View Full Version : Home? (Finished)

Zereth Lancer
Sep 13th, 2004, 08:40:05 PM
Zereth sat in the middle of his dark room. He was thinking about what had happened in the past few weeks. He and Southstar had went to Corascant after the strange creature called 'Kane' had brought a message from a the mad scientist name Zanon and found that he had cloned Zereth..

They had barely escaped the madmans lab only because of a mistake that Kane had made and with the clone the two sith returned to Corellia as soon as they could. that was two weeks ago and the clone had awoken from the strange coma it was in

Zereth and the clone had spend the last weeks together. Zereth told the clone about things that had happened. The clone had information already planted into his brain and knew alot already

The two where similiar in size and mind but looked completely different. Zereth looked like a normal human exept for his strange eyes. but his clone's appearence had been altered by Zanon and he looked humanoid but he had light blue skin and large lizard-like scales that covered the back of his arms and went up his shoulders and then down his back and ended at the lowest point of his back

[i]Zanon must have wanted a unigue look for his creation[i/] Zereth had thought to himself as he watched his clone look through one of the few books that Zereth owned and like alot of his other books was on sword fighting. He looked at the crono by the mat that served as his bed "I'm going out for a bit" He said to the clone "Very well" THe clone answered without looking up from the book

Zereth grabed a few things and then headed out the door.

Alexander Bane
Sep 13th, 2004, 10:03:06 PM
Zereth's clone put down the sword book and picked up the only book of Zereth's that didn't contain information on combat, it was a thick book on sith history. It didn't hold much information but it still interested the clone

He had read the book a few times before and had read about an ancient sith known as Bane. The clone was rather interested in this sith and read everything the big book had on him

"I need a name" He said to himself "I think I shall call myself Bane" He paused for a moment "Perhaps I need another name then just bane" He thought back through the books he'd read

One of Zereth's books on sword fighting was written by a man named Alexander Killian "Alexander..." The clone thought "I like that name also....I shall call myself Alexander Bane from now on" He smiled and set the books back on the small shelf He'd taken them from

"I'm tired of sitting around in here" He said defiantly to no one "I want to see this mighty Palace and not just the inside of this room" Alexancer moved over to the door and opened it while half expecting it to be locked

He moved out and pulled the black robe that Zereth had given him closer around him as he moved down the hall.

Lucianus Adair
Sep 13th, 2004, 10:06:29 PM
Phoenix Mars Whyte was quietly studying in a rather odd place.. leaning against a wall in a darkened hallway of the palace. The subject of his studies could be anything. The young man was always looking for ways to advance his skills. Mars may have been intense into his reading, but it was one of those things you couldn't tell just by looking at him. In any case, he allowed his concentration to be disturbed by Zereth, walking at a slightly quickened pace down the corridor. With quick focus, Phoenix mentally tugged on his 'friend's collar.

"Whoa there, buddy. Where do you think you're going?"

With a slap, Mars shut the dusty tome, and lifted off the wall. As he did so, he noted another oncoming presence not too far down the hall.

He kept it in mind.

Zereth Lancer
Sep 13th, 2004, 10:29:15 PM
Zereth looked over his shoulder at Mar's "I'm heading to the training grounds for a bit of early training" He said not really wanting to waste his practice time.

Jan Shadowchild
Sep 15th, 2004, 11:31:11 AM
Another black-robed figure, far smaller than any of the three present, bustled by with a curious artifact in her hands. She wasn't a Sith; she wasn't even interested in taking advantage of her latent Force-sensitivity. The sense she gave off, however, was incredibly peculiar. Lancer would recognize elements of the shadow-manipulation he used as disguise. Whyte would observe a slight similarity in her makeup to the black sphere he had once demonstrated to their Master, Je'gan Olra'en.

Turning over her shoulder to glance at Whyte and Lancer, she slammed into Bane at a decent speed, causing her to drop the artifact.

Lucianus Adair
Sep 15th, 2004, 04:37:38 PM
Phoenix let Lancer go.

"Alright. But what do you say to you and I having a little spar for some training?"

