View Full Version : New Group FAQ Idea Thread
Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 15th, 2004, 12:21:00 PM
Group Mission statement - To bring to the Sw-Fans.Net RolePlaying forums a group that totally fulfills what dark siders require as characters.
How we have restructured:
Before the change, we were a group situated on a planet, of learned masters and trainable apprentices, learning and working around each other, and going on missions together. Just like every other group. We are a very young group, and could already see that things were stagnating and could fracture down the road.
To pre-empt a Black Handesque split, we are going to be implementing the following changes.
1. The Kuklos Ataxia is merely an OOC group of Dark Siders. We will split up as Master/Apprentice (M/A) groups, and go our separate ways IC.
2. Onderon is still under Lilaena De'Ville and Silus Xilarian's control. The only darksiders on planet for any extended period of time will be their apprentices and them.
3. Our locked forum will become strictly an OOC forum for the M/A groups to come together and plot or just hang out. We can work together when needs arise, or we will stay separate. If LD decides she and her apprentices are going to exectute a raid on the Jedi Order, I would go to the OOC forum here on the board and recruit like minded characters to band with my character for the duration of the RP.
The M/A groups might eventually become enemies IC, but OOC we will always be a group, and providing support and ideas for each other.
Once an apprentice is trained and raised to Knight, they are free to split off from their Master and get their own apprentices. Or they can stay on with their Master, to receive further training and experience.
4. Promotions to Knight will be handled by the Master who did the training. Promotions to Master will be handled by the OOC group of existing Masters in the KA, in a secret manner much like the GJO.
Things that are staying the same:
1. We are still accepting anyone and everyone who wants in.
2. We are still going to be doing a LOT of training here on the board. The Onderon Forums will remain, and there will be another separate training forum for the M/A groups to utilize, should they be training off planet. The Wilds is still very much open for the M/A groups to train in. Inside Iziz City... it depends on their relationship with LD and Silus.
Okay peeples, any ideas? I will be re-writing everything
for the OOC forum.
edit: I imagine it will be difficult for masters who are training knights, if the knights have their own apprentices. We'll need to work something out. The apprentice should be with their master at all times, unless ordered to do something else, but the knight who is training would have a little more leeway and more free time, I'd imagine... I don't know, Gav this will only affect you at this point, as Raizelle is the only Knight still receiving training.
Razielle Shadana
Sep 16th, 2004, 05:57:36 AM
Nice write up :) I like it.
(I'll post a separate thread to respond to my training situation so as not to overly clutter the jist of this one ;). )
Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 18th, 2004, 03:00:49 PM
I need a name for the new training forum. "Training Forum" comes to mind, but it's boring.
And does anyone think that a 'masters only' forum is a good idea? Once we get more masters, we can plan tests more easily if we have a secret forum to do it in.
Han Fernua
Sep 18th, 2004, 03:45:15 PM
What do you mean by more "Tests?"
Yeah, I could see how that might be a good idea. Beong on the outside of that now I dont see what it is that you masters could do there that you couldn't do with what you have already. But I know some like to have ther privacy.
Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 18th, 2004, 05:11:38 PM
blahblahblah, I meant it because our current masters (me and Gav) never PM back and forth. It's imposible to get him to PM, and it's nearly impossible to get him to post. :p I don't anticipate our next master ranked member to PM anymore than never either, so we'd need a forum for it.
What I meant by "tests" is a test for the rank of master. Apprentices don't have to worry about that for a while.
Sep 18th, 2004, 05:56:42 PM
And I had replied to your PM before I even read all of your remarks! :cry
Everything you have put forth is sound as a pound, Holly. The only thing I'm thinking is that I'd like, for at least people under Gav's charge ranked knight(currently just Raz) should have a different title. As opposed to knight of course which implies some sort of noble defender of the real, I believe so I'm going to ponder on that.
Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 18th, 2004, 07:38:57 PM
Well, 'knight' is the traditional term. Up to you. :)
Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 18th, 2004, 10:25:44 PM Thread up.
