View Full Version : Razzy & Co.

Razielle Shadana
Sep 16th, 2004, 06:10:27 AM
Short of being told to buzz off by Gav, Razielle will be pretty determined to stay with him as her Master for many reasons. #1 She's just gotten a kick butt Master after looking for one for years after Saurron flew the coop. #2 She feels that they are very like minded in many ways and #3 She can be just plain stubborn like that.

However in the case of Raz's apprentices, this may pose a problem. When Raz isn't following Gav around she'll be on Kirrek with Salem and the Cabal which in the end are her primary focus. That dosen't leave much time for travelling about with a kid and a Dark Mage, savvy?

So I propose this, Han and I have already talked a tiny bit about it but for Darmok and anyone else new that joins and is to be trained by me, you are just plain going to have to do it on Kirrek. That means coming to the Cabal. Which also pretty much means being respectful to the vamps & such while you're there or they will have you very removed from the planet in a very non-gentle manner. ;)

I can see this working for Han who has already been around some of Raz's creations. But Darmok and Raz haven't done much together but talk at this point and even at that Darmok seems bent on being superior to Raz and such. So I don't see it working very long. On her own turf, Raz would just flip on him for being rude and have him tortured or some such and I'm sure Darmok wouldn't stand around and take that so.....? I don't see a very healthy Master / Apprentice thing there O_o

But whatever feel free to blast me with obscenities, but thats just the way it is and has to be for me right now. You may be better off with someone else? I'm okay with whatever you two monkeys decide :)


Salem Ave
Sep 16th, 2004, 10:54:23 AM
While Salem doesn't have a Master to be tied to, and only one apprentice to be concerned with, he follows Razielle wherever she goes soooo- Gash, pack your bags. :p

Han Fernua
Sep 16th, 2004, 02:11:37 PM
Well, if Han goes with you he is going to need a lot of self-control. Dont you remember what he did when he first got to Raz' ...house?... he tried all he could to make you leave him alone. Not that I can see that really happening again, since you have been showing him those...whatever there called. So I'll tag along.

Sep 16th, 2004, 03:42:09 PM
Packin' :D

Razielle Shadana
Sep 16th, 2004, 07:41:00 PM
We get a giant? BADASS!

I was hoping we were getting past all that and actually getting somewhere with Raz & Han IC? 'sides you won't be the only kid there now. ;) ;)

So all we need now is to see if Darmok is going to come along and be the Cabal's resident Mage.....


Zachariah Darmok
Sep 16th, 2004, 07:45:39 PM
Might proove interesitng.

Han Fernua
Sep 16th, 2004, 08:23:27 PM
So was that a yes or more on the lines of thinking about it?

Raz- Yes, WE are getting along better. But its everyone else that I'm thinking about. He does really like other people (not to mention vamps) and being around a lot more people then he is now could prove to be quite amusing. We'll just see how its played out.