSO...but he's not really that important. His pirate operation is no different from any of the others that have been taken out by the Rebels/NR over the years, save for the fact that he's gotten hold of a few larger ships. Halo Force will make short work of him...I just want an opportunity to post a full Halo Force operation - I won't get to use everything during Bestine.

Time-wise, it'd slot in before the NR forces assembled at Mon Cal, but after the training mission I did against Travis. (First Flight) This does mean that I won't have recieved the A2's yet (I posted about getting those during the getting ready for Bestine posts), so I'll be using regular A's.

I can do this all solo in a storytelling thread, or some one (or ones) can come and RP the opponants, if they want. I don't mind either way.


Pirate/Privateer - Space Group:
- Marauder Corvette: 1
- Corellian Gunship: 2
- Lancer Frigate: 2
- Cloakshape Fighter: 36 (3 Squadrons, 1 Wing)

Pirate/Privateer - Space 2 Group:
- Interdictor Dreadnaught: 1
- Praybird Fighters: 24 (2 Squadrons)

Pirate/Privateer - Ground Group:
- Z95 Headhunters: 12 (1 Squadron)
- Ground-based Ion Cannons: 1
- Ground-based Turbolaser Turrets: 4

Halo Force - Space Group:
- Bothan Assault Cruiser: Asgard
- Majestic-class Heavy Escort Cruiser: Midgard
- Ranger-class Gunship: Ask
- Ranger-class Gunship: Embla
- A-Wing Fighters: 24 (Archangel and Angel Squadrons)
- XJX X-Wing Fighters: 24 (Seraph and Saint Squadrons)

Halo Force - Ground Group:
- Sacheen-class Light Escort: Bifrost
- Lambda-class Shuttle: Covenant (+20 SpecOps Troopers)
- XJX X-Wing Fighters: 12 (Dark Angel Squadron) (+12 Commandos)

Lion El' Jonson
Sep 21st, 2004, 07:36:24 AM
Sounds good. You might want to solo this one, because with Bestine coming up, some of our members are rather pressed for time.

Of course, if anybody thinks that they have the time to help you RP this, then good for them, and good luck. :)

Nice idea, Trippen


Jacen Parami
Sep 21st, 2004, 10:46:50 AM
I was gonna give you a whole bunch of information about all of the thinking I've been doing, but I'm not going to bother. I'll just write it into a briefing, and put that into one of the early posts.

The only thing worth noting is the timeline - after Bestine 1, 2-3 weeks after the First Flight thread I did with Travis, which should put it a week or so before Halo Force arrived at wherever it is we were arriving (Fondor?). This mission should explain why Halo Force was late.

This mission is going to be easy. Thats half the point. Halo Force is more than capable of handing the forces involved. The pilots aren't going to be anything special. The starships aren't exactly tough, when you look at what Halo Force has. I'm planning zero casulties (in ships , fighters and commandos) on my side, and the enemy (Kordo Coalition) will surrender before too long. As soon as the Special Ops objectives are complete, the Coalition will find itself ever so slightly screwed. Talon Kordo is a coward, so as soon as we breach his stronghold, he's going to surrender. The Marauder Corvette will escape, but the other four starships will either be destroyed or will surrender...the same is true of the starfighter forces. Basically, the enemy fighter squadrons will be flying up against four of my regular squadrons, and will get pounded (because they have inferior fighters and pilots), which will quickly free up one or two other squadrons to go and provide air cover once Dark Angel runs into trouble against the Headhunters.

In simple terms, sending Halo Force in together is overkill. However, this is going to be the unit's first official mission (as opposed to a training one), so Command wants to break them in easy. Its a training mission, but not. If that makes sense.

I'm drafting up the first post at the moment...I'll get it up and posted ASAP. This should also, with me properly introducing characters, help to pad out the Halo Force history.

Kyle Raiden
Sep 25th, 2004, 05:26:57 AM
I haven't started posting the mission yet (coming very soon...just putting the final touches on the intro post, so expect that up later today). However, I've had a thought. I don't know if its been done on Fans before, but I was wondering if, maybe, I could make my enemy a little more actively against the NR, doing stuff like attacking convoys carrying refugees, relief supplies, and so forth. I was wondering if the New Republic could maybe put him on trial?

