View Full Version : Jesus as Superman? Whedon on X-Men 3?

Sep 8th, 2004, 06:55:46 PM

About a month ago, Buffy the Vampire Slayer mastermind Joss Whedon publicly declared an interest in taking on the next X-Men movie now that Bryan Singer has traded mutants for a cape and a big "S". Was someone at Fox listening?

If the industry newscatcher Production Weekly is to be believed (and I'm told they're rarely wrong, if ever), ears were indeed open, and wise decisions were made. According to them, Whedon is onboard to direct X3, with the production gearing up in Vancouver next June.

Of course, there's currently no script, and to the best of my knowledge no major talent has actually signed for the movie (and we know Halle Berry has little interest in returning unless she's in the spotlight). But Whedon certainly has a handle on the characters judging by his excellent run on Marvel's Astonishing X-Men series, and we know from his remarkable television work that he can juggle multiple characters, so it probably wouldn't be too difficult for him to whip up a fine screenplay (especially considering he worked on the first film's script).

As a massive Whedon fan I know I'd be first in line to see it, but he's currently putting the finishing touches on Serenity, the feature follow-up to his space western series Firefly, so we'll see if he's got time for mutant mayhem.

Another interesting superhero note: Production Weekly also lists (as rumored) Jim Caviezel as starring in Singer's Superman movie (subtitled Unbelievable).

Only time will reveal thier prognostication skills, and if Millar or Knowles wins their bet.
To explain the bet part, there is a comic writer called Mark Millar, who has some ties to the movie industry. He said on his board that Caviezel was to be Superman. Knowles posted on AICN saying this wasn't true. Mark then bet him $1000 to go to the charity of their choice that he was right, which Harry accepted.

But screw that, I'm in fanboy gushing mode imagining Whedon doing X3 (I was there when he said he was interested :) ). He already writes the best X-Comic, so I have total faith in him :D

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 8th, 2004, 06:57:46 PM
Halle Berry is a moron if she doesn't sign on to X3. What, does she think her Catwoman movie will turn into a series that will continue to make her money? HAHAHAA

Jedi Master Carr
Sep 8th, 2004, 07:17:00 PM
Berry is stupid she think her character is underused, she really knows nothing about Storm. I say dump her and bring in Kitty Pryde (aka ShadowCat) add Beast and give Colussus a bigger role that should take care of the storm problem.

Marcus Telcontar
Sep 8th, 2004, 08:19:24 PM
Well so far the X-Men series has delivered. As for Berry..... :rolleyes

Jedi Master Carr
Sep 8th, 2004, 08:37:57 PM
Well Berry was good in the last one. She said no stupid lines, her acting was okay. So I would take her back but not if she acts like a stuck up.

Sep 8th, 2004, 08:53:53 PM
I was following this story up for quite some time. It's really interesting, juggling back and forth from SHH and AICN to find out the latest, John Whedon might be a great writer but I wouldn't know what to think about his directing skills. The point about managing numerous characters at once seems true enough though,

As for Cavaziel, I think he's a great choice; not a replacement for Reeve mind you but I think he could do the job and certainly has the look.

Sep 8th, 2004, 10:05:05 PM
Caviezel would make for a good Superman.

Sep 9th, 2004, 04:58:59 AM
I would definetly be on board with Whedon doing the righting, ditto on the directing though, I just don't know much about him. Singer had a great feel to his X-men movies, it would need to be duplicated.

For those un-aware recently Marvel did a big X-men Relaunch, cancelled a few series and started some fresh and re-did the teams, odds are to align with the movies a bit more as Jean died in the comics shortly after dying the movie, and odds are will return in the same time-table :)

Anywho, Whedon started writing Astonishing X-men, a whole new series which is angling for the Flagship title with all the X-Men heavy hitters in it(Wolverine, Cyclops, Emma Frost, Kitty Pryde, Beast). Ok not necessarily heavy hitters but the most history by far and most precise group.

On a side note for those who read the comic......I still can't believe how #4 ended! That was shocking, I had to go back and re-read those 4 pages a few times. Can't wait for #5!

Re: Berry - Storm is a ok character, never been my favorite though. I say dump her and bring in some new characters, there are tons of great X-Men characters and I want to see more of them before the series winds down.

Keep the core of the team was Wolverine, Cyclops & Nightcrawler, mix in some Rogue & Iceman and introduce a few new members like Colossus and maybe Beast or Kitty.

As far Caviezel as Superman, the guy is a incredible actor, I don't know if he has the look or build for Superman though, Superman doesn't need to be Arnold huge but he needs to have a solid frame and have at least some height.