View Full Version : I need advice...

Sep 16th, 2004, 12:04:40 PM
...on dating.

I have a girlfriend. Yay! :D

Unfortunately I've never properly dated anyone before, (sad, I know :() and I don't really know what to do. What are good things to do for the first few dates? Anything I should be careful of? Anything I should not do?

Thanks for your help.

Sep 16th, 2004, 12:09:40 PM

I dunno. Don't ask for sex on the first date. Pay for dinner.

Dasquian Belargic
Sep 16th, 2004, 12:12:55 PM
Anything I should not do?

Don't go to a movie, for starters :mneh

What does your girlfriend like? Hobbies, etc?

Sep 16th, 2004, 12:14:26 PM
Also, asking for dating advice on an internet forum is like asking Helen Keller to critique a Picasso.

Sep 16th, 2004, 12:20:47 PM
Lol. Unfortunately, I don't have anyone else to ask. :cry

Um...hobby-wise...shopping. And...um...shopping. And maybe shopping. I dunno about that last one though... :mneh Lol. Seriously, she likes mostly the same stuff as me, except for the sci-fi...I've not converted her to that yet. Which doesn't really help when it comes to thinking about dates...:(

The problem is, there's nothing to do round me. Aside from the cinema, bowling alley, and shopping, there's nothing to do anywhere near me. Which really does suck. I'll probably end up taking her to Lincoln (nearest city), and we'll end up shopping all day...maybe catch a flick or something, and get lunch.

Are there any kinds of lunch that are off-limits? I mean, I can't go to a restaurant or anything. And MacDonalds isn't exactly a datey kind of place...any suggestions?

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 16th, 2004, 12:25:26 PM
The bowling alley!

Dasquian Belargic
Sep 16th, 2004, 12:27:40 PM
maybe catch a flick

Didn't you hear me, boy?! No movies! They are highly anti-social. Do you live anywhere near any coast-line or parks or something? Go for a walk. Have ice-cream. Bowling is good, but you need more than two people. Do the both of you know any other couples, that you're both pretty friendly with?

Sep 16th, 2004, 12:34:35 PM
We're trying to set two people up...

Travis North
Sep 16th, 2004, 01:26:10 PM
Okay here's what you do. Or rather what my friend has done and he's always had great relationships. Well only two. The first one was a solid longdistance relationship that lasted for three years.... Sad part is the Girl left him for a guy who did the same gentleman like thing just closer. My friend was heartbroken for a long while. So another friend of mine started going out with him and they've had an awsome relationship. The first friend even had to move but he found an appartment for rent so he could stay with her. Man my friend is awsome. Key note though is that his family is somewhat wealthy. Another note is his father had the same sad thing happen too him sorta. Something about his father buying a castle (a small one) for my friends step mom. She didn't like the style of the bathroom and didn't want to live there. That set my friend's father back quite a bit. Anyway... Back to what my friends style of dating is......

Roses. Long stem red roses and chocolate. And give them to her in a public place. She'll be so shocked and happy that you have done this. There wont be any way another guy can cut in. Save for that long distance bit. This works, do this almost every month but make it kinda random. Now for dates, I'd say anything but the mall or movies. Go to places where you can have fun and interact. Ex. Paintball or an Arcade compete against each other. Let her win every so often.

Dasquian Belargic
Sep 16th, 2004, 01:29:24 PM
Roses. Long stem red roses and chocolate. And give them to her in a public place.

Haha if this is just the start of the relationship, Alex, doing something like this is more likely to freak her out than over joy her. You want to let her know that you're interested, but not THAT interested. Unless, of course, you know specifically that she is into all of this 'putting her on a pedestal' stuff, which not all girls are. Especially not this early into a relationship.

Plus, roses and chocolate? How cliché! :rolleyes :mneh

Travis North
Sep 16th, 2004, 01:35:09 PM
Well.... Yes start slow then build up to that. I forgot to add that he did start slow.

It's worked for my friend. Plus the girl he's dating is like a drama queen so she sorta does like cliche!

The best thing you could do is combine the ideas being thrown around here and create your own style.

