View Full Version : Unstable (Demon-Kieran)

Jarek T'chort
Sep 8th, 2004, 07:59:35 PM

ITT, you will be tested as to your command abilities by my NPC.

You are on the academy world of Carida, sent there to fulfil an officer training course and also to test your force abilities. This rp will take place as these courses come to a close.


Captain Keric flipped a small datapad in his gloved hands, leant up against a drab grey compound wall. His uniform was unmarked, save for rank cylinders and red tabs - indicating a position in the Inquisitorate. He was in his late twenties, clean shaven. He awaited his latest chargé, a recruit with latent force potential, but also an Army officer in training - something rather unheard of. A series of tests would be adminstered in due course, which made the Captain smile. Finding the boundaries of a man and pushing them, making a better soldier - was essential.

As footsteps rang out on the walkway, coming about the corner, the Imperial stood straight, one hand reaching toward the door control of the test chambers.

Sep 10th, 2004, 08:09:02 PM
Demon-Kieran strode down the hall, eager to get ready for his testing. He was also in his early twenties, but - because he was created as an adult subject, and also was suffering from using the dark side of the Force (which he did not entirely know he was before he joined up) - he appeared to be much more aged. He wore a spotless gray uniform, no insignia quite yet - even though he was given a Major's commission when he joined up.

As he strode around the bend, Demon-Kieran saw a man about his age (and he actually looked it, he thought) in the uniform of the Inquisitorate. Why would the Inquisitorate be here? he thought. Then he remembered. They're the Force-users, the law-givers in this place. Hmm. He saw the man, but he was not entirely sure the man saw him. So he waited for his reaction....

Jarek T'chort
Sep 11th, 2004, 06:01:51 AM
Keric tapped the data pad on as he waited, idly tapping at keys -

Here he is

The Inquisitorate officer was force sensitive, though he had limited powers, mainly his sense of perception was greatly increased, but it was enough to make him an effective operative. He didn't let on he had seen Keiran, already the testing had started, to see whether the other force user could sense Keric's force ability.

Standing straight, he called out,

"Good morning, Devaneaux, I am Captain Keric, I will oversee your final training stages."

With that, he didn't look at the man, rather, he let the door behind him slide open, revealing a seemingly bare room.

"Follow me."

Sep 13th, 2004, 07:50:43 PM
Demon-Kieran looked somewhat uncertain, but he shrugged that thought away in an instant. Fear is contagious, he reminded himself. "Lead on, sir."

Jarek T'chort
Sep 14th, 2004, 04:06:58 PM
The room was failry sparse, cold steel floors and walls that echoed with the sounds of the pairs entry.

Keric studied the cadet - the man looked far older then he actually was, though Keric had not been informed as to why he looked so.

"Cadet, you will begin this course by lifting those - " he pointed to two metal beams that lay at opposite sides of the room from one another, "over here."

"After that we shall advance to the next stage of your course."

Sep 22nd, 2004, 09:32:16 AM
((Forgive the lateness. Busy, busy! Damn high school. -Josh))

Demon-Kieran thought this would be fairly easy....he raised his right hand to try and channel the Force through him, to move the large beams. His aged-looking face was clearly straining. This was more difficult that he had thought. Damn my cockiness, he thought. With great difficulty, he moved both beams - at the same time - across the room to where Keric told him to put them.

Demon-Kieran looked physically drained as he placed them on the ground....

Jarek T'chort
Sep 24th, 2004, 11:14:52 AM
Keric noted the strain on Kierans face, the man had far more power then Keric ever could have, but he had limitations - something Keric planned to explore further.

"Your manipulation of the force leaves something to be desired."

He crossed to a small table against the wall, upon which were a number of small droid remotes.

"I wonder if that can be changed."

The droid remotes shot into the air, hovering a meter above the ground.

"Here, " said Keric, tossing Kieran a light training blaster , "shoot them down."

The remotes hovered higher, circling the cadet. Waiting for his move.

Sep 26th, 2004, 09:09:58 PM
Now this is more like it. With grace and ease, Demon-Kieran blasted the remotes, only missing twice - and both times he was rewarded by a stinging blast from the remotes. Watch it, he told himself. The remotes went again - same thing - except they got him only once. Improvement....let's see if I can avoid them entirely....

Jarek T'chort
Sep 27th, 2004, 05:27:21 AM
A slight smile crossed Keric's lips. This one has potential.

The droid remotes zipped left, right, down, circling Kieran, though their numbers fell as he blasted them, causing the droids to shut down and fall to earth with a thud.

The remotes fell to five, then four, then three - until two of the faster remotes fell to the deck with their companions.

A slow clap echoed on the room, Keric still smiling.

"Very good, very good indeed."

A frown crossed his brow as he pondered what to throw at the cadet next - before he tapped a control at his belt.

A small door slid open beside him, and a small black platform slid out. Suddenly, the room shimmered, revealing a series of holograms, each armed with a lightsaber. They were simple grey ciphers, their faces blank and inhuman.

Keric removed an item from his pocket, before throwing it to Kieran. A lightsaber - a training version of course.

"Now, you may never use this weapon, but we must prepare for all eventualities."


The holo's drew in, their own blades lifted above their heads, prepared to strike.