Another figure whisked past Mars.. female, unusual.. unfamiliar....How odd.

"Ah, excuse me. I will catch up to you, Lancer, and we shall have some fun." Then he turned around and jogged over to Jan, retrieving the artifact for her while scrutinizing Alexander.

He feels similar to Zereth. But he is different. Who is this man?

Phoenix kept his eyes on Bane and handed the artifact back to Jan.

Alexander Bane
Sep 15th, 2004, 09:26:44 PM
Alex was slightly startled when something bumped into his from behind, He turned around and looked down at the smaller form of Jan. He looked down at the fallen object and was about to reach down to pick it up when it was scooped up by Mars

He looked at the two others for a moment "Uh, hello" He said feeling like he'd been caught.He glanced down the hall and saw Zereth walking father away.

Jan Shadowchild
Sep 16th, 2004, 03:06:00 PM
Jan accepted the artifact - an infinite-black thing that resembled a trio of parallel harps - hastily, if with strang regard for the 'strings'. She knew not to touch them. Ever.

"Thanks," she said a bit breathlessly to Whyte. She ignored Bane, not out of apathy, but out of sheer distraction. If the beamsplitter had broken, Je'gan wouldn't have been pleased at all.

Lucianus Adair
Sep 17th, 2004, 01:33:29 PM
Mars kept his eyes on Bane.

"Go on. Continue what you were doing." His attention flicked, and shifted to Jan. He crossed his arms. "It was not a problem, I assure you. Now if I could be enlightened as to who you are...It would be appreciated."

His dark eyes bore down on her, not nearly as harshly as with Katherine...That girl was a nuisance.

Alexander Bane
Sep 18th, 2004, 02:14:38 PM
Alex didn't want to draw anymore attention to himself so he turned around and headed down the hall leaving the two sith behind.

Jan Shadowchild
Sep 18th, 2004, 03:30:33 PM
"I'm Jan," she said. "I-"

She darted to the side and snagged Bane's shoulder with her free hand. "I'm really sorry I ran into you," she said sincerely, glancing from Bane to Whyte. "Really sorry. Won't happen again."

Lucianus Adair
Sep 18th, 2004, 05:50:06 PM
Phoenix allowed a small smile.

"I am Phoenix. Might I ask where you are headed with that..."

He looked her over, relaxing his arms. "....that artifact?"

Alexander Bane
Sep 19th, 2004, 10:25:07 PM
"....that artifact?"

Mar's words caught Bane's attention. Since he had come here he had always wanted to learn as much as he could and this thing that Jan was holding might be intersting

He moved back over to the two darksiders "Names Bane" He said looking at them both and waiting for Jan's explanation of the strange device.

Jan Shadowchild
Sep 20th, 2004, 06:46:43 AM
"Hi, Phoenix, Bane."

Her voice was cheerful, but she hugged the beamsplitter tighter. She'd been instructed to take very good care of it, and in her mind that meant shielding it from probing eyes. Yet that couldn't include just talking about it, now could it? "It's something for working with Shadow. Stuff like me, y'know?"

Lucianus Adair
Sep 21st, 2004, 08:49:56 PM
He just nodded, catching Jan's intentions on the spot. He turned halfway....

"Thank you, Jan."

...and placed a firm hand on Bane's shoulder.

"Coming or what?" Phoenix inquired with an insistent and gruff voice.

He intended to direct Bane to the library, then head to the training grounds himself.

Alexander Bane
Sep 22nd, 2004, 05:15:12 PM
Alex was about to say something when Mar's grabed his arm and pulled him away from Jan "And just where are we going?" He said coldly after deciding that Mar's wasnt going to let him go anytime soon by the intensity of his brip.

Lucianus Adair
Sep 22nd, 2004, 09:36:27 PM
"To the library, if you must know. There is something I need to look up, and I am sure you will find the place of some use."

He urged this. There was something about Jan, and the artifact also, that he sensed would be good to leave be for now.

"Then I shall be heading to the training grounds for my daily practices."

