View Full Version : A life's work completed.

Luo Vasst
Aug 30th, 2004, 09:59:23 PM
Luo Vasst had been hard at work for several years, and finally today was the day it all paid off.

"We'll see how your science holds up against this, my contemporary," he chuckled to the air.

Standing next to the computer terminal at which the mad doctor worked, stood a metallic being. Connected to its back were a series of wires, leading to the computer.

"Diagnotics. A necessary evil." He hit the enter key, and the creation sprang to life. Not a sound was made, but the only telltale sign the robot was recieving power was the intense red glow in its eyes.

"At last! Power systems functional. Balance servos, also functional. Laser batteries charged to full. Electrical systems are nominal...yes, all good."

Dr. Vasst resisted a cruel chuckle and rubbed his hands together. "Now to test the robot's reaction to the field."

Luo stood up and walked out in front of the robot. Instantly, the mechanical creature followed Luo around with its eyes.

"Good, good."

He walked around behind the robot, and its head turned to follow. "Yes. Now to distract it."

The scientist reached into his pocket for a remote and pressed the button. To the robot's right, a hologram of a Wookie appeared. It turned its head to face it, and stared. The hologram grew aggressive and roared at the robot, but it did not stir.

"Very good. Now for another distraction."

The Wookie's image disappeared and in the front of the creation appeared something that looked like a cross between an Ewok and a Toydarian.

In an instant the thing was fixated on the image, and raised its hands towards it. The long, sharp fingerlike appengaged curled back, revealing twin laser gatlings. Without another moment's hesitation, it opened fire. Then the hologram disappeared, and the weapons were retracted.

"Ha ha! Very good! Very good job indeed, my creation!"

Aug 30th, 2004, 10:06:17 PM
The robot did not reply to the Doctor's voice, nor did it turn to look at him this time. It had seen the target, and had eliminated it.

Suddenly, another creature appeared to its right. A large creature.

It accessed its data base, searching for a match among the enormous list of species. In a few seconds, it had made a match--a human. No threat.

Then again, to its front! This one was a Dug. Not a target. Then again to the left of the Dug! This one was different. It was similar to a Wookie, but its seemed to also have Twi'lek characteristics. No matches found.

Once again, it raised its arm, and the fingers pulled back. But alas, the gatling would not suffice. Switch to power shot formation. The gatling rotary pulled back, revealing a large cannon. After a second's charge, a large purple blast lanced towards the image. Then the image was gone.

Luo Vasst
Aug 30th, 2004, 10:09:17 PM
Luo cackled with glee. It worked! The combat systems worked!

"At last, you are now ready, my ultimate creation! Ready to go and kill the one being who gives me my motivation in life! Find Armaill's life's work, and obliterate it from this galaxy! Go forth, K4153R! Go, my grand Kaiser!"

Luo pulled the cables from the Kaiser's back, and watched it walk towards the door.

Sep 2nd, 2004, 07:28:48 AM
The Kaiser unit emerged onto the busy streets of Coruscant, and began sweepign its eyes around to try and pick up any sign of genetically altered beings.

It seamlessly entered the flow of pedestrian traffic and blended in to search around.

Luo Vasst
Sep 3rd, 2004, 12:33:46 PM
"Ah, now that my Kaiser is completed, let's do some research," the doctor chuckled.

After all, just because he had created his ultimate machine made no reason for him to continue his art.

"Oh, let's see, what shall we create next?"

Luo's fingers flew across the keyboard as he began searching around the known net for various sources of inspiration.

"Robotic arms...how droll. 3PO units...child's play. R2 units...only if you were a crazed Skywalker fan coming out of the woodwork..."

And then it struck him. The Jedi! Lightsabers! Truth be told, Luo always held a certain reverence for the lightsaber and its construction. No doubt with a bit of time and effort, he could not only improve the device, but also create a machine to master the new weapon, and any Jedi that crossed its path.

"Why not?" His curiosity piqued, Luo began to slice into the Jedi Order's computer files for schemata and parts availability lists. After all, what good was a blueprint if one couldn't get the pieces?

He spent hours eagerly absorbed in the information in front of him. How the sword worked, what fueled it, the physics of it, and the like.

"Now that I know about he weapon, I need to know how to wield it."

Luo quickly dug up the list of all the Jedi in the Order, and began to search out ones that seemed to be proficient in the different lightsaber forms.

The robotics expert stayed up long into the night, reading every member's profile, until one in particular caught his attention. This profile differed from the rest.

"Hello...Inu Aku, eh?" Luo selected that profile and began to read. "Former Darksider, specialized in Force Fire and Lightning...now specializes in barriers...husband and father of four? Well, haven't you been busy?" he chuckled.

