View Full Version : To spoil or not to spoil
Doc Milo
Sep 16th, 2004, 11:32:14 PM
I was just wondering how everyone was doing spoiler-wise.
Are you someone who doesn't care about spoilers, will read everyone and essentially know the entire movie before ever seeing it?
Are you someone who tries to avoid spoilers but the temptation becomes too great and you peek under every spoiler tag?
Are you someone who tries to avoid spoilers but, in your quest for everything Star Wars, you end up accidentally seeing a whole bunch of them?
Or are you someone who has a great deal of willpower and has no idea what is coming for episode iii (you may not even know the title!)?
Or are you somewhere in between, you know things like the title, who's playing some of the characters, some of the names of the new characters, etc., but you become deaf and blind when it comes to finding out anything plot-related?
I pretty much fall into the last category, and I have been pretty good this time around. I know very little about the upcoming film -- although I do know the title and a few new characters, but that's about it. Plot-wise, I know nothing except for my own specualtion on what has to be in there based upon seeing the other films. This is a new experience for me, and I hope to keep it up till the release of the movie in theaters.
How is everyone else faring? Do you try to remain spoiler free or are you spoiled and loving it?
Sep 17th, 2004, 06:37:50 AM
I wanted to remain spoiler free, but I am weak when it comes to spoilers and I have a decent sense of what's going to happen in Episode 3. Every time I look at a spoiler I say 'Ok, that's the last one I'm going to read'. But it never happens that way. :\
I hope that much of what I read is false or innaccurate, but most of it sounds pretty legit.
Master Yoghurt
Sep 17th, 2004, 07:45:42 AM
Well, it varies.
TPM - I knew nearly nothing about it and ended up incredible disappointed because it was miles away from what I thought it would be. The whole Darth Maul hype really gave me the wrong idea. Instead of Maul, there was plenty of sleep inducing political drama and jar-jar antics. I should have read more spoilers on this one to keep myself mentally prepared.
AOTC - Learning from my first experience, I religiously read EVERY single spoiler that existed. At least, if it was going to be bad, I would be know about it and there would be no disappointing surprises. I practically knew all the plot lines and major parts of the dialogue. This time around, it was a much better experience. I was so excited to see what I have visualised in my mind on the screen. The chase through Coruscant, kamino, the asteroid chase, the arena battle, the geonosians, Count Doku and last but not least the fight between Yoda and Doku. It was an awesome experience. In retrospective though, it has to be said, even though it was several times better than TPM, I still rank it several notches behind ROTJ, and nowhere near the greatness of ANH and ESB. But at least this was a move in the right direction. When I think about it though, it would have been better to not read THAT many spoilers and leave some surprises out.
ROTS - This time around, I am generally not reading spoilers revealing major plotlines. I know some very basic stuff like the identity of the villain(s) etc, and read *some* spoiler marked speculation/discussion on these forums, but thats pretty much it. The intention is; to not going out of my way to avoid spoilers, but also not going out of my way to read them either. I figure knowing about 10-25% about the movie before entering the theaters is ok. I suspect the trailers will be fairly spoilerish in terms of locations, characters etc, but I will at least see those just to get excited
Sep 17th, 2004, 08:14:05 AM
I knew absolutely everything about TPM before seeing it, and was let down.
I knew about 80-90% about AotC and was happier.
I figure I know 50% of RotS right now and the result is yet to be seen. I'm going to try and avoid any more spoilers from here till the release, except for the trailers.
Sep 17th, 2004, 08:27:10 AM
I'm about the opposite of you, JMK...
I knew probably about 80% about TPM.
I was ultra-spoiled and knew just about everything about AOTC.
As for ROTS, I've got a decent idea - maybe around 50%, but that is mostly characters and general ideas - I've been trying to avoid specific plotlines. I tend to be pretty weak with spoilers though - chances are I'll probably read some more before it's all said and done...
Sep 17th, 2004, 08:55:00 AM
Yeah we're about on the same page with regards to RotS. I know who kills who, but I don't always know how or why. I know the locations we'll see, but I don't always know what they look like. I guess I'll have a few more moments of weakness before the release but I seriously will try to curb that. I want there to be some surprises with the last SW movie ever.
Figrin D'an
Sep 17th, 2004, 10:24:20 AM
I'm not going out of my way to find things out about ROTS. Obviously I know the title and some of the new characters, and I've heard rumors about a couple of different plot points, but that's about it. I'm trying to avoid sites like TF.N and the like.
For TPM, I knew everything before I walked into the theatre.
For AOTC, I knew a fair amount, but much of the material was unknown to me until I saw it first hand.
For ROTS, my goal is to go in knowing little more than I know now. I'll permit myself to watch the trailers when they come out, and I'll be watching any additional episodes of the Clone Wars cartoon that should be made, but beyond that, I'm trying to stay relatively spoiler-free.
Sep 17th, 2004, 11:45:51 AM
I usually know as much about a prequel as an amish knows about television...until the first trailer comes out at least. Then, there's about a month or two in which I might resist the inevitable, but I'm a giant sucker and I know that there's always a breaking point in which my will power fails me.
So I'll probably be up to my eyeballs in spoiler material by new years.
Sep 17th, 2004, 11:56:28 AM
If I had any smarts at all, I'd cut off my net access, or at least restrict my viewing of SW websites. ;)
General Tohmahawk
Sep 18th, 2004, 04:43:19 AM
Avoiding everything. But not because I dont want to be spoilt, it's because I have a distinct lack of interest.