Phoenix towered over Bane, at 6'5 1/2". His growth did not stop there. He was only 15.

Jan Shadowchild
Sep 23rd, 2004, 03:12:19 PM
She smiled good-bye to Phoenix and Bane, and scurried down the hall. Je'gan needed the beamsplitter ASAP, or so he'd said.

Alexander Bane
Sep 23rd, 2004, 08:48:38 PM
Bane was the same size as Zereth and not all that much shorter then Mar's, he was around 6'2 but he didn't much care for size becuase in a fight size matters not, skill and experience is whats important

He walked in silence not really wanting to talk to the young man next to him but he also couldn't stand the silence "Do you know Lancer?" He asked looking to the side at the Apprentice.

Lucianus Adair
Sep 24th, 2004, 08:02:00 PM
Phoenix just looked ahead, at his destination. "Well enough. My first spar at the order was with him. I held my own. His skill is rather significant and commendable. He is also instructed under the same master as myself."

Mars glanced at Bane, with suspicion. "How is it you are acquainted with him?"

Alexander Bane
Sep 25th, 2004, 07:05:40 PM
If Mar's reached out with the force to sence Bane he would sence that Zereth was standing next to him for Bane and Zereth had a very similar force signature

"You could say we are realated in a way" He said grinning slightly.

Lucianus Adair
Oct 25th, 2004, 06:36:17 PM
"I see...."

Phoenix wondered why he had never seen nor heard of Alexander before. But he didn't bother to question it. Instead, he just kept walking.

"I have read a great deal of the material in the library, but there is still much, much more. It would take a very long time to get through it all. It is where I pick up my subjects for personal studies outside of training with my master. It should prove useful to you."

Alexander Bane
Oct 25th, 2004, 08:30:26 PM
"I think so aswell" Bane said to the sith beside him There must be text on Darth Bane He thought with a half smile before returning to the conversation "How long have you been with the sith?"

Lucianus Adair
Oct 26th, 2004, 07:27:53 PM
Phoenix folded his hands behind him as he walked.

"It is not a question of with ...It is a question of being."

He fell silent then, not speaking for several moments. "I have been this way for only some years. I had come into this way from the first days of my memory, and I continue to build my strength."

Alexander Bane
Oct 27th, 2004, 08:07:47 PM
"So, you've been a darksider you whole life. I can't say the same for myself."

Lucianus Adair
Nov 8th, 2004, 10:25:59 PM

Phoenix said nothing of the matter, and continued to walk at a moderate pace, compensating for the shorter man. The next turn to the left would bring them to the library. Just a few more steps.

"We have arrived, Alexander Bane." The young sith apprentice pushed open the door. "After you."

Alexander Bane
Nov 11th, 2004, 08:44:53 PM
Bane moved inside and stoped within a few steps. He had never seen so many books in one place "Wow. There must be information on anything here" He said more to himself then to Mars.

Lucianus Adair
Nov 16th, 2004, 08:27:49 PM
"That would be the general idea of such a large library as this one."

There was the very slightest underlying whiff of sarcasm laced into his voice. Cheery people set him off a little.

"Pick any book. Any at all. I assure you they all contain information of interest."

Alexander Bane
Nov 17th, 2004, 07:23:48 PM
Alex contained his exitement and push his emotions away from showing on his face. He turned and looked at Mars "Thank you for you help. If there is anyway I can help you in return. just ask" As soon as he said this he wanted to whack himself on the head. He was acting like Zereth again. following along his stupid honor code.

Lucianus Adair
Nov 22nd, 2004, 06:24:13 PM
Mars showed this bemused smirk. Alexander was internally conflicted.

"No thanks needed. Just remember where everything is when you are shown, and there shall be no problems...."

Phoenix ever so briefly flashed a glaring look at the other man, then headed to one area of the library as if he had already decided what book he was going to look at.

Alexander Bane
Nov 23rd, 2004, 09:30:55 PM
Alex waited until Mars was gone and then moved through the stacks of books, until after a half hour of searching, found a book on Darth Bane and sat down to read it. He sat there the rest of the day and long into the night.