Inu's vital stats appeared, as well as a picture of the Jedi. "Isn't that interesting? Ears like a dog...or a cat. But he's not striped like the Cizerack. In fact, his racial profile doesn't seem to provide for him a category...interesting."

Then a realization hit the mad scientist like a laserbolt. "Armaiil, you steaming pile of bantha fodder! Your creation has turned tail on you! He's not a blood curdling Sith at all! He's turned into a frail Jedi lapdog! Wife, kids? Ha! See, Armaiil, everything I told you back at the university came true!"

Luo stored the picture in his computer's memory. "Kaiser will be returning eventually. Once he comes back, I'll load this into its data banks and we'll be on our way."

Then one last piece of information caught his eye. "Currently offworld. But to where?"

The keyboard rattled loudly as Luo pounded the keys fast and furiously. He logged out of the Jedi Order's system and began to slice into every transport company's computer on Coruscant, searching for tickets bought under the name "Inu Aku."

Sep 3rd, 2004, 12:41:32 PM
The Kaiser was having no luck at all. It had searched high and low, and had covered considerable ground.

Once it had locked onto a human child altered with Ewok DNA while stopped at a crosswalk. Just as the robot had reached out a hand to crush the child's skull, the fuzzy ears pulled back to reveal a beautiful head of black hair and two very human ears--the child had been wearing a teddy bear hoodie.

The Kaiser lowered its arm and moved forward.

"What a sweet little droid," and old lady had said. "Patting that little baby on the head."

After finding no signs of altered life forms, the K4153R returned to its base of operations for maintenance and memory purgation.

It returned exactly the way it had come, and when it at last appeared in the doctor's laboratory, it took its place on its own custom built docking station.

Luo Vasst
Sep 8th, 2004, 10:09:06 PM
Luo chuckled, and switched the robot over to a debug setting in which he was able to install or uninstall various programs and information into his creation.

"Now, we need to install some data in you."

Luo rolled his chair over to his terminal and began to type furiously. "A map to the spaceport, spacecraft name and serial number...instructions on where to board craft... There!"

The doctor pressed a button and the information loaded seamlessly into the Kaiser unit.

"Now it will make its way to the spaceport, board the ship that will take him to Armaiil's creation, and when the ship lands, it shall be a hunt the likes of which no one has ever seen before. I think I'll send a probe droid with the unit. After all, I'd like to see just how badly my K4153R destroys this pathetic piece of flesh and blood!"

Sep 9th, 2004, 08:54:35 PM
The download completed, and the K4153R once again left the laboratory and its master behind. It entered at the lower levels and began a climb to the higher levels, where the spaceports were.

The machine was on a mission. It had a destination and determined that it was going to get there no matter what. It walked out in front of speeders and pushed pedestrians aside as it went on its way to the place it would depart to Tano.

At last, the Kaiser unit reached the spaceport and headed directly for the cargo drop off. When one of the workers came to place the robot on its ship, the Kaiser opened its back to reveal a small port for a cable to plug into. The man plugged in his datapad and retrieved the info. Once the Kaiser was cleared, the mechanical monster was taken to its ship.

Lucky for Luo, and the Kaiser, there was just enough room left for the machine. It backed into the small space and waited for the door to close. As the ship departed for Tano, things were happening inside the K4153R.

Data for space port departure to Tano...deleted.

Now all that was left was to shut down to standby mode to conserve power until it landed.

Sep 13th, 2004, 01:53:05 AM
On Cardisa, the Tano world, Inu and his family are enjoying their little happy ever after ending to their long, hard life story. The nomadic tribe of Sorr's friends and family have welcomed them whole heartedly, and it makes Inu feel good. The cubs are always seeing new and exciting things, Sorr no longer needs to hide or give false names and ID, and Inu has severed all ties with his past. He's living here and now, and he loves it.

"Ah...I never thought I'd see the day when I could live life normally, without trouble or a care in the world..."

Sep 13th, 2004, 01:05:20 PM
The ship landed at the spaceport smoothly, and came to a complete stop. The cargo doors opened and the light hit the Kaiser's optical sensors, waking the robot into it's normal mode.

The machine didn't wait for the ramp to lower all the way. It immediately began walking forward, sweeping its head left and right to search out anything that could be the enemy.

As it searched, it walked towards groups of people, as if knowing out of instinct that people meant it was growing closer to finding what it sought.

Sep 15th, 2004, 01:14:12 PM
The tribe is passing near to some large city; Inu's not sure what it is or what it's called. He hasn't been in a city for months now, and doesn't especially care to go back into one. In all honesty, he'd rather be further out from here, but it's getting late. The tribe is already spreading out, preparing to make camp for the night. Inu's family winds up at the edge of the tribe, nearest the city so the cubs can watch the lights.

