View Full Version : Is This Forum Still Active?
Adrienne Caledonia
Sep 12th, 2004, 02:35:24 PM
(NOTE FROM DASQUIAN: Thread moved from 'Shrine of the Damned' to OOC forum)
Just curious, does anyone post here anymore? This is a very pretty forum but I can't seem to find any recent threads.
Dasquian Belargic
Sep 12th, 2004, 02:40:39 PM
There's bound to be someone lurking somewhere
Adrienne Caledonia
Sep 12th, 2004, 02:46:51 PM
I was considering joining this group (mostly because the forum design is nice), but it doesn't look like any of the people who run it have been particularly active in the past couple of months. Did something happen or did they all just lose interest?
Dasquian Belargic
Sep 12th, 2004, 02:55:04 PM
From the looks of things, the last posts were a couple of months back. I'm guessing that the main RPers here are just too busy, or maybe lost interest, either way. Anyhoo, don't let the way a forum looks be the sole reason for joining it :mneh Take a look around at all of the groups, read up on what they're all about, and then pick whichever appeals to you most. This forum has a little blurb on most of the groups, might be helpful:
Adrienne Caledonia
Sep 12th, 2004, 03:08:24 PM
Thanks for your help :)
I was lurking around the Jedi forum a little earlier but their application seems complex and time consuming. I guess if someone is going to join they need to have their character already established.
By the way, has it been difficult for your to intergrate your character into the SW universe? I'm not sure how to go about explaining my origins.
Dasquian Belargic
Sep 12th, 2004, 03:13:15 PM
I was lurking around the Jedi forum a little earlier but their application seems complex and time consuming. I guess if someone is going to join they need to have their character already established.
Yes, the Jedi application does take longer than most, but this is mostly to ensure that people are committed to joining the group. It can be difficult to organize training and such like when its impossible to tell dedicated members from those likely to give up after a day - this way of application eliminates a lot of stress and consumes less time, for those involved on vetting who gets in. Also, having a good solid background for your character is a great way to start RPing, and the Jedi application process forces you to consider all of the things needed for this background, so it helps in the long run :)
By the way, has it been difficult for your to intergrate your character into the SW universe? I'm not sure how to go about explaining my origins.
I'm not sure I understand what you mean by that.
Adrienne Caledonia
Sep 12th, 2004, 03:24:23 PM
Well, being an elf and all. Not to mention being from the Lord of the Rings and not from the Star Wars Universe at all. Has this caused any problems? Can you use elf magic and all that or do you just treat the character like another alien?
Dasquian Belargic
Sep 12th, 2004, 03:29:30 PM
Ahhhh. My character isn't from Lord of the Rings. On these boards, when you see someone with an image from a particular movie/game/etc, say LOTR, it doesn't mean that their character is similar in any way other than in appearance to that image.
The only "magic" that is used on these boards, really, is the Force. I just write my character as being a member of a race I created, which happens to have elf-like features.
Which brings me onto another point- for the sake of copyright and such like, the board staff do prefer that you do not directly lift names from other works of fictions. Likewise, directly lifting a character persona is something we'd ask that users don't do. You're free to use the image of Galadriel, of course, and to shape your characters personality and species to be similar, but avoiding making them outright copies, or saying that she is an "elf" (this will generally not get a very good reception from other forum members). Remember, above all, that this is a Star Wars roleplay. Try to use information material on the Star Wars universe to help in creating your character.
As an aside, with regards to your character name, you don't need to register another account if you want a different name- just let a moderator know what you'd like the account name changed to.
Adrienne Caledonia
Sep 12th, 2004, 03:37:19 PM
I understand now. I'll ask one of the mods to change my name. Who can I go to?
Also, what is the name of your character's race? If you don't mind, it would be easier than me trying to create another race of elf-looking people when you already have one. It would also probably be better for consistancy.
