View Full Version : The Joys of Life, Natia

imported_Natia Telcontar
Sep 4th, 2004, 08:05:57 AM
In they beginning for Natia, there was no joy. Her Mother was killed when she was born, and her Father later told her that it was because of her ugliness. But her Father was not a nice person.

Natia is the youngest child of her parents. She has a twin brother named Mordecai, an older brother named Tharinye (who wants to see her punished), and two sisters name Buneka (Bunny), and Faith. These are the siblings that she has met. She's got more, but doesn't know who they are, or where to find them. Each has a story which is unique. But this isn't about them. It's about Natia and her life.

She was born on a colony world for Lorrd where she stayed for four years being mistreated by her Father every single day. It's a miracle that she even survived. One day however, her Father was beating her more then normal, and she lost control. She unknowningly used the Force to kill her Father. And the ppl were pleased to know that such a cruel man was now dead.

That day her life got better. She went to live with her legal guardian, Thalius Nendoor who started to teach her to use the Force. Unfortunately, he started to teach her to use the Darkside. She was an eager student, wanted to prove that she is a smart and intellegent young lady, but when she started to not succeed and make mistakes with what she was doing, Thalius started to punish her by beating her. She was not thrilled. After taking the beatings from her Father, she grabbed a few things and ran.

After awhile though, he caught up with her and beat her severly. He would have killed her if a young lady by the name of Aleona had not stepped in and stopped him from killing her. Aleona took her to a hospital and she got healed, but not fully. She was left with limited use of her legs, but refused a hoverchair, so she went around on crutches.

After a few years of planet hopping, she arrived on a planet called Tyntia where there was a small Jedi Academy for the locals. She was accepted in there as a student. Unfortunately, she was unable to keep up with the other students due to the terrain so arrangements were made to send her to the GJO to get her training.

It is here that Natia got a new family. First her adopted Father, Falcon Gyndar. Her first Master here was Sia-Lan Darkheart. After a while though, Sia-Lan turned to the Darkside and so her adopted Mother, Xazor, took over her training.

Things didn't go well immediatly. She was plagued by nightmares, and she wanted revenge against Thalius. That is when she met Taja who promised to give her what she wanted. Revenge.

For a second time, she walked the Darkside of the Force. Later, she realised that she was giving in to Thalius and she turned from the Darkside to learn the ways of the Jedi again. But something wasn't right still. There was something missing.

It was not until after she met her adopted Grandfather, Marcus, that she realised what it was. She could not follow the proper ways of the Jedi since they were not her ways. Soon after, she became a member of The Lost Jedi. But this time, she was a young teenager who had gotten more use of her legs back, but still not completely.

She met Leten who also became a member of TLJ. They became instant friends, and quickly, there feelings increased.

Then came Tharinye Lerf. Her older brother. He is determined to see her punished for what she did to their Father since he was nice to him. He has even gone so far as to get the Council to tell her that she needs to go to her homeworld for her trial. She will go, but only when she is ready to. She has some personnal business she must tend to first. Then she shall follow the Council's Orders.

Through out her life, her last name has changed a couple of times. Lerf, Dawnstrider, Elessar, and now Telcontar.