Originally posted by Lilaena De'Ville
The Kuklos Ataxia have decided to bring to the Sw-Fans.Net RolePlaying Forums a group that totally fulfills what dark siders require as characters. To do so required some restructuring, which we are still in process of, as the current 'group' idea does not fit with what we see of dark siders in the Star Wars movies.
"Always two there are," says Master Yoda, "A Master, and an apprentice." In the group model being followed on the forums, this 'only two' theory falls vastly short and brings us dark sider groups that are 'happy and friendly' with each other, or groups that are full of distrust and shatter as soon as a conflict between characters arrives.
Before our restructure the Kuklos Ataxia was a group situated on a single planet, of learned masters and trainable apprentices. We were learning and working around each other, and going on missions together. Just like every other group. We are a very young group, and could already see that things were stagnating and could fracture down the road if actions were not taken.
In order to pre-empt a Black Handesque split, we are going to be implementing the following changes.
The Kuklos Ataxia will no longer be an IC group. It will strictly be an OOC relationship between Master/Apprentice (M/A) groups, and we will go our separate ways IC.
Our locked forum will become a strictly OOC forum for the M/A groups to come together and plot, or to just hang out. We can work together when needs arise, or we will stay separate.
+ for example: If LD decides that she and her apprentices are going to execute a raid on the GJO, I would go to the OOC forum on the Kuklos Ataxia board and recruit like-minded character to band with my character for the duration of the RP.
+ the only characters remaining on the planet Onderon will be Lilaena De'Ville and Silus Xilarian and their apprentices. Other characters may come and go, depending on their relationship with LD and Silus at the time.
+ the M/A groups might eventually become enemies IC, but OOC we will always be a group, and providing support and ideas to each other.
+ once an apprentice is trained and raised to 'knight,' they are free to split off from their Master and get their own apprentices. Or they can stay on with their Master, to receive further training and experience.
+ promotions to Knight will be handled by the Master who did the training.
+ promotions to Master will be handled by the OOC group of existing Masters in the KA, in a secret manner much like the GJO.
Members are not required to do any of their training on the Kuklos Ataxia forums, however it is encouraged.
+ there will be a new training forum added, in addition to the Iziz City and The Wilds forums, for the M/A groups to utilize if they are training off of the planet Onderon. This forum is not a specific place, but rather wherever the master wishes their training thread to take place, from Alderaan to Zeltros.
Things that will be remaining the same:
Kuklos Ataxia will still be accepting anyone and everyone who wishes to join and expresses an intent.
+ to join, simply PM an existing member. A recruitment thread will be started, usually with your future master.
+ new members can be of any rank, including Master. The group is OOC, so you don't have to need training, or even companionship IC. However, if you are above the rank of apprentice, you will be expected to train apprentices just like everyone else.
A lot of our training will still be done on the boards.
+ The Wilds is still very much open for the M/A groups to train in. Inside Iziz City... depends on their relationship with Silus and LD.
If you have any questions or comments, PM Lilaena De'Ville, Silus Xilarian or Gav Mortis.
To PM LD, click here (>here</a>
To PM Gav, click <a href=>here</a>
Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 18th, 2004, 10:29:00 PM
I would like a list of member forums, such as the Cabal and the Krath forums, if there are any other than those. It would be nice to incorporate where our members live.
Salem Ave
Sep 19th, 2004, 11:55:19 AM
A list? Do you mean a write up on the planets where the groups are based? Like, a write up for the places that the forums are supposed to represent? Orrr...? :huh
Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 19th, 2004, 07:58:54 PM
Actually, just links. I can get 'em myself for the two I mentioned. Maybe a two sentance write up would be helpful.
I fiddled with titles, but I don't know who wants to be called a Dark Jedi, and who wants to be referred to as Sith. They're a bit different. I see Dark Jedi as a trained Force user who utilizes the Dark Side of the Force, and a Sith as either the race of Sith, or someone who uses Sith Magic, or a Force user who is angry all the time. Actually I had a better definition than that at one point, and now my brain is too foggy to think of it.
