View Full Version : There should be a rant tag....

Marcus Telcontar
Aug 30th, 2004, 06:52:14 AM
Because that's what I feel the need for.

I should be working, sorting some issues out and generally dealing with stuff. But, I'm goign to turn in for the night at the extreme early hour of 10:30pm because some totally inconsiderate bastard called me at 4am, saying they couldnt get mail.

What. The. Hell????

Okay, lets list whats wrogn with this. Who in their right mind WORKS at 3am on a Monday morning, then wakes other people up at some ungodly hour because the server is downed .... because it's going through auto maintenance?

4 am on a Monday. You know, I get paid to care about computer problems, but no-one's paying me enough to care at THAT hour.

I bet he's gonna love the $150 p/h bill. So maybe, I'll get the last laugh.

Darth Viscera
Aug 30th, 2004, 07:47:09 AM
turn your phone's ringer off before you go to sleep

Sanis Prent
Aug 30th, 2004, 09:56:05 AM
Do you see this person in person on any kind of basis? I would definitely shoot him in the face for such a thing.

imported_Grev Drasen
Aug 30th, 2004, 07:38:53 PM
Originally posted by Sanis Prent
Do you see this person in person on any kind of basis? I would definitely shoot him in the face for such a thing.
He might take it upon himself when he sees the bill.

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 30th, 2004, 07:58:36 PM
Wow, Marcus. Are you sure you shouldn't make him pay time and a half for making you work "Overtime?" I'm sure you could loophole it somehow.

But I agree entirely. That guy is a jerk.

Senator Carter
Aug 30th, 2004, 09:39:52 PM
What Wei said. Jerk. I wouldn't go as far as shooting him in the face...but then I don't own a gun, so it'd be slightly awkward. He definately deserves some obsenely inflated service charge though.

And I agree with the rant tag thing. It could be pretty useful. I just had to go through one of those "I'm English. You can't treat me like an American," situations...sometimes, I think the world is conspiring to make my life hell. *sigh*

Silus Xilarian
Aug 31st, 2004, 01:50:48 AM
being shot in the face is far too quick and painless. There are much better ways to go about this, once you're good and awake. Send me a PM if you need ideas Marcus.