View Full Version : Alone (Open)

Luna Eclypse
Sep 15th, 2004, 10:00:17 PM
The rain was coming down hard through the Corascant night sky, but that didn't seem to matter to the lone figure that walked through the deserted streets. A young girl around the age of nineteen was wandering down a street with a blank look in her eyes

She was wearing a black and blue robe and had to sais on her belt. Her hand was pressed to her side and blood was driping through her fingers and a strange but broken looking device layed around her neck

The last few hours of events still played fresh in her mind for it was the only thing she could remember. She was battleing the two men and one of them threw her against the gaint glass tube and broken it and a piece of glass had cut into her side

Then someone had pulled her out of the labratory. it was a gangly looking creature that stood over her and must have been the one to save her. another face looked down at her... it was familair but she coundn't remember who he was

"You failed me my assassin" The man said still looking at her "I have no place for failure and you have no place with me" He looked over at the gangly creature and then started to walk away "Come Kane, we have work to do" The creature looked at her with sadness in his eyes and then walked away after the man and left her there bleeding in an alley

She had then painfuly gotten to her feet and started to walk to no where in specific. She wandered the street for what seemd like years but had only been an hour. she walked as she tried to remember what had happened before she was wounded but could not

She looked for someone to help her, someone to tell her what was happening, just someone talk to. She finaly gave up and collapsed onto the ground "help" She wispered as she felt the darkness closing in around her.

imported_Jackson Mcgraves
Sep 17th, 2004, 09:52:51 PM
Jackson was wondering the city, which was abnormal for him. He normal never wanted to leave the walls of the Jedi order choosing to read his books. Yet, as of late his master Navaria had been pushing him to get out a view the world. To see the evil that needed to be purged and cleansed and to see the good side as well.

All Jackson had seen was rain and a few drunks stumble across the wet street. He turned down an alleyway hoping it would get him to the academy quicker. As he emerged out of it onto the next street he heard a faint whisper as he turned he saw a girl fall into puddle of water.

He ran to her as quickly as he could manage and knelt down beside her. First thing he did was check her pulse, which seemed to be fading. He then noticed the wound at her side and sadness swept over his face.

"Your going to be alright, I'll get you to a hospital."

Luna Eclypse
Sep 18th, 2004, 02:12:47 PM
Luna opened her eyes and looked up at the man's face "Help me" She wispered again as she reached out her hand toward the man "Please"

imported_Jackson Mcgraves
Sep 19th, 2004, 12:14:55 AM
Jackson scooped the woman up into his arms. He didn't say another word as he inspected the wound one last time. Before they knew it, Jackson was off and running as fast as he could with Luna held tightly to his chest. He ran in the direction of the nearest hospital he knew of.

"Hold on lady you'll be safe in moments.”

Luna Eclypse
Sep 19th, 2004, 10:16:42 PM
Luna held onto the man as he picked her up and started running. She looked at his face for a moment before closing her eyes and saying "please help."

imported_Jackson Mcgraves
Sep 20th, 2004, 01:52:52 PM
Jackson made it to the nearest hospital with out a wrong turn or having to back track. He made it there swiftly with the woman still tucked in his arms. To his dismay the hospital he had saw earlier on his walk was an abandoned one. What else could expect being in the lower city where only the brave or stupid walked?

Jackson still pressed on setting the woman down on the steps as he investigated the lock on the door. To easy, he thought as he rammed his shoulder into the door. To his surprise, the door was reinforced from the other side. That would explain why it hadn't previously been broken into. He shoulder cried out in pain as he continued his ramming of the gates. Minutes passed that seemed like countless hours when finally the support beam broke under Jackson's charge. He fell through the door thudding to the ground but he quickly got to his feet.

He didn't worry about his arm as he ran back to the steps picked up the girl and quickly rushed to nearest medical room. There where no bacta tanks or bacta that he could find. All he found where bandages and old surgical tools. To his surprise he found some old med packs suck things had bee virtually unseen for years. Maybe it was sheer luck that he had found such a thing.

He grabbed some thread and a needle from a cabinet. As He came up to the woman, he had set on a nearby table. He frowned a bit as he moved her arm and peered at the wound on her side. Meatball surgery is what this was going to be.

"I'm sorry about this lady I got to I don't think you will make it to the next hospital."

Luna Eclypse
Sep 20th, 2004, 09:58:35 PM
Luna cried in pain as the needle laced threw her injured side. The wound was soon closed and the bleeding stoped for the moment. She looked at the man's face one more time before slipping into unconsiosness.

imported_Jackson Mcgraves
Oct 1st, 2004, 05:15:32 AM
Jackson saw her look up at him then passed into darkness. He looked at her with a half smile and whispered.

"Rest easy you will be alright."

He could here the rain pounding harder outside as he washed the blood from his hands in a bucket of collected rainwater. He felt it best to move the woman to a real hospital when the rain let up. For now he found himself a corner in the room where she laid where he could meditate. He began clearing his mind hoping he could reach his master from her to tell her he would be late.

Luna Eclypse
Oct 1st, 2004, 08:07:09 PM
Another hour pass before Luna's eyes finally opened. She moaned and moved her hand to her stiched side as it started to hurt again and then the memories of the night returned. She moaned again and pushed a strand of hair from her face and tryed to look around the room but her vision was blury and she couldn't make out anything

She settled back down on the table with her eyes closed and the sound of the rain being the only sound she heard.