Salem Ave
Sep 20th, 2004, 09:57:34 AM
Sorry, I'm braindead :headache but I still don't understand what you want.
I was thinking, though... do you think it would be a good idea / worth it to, perhaps, move some of the Krath (or Cabal) stuff over here? Just so the whole group is together in one place.
Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 20th, 2004, 01:57:04 PM
I think that's a good idea. We'd have to clear it with Ogre, because he's the one who'd have to do it.
I have asked for the Cabal and Krath forums to be moved (or actually, if it was feasible). If we do decide to have these forums moved to this 'board' I think having another training forum would become totally redundant. Training can be done on the RPing forum as well.
What I would picture would be the two Krath forums, and two Cabal forums, with no separate OOC forums for either. MAYbe one ooc forum, but I really would rather not have the clutter. Up to you guys.
Salem Ave
Sep 21st, 2004, 05:05:12 AM
I'm not particularly bothered about having an OOC forum. We don't really need it.
Both the Krath and Cabal only have two forums each at the moment, really, so I'm fine sticking with that - although we might as well merge the two Cabal forums into one. Actually, you could just have a forum for each - Kirrek and Koros Major, perhaps - and then maybe the Krath Archives forum, which is like the 'Cauldron of Catastrophe' was at TBH (for keeping recording of threads, etc).
Silus Xilarian
Sep 21st, 2004, 07:15:06 AM
Id really like to see the archives working again. I know I got lax with Naj (and rping in general).
My train of thought at the moment though. The Krath, at this very moment, consists of three people (and people who I really doubt will ever want to post there again and thus wont get counted) so having more than one forum devoted to it here would be a bit overkill, IMO. HOWEVER I do think it would be nice to have a KA archive, a place for anyone that the circle encompasses to post up things such thread histories and condensed backstory, if they so please.
Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 21st, 2004, 11:29:18 AM
Okay we can do that, have a KA Archive's forum.
I really wanted to do something with the Krath - as the original Krath tried to rebuild the Sith Empire in SW lore, with the help of the spirit of Freedon Nadd ( who has long been vanquished on Dxun )... AND we still could, in the future.
After Daria and Naj get trained, they will most likely at *this* point in time, leave their masters and return to the Empress Teta system. Naj would go back to his Sith Alchemy and mutating things, esp. now that he has samples of some of the beasts here on Onderon.
Would you guys want one or two forums? Let me know :)
Salem Ave
Sep 21st, 2004, 11:41:31 AM
Just one for each group, by the looks of it (Kirrek and Koros Major?... perhaps two seperate forum catergories - Empress Teta and Onderon? or not? overkill?)
Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 21st, 2004, 07:47:00 PM
Separate forum catagories for systems, yes. We may have to keep the look of the forums the same as it is now here, however.
I would like to add Salem Ave as a moderator as well. :) Not that things need moderating, but... well it makes sense.
edit: I just thought - because the other forums are on Meras we may not be able to get them moved, but we can certainly have forums placed here to be used in their stead. I don't anticipate Ogre getting back to us soon about it, however. :\
Han Fernua
Sep 21st, 2004, 09:09:33 PM
Yeah, I was wondering what you really ment by 'moving' them here. I think it would just be best to start over, in a sense, and make them here.
Salem Ave
Sep 22nd, 2004, 02:28:08 AM
I'm pretty sure that it would be possible for Ogre to transfer the threads over. If we are just moving the forums over here, then presumably they will be deleted from the meras database - and I'd really like to preserve what's on there, so moving them would be preferable.
I don't anticipate Ogre getting back to us soon about it, however
Your likely to get a quicker response if you PM him.
Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 22nd, 2004, 06:14:39 PM
PM sent :)
I would suggest, if he can't get the threads moved, that you could just link to the Meras forums from 'forum' links here on this board.
