View Full Version : Omega: Running around(Alex)

Yurza Magus
Sep 1st, 2004, 07:39:20 PM
Yurza was again outside the Jedi Temple, only this time it wan't for Lillian Snow. This time it was for a boy named Alex. Apparently, Alex was suffering for amnesia which gave Yurza an advantage and disadvantage. The advantage being that his mind would be easy to get into. The disadvantage was that he would have a ad time trying to find something to gasp onto to control the boy. It would almost be the equivalent of a master mentalist learning in reverse order, but he was up to the challenge.

He would wait here until he saw the Padawan and then he would follow him, until the most opportune time.

Sep 4th, 2004, 02:39:36 PM
"I shall return with any news in three days..."

Three days from now is a Thursday. Thursday's not good for us...

"Thank you, Constable. Your assistance is greatly appreciated."

The Coruscant security officer bowed with a "Good day, Master Jedi", before disappearing off into the distant crowds.

Alex was being helpful. Strangely. Someone had drunk a little too much in the Bar and Grill. Alex had found them, and called a Jedi Knight for advice. The Jedi Knight had responded, and called a Constable from Coruscant's police force. The Constable had arrived, and spend fifteen minutes giving Alex strange looks, while trying to pry some admission of guilt out of the Padawan. The Constable's name was Odo. Alex had met him before. But that was a life ago...things were different now.

As the world slowly went on around him, Alex massaged his temples. The dream had been coming to him every night, growing more and more intense, ever since he'd started using his powers. It worried him...but it was to be expected. If the dream was, as his Master believed, a repressed memory, his mind would unlock it in time...unlocking his abilities was slowly freeing his mind. He scratched at where the woolen Padawan robes rubbed against his skin. Repressed memories make my head hurt, he decided.

He let out a yawn. It had been a long day and night, dealing with the police. I need to sleep. So, with a stretch, Alex set off on the long, tiring journey back "home". But a weight dragged on each step...a secret, forbidden desire - the desire that the dream would not come to him again.

Yurza Magus
Sep 5th, 2004, 02:17:36 PM
Yurza smiled as he watched the young boy start back home. He reached out to connect with him and to his surprise it was much easier.

He began to sift around through Alex's thoughts, trying to find something that would help him influence his mind. However he couldn't find anything, but he wasn't focusing all his strength on it as he was also looking for an event that would help serve as a catylst.

Sep 5th, 2004, 02:48:43 PM
Something clipped his arm. He span. He turned, eyes searching the crowd that had passed. He saw the person responsible. A spacer...smuggler, from the look of things. He felt a flash of anger.

But at the same time, the Jedi Code echoed in his ears. He took a deep breath, and closed his eyes, soothing the anger inside him. It was an accident. The words formed in his mind. Stay calm. His brow furrowed at the effort. The word around him faded away. But so did his anger. He was winning.

A smile formed on his face. It was getting easier...his emotions were beginning to fall under his control. His efforts renewed, and focus doubled, he beat the anger back inside.

A shudder. Alex snapped back to reality. He'd felt something...strange. But he had no idea what it had been. With a weary shrug, he set off back to his room.

Yurza Magus
Sep 5th, 2004, 02:58:23 PM
Yurza felt around some more, still finding nothing.

Give me something to work with here kid, he thought to himself as he felt around. Suddenly something shot past him. What was that?

He reached for it, but it remained outside of his grip. He also noticed it remained outside of Alex's mental grip as well. A lost memory? Well....maybe this could be used. Now all I need is someone to test this theory out on.

Sep 5th, 2004, 03:59:36 PM
Alex was lost. Again. It wasn't his fault...he blamed whoever had desgined the temple. It was all symetrical and, once it started getting people in, became almost impossible to recognise sections of it. Alex knew his way from place to place, but that was through remembering movements, not sights. When something threw off his navigation...he was lost.

He was used to being lost in crowds...but that was usually by choice. And besides...in the bowels of Coruscant, you could usually find some friendly hole to cralwl into. But here...he was alone.