Sep 15th, 2004, 04:59:47 PM
The K4153R had finished its scan of the city in a fair amount of time. The city was not very big as cities go, and had finished its scan right on the outskirts.

No matches had turned up, and the robot was just about to make its return path when it noticed something. It moved! Quick as a flash, the Kaiser unit turned its head to get a reading. It was growing darker, and it had switched to nightvision in order to better make out what it was looking at. A group of cat-like humanoids were doing something. More lifeforms to search meant the mission was not complete.

It began its slow sweep as it moved steadily toward the tribe. Tano...Tano...Wait. Four small ones, a female, and a male. Was the female Cizerack, or Tano? The features were hard to distinguish, but what caught the Kaiser's attention most was the male. There was no match on the species list, and brought up the list of known mutations. He was a match. Inu Aku. Target aquired.

The steady walk increased into a run, with its arms up to attack. The Kaiser unit performed one quick burn with its small thrusters to pick up speed and aimed its metallic fist at the creature's head. The animal would be destroyed.

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Sep 18th, 2004, 11:19:37 PM
Sorr yawns softly, tired from the day and a hunt that had been within said day. A bit of light from the nearby town causes her to look up and look right at the approaching droid. That thing doesn't look friendly so she yells loudly to warn the others.

"Danger! look out!"

Sep 18th, 2004, 11:33:34 PM
Inu saw it approaching too, but thought nothing of it at first. He pointed it out to his children, and wondered quietly with them what kind of speeder it was coming out to meet them. But as it got closer he began to recognize it for what it really is; a threat to his family. Quickly Inu stands and presses the children into his wife's arms as she shouts a warning to the tribe.

"Take them. Run. And don't you dare look back!"

He turns her around and nudges her away, preparing for the K4153R. "Oh please let it be satisfied with fighting me..." The dog-man ducks the blow and spins around behind the droid, hoping to draw it away from his tribe.

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Sep 19th, 2004, 12:37:20 AM
"Take them. Run. And don't you dare look back!"

She pauses even though he said run for a moment until she feels the nudge. She runs but she doesn't want to leave him alone with it. She's not scared for herself or the cubs, her only thoughts are worries for her husband. Even so, she knows the best place for her and the cubs is away from the droid so she keeps running.

Sep 19th, 2004, 06:55:05 AM
The Kaiser unit turned its head, and noticed the cubs. Species unknown. The robot fired a short volley of gatling rounds at the cubs, then returned its attention to Inu.

The K4153R twisted its abdomen to face its opponent and dug in to slow down its momentum, firing a few shots in the meantime to keep Inu busy. Once it had slowed down enough, it performed a quick burn with its mini thrusters again, and tried for another punch.

Sep 20th, 2004, 09:49:27 PM
Inu's wife is wrenched aside as Inu jerks his arm to the left, shoving her out of the line of fire without knocking her over or hurting the children. The shots aimed at himself are dodged with ease; he simply performs a split and lays his body flat against the ground. This unexpected attack has Inu's blood boiling. How could this wretched pile of scrap do this?

"Tch...just when things were going well..."

He stands, boosting himself up, and swats the droid's heavy arm aside, delivering a vicious headbutt to it's metal abdomen.

Sep 22nd, 2004, 04:29:03 PM
Clank! The droid is dented but it doesn't seem to care. Nothing underneath is damaged.

The Kaiser grabs Inu by his hair and pulls his head out of its stomach. The Kaiser's AI was designed to learn fast, and soon showed Inu that it too could perform a headbutt. The metallic beast had no neck, and instead bent at the middle, and rammed the genetic freak like a goat.

Sep 26th, 2004, 09:46:14 PM
Inu rolls backward a few feet before springing up, feeling a lull of power in the pit of his stomach. He hasn't touched the dark side in months...he'd forgotten the power he'd had with it. In a blur of motion he bursts forward with a strong, basic punch.

Sep 27th, 2004, 10:39:35 AM
Kaiser catches the punch and digs in. The punch pushes the droid back, but it does not fall over. Small ruts are formed in the ground as its feet scrape along.

Now the droid turns defense into offense. It clamps down on the Darksider's fist and changes its free hand to the power shot setting. It aims at Inu's head and stands braced. After a small charge, the machine would fire and it would all be over.

