View Full Version : Train 'em up (North and Munro)

Jarek T'chort
Sep 8th, 2004, 01:36:58 PM
This will be a short training thread for yourself.

Munro - I want you to give an account of training previous to departure for Bestine. In it you must insert a team of Imperial Airborne troops in a simulated night raid at an Caridan training complex. Before doing so, you must evade Colonel North's pilot jockeys, who will attack you in an attempt to prevent the insertion. You need only rp the lead up to putting the men on the ground.

Colonel North - I want you to knock him around a bit and put him through his paces.

This will be your introduction before the Bestine thread, Captain Munro.

Travis North
Sep 8th, 2004, 01:45:08 PM
I trained you in the NR, looks like I'm training you here. Good thing I know your style. Things are going to be tough. I'll let you make the first post.

Christopher Munro
Sep 8th, 2004, 06:07:08 PM

Its a good job that my 'style' is character-subjective then, isn't it? ;)

*cracks his knuckles* Hope you like failing, Travis...coz its gonna happen again. :D


"Commence final pre-flight checks."

The dark side of Caridan loomed menacingly towards the Imperial starship that sliced silently through the blackness of space. Night had fallen across the drop-zone. The enemy was veiled in shadow. But its looming failed to menace Captain Christopher Munro. He merely reached above his head, and flicked the switch to test the night-vision enhancements for his HUD. For a brief instant, the cold steel insides of the Star Destroyer were drowned in an eerie green. Satisfied, Kit reversed the switch.

"This is the Dropship Atlantis. All systems operational."

Captain Munro let out a sigh. The worst part of any mission was the waiting. Kit had flown enough missions to know what his ship could handle. The briefing had been long and boring enough for him to work out what he was up against. A few Starfighters to go up against...nothing a couple of A2A missiles and competant flying wouldn't fix. Trying to relax a little into his chair, Kit wondered if the SF pilots had harnessed ego-power as an energy source for their shields. If they had...it might take a few extra missiles. That would be a heck of a lot of shield power...

The comm clicked. "Atlantis, this is Control. Confirm five minutes to deployment." A rustle lept across the radio...chuckle-static, Kit guessed. "If you need to use the 'fresher, now would be a good time."

That warranted another sigh. He had no idea if Starfighter pilots found jokes like that amusing, but their ground crew certainly did. This was what Munro hated about waiting - the people he had to deal with. Retrieving his flight gloves from a pocket, and pulling them on, he silently thanked whatever part of his brain had made him think straight enough to join the Army.

"Your five minutes are up, Atlantis. You may launch when ready."

"Thanks control," Kit replied. "I'll see you soon." His thumb slid off the comm button. Unfortunately.

Grabbing the control yoke gently in one hand, he reached down to his left, and feathered the repulsorlifts. The Dropship Atlantis rose gently from the deck. Edging the throttle forward slowly, the craft drifted forwards, and dropped gently through the magnetic field that held the atmosphere within the ship.

Firing up the spacial thrust engines, Kit rolled the ship, gradially orientating it so the DZ hung off to ventral. Then, creeping foward into the planet's gravity, he angled the ship onto the entry vector, as ordered, and waited.

"Ladies and gents," he called over the intercom to his passengers, "We are now approaching Caridan. Passengers for death, honour and glory, please prepare to disembark."

Travis North
Sep 15th, 2004, 01:13:29 PM
Jeffers sat in the cockpit of a captured NR Y-Wing. He flicked on the starter switch and the beast came to life. His squadron mates did the same. There was a wide array of enemy fighters in the squadron. More Y-Wings, X-Wings, and some patched up Z-95s.

"Control. Trainer Squadron Zeta has feeds from the advanced ground sensors showing landing craft on aproach. We are go for engagement. Inerception ETA 5 mins. Ground batteries light up the skies. Lets get this boy ready for the NR.

"Roger Zeta 1. Let the training commense. Batteries firing flares now."

Within moments the night sky of the moon lit up. High intensity flares glowed everywhere. The guns quickly switched to Ions and began scanning for the target.

"Zeta. Let's go rough up a dropship jockey. Form in 3 flights then pincer the ship. Lead flight we'll swoop down from above."

Christopher Munro
Sep 16th, 2004, 11:28:10 AM
"Any sign of fighter resistance?"

Kit's co-pilot shook his head. "Not yet, Captain."

Munro frowned. They should have been scrambling ground forces by now. He didn't doubt that his ship would hold together. The Sentinel was a solid design...and the Atlantis was in top condition. He'd flown worse craft than this up against more than what the 'enemy' could probably offer up against him. The only thing that worried him was that maybe, just maybe, one of those Force-forsaken SF jocks might just get lucky, and scratch his paint job.

"Keep your ears open, Phones," he instructed to his co'.

"Will do, sir."

Kit took a deep breath and, hand tightening around the controls, watched as the ground grew beneath him.

Travis North
Oct 3rd, 2004, 03:19:12 PM
"Ground control open up on the landing craft. Let them know this is our turf and no-ones going to set foot on it without a fight." the brisk voice of Planet Defense Coordinator Vin said through the ground tac frequency.

"Roger sir. Blue fireworks, blow her out of the sky." Firing control commander Gain replied.

Vin switched frequency to flight com, "Zeta unit, move in for the kill and watch out for an 'Ion storm'."

"Aye. You heard the man Zeta. Break that pilot's spirit!" Jeffers ordered.

The flights of stafighters broke up and barreled down on the shuttle. Jeffers and his wingmates opened up with a steady barage of low intensity red bolts across the landers flight path.