He spun. Do I know her? Another face in the crowd...and another. He staggered back, collapsing against a balcony rail. He turned, and stared down into its depths...the dark...the pain...the past. A memory sparked in his mind..."Not now," he whispered at the dream, fighting it back inside. "Not now."

Yurza Magus
Sep 5th, 2004, 08:31:04 PM
The girl knows what your dreams mean.

The thought was sent to Alex subtly. Maybe he ould catch it, maybe not. Yurza was just "testing the water" as one might say. Yurza smiled prehaps he would cause more of a scene with the young boy than he did with Lillian.

Sep 8th, 2004, 11:12:41 AM

Alex spun, the panic thrown aside. He stared off into the crowd.

She knows?

Alex grabbed at his head, and shook it.

Don't be stupid, Alex. She can't know. No one knows.

He let out a sigh.

No one knows.

Yurza Magus
Sep 8th, 2004, 10:13:10 PM
Are you sure? What if that is just what they want you to think?

Sep 10th, 2004, 01:52:55 PM

He frowned. Was he sure? Did he know to trust the Jedi?


He'd lived a life with no one who could be trusted. He'd never had to trust someone before. Why should he have to start now.


He spun, staring through the crowd. He surged forward, piling into the sea of bodies he'd only just escaped from. She was here...somewhere...

"Come back!" he called, shoving someone aside.

He ducked the grabbing arm of someone else. "Stop!" His voice became a yell.

He stumbled. Fell. Bodies surrounded him. He stared through their legs, still trying to seak her out. He let out a sigh, as a firm grip closed on his shoulder, helping him to his feet. She can't know. No one knows.

Yurza Magus
Sep 11th, 2004, 04:10:48 PM
Oh but she does. That is why she runs from you. She wasn't just lost in a sea of bodies, she is hiding in that sea.

Sep 16th, 2004, 11:54:16 AM
Alex' expression set into one of anger. He briskly pushed the hand away, and surged back into the crowd. "Stop!" he yelled. "Come back here!"

Bodies caught him as he tried to make his way through them. They closed in on him, restricting his movement. He growled, swinging his arms out at people. His flails pushed a few aside. He lept, twisted, turned, shoving his way through.

Someone grabbed at his arm. "Hold it there, sonny," they said in a deep voice.

Venom flashed in Alex' eyes. "She knows!" he yelled, swinging his fist into the man's face, before returning to his chase.

Yurza Magus
Sep 17th, 2004, 03:15:59 PM
Yurza just happened to be standing next to Alex when he swung at the man. He had to lean back just to keep from getting hit when he was turning back around. He smiled as Alex looked past him and searched for the girl. She wasn't that far from him actually. Just slightly off to his left.

There she is. Go get her!

Sep 17th, 2004, 04:54:37 PM

Alex span, catching sight of her hair through the crowd.


Throwing more of the crowd aside, he charged after her. He dodged, shoved, dove, climbed and swam his way through the crowd, getting ever closer and closer.

"Stop," he called to her.

She didn't flinch.

"Stop!" he yelled louder, anger rising in his voice.

Still nothing.

"STOP!" he screamed, grabbing her arm, and pulling her towards him. His eyes flashed with anger. "Tell me what you know!"

Yurza Magus
Sep 24th, 2004, 05:29:17 PM
"What are you talking about? You're crazy let me go! Help!" The woman was yelling frantically and most of her cries went unanswered, for this was Coruscant and these things happened daily.

Trust no one. They will tell you nothing.

Sep 25th, 2004, 05:47:59 AM
Alex let out an angry growl, face shaking and burning red with rage. "Tell me!" he screamed, hands reaching for her throat, as he led her towards a wall. "TELL ME NOW!"

Alex stared deep into her eyes. He saw her pain. Felt her horror. Witnessed her fear. It reached into him. Touched something, deep down. He knew that feeling, somehow. Anger faded from his face. His grip loosened. His eyes remained fixed on his. Then he fell backwards.

She ran, tears falling from her eyes as she sprinted off into the crowd, leaving Alex, curled up in pain on the floor, hands between his legs, cradling where her knee had struck.