Dasquian Belargic
Sep 13th, 2004, 09:54:06 AM
Well, I'm a moderator, so I can do it for you :)
My characters race is 'Hallaeran', although I'd honestly prefer if you didn't use it (due to what I've written about the extinction of the race, etc). His planet is part of a system, however, of other planets which have similar species on them. If you'd like to one of those, you can. Here's a bit of info on them:
"Next on the list you've got Moraeron. Some things grow on this planet, but still not enough to sustain life above-ground. Underground, however, you have a subterrainian people known as the Moraera. They're basically miniture versions of us, and have impressive cities that stretch for miles and miles under the ground, where they've got everything from town halls, to markets, to farms. It's an impressive place to visit and do trade in. They're master architects. And they live on the third to largest planet, a red planet."
"Then you've got Lordaeron, torquoise in color, and the second to largest planet, with one unimpressive moon from space, but possitively beautiful from the ground. This one's got a diverse set of people on it. The elegant Lordaera are very private creatures and keep very much to themselves... as you will soon see. They make absolutely wonderful ships though for being such private people."
If you'd like to use either of those, that's fine by me. Also if you need/want any help on coming up with backstories/etc, I'd be happy to help.
Adrienne Caledonia
Sep 13th, 2004, 07:11:15 PM
I really appreciate all of your help. Hope I'm not being a pest. :)
When you have time, the name I'd like is Adrienne Caledonia.
And the second planet you mentioned, Lordaeron, sounds pretty to me. Can you give me just a little more information on it? Like what other types of species inhabit the planet (aside from the Lordaera). Also, the type of government that's in place.
Maybe just a few statistical figures like how far they are away from the nearest Jedi training facility. Also the size of the population (not exact figures but maybe compared to Earth so I can get a general idea) and if they've had any major wars or natural disasters (which would affect the population dramatically) within the past 50 years or so.
Hope that's not too many questions. Thanks again for your help. :)
Dasquian Belargic
Sep 14th, 2004, 04:24:52 AM
Lordaeron... well, it's a forest planet mostly. There are two types of Lordaera - the type that "you" and "I" look like, and a type with a purplish tone of skin (they have the ability to blend in with their surroundings if they don't move). They live in and around the forest, with houses in the trees and such like. Even within their own communities, they tend to keep to themselves when they aren't working. It's not that they're anti-social or don't get on with one another, just that they're a quiet species by nature.
So far as a government goes, like most of the planets in the system, they have various social castes, mostly centring around work – builders, soldiers/archers, etc. There’s no real ‘leadership’ in place, although a long time ago the planet was ruled by the noble houses of Hallaera – they were all wiped out in a war with Dark Jedi hundreds of years ago, though, and since then the Lordaera have just kept to themselves, making decisions as a community.
Like I say, the last war was around five hundred years ago. Lordaera committed ships and soldiers to help the Hallaerans, most of them never returned. The population is pretty sparse, with communities usually containing a couple of hundred (500 at most) beings. It’s difficult to say how many of these communities there are though, given that they are so well hidden in the forests.
As for the nearest Jedi facility- there are currently only two Academies. The main Jedi base is Coruscant, in the hub. The secondary academy is on Yavin IV. Of the two, Coruscant is probably closer.
:) Any more questions, feel free to ask.
I’ve changed your account name. With your permission, I’d like to move this thread to the ‘Out Of Character’ forum on the main board, as it is a more appropriate place for this discussion and with the thread there you’re also more likely to get input from other users.
Adrienne Caledonia
Sep 14th, 2004, 07:35:56 AM
Yes, that would be fine. Thank you for all of the information. Lordaeron sounds perfect for what I want to do.
If I wanted to hire an assassan/bounty hunter type person for a thread I'm going to start, where would I post?
Shade Magus
Sep 14th, 2004, 07:38:30 AM
What the? And Here I was thinking this place was alive again....oh well and to answer your question just post a thread asking for anyone in the OOC Forum
Adrienne Caledonia
Sep 14th, 2004, 07:44:06 AM
Thanks. :)
And sorry, I didn't mean to mislead anyone. It's kind of a shame that this board was abandoned.