Syren Wyssholt
Sep 16th, 2004, 01:53:27 PM
Be yourself. Never let those goofy feelings people experience at the beginning of relationships fool you into thinking that you need this person, can't live without this person, yadda yadda.

There's nothing wrong with taking her to a movie and out to eat. How about a pizza place? Or ... how about if you two picked a few movies from the video store, ordered pizza and hung out at home?

Sep 16th, 2004, 02:03:37 PM
Originally posted by Travis North
Back to what my friends style of dating is......

Roses. Long stem red roses and chocolate. And give them to her in a public place. She'll be so shocked and happy that you have done this. There wont be any way another guy can cut in. Save for that long distance bit. This works, do this almost every month but make it kinda random. Now for dates, I'd say anything but the mall or movies. Go to places where you can have fun and interact. Ex. Paintball or an Arcade compete against each other. Let her win every so often.

That worked wonders for me in third grade

Figrin D'an
Sep 16th, 2004, 02:24:02 PM
Originally posted by Syren Wyssholt
Be yourself. Never let those goofy feelings people experience at the beginning of relationships fool you into thinking that you need this person, can't live without this person, yadda yadda.

This is the best advice given yet.

Trying to impress the girl by acting as someone you are not is a sure-fire way to screw things up in the long run. Be who you are, and if she likes you for it, great. If not, oh well. Just don't be a slob or a complete social jackass.

Cardinal Aiyalin
Sep 16th, 2004, 03:02:13 PM
I think Syren and Fig hit the nail on the head personality wise.. but here are some ideas...

*Do you have a park nearby? How about a picnic in the park.. Make sure to bring a football, frisbee.. something you like to do outside (this should not include whips or chains seeing that it will be in a public park, and you're only just dating)..
*Nice dinners always rule.. You don't have to go super nice (ie: that fancy steakhouse in town), that's normally left for special occasions.. but an Olive Garden, Red Lobster, Romano's Macaroni Grill, Carabas, or even a small town restaurant will work... Then take her out and do something fun.. Bowling is great for two people, but miniature golf rules the roost.
*Do try to bring her a small item on a date -- a bunch of wild flowers, or a small relaxed bouquet would be nice.. Women love to get things.. A dozen long-stemmed roses is way too advanced for just dating.
*I'm not a fan of movies in a movie theater.. but cooking her a nice dinner at home and then renting a few movies is always romantic and nice. It is more social than the movie theater, and much more romantic. It's not that hard to cook.. I can give you a few recipes that are always winners -- just follow the directions!
*Is she into sports? Would she like going to a high school football game? They're always fun.
*Is the fair (or circus) in town? Girls tend to love fairs an infinite amount more than guys do, take her there.
*The day shopping is a great idea, just make sure to scout out the area first.. Find a nice place to have lunch.

Things not to do:
1) Don't move too fast (I should talk), it will normally end up disasterous..
2) Attraction = good, obsession = bad. Try to avoid acting like you are obsessed.
3) Above all, be yourself. Don't ever stay with someone who you can't express your personality with. If you are loud and a joke-teller, be loud and a joke-teller... Don't change yourself because it doesn't fit what she's looking for. Realize that there is someone else out there who will love you for your loud and funny nature. Note: The way you dress does not apply to this 3rd suggestion, see 4th.
4) Don't get too mad if she doesn't like the way you dress. Most women don't and will embark on a way to "fix" their boyfriend's wardrobe. Try to avoid taking this personally, it's not a reflection on you.. it's a reflection on your clothing... Especially if you're colorblind (like my husband). You have to understand -- most men don't care what they wear, most women do.
5) If she's not a Star Wars fan, then leave her. She's not worth it.

J/k about #5 (or am I?).. Good luck :)

Jarek T'chort
Sep 16th, 2004, 03:30:00 PM
I've never met anyone from online, so I can't give you advice on that, but what I will say is widen your sights somewhat. Try keeping an eye out for a girl who lives near you, because if you put all your eggs in one basket you may regret it later if things don't work out. Long distance relationships are much more prone to being scuppered then short. Also, don't be heartbroken if it fails, remember, there are plenty more fish in the sea. Nonetheless, good luck.

