View Full Version : A New Journey...

Lady Mylia
Sep 2nd, 2004, 05:03:04 PM
Mylia's mom needed her. After many talks with Ridge, Jacali, and Dasquin, Mylia decided that what was best for her right now was to go with her mom on the campaign trail.

Mylia never thought that she would follow in her mother's footsteps until one night about a month ago when she had a long talk with her mother. That night changed it all. Her mother's job sounded so interesting, all the people she got to meet and Mylia would be able to apply all that she learned to her mother's campaigning.

The Senate was not a perminate place for Mylia, just an experience she wanted to have while she was young. But it was going to be hard for Mylia to leave. She was going to have to say good-bye to Ridge, maybe for good. She could not ask Ridge to wait for her while she was gone. Even though she loved him and would always love him, it would not be fair for Mylia to even think about asking him to wait for her to get back. Who knew when that would be.

Mylia finished her packing about two days ago, she could not wait. Her stuff was already being shipped to her mother's place and now she just had to wait for her mother to meet her and then they were off.

Now the hard part, all her friends would be stopping by soon to say their goodbye's. All she could do was wait now.

imported_Jacali Danner
Sep 2nd, 2004, 07:41:36 PM
Jacali was the first to arrive at OZ after a lengthy talk with Shade.

Mylia was leaving and it was breaking the young Padawan's heart. Deep down, she didn't want her to leave, but she knew Mylia had to make her own decisions.

Teary-eyed, Jacali was shown to the couples quarters. Mylia was sitting on the sofa on the lower level when Jacali arrived. The Padawan came down the spiral staircase, as she had a time or two and flopped down on the other end.

"I feel like I'm losing my best friend." She sighed and blinked back her tears.

Lady Mylia
Sep 3rd, 2004, 08:59:36 PM
"No, you aren't. You will still have contact with me, I just won't be right here with you. You have my personal comm. number. " She leaned in and gave her friend a hug as a tear ran down her cheek. "This isn't good-bye."

imported_Jacali Danner
Sep 5th, 2004, 08:46:32 AM
"We've been through so much, it will seem like forever before you return." Jacali said as she hugged her best friend.

"You will be missed." She told her gently.

Lady Mylia
Sep 7th, 2004, 09:26:23 PM
Mylia stood up, trying to fight back her tears and saddness. Though, she knew once she and Ridge said their goodbye's that would not be possible. She walked around the room some, trying to think about other things than the fact that she was leaving her home.

"You will be missed too, but like I said, I'm only a comm-link away."

She continued to pace. "Plus, maybe when you are out on your mission we might run into each other. You we can plan to meet. I will be able to come back every once in a while, ya know?"

imported_Jacali Danner
Sep 8th, 2004, 04:36:00 AM
The Padawan was not usually a selfish person, but then her best friend wasn't leaving everyday either. On the outside, she looked strong, but inside she was crumbling and felt this wasn't the way things should be going.

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Sep 8th, 2004, 04:43:37 AM
Ridge stepped from his airlimo and stared at his casino. His casino He didn't want to go in, for inside to him was going to be sadness and heartache that he didn't fathom.

Mylia was leaving and she didn't want him to wait. But, today he had decided, he would wait for her. She was worth every moment of loniness he had in him. It was just meant to be.

The halls seemed to echo as he neared his quarters, the spacious place he and his love shared. Where they spent evenings laughing, cooking, sharing moments that would last a lifetime.

Ridge placed his hand on the buttons and pressed the sequence. The door slid open and he walked in.

There is was, his princess, his lover and his best friend.

He slowly came down the stairs and walked over to the bar, while she had some time with Jacali. Their time was coming.

Lady Mylia
Sep 12th, 2004, 07:02:20 PM
Mylia gave her friend another hug. She did not want to drag out the goodbye's, she thought that would just make things worse. "So, Jacali. I will see you soon...." Her words did not match the tone in her voice. In her eyes you could tell the pain she was going through, even though she wanted to be strong.

imported_Jacali Danner
Sep 13th, 2004, 04:24:52 AM
Jacali returned the hug and nodded. "Yeah, ya will." She tried to smile. "Have a safe journey."

Silently, the Padawan turned and left.

Lady Mylia
Sep 14th, 2004, 01:33:07 PM
Mylia gave a sad smile. "Thanks..." She words trailed as Jacali left. She plopped down on the couch again. She tried her hardest to hold in her tears.

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Sep 14th, 2004, 07:57:33 PM
"Good byes are never easy, luv." Ridge said gently as he walked over with two crystal wine goblets.

For over seven years, Ridge had grown with the best of everything. And yet, none of this glamour and ritz would mean a thing without Mylia beside him.

He sighed and sat down beside her and handed her a goblet. "So many days we've spent here, luv. Days that I will cherish forever and know that more are yet to come."

Ridge sipped his wine. "I know we talked about going our separate ways, because you didn't want to burden me with your new journey. I've thought and thought about this..."

Ridge stood and held a hand to Mylia to stand as well. Once she was on her feet before him he took her hand.

"I am nothing without you, Mylia." He slipped his engagement ring back on her finger. "I would wait a thousand years to be with you. You are the only one for me, my luv. Please, take this token to remember everything we've shared together and to know that those times are not yet over."

Lady Mylia
Sep 17th, 2004, 09:05:12 AM
Mylia didn't make much eye contact with Ridge as he first began talking. She took the goblet and sipped it. She nodded slightly to let him know she was listening.

Once she stood up, she looked him in the eyes. By that time he had her full attention. After he put the ring back on her finger she burst into tears. It made her so happy. She didn't want to give up Ridge either. It was probably one of the hardest things she would have done. She threw her arms around him and kissed him.

"Ridge, thank you so much. I didn't want to loose you. I'm so happy!"

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Sep 17th, 2004, 08:53:12 PM
His heart was full of joy as she hugged him. She had accepted the token of his love once and for all.

"And you don't know what this means to me, luv. I couldn't bare the thought of losing you." He kissed her again gently as he held her.

"I love you, Mylia Basque, now and forever."

Lady Mylia
Sep 27th, 2004, 09:18:37 PM
"I love you, too, Ridge." She said hugging him. "Maybe you could meet with me sometimes? Maybe you will have some work to do at the same places I am traveling to?" She looked at him hopingly.

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Sep 27th, 2004, 09:25:20 PM
He looked down into her beautiful eye. "Of course, luv. I would never think of not doing such a thing. Perhaps, if we're in the vacinity, we can check out some of the resorts that have been wanting me to buy into their stock shares. We'd be treated like royalty, just like the princess you are." He kissed her hand and smiled.

He swept her up into his arms. "I can't tell you how much you mean to me, Mylia. Please, never forget that."

Lady Mylia
Sep 27th, 2004, 09:46:44 PM
Mylia smiled and shook her head with a laugh. "I don't think you will ever let me forget it. But don't worry. I won't ever forget it." She laughed "Even when all those political figures are making passes at the Senator's daughter." She laughed and shook her head. "I could never imagine being with those stiffs. You know, I could never imagine myself with anyone other than you." She poked him in the nose as she said that and kissed his nose after that. "No one else but you, love."