Shade Magus
Sep 14th, 2004, 07:48:38 AM
Lol, noo it's cool, but hope you enjoy your stay here!
Dasquian Belargic
Sep 14th, 2004, 11:22:26 AM
Originally posted by Adrienne Caledonia
If I wanted to hire an assassan/bounty hunter type person for a thread I'm going to start, where would I post?
Yup, this is the right forum (Out Of Character). You're bound to get a lot of responses, too. Rogues are always looking for some business.
Jarek T'chort
Sep 14th, 2004, 11:45:58 AM
The Imperial Sovereignty would be happy to have you. If you want to have a force-user as a character, you can join the Inquisitorate to hunt and kill Jedi and the like. Either way, welcome here.
Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 14th, 2004, 12:15:04 PM
I don't think she wants to *be* a bounty hunter, she just wants to hire one.
Welcome! :)
Mu Satach
Sep 14th, 2004, 01:04:53 PM
*sniffle* Sometimes I wish I wasn't so busy.
I'd love to build Mu up to be more of a rogue assassin for hire and go Jedi Hunting... being a lush and passed/knocked out in local establishments for months at a time is getting old. ;)
Welcome Adrienne. :)
Don't be afraid to ask questions to the mods around here. They are always very happy to answer questions about lots of things.
Jyanis Scorpion
Sep 14th, 2004, 09:22:14 PM
Originally posted by Mu Satach
being a lush and passed/knocked out in local establishments for months at a time is getting old. ;)
Sep 15th, 2004, 03:34:19 AM
Yes what he said!
Cardinal Aiyalin
Sep 15th, 2004, 02:10:12 PM
Welcome Adrienne.. Pretty decent folks around these parts, so you should enjoy RPing here.. I just wanted to drop a few suggestions to really help your character begin to take shape... when characters are surrounded by past details and history, their stories become so much more alive.
My Jedi character (Beldarine Del'Anar) is also of an elf-like race that I made up (also extinct.. Jenny copied! j/k)..
My suggestion is to start RPing with a character that has some background. When I started I knew my character had been raised on Tatooine by a bounty hunter named Chimeia. She mysteriously disappeared when Bel was 18, and my character has spent most of her life looking for her. Bel was actually a bounty hunter before she joined the Jedi, and thus has some major demons to overcome.
If you have some idea of where your character is coming from, it's easier to drive your storylines.. especially since our storytelling depends on the character's attitudes and reactions in circumstances. Before I created my dark Jedi, Cardinal, I sat down and wrote a lengthy summary of her background as well. I tried to flesh out the major parts of her life until she joined TBH (before it was disbanded)... Some of the things you might want to include in a background:
1. (major) Circumstances that would motivate your character to be either a)good or b)bad. These can be minor events through the character's life or one major event. Bel became a Jedi through a bunch of minor circumstances and a few major events. Card was driven to the dark side by the murder of her parents (and other events), which she feels the Jedi could have stopped if they wanted to.
2. (major) Find the character's motivation.. Is he/she driven by money, lust, power, hatred, etc? Those motivations will stem from the circumstances that have happened in his/her life.. Someone who is driven by hatred and anger wouldn't mesh well with the Jedi (unless they wanted to reform), but would do well with the Sith...
2. (minor)Character attributes such as age, hair color, eyes.. Try to have a firm picture of what your character looks like. Bel has such a unique appearance, my pictures of Giselle don't exactly look like her.. but she's close enough.
Whew.. that was long.. and I could probably go on even further.. but I hope you get the idea.. I also hope that you found this stuff helpful, if you need anything more.. Just PM me, I'll get back to ya :)
Above everything else, have fun !
Sep 15th, 2004, 05:30:02 PM
Lordaeron... well, it's a forest planet mostly. There are two types of Lordaera - the type that "you" and "I" look like, and a type with a purplish tone of skin (they have the ability to blend in with their surroundings if they don't move). They live in and around the forest, with houses in the trees and such like. Even within their own communities, they tend to keep to themselves when they aren't working. It's not that they're anti-social or don't get on with one another, just that they're a quiet species by nature.