Sep 16th, 2004, 03:33:05 PM
The only real advice I'll give is that you're too damn young to make a relationship any kind of priority in your life. I'm 23, and I'll be damned if I don't have plenty of things that take priority over getting involved with somebody. I'm seeing somebody, don't get me wrong, but its also not making or breaking my daily grind.

Sep 16th, 2004, 03:38:32 PM
Spank her! Girls love that.:D

But seriously just go do something fun. If your enjoying yourself theres a good chance she will be enjoying herself too. Just go have fun dude. Its just going out, not a job interview where you gotta do everything right.

Oh plus why dont you go ask her what she wants to do?

Make sure you smell good too.

Khendon Sevon
Sep 16th, 2004, 04:50:25 PM
My two cents:

Dating is a very personal and exciting experience. I can’t really tell you what to do but I can provide some incite into what I do/believe. Maybe my experiences will give you some ideas, that’s all I can really hope for.

For me first dates aren’t about romanticizing. In order to romanticize you need to know the person intimately. As has been said roses, flower petals, and candles will not help.

My last first date involved going out for coffee/tea and sitting in a parking lot for about four hours talking. I read enough of her to know that she was a nice person and someone that I could get along with. It was a summer fling—she had to go away to college—but helped me experience what a really good/positive relationship can feel like.

At the beginning of the summer I went on a first date with another girl. I talked to her for a couple hours before I even asked her to go on a date with me. I inquired as to her favorite movies/books. After indirectly figuring out what genres she liked I let her know I had a movie that she could fall in love with. So, she came over and we watched the 5th element in my living room. It wasn’t too bad, we spent about 25% of the movie talking but I felt very shy towards her—she is a very beautiful girl. She went away for the rest of the summer so I didn’t see her until recently—she’ll be going out to lunch with me tomorrow ;)

First dates are about two nervous people exploring the outer edges of one another’s personalities. As such some sort of communication is advisable—or an activity that will perpetuate expression.

Once, in my freshman year of high school, I went to a girl’s house to watch a movie. We basically ignored the movie and talked the entire time—I had chosen one that we both liked but had already seen years ago.

I could go on, but I think I’ve conveyed the point I was trying to make. If this is a little jumbled it’s because I stopped to think about the girl I’m seeing tomorrow :)

Best of luck!

Cyrel Annat
Sep 16th, 2004, 05:46:22 PM
Originally posted by Charley
Also, asking for dating advice on an internet forum is like asking Helen Keller to critique a Picasso.

It is at this point of the thread that these divine words of truth should be understood for what they are.

As has been stated earlier, be yourself. If you don't have money, don't act like you do. Honestly, if all you can afford is the Golden Arch Supper Club, do it. Don't worry about what the appropriate 'date' is. There isn't one. A date is what you make of it and really, some of the best times or 'dates' are a few hours spent walking around the neighborhood just talking. Since really, if you don't have enough in common for a few hours of conversation, it's better to find this out now and not farther down the road.

In short, be yourself, have fun and don't spend too much money. And don't take her shopping. Bad, bad juju with that one. Shopping is what she will do the next day with her friends so they can all gossip about the great time she had on the date with you.

General Tohmahawk
Sep 16th, 2004, 05:51:37 PM
Originally posted by Charley
Also, asking for dating advice on an internet forum is like asking Helen Keller to critique a Picasso.

Moderated +5 Insightful and funny

Adrienne Caledonia
Sep 16th, 2004, 08:57:09 PM
Originally posted by Charley
The only real advice I'll give is that you're too damn young to make a relationship any kind of priority in your life. I'm 23, and I'll be damned if I don't have plenty of things that take priority over getting involved with somebody. I'm seeing somebody, don't get me wrong, but its also not making or breaking my daily grind.

Charley's got the right idea, Alex. It's good to be social and have fun at your age, but don't let it mess up your priorities. :)

Sep 16th, 2004, 09:46:39 PM
I've never really been on an actual "date date"... usually a date for me is just hanging out whatever, maybe going to the movies or something I'd do with just a friend(er, for the most part). Nothing planned, really. Then again I've never really been formally asked out on a "I'll pick you up at 7" type date and accepted.