What I'm thinking is that we run the trial of this guy in a similar sort of way that the trial of Tycho Celchu was run in the X-Wing series. That however, was a military tribunal. This would be handed over to the Senate, most likely. We'd have probably 3 Senators as Magistrates, plus someone as a Prosecutor (Kyle Raiden, the Halo Force Intel guy would be a good choice, but he'll probably be off fighting at Bestine at the time. Unless this waits until after Bestine 2, maybe my Senator Carter character would work?). I dunno how long it would end up being...that'd all depend on what happened on my mission. But, we could call people in to be witnesses to his crimes, charcter witnesses, etc. The Defense lawyer could maybe be controlled (or actually be) a member of the Imperials, so we get some sort of court-room conflict. The guy is guilty, but it would be up to the Defense lawyer to try and lessen the sentence, or something like that.

I would be looking for people to play:
- Magistrates (perhaps a Senator, a Soldier, and a Jedi?)
- Defense Lawyer
- Witnesses (maybe...these could be NPC'd by the lawyers, though)
- Aids to the Prosecution and Defence Lawyer (to help split up the posting a bit)

The Lawyers would be doing most of the work...all the Magistrates would need to do is pass the eventual verdict, and also answer any objections. One of the Magistrates (the Senator, most likely) would be the "lead" Magistrate, who would be like the judge. They also represent the political point of view in the verdict. The Soldier is there to represent the military point of view, and to pull up the lawyers on any flaws in their military logic. The Jedi is there to observe that justice is served in this process.

Has this sort of thing been done before? If so, how well did it work? I know there are a few complicated issues involved..."Objection" for example. If witnesses were done with actual players, there would obviously be a pause after each question, during which the opposing lawyer can object. IF we didn't do that, however, the lawyer would have to leave breaks in their posting where they know (or at least think) their opponant will object.

Just as a random fact, a couple of years ago, I participated in the "Mock Magistrate's Court Competition" in the local heats, and also played a lawyer in a Mock Crown Court thing. The Magistrate's one was a country-wide competition. You get a series of characters that you have to cast, as well as lawyers and magistrates. The witnesses had a copy of their statement to the police. As a witness, you could only confirm or deny what was on your statement. As a lawyer, you not only had to point the magistrates towards the relevant bits of information to prove the guilt of the defendant, but you also had to try and make the witnesses reveal bits of information that wasn't on the statement. If you did that, you caused the witness to make stuff up, which meant that they lost marks. Being a lawyer was fun. :D Because of how stupidly it was set up, my school had the most points out of the five compeating schools, but we came last, because in our two heats, we were one or two points behind the others. Which was really stupid. But participating in it was fun.

The point of ^ that was the witness part - if people were going to portray witnesses, we'd have to come up with a statement with them, as well as some information that wasn't on the statement, that they could reveal. As a lawyer, its your job to get every hole in your witness exposed, and dealt with, so that the only thing your oposing lawyer can do is ask the same questions...which gets them nowhere, really.

I've started to ramble, so I'll shut up. Would I be allowed to do this trial thing, and would anyone be interested in helping out? If I'm allowed, I can tweak the characters in the thread a bit to make him more trial-worthy.

Kyle Raiden
Sep 25th, 2004, 08:13:00 AM
I said "see post 5" about the Interdictor Dreadnaught in my edit note. If you haven't read that, you need to read this anyway.

In Book 3 of the X-Wing series (by Michael A. Stackpole), Rogue Squadron went, well, rogue. They got hold of an Empress-class station as their base of operations. They made a few modifications - unguided Concussion Missile launchers and such...but they also bought a grav generator. Booster Terrik, Mirax Terrik's father, bought the generator from Talon Karrde. But it shows that these things are availiable.

The Interdictor Dreadnaught is a regular Dreadnaught from somewhere or other, with a grav generator or two stuck to it. It will be unknown to Halo Force going in. Basically though, its there to spice up the space battle. The Inderdictor Dreadnaught flies in, traps Halo Force, and messes up the plan a bit. It gives me a chance to make the mission turn sour, and include a few things that I was planning for in a future thread, but would actually work quite well here.

Hope that's ok. If its not, let me know, and I'll edit it out.

Jacen Parami
Sep 25th, 2004, 08:44:12 AM
Thread started:

Stratagem (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=36861)

The stuff that is there already is the briefing, laying down what's going to happen. Basically, everything that Halo Force knows is listed in there. I'll post up something from the opposing side of the fight a bit later, and then I'll leap forward to the pre-deployment phase.

Shelly Waye
Sep 25th, 2004, 01:42:05 PM
Ok, so I changed my mind. Talon Kordo is dead, because he just got "assassinated" by his military advisor? Why? You'll just have to keep reading the thread and see. ;)

Jarek T'chort
Sep 25th, 2004, 04:16:22 PM
Like the thread, good job.

Jacen Parami
Sep 25th, 2004, 04:22:28 PM
Thanks :)

Lion El' Jonson
Sep 26th, 2004, 04:30:04 PM