I would be one of those Lordaeron's. :)
Dasquian, while the serious creator for the whole Hallaeron system, has colaborated with me in working out some of the planets and such.
I have worked on the Lordaeron species. If you have any questions, just PM me (best to send me a PM to my AmazonBabe or Lady vader names).
Just to give you a bit on the two sepcies on Lordaera:
The species I play is like Dasquian stated, so no need for me to repeat it. They are considered the older race.
The species that look like the elves from LOTR are considered a younger race (and by younger I just mean they're off a couple hundred years from the older race). Both species though are extremely ancient. Those that resemble you are slightly shorter than the purple guys, though still tall by human standards. They were actually once part of the older race, but due to some conflicts in the past, they seperated from the older race and built their own civilization on the continent opposite the older race's. There is no conflict now, but due to long seperation and evolution, changes have been made so they are considered two races even though they bascially came from one.
Anyhoo, if you have any questions at all, feel free to bug me. :)
Mu Satach
Sep 15th, 2004, 08:44:57 PM
Originally posted by Jyanis Scorpion
Originally posted by Jacen
Yes what he said!
I've been doing that for 3+ years now... it's starting to lose it's luster, but... I'M A LAZY SITHY!!! :D
Arya Ravenwing
Sep 16th, 2004, 12:06:43 AM
:eek I thought you said a bad word mu :o I almost put my Mod cap on. :lol
Mu Satach
Sep 16th, 2004, 11:04:46 AM
One run in with Agent Charley over a PG-13 word is enough to make me very careful. :D
Sep 16th, 2004, 11:53:07 AM
Damn right, bitch.
General Tohmahawk
Sep 16th, 2004, 05:55:40 PM
Originally posted by Mu Satach
One run in with Agent Charley over a PG-13 word is enough to make me very careful. :D
:: Yes, we are quite well aware that it's banned in 95% of the Galaxy. And yes, we are very well aware the results are stomach churning to the etreme and yes, Mu's brains are now trying to escape her body and her ears are desperatly trying to set themselves on fire to stop the agony. But what the hell, it's been ages since the once typical wacky nonsense of this place has been seen in it's full horror.
so, as we quietly close the door on the meltign remains of another sith and skip happily into the sunset, we pause to remember those who have fallen and cant get back up. Lazy bastards ::
Mu Satach
Sep 16th, 2004, 06:52:51 PM
*grabs ears shrieks in horror*
*smoke rises*
I'm melting! MELTING!!!
*gurgle slushy slurpy noises*
what a whirl what a whirl
Sep 16th, 2004, 08:15:11 PM
And if you think I'm going to send you back to Kansas for that one Marcus... Your right...
*Force Tornado*
*The tornado sends Marcus to Kansas.*
Adrienne Caledonia
Sep 16th, 2004, 08:33:37 PM
Thank so much for the advice everyone and the warm welcome. Sorry I wasn't able to reply sooner, I've been having to put in long hours at the office this week because of the hurricane threat. Hopefully over the weekend I'll be able to post though.
And Jarek, thanks very much for the invite to the Imperial group. I think I'll wait to see how my first RP turns out before I make a decision on which direction my character will go, but I will definitely keep you guys in mind. :)
Alana Stormcloud
Sep 25th, 2004, 11:52:40 PM
Hiyas .... I am so sorry about this late reply I have been very busy moving and have only popped on to check my board out.... I missed your thread some how :( Sorry bout that. The Shrine has slowed down to a stand still and I have been so crazed with rl as have the other vamps. I am hoping there will be a vampy uprising soon.... :) Thanks for the compliments about the Shrine it is a beautiful board with awesome writers... please pm me if you would like any more info or need help with anything :)
Once again sorry for the delay for a reply.....
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