I say don't worry about planning every little detail like which stores you'll go to in the mall and where you're eat at. Unless it's the main reason you're going out that night.

Nathanial K'cansce
Sep 16th, 2004, 09:57:18 PM
Just go with the flow. Maybe go to an icecream place? A long walk works wonders (if it's nice out) Anything, really, to strike up a conversation. Get to know her better and just talk with her. Doesn't matter what your doing, so long as it's fun and enjoyable for the both of ya. And for cripe's sake figure out what she likes other than shopping!

Sep 16th, 2004, 10:20:53 PM
I like weird dates. One of my favorites is taking a girl to a batting cage. :p

Sep 17th, 2004, 03:51:23 AM
Originally posted by Adrienne Caledonia
Charley's got the right idea, Alex. It's good to be social and have fun at your age, but don't let it mess up your priorities. :)

pft...hes at the age where he has time to mess up priorities. Whats to mess up either? Right now hes probably got school and...women. Least thats what i had. Plus you can have both at the same time. Women in school!

Highschool was so great

Sep 17th, 2004, 04:26:08 AM
I'm not in school. Even when I was, it was never a big priority, nor should it ever be. There's so much time for that later.

Nathanial K'cansce
Sep 17th, 2004, 06:46:02 AM
Seriously, school >> women. For with schooling, comes proper education. With proper education, comes good job opprotunities. With good jobs, come good money. And we all know how much women like money. They'll flock all over you when the time comes. 'Least, that's what I'm hoping for.

Syren Wyssholt
Sep 17th, 2004, 10:37:43 AM
Originally posted by Tear
pft...hes at the age where he has time to mess up priorities. Whats to mess up either? Right now hes probably got school and...women. Least thats what i had. Plus you can have both at the same time. Women in school!

Highschool was so great

Sorry. School has girls, not women. Hate to be a stickler in the mud about that, but girls in HS ( as well as boys) have no idea really what relationships are about.

That's the purpose of dating and dating several different people throughout your years. You learn more about what you like and dislike in the opposite sex.

In short, you're learning about what it is you would eventually like to find all rolled-up into one when you decide that you want to settle down and get married. There are those who will never marry and that's fine. But they still learn about what they are willing to live with and what they will not tolerate in a partner.

And he's at an age where he really shouldn't mess up priorities. I made one mistake when I was seventeen years old - I dropped out of High School. I regretted doing that for the next ten years of my life until the day I earned my GED. Had I known then what I know now, things would be very different for me.

Alex, with all the advice that has been offered to you ....

1. Be yourself.

2. Just hang out, talk and get to know her

3. Do NOT take her shopping. Trust me on this one.

4. Movies are perfectly socially acceptable as first dates. They are not anti-social.

5. Some of the best dates are the ones spent just sitting at some park or walking the neighborhood, talking and joking around.

6. Do not give her any gifts on the first date. No flowers, no candy, nothing. Gifts are reserved for special milestones and occasions in long term relationships. And contrary to what's been posted before - chocolates and roses are not cliche`. (They're not appropriate for a first, second or tenth date, either.)

7. Don't be in a hurry to grow up. Enjoy your age, do well in school and simply live life to its fullest. You have plenty of time for 'women' and relationships later down the road.

And sorry, not all women like money. There are women out there who are turned off by a man with money. Its not what its cracked up to be.

Sorry Nathanial, you wouldn't want a woman who flocks all over you simply because of money.

Cardinal Aiyalin
Sep 17th, 2004, 10:44:52 AM
Charley.. it all depends on who you meet. I wasn't ready to settle down until I met Shannon, but I knew I was going to marry him within about 2 weeks or so.

I disagree with what someone said earlier, don't take her to McDonalds, Taco Bell or any fast food -- even if it IS all you can afford. If that's true, try to steer her away from dinner.. Otherwise ask if you can go dutch...