And that kinda sucks
Dasquian Belargic
Sep 18th, 2004, 05:09:09 AM
I don't actively seek spoilers out, but if I come across them, I'll read them. I've known whole plots of films before and still really enjoyed them, so I don't feel it 'spoils' my viewing experience.
Sep 18th, 2004, 09:09:31 PM
I avoided spoilers as if they were my wife's cooking. I went into TPM and AOTC with nothing but the trailers and commercials to give me a hint of what was to come. I'd buy the novelizations and not read them until the day after I saw the movie. I'd buy the toys and not read the cardbacks until I came home from the theater. This time I'm grabbing every spoiler I can find. I just wanted to do something different this time. When I sit down to watch ROTS I'll have already read the novelization and poured over every cardback for info.
Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 19th, 2004, 10:46:33 AM
I'll be avoiding spoilers, at least major ones. For AOTC I was trying to avoid spoilers, but I couldn't resist looking at this one spoiler image posted on this board... you know, the one with Anakin with only one arm? WHOOPS.
I'm going to try to be better about looking at spoiler text. :(
Sep 19th, 2004, 11:16:29 PM
Originally posted by Lilaena De'Ville
I'll be avoiding spoilers, at least major ones. For AOTC I was trying to avoid spoilers, but I couldn't resist looking at this one spoiler image posted on this board... you know, the one with Anakin with only one arm? WHOOPS.
I'm going to try to be better about looking at spoiler text. :(
I thought you got AotC spoiled when you looked at my Anakin action figure and the arm fell out of the package.
Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 20th, 2004, 03:26:28 AM
No, that was Shawn. Remember? I was like "hey look his arm comes off" and then there was that uncomfortable silence, just before Shawn threatened my life.
:p Ah the good ol' days.
Sep 20th, 2004, 06:55:41 AM
I don't even know if I will watch the trailer.
Sep 24th, 2004, 04:22:12 PM
Originally posted by Dasquian Belargic
I don't actively seek spoilers out, but if I come across them, I'll read them. I've known whole plots of films before and still really enjoyed them, so I don't feel it 'spoils' my viewing experience.
Totally me.
Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Sep 27th, 2004, 12:07:44 AM
honestly with my memory, I can read spoilers and forget them by the time I see the movie.....:\
Christopher Munro
Sep 27th, 2004, 10:07:22 AM
For TPM...I knew nothing, really, save for what my sister kept telling me about how cute Obi Wan was.
For AOTC, I didn't know much until right near the end of the wait. I knew vaguely what was gonna happen, but not much. I saw how cool the Clone Troopers and related tech looked...that really wow'd me. I probably wouldn't have gone to see it within the first week if it weren't for that.
With ROTS, I'm already wow'd. I know what is going to happen at the end, but I want to know how that stuff comes to pass. I'll probably pay more attention to all of that, and I'll come away amazed (I hope) and inspired by how much detail Lucas put into his story. My hope is that ROTS is gonna make up for the general lameness of TPM.
The lameness in TMP came mainly from the Tatooine and Senate things...they were too slow and blah. Seeing Gungans die was funny. The lightsaber duel was cool. But there was too much padding around it.
AOTC was a lot better, because instead of lameness, we had a much darker storyline going on. Obi Wan's mission was filled with a heck of a lot of violence and destruction. That was great. Anakin and Padme...even though it was the slower, more romantic side, it worked. Throughout it all, Anakin acted how I expected it to. The bit with the Sand There was so much obvious emotional turmoil going on really made me believe that the Anakin from Episode I could eventually become the twisted evil dude that is Darth Vader. And then the Clones...WOO! That is how Stormtroopers are supposed to be. Ok, so they're made to look better because they're on the good guy side, but lets wait until Episode III, and see if they still look like the fearsome warriors of the Empire that they SHOULD be.
The storyline, as I understand it, for ROTS, takes the best bits of Episodes I and II, and puts them together. More of the actual Clone WARS. More Jedi-on-Jedi stuff...more evidence as to why we should never mess with a Jedi. The fall of Anakn...why does he turn against his "father"? That is what I want to see in Ep III. Hopefully, it won't disappoint.
As for a catagory...I think AB had it covered. Totally me too.
Oct 27th, 2004, 08:13:22 PM
I saw this on IMDB and didn't know where to post it...
A flood of detailed Star Wars: Episode III -- Revenge of the Sith "spoilers" has hit Internet chat sites following screenings of a rough-cut version of the film. (Typical: "Does Yoda really fart in the movie?" "In the rough cut, he did." "Will we see Yoda use his lightsaber any time beside the fight with Sidious?" "Heck, yes. Yoda even cuts someone's head off!") Those who have seen the rough-cut have been unanimously enthusiastic about it. The film is scheduled to be released on May 19, 2005.
I don't know what to make out of some of those "spoilers" as they are based on rough cut info. I'm taking them with a grain of salt - a lot can happen in the cutting room. However, I was very pleased to hear them say that people are unanimously enthusiastic about it. If the rough cut is good - hopefully it can only get better with good editing...
Jedi Master Carr
Oct 27th, 2004, 11:43:23 PM
That is gossip besides IMDB is the most unreliable news source. I remember when they ran with Rowen Atkinson as Voldemort.
Oct 28th, 2004, 08:29:53 AM
Originally posted by Jedi Master Carr
I remember when they ran with Rowen Atkinson as Voldemort.
:lol - yeah, that was a pretty good one...
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