Oct 1st, 2004, 08:40:57 AM
Inu lashes at the cannon-arm with a strong kick, wrenching his arm in a way that he really shouldn't, and manages not to get his head blown off. Rather, he suffers a heavy burn on his neck and shoulder as the shot goes by. Then he turns, wrapping his free arm around the mechanical one that's go this fist, and throws the droid over his shoulder and onto the ground. Even with his Force abilities it's difficult work; the thing must weigh at least half a ton...

Oct 1st, 2004, 02:40:52 PM
The bigger they are, the harder they fall. And the Kaiser did just that. It came down heavily on a rock, causing a large dent and a leak in the mini thruster fuel tank.

Before the diagnostic systems could register this damage, the Kaiser performed a small burn and ignited the fuel. BOOM! The explosion rocketed the Kaiser up and into the air.

Its balance servos struggled to adjust the massive bulk so it would land on its feet. As it landed it opened both hands to the gatling setting and rained down laser bolts as it plummeted to the ground.

Oct 3rd, 2004, 03:31:38 PM
Inu stumbles forward, weaving to give it's aim a hard time, trying to get to it's landing point before it hit the ground. He's already feeling fatigued; it's clear that he's rusty from his peaceful life. The Kaiser touches down and Inu launches himself shoulder-first into the mechanical brute.

Oct 3rd, 2004, 06:02:56 PM
Kaiser took the hit well. It rocked backwards, but quickly righted itself without even taking a step backwards. The thrusters on its back were now completely damaged. The explosion had done more than enough to completely wreck them beyond repair.

Inu was far too close to strike, but the AI worked quickly and soon came up with a solution. As quickly as it could it wrapped its arms around Inu to attempt a bear hug.

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Oct 3rd, 2004, 08:03:52 PM
Sorr was still nearby, in the spot Inu had moved her away from the droid's blasts, she didn't handle fear well and had again frozen. The cubs still were in her arms, watching but remaining quiet, scared out of their wits too. The tribe was long since gone into hiding, they knew better from sparring with Inu that they couldn't help but hadn't noticed Sorr wasn't among them yet.

Oct 5th, 2004, 10:23:40 AM
Inu can hear his bones crunch as the Kaiswer squeezes him, but the audible sound is nothing to how it feels. It's like his ribs shattered inside him, the pain is so great. He manages to cut loose a scream before struggling for his breath, frantically trying to break this monster's grip. He cuffs it about it's metal head and shoulders, striking with all the strength he has, but finds it's waning fast, even with the Force aiding him.

Oct 6th, 2004, 04:48:26 PM
Lucky for Inu, one of his fingers pierces an optical unit, causing the machine to relent in order to asses the damage. Now that one of its "eyes" is put out, it will have a much more difficult time getting around.

Out of its good optic unit the machine sees the mother and her cubs silhouetted against the lights of the city. The AI is trying to make up its mind. The risks are great to stay, but the creature is weak. Does it risk malfunction and destruction, or does it let the creature go in order to be repaired and realize a more certain victory later on?

At last it decides. The machine is going back to the lab. The creature is in critical condition. If it does not die right away, surely it will in the next few days. It begins running quickly, despite its immense weight and fires a few gatling volleys at Sorressa and the cubs as a distraction for Inu.

Oct 8th, 2004, 11:03:17 AM
The dog-man is too worn down to move. The moment the machine lets him go he falls to the ground, struggling for breath. He hears the guns fire, the noise somehow deadened despite the droid's close proximity. Is he dying? He'd better not be. That machine's after his family, too, and they're less capable of fighting it than he is. The sounds of gunfire and heavy footfalls recede, replaced only seconds later by what sounds like a mini-bantha stampede. What IS that sound, anyway? Before Inu can recognize it, all the world fades out.

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Oct 8th, 2004, 07:40:18 PM
Sorr manages to dodge the gunfire due to Inu's cry of pain shocking her out of it and is at Inu's side within moments. She sets the cubs down so she can better look into his condition while the cubs watch her, seemingly knowing to leave daddy alone for now. The little stampede Inu had heard was the tribe coming out of hiding and to their aid, they knew they were useless against the droid but that didn't mean they couldn't help otherwise. Meanwhile Sorr was soon yelling through her tears that Inu wouldn't be treated with herbs and the like and would go to the nearby hospital. The tribe didn't trust the modern advancements for the most part but there was no arguing with the sobbing wife of the victim it seemed. So after a bit of manuevering and some items used to make a sling to put Inu in, the tribe took him to the town which they loathed doing normally.

Oct 10th, 2004, 03:21:11 PM
The tribe threw its weapons at the Kaiser, but it did not seem to notice. They were not altered, and therefore not something the Kaiser should be worried with. All the same, it sped up to avoid recieving any more damage and melted into the shadows of the city as it made its way back to the spaceport and onto the ship that would return it to Coruscant.