If it was me, I would prefer to pay for my own meal at a nice place than be forced to eat at McDonalds. Honestly, this may sound shallow.. but I would leave if my date took me to McDonalds.

Dasquian Belargic
Sep 17th, 2004, 10:48:07 AM
4. Movies are perfectly socially acceptable as first dates. They are not anti-social.

5. Some of the best dates are the ones spent just sitting at some park or walking the neighborhood, talking and joking around.

Point 5 contradicts point 4. Going to see a movie means you sit in the dark, in the silence, for a couple of hours.

Sep 17th, 2004, 11:07:12 AM
Originally posted by Cardinal Aiyalin
Charley.. it all depends on who you meet. I wasn't ready to settle down until I met Shannon, but I knew I was going to marry him within about 2 weeks or so.

I disagree with what someone said earlier, don't take her to McDonalds, Taco Bell or any fast food -- even if it IS all you can afford. If that's true, try to steer her away from dinner.. Otherwise ask if you can go dutch...

If it was me, I would prefer to pay for my own meal at a nice place than be forced to eat at McDonalds. Honestly, this may sound shallow.. but I would leave if my date took me to McDonalds.

Good for you Jenn. I'm probably stubborn, but I don't think I'll ever come to a lovey-dovey conclusion in such a short window of time. I'd freak myself out if I did. :uhoh

Going dutch is always permissable. If a girl gets upset about this, she's not worth dating. Money's hard to come by when you're young. Sometimes its best to split the check. I'm just now getting to the point where I'm capable of consistently moving away from this system. Even then, if you get in a sustained relationship, you'll stop caring about being Sir Lancelot with the restaurant bill. At that point, you're burping and passing gas around each other. Who gives a crap if you're paying then? ;) Except around holidays, birthdays, and anniversaries. You'll probably want to pick up the tab for those, just as you'll probably want to tuck your shirt in when attending such events.

Sep 17th, 2004, 11:09:27 AM
Originally posted by Jarek T'chort
I've never met anyone from online, so I can't give you advice on that, but what I will say is widen your sights somewhat. Try keeping an eye out for a girl who lives near you, because if you put all your eggs in one basket you may regret it later if things don't work out. Long distance relationships are much more prone to being scuppered then short. Also, don't be heartbroken if it fails, remember, there are plenty more fish in the sea. Nonetheless, good luck.

Um...she does live near me. I "met" her online. I'd actually met her IRL, but I didn't get to talk to her. A friend of mine introduced us online...and we hit it off.

I think that, technically, we've already dated. Sort of. Its complicated. We arranged to go out together before we were going out...if that makes sense. We just went and sat around in a park talking for nearly 3 hours, before she decided to go and show me off to her friends. I also see her (almost) every day at lunch, because its only about a 5 minute walk from where I am.

As for starting a conversation...isn't a problem. We talk endlessly for hours and hours. She got bandinated from the internet, so I phoned her to check that she was ok and everything. We talked solidly for 4 hours. Then for about 3 hours the next two nights. Our personalities seem to work together really well, and we seem to have an unending supply of stuff to talk about. And she even finds my jokes funny...:|

I guess what we've done so far fits in with what you've been saying...just hanging out, walking, talking, holding hands, etc. I guess I want to do something a little more formal...but thats because I think I should. If I'm going to be my self an' all...I guess pizza and a movie at home would be nice...only problem is, I can't drive. If we do that kinda thing in the evening, she wouldn't be able to get home (without being picked up). So she'd either need a lift (which would be awkward), or she'd have to "stay over". I have a spare bed and stuff that I can sort out...but its probably way too soon for that. *sigh* Why do I have to live so far from everywhere?

And trust me...I don't need the "get your priorities straight" reminders. I know school comes first. But I also know that I need a life for the next two years.

So yeah. Just like with most things connected with me, its complicated. We're more serious than most people are when they start dating, and we already know each other really well...have any of you guys ever ended up in a relationship with a friend or something? Your advice might be a bit more appropriate...

And I don't think 4 and 5 contradict each other. There's nothing wrong with movies, BUT some of the best dates are just hanging out. And, if done right, a movie could work, as long as it wasn't JUST a movie. You could use the movie as a conversation starter, or something. At least, thats what I think you could do...

