View Full Version : Mon Cal Cruisers

Sep 1st, 2004, 01:38:53 PM
Hey, i was just wondering, with all these new ship designs do the MC-90s still serve as the backbone for our fleets?

Sep 1st, 2004, 02:29:37 PM
Im useing a Mix of Majestics and Defender SD's as a backbone for most of me new stuff now. The MC-90 is a better ship but you can build about 4 Defender Class Star Destroyers and about 6 Majestics's for the time and money it takes to build a MC-90. Dont get me wrong I love cal cruisers but In Character they take forever to build and cost an arm and a leg. But more or less I think it just really depends on the person Rping. I Like to use cals. But I am a Calamari lol. They are good defensivlly and work well as an offensive platform but Ships like the Defender SD and the new Generation of ships from Republic Ship Yards have alot more Firepower and work better for offensive Actions.

Lion El' Jonson
Sep 1st, 2004, 04:31:38 PM
I'll agree with Reshmar. Though there's still a tremendous number of Mon Cal Cruisers in the fleet (after all, we had several years with nothing to build but Mon Cal Cruisers), and most Sector Fleets have 1-3 MC-90's in them. Still, the number of MC-80s and MC-80b's outnumbers the MC-90s by a ratio of 5:1.

Lion prefers to use Mon Cals in his fleets, prefering their heavy shielding and balanced firepower to that of the Defender. It will also probably be a bit easier to coordinate a fleet of Mon Cals when Lion finally recieves his Mediator, given that they have fairly equal speed and maneuverability characteristics considering the immense size difference between an MC-90 and a Mediator. :)

Marcus Telcontar
Sep 1st, 2004, 07:39:13 PM
Defender SD?

Is it liek the MC-200A? If so, can I have one?

Redic Scott
Sep 1st, 2004, 09:14:12 PM
The Defender SD is a new type of Republic Star Destroyer.

Class - Defender or Nebula
Designation - Pocket Star Destroyer
Demensions - 1,040 Meters

40 Trim & Bak XX-9a Heavy Turbolaser Batteries
40 Taim & Bak XV9 Turbolaser Cannons
20 ArMek JT -5 Ion Cannons
8 Arakyd VT-100 Concussion Missile Launchers ( Weapons Payload = 1600 Concussion Missiles)
8 Phylon-Q10 Tractor Beam Projectors

Defenses and Equipment
Hull Armor - Tri Bonded Durasteel Armor
Armor Rating - 3,000 RU
Sheilding - Serridge SEAL GR20 Shielding System
Shield Rating - 4,800 SBD
Plat Dorma JSX-22 Targetting System
Fabritech ANx 12w Wide Range Scanning System

Republic Engineering S-500 Fusion Reactor
Republic Engineering KRTz-500 Stardrive System
Republic Engineering Hx-66x1 Hyperdrive Movivators
Sublight Speed - 16 MGLT
Hyper Drive Rating - X1
Back-up Hyper Drive Rating - X 12

250 Officers
5648 Crew
196 Gunners
1,600 Troopers

Onboard Craft
1 C-wing Squadron
4 E-wing Squadrons
1 B-wing Squadron
4 Lambda Shuttles

Onboard Vehicles
20 Light Repulsor Vehicles
10 heavy Repulsor Tanks
60 Speeder Bikes
20 V-wing Air Speeders

Known to the New Republic military as a "pocket Star Destroyer," these new-class ships were 65% the size of an Imperial-I class Destroyers but had the firepower of the Imperial-II class. They were the best-defended ships in the galaxy at the time of the Battle of N'zoth, with virtually impervious armor plating and shields. The Defender-class could transport a full wing of starfighters for assault missions, as well as a wing of long-range fighters. They saw limited production as the New Republic down-sized its military after the negotiation of peace with Admiral Pellaeon and the Empire.

Sep 1st, 2004, 11:14:15 PM
We can build a Viscount for you Marcus. could be the HQ of the NRSF.

Sep 2nd, 2004, 10:35:12 AM
What happened to the MC-200?

Lion El' Jonson
Sep 3rd, 2004, 07:01:23 AM
It was essentially thrown into the trash can. It was agreed that the MC-200, as well as the other "0MG UBER!1!!11" ships were too powerful to have a place in modern Fleet RPing, and as such they are no longer used. There was also a slight discrepancy with the time period in which the MC-200 was constructed.

Officially, IC-wise, the MC-200 is permanently anchored above Coruscant, where it serves as a heavily armed space station, as well as a secondary/tertiary command center in the event that the main control center on the surface of Coruscant (New Republic Fleet Headquarters) is destroyed. Although its super ion-cannon was taken offline, it still maintains its battery of 'planetary' ion cannons, as well as its weapons systems.

In the event that Coruscant itself was attacked, the MC-200 would serve as one of the main rally points for the Sector Fleet. I believe that one of the various NR Military Organizations uses it as their headquarters as well; it was NRSF property, but given that NRSF is essentially defunct ATM, perhaps NR Intelligence would have moved in. Don't count on the MC-200 to be moving anywhere, though: we've disconnected the hyperdrive, and it could take weeks to reconnect that. The engines were left online for station-keeping purposes.

Marcus Telcontar
Sep 3rd, 2004, 07:25:35 AM
The MC-200 however was one of the few big bastards that was legally RP'ed out, over enarly a year OOC in time to construct. Along with Scorp's argus battle stations. We also used it as a scare the shit out of Gue and other Imp retards - mainly because we designed and built it to specifically counter the Uber fleets of co-axial super lasered ships.

We used it twice in action. One, it capaured a fleet basically by itself at Arcan (Hey, taking out a SSD with it's main Ion cannon woudl scare anyone) and also at Yavin where a very dumb Imp walked into it's lurking possie.

IIRC, the Mc-200a and the Argus, along with the Titan SSD that TSO have / had are the only legal seriously big ships, if anyone cares anymore. But they would never be used anyway - against the current spirit of RP and that's a good thing.

But if a silly god moder like Gue reappears, let's dig out the MC and hit him with it :evil

Sep 3rd, 2004, 09:45:10 AM
Oh, well at least no one will ever take Coruscant by force with that thing in orbit.

Sep 3rd, 2004, 11:48:38 AM
They put neon lights on it and turned it into a honky tonk bar and grill.

Sep 3rd, 2004, 02:33:08 PM
so basically now the MC-200 is just kind of like an ornament we're hanging over Coruscant.

Lion El' Jonson
Sep 4th, 2004, 07:34:30 AM
Yes, in essence...but it's an ornament with turbolasers, ion cannons, and planetary-grade shielding. It's sorta like arming your Christmas Tree with grenades disguised as ornaments. :lol

Just remember...never set up motion-sensing weaponry next to your Christmas tree. Think of Santa!

Sep 4th, 2004, 03:12:49 PM
still, its a shame what the peacetime navy comes too. at least we'll be officially at war again soon, so we have something to do instead of sitting on our asses.

great quote i found: There are only two things that are infinite, the galaxy and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the last one -Albert Einstein-

Lion El' Jonson
Sep 5th, 2004, 07:03:43 AM
Shouldn't it be "There are only two things that are infinite, the universe/galaxy and human stupidifty, and I'm not sure about the first one?"