He said he would try and do it tomorrow night. :D
Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 26th, 2004, 02:48:29 PM
Changes made - the forums cannot be imported from Meras. We could copy and paste the important ones all over here if you guys want... or just leave them on Meras as archived threads, ?
Salem Ave
Sep 26th, 2004, 03:17:45 PM
Ossum. I will do some copy/paste work.
Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 26th, 2004, 03:28:14 PM
Also - right now all the moderators of ALL the groups have access to the Masters Lounge, so we'll have to get that fixed.
Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 18th, 2004, 12:48:47 PM
well this change wasn't supposed to chase everyone away - but apparently it has!
oh well
Han Fernua
Oct 18th, 2004, 06:59:13 PM
Yeah, I noticed that as well. But from what I saw at Meras, it wasn't that active anyway. Mostly just OOC stuff. It was a good plan, but just didn't turn out the way it was thought to have.
Jared Mriad
Oct 18th, 2004, 07:12:16 PM
I don't think it's driven people away, but - it may have.
Myself on the other hand, I'm just waiting for something to happen that'll need my attention. :/
Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 19th, 2004, 09:47:21 AM
Originally posted by Han Fernua
Yeah, I noticed that as well. But from what I saw at Meras, it wasn't that active anyway. Mostly just OOC stuff. It was a good plan, but just didn't turn out the way it was thought to have.
That isn't why they were moved here.
What I was pointing out is that the posters that usually post here have not been. But its okay.
How I think this transition from IC group to OOC group should work is this: LD is gone with Jax, waiting it out until it's safe to bring him back to Onderon. Unfortunately she's going to be gone longer than anticipated, the group here gets antsy, and people start separating and 'going their separate ways.'
When she finally comes back, the people who may have stayed around will lose nearly all faith, and leave. I can't tell you why, but they will, believe me. ;)
Sound good?
(Jared - I have no idea where Gav is, other than I think he's now addicted to SW: Galaxies, and I don't know when he's coming back. :()
Razielle Shadana
Oct 29th, 2004, 06:10:47 AM
Trust me the Cabal people have a way of making you think they are gone and then showing up fangs bared in a mass. LOL I know Xanatos is getting more time at the library and I've given him the linky here.
Myself: I have been working my buns off at work with an unexpected promotion. -_- I'm still here though, just being lazy ;)
Jenny can speak for her self, but until she does, she mentioned this week being nigh impossibly busy for her, so that may be why we haveth no Salem or Daria -_-
So, I think mebe next week when I can form a coherrent thought and Jenny is less busy she and I can put together Miranda's welcome thread and that will draw our crowd in again :)
:\ @ Gav. Let's lynch him and poke at him with cattle prods...
Salem Ave
Oct 29th, 2004, 06:22:45 AM
Apologies! At the moment, I'm trying to start as few new threads as possible until I get everything I currently have going done. I have loads of work for college, I'm working three 4hr shifts a week at the Disney shop after college / on weekends. It sucks up my time, and quite often, creativity.
Zachariah Darmok
Oct 29th, 2004, 07:07:47 AM
Yeah this is pretty much my reason for being away alot aswell. College, Social and other stuff eat time up rapidly, so my aplogies. I shall PM you Raz with some idea i have for Zach soon :)
Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 29th, 2004, 09:49:39 AM
Oct 29th, 2004, 01:30:13 PM
Fuck. I replied to this. Then hit reset form instead of submit reply so I can't b botherede writing it all up again. In short, having a few problems picking up the ball and how to do it but expect some posting from me soon.
Silus Xilarian
Oct 29th, 2004, 02:15:33 PM
when you pick the ball up, lift with your knees, not your back. ;)
Oct 29th, 2004, 02:25:33 PM
And in my case, with my balls, how true.
Razielle Shadana
Oct 30th, 2004, 06:23:07 AM
Nice to see ya, Master..
/end glomp
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