Sep 17th, 2004, 11:13:31 AM
Originally posted by Alex
have any of you guys ever ended up in a relationship with a friend or something? Your advice might be a bit more appropriate...

Danger, Will Robinson. This is usually the best way to "hit it off" with a significant other, but its also a really good way to burn a bridge with a good friend if things don't work. My biggest flaw is that I do this somewhat often.

Sep 17th, 2004, 11:18:59 AM
Originally posted by Dasquian Belargic
Going to see a movie means you sit in the dark, in the silence, for a couple of hours.

Quoted for emphasis. And that's about all I will have to say on this topic since if I gave you advice on relationships I'd probably turn you into a narrow-minded, shallow misogynist who would tell people where to shove there lovey-dovey neediness where the sun doesn't shine.

But that's just me. :cool

Christopher Munro
Sep 17th, 2004, 11:30:30 AM
Originally posted by Charley
Danger, Will Robinson. This is usually the best way to "hit it off" with a significant other, but its also a really good way to burn a bridge with a good friend if things don't work. My biggest flaw is that I do this somewhat often.

Well, when I say "with a friend", I just mean someone you get on with really well...not a 'friend' per se. She's like a friend, as well as a girlfriend. If that makes sense. But I've only known her properly for about a day before we started going out. She wasn't a friend-friend when we started going out...but she is now. Sorry...thats kinda confusing.

Sitting in the dark, in silence, for a couple of hours...doesn't that happen after sex anyway?

Sep 17th, 2004, 11:36:26 AM
Originally posted by Christopher Munro
Well, when I say "with a friend", I just mean someone you get on with really well...not a 'friend' per se. She's like a friend, as well as a girlfriend. If that makes sense. But I've only known her properly for about a day before we started going out. She wasn't a friend-friend when we started going out...but she is now. Sorry...thats kinda confusing.

Then she isn't a friend. Slow the car down.

Sitting in the dark, in silence, for a couple of hours...doesn't that happen after sex anyway?

No, because the bitch is going to chat your ear off when all you want to do is either sleep or make a sandwich. I hate to be a doomsayer but if you go into the ball game with this mindset the SS Minnow's not coming back from this three hour tour.

Syren Wyssholt
Sep 17th, 2004, 11:58:17 AM
Alex, I'm engaged to my best friend. Yes, we met on the internet. He was an Op in an IRC Channel that I role-played in. We just started talking in PM's one night and talked every night to each other for about a year online.

We decided to just meet up since we didn't live too far apart from each other. We figured to meet in person, enjoy a weekend as friends. Neither one of us was looking for a relationship and we were definitely not looking to fall in love.

The unexpected happened for us. In fact, the night we met, we just hung out at his apartment and played video games for a few hours while we talked and joked around. We had a lot of fun. He cooked me dinner the next evening and we went to a movie. It was the best weekend I had ever had, to be quite honest with you. We kept seeing each other every other weekend and promised that if things didn't work out, we'd remain good friends.

Six months later, we moved in together and this past decemeber we became engaged and we're eloping next spring/summer.

Of course, you're far too young for all of that to happen, but dating a friend can be a good thing if you make it a good thing.

Sep 17th, 2004, 01:23:01 PM
Originally posted by Christopher Munro
But I've only known her properly for about a day before we started going out.

Okay then my advice to you is don't become the "boyfriend" of a woman you've known less than a month no matter how old you are. If you're that anxious to get into some sort of relationship with her, go on a few dates first. At least know what she's into other than shopping before proclaiming that you're together.

Dasquian Belargic
Sep 17th, 2004, 01:30:02 PM
^ Great truth.

Sitting in the dark, in silence, for a couple of hours...doesn't that happen after sex anyway?

You have much to learn, grasshopper.

Sep 17th, 2004, 01:38:52 PM
No, because the bitch is going to chat your ear off when all you want to do is either sleep or make a sandwich. I hate to be a doomsayer but if you go into the ball game with this mindset the SS Minnow's not coming back from this three hour tour.

Not true. What about getting dressed and going back to hanging out just like before you made the sex? ..am I the only one that does this? :(

Dasquian Belargic
Sep 17th, 2004, 01:45:47 PM
Originally posted by Crystal
Not true. What about getting dressed and going back to hanging out just like before you made the sex? ..am I the only one that does this? :(

Depends on the time of day. I agree with Charley mostly, though, on wanting to sleep.

Figrin D'an
Sep 17th, 2004, 02:41:29 PM
As much as you may want a lot of advice about relationships, the only way to really learn about how to approach them is to just handle it yourself, and maybe fail in the attempt. You'll learn a lot more from your own mistakes than you will from the mistakes of others that you can only read or hear about.

Ultimately, you just have to follow your own guidance and not be afraid of screwing up.

Sep 17th, 2004, 02:57:55 PM
Originally posted by Crystal
Not true. What about getting dressed and going back to hanging out just like before you made the sex? ..am I the only one that does this? :(

I'm just generalizing. This isn't anything from my personal files or anything. I mean a lady never asks and a gentleman never tells...or something. Its one of those hypotheticals.

Cardinal Aiyalin
Sep 17th, 2004, 10:38:41 PM
Charley, don't worry.. one day, BAM! Marriage will happen to you, and we will all laugh!!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA..

Alrighty then, got that out of the way..

Reading this thread really does emphasize one decently logical piece of information -- how different women are. Men are generally alike in many ways, but women are scattered all over the map. What works for one, may not work for another.

I'd love to go to a batting cage (nice one, Charley!) or a ballgame on a first date.. but movies aren't really my thing.. I am the type of person who wouldn't have that much fun at a movie (unless it was Star Wars, LOTR or Harry Potter). In addition, I think it's nice if a guy brings *something* on a first date. Maybe not roses, but my husband brought me a small clutch of random flowers on our first date and I thought it was the sweetest thing anyone has ever done.

So, in conclusion, don't listen to any of us. Just do your thing, you'll be fine :).

PS: I hate that whole "too young" deal.. I don't believe that "too young" has anything to do with your age, it has to do with your mindset. I know people who are 40 and are still way too young to get married -- they are still around 16 mentally.. However, I know a few 18 year olds that are mentally older than most 30 somethings. It all depends on how good of a head you have on your shoulders.. age has nothing to do with it (unless you're 13).

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 17th, 2004, 11:54:05 PM
This time last year I was just starting to hang out with a guy who was really neat, enjoyed the same sort of things as me, had the same goofy sense of humor (well, let's be honest, there is only one *me*), and seemed to want to spend a lot of time together.

For our 'first date' (I thought we were just friends until about the tenth time we were hanging out) we went to a hockey game. We also went to a movie another time, and spent about two and a half hours talking in the parking lot afterwards, until about 2 in the morning. We also went to pizza once, and spent like 4 hours in the restaurant, decorating the to-go styrofoam box and talking about Star Wars and everything else under the sun.

Dating, to me, is two people who enjoy each other's company doing things together. Whether it's grocery shopping, movies, eating (McDonalds is okay but you can probably do better than that), or just sitting around talking.

But yeah, do whatever you want. If she doesn't like what you feel is what you would like to do on a "Date," then it wasn't going to work out anyway.

Edit: If she doesn't like Science Fiction or Star Wars at this point in her life, she is unlikely to change her mind, and you'll be a geek in her mind forever. :) And if she's really into shopping, she'll probably just want to spend all your money. ;)

Sep 18th, 2004, 03:09:40 AM
I'm a nerd, not a geek...:(

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 18th, 2004, 03:04:47 PM
You know what I mean. :p

Shelly Waye
Sep 18th, 2004, 03:32:02 PM
Yeah, I do. Thanks. :)


Sep 18th, 2004, 03:40:38 PM
Originally posted by Alex
I'm a nerd, not a geek...:(

I am a nerd. You are not among my ethnic group. I can smell my kin.


Sep 18th, 2004, 05:10:25 PM
SOME of us like to shower often enough so we can't be smelt from the other side of the Atlantic...