View Full Version : NRSF question

General Tohmahawk
Aug 29th, 2004, 07:14:08 AM
Hey guys, who's in that these days and what's going on with it?

Aug 29th, 2004, 08:49:20 AM
Fleet Operations

Fleet Admiral Lion
General Scorpion
Colonel Tie Yamagi
Line Captain Scott
Captain Parami
Captain Devaneaux
Captain Will Antilles
Wing Commander Evans

thats all I know of who have been active as of late.
Any other accounts are just secondarys of the same people above.
There are a few more but they have not popped up lately.
as for Spec Ops im not sure.

Marcus Telcontar
Aug 29th, 2004, 01:48:21 PM
No, I mean the NRSF, no thte general NR.

Lion El' Jonson
Aug 29th, 2004, 04:40:36 PM
Sheesh, I don't even remember who used to be in the NRSF, forget about who's still active. :D

For some reason, Charley or Sanis springs to mind...

But that roster, Reshmar, surprised me a bit...a lot bigger than when the New Republic was composed of...me...:lol

Jyanis Scorpion
Aug 30th, 2004, 03:32:20 PM
As far as I know, I haven't be discharged from the NRSF... yet. >D

Lion El' Jonson
Aug 30th, 2004, 04:59:54 PM
*Idly wonders what that yet is about in Scorp's above post* :p

Jyanis Scorpion
Aug 30th, 2004, 10:40:54 PM
Uh... um...

Who wants pancakes?!

On a note completely unrelated to the thread, I am active, but it's just not fun to do anything NRSFish without Tohmahawk. (And by "do anything NRSFish," I mean "blow things up.")

Marcus Telcontar
Aug 31st, 2004, 01:52:20 AM

Precisely my thought.

I think a resurrection of the NRSF is in order as the elite of the elite once again. I'll talk to Charley and find out what's up with it.

Jyanis Scorpion
Sep 1st, 2004, 02:04:34 PM
I'd love to get back into NRSF operations. What are the best Railguns these days?

What with politics, diplomatic relations and the Senate becoming more commonplace in roleplaying, I think it would be interesting to see the NRSF become even more covert. Something funny to watch would be politicians bickering over suspected NRSF doings.

Marcus Telcontar
Sep 1st, 2004, 07:59:04 PM
Rail assisted compound bows. Minigun guass needle hammers.

Just been chatting to Charley and he says the entire operational NRSF went to fey'dann, including the once personal squadron of 'Hawks.

It since died of disinterest.

So, what I think could be done is a 'secret' covert ops group that is drawn out of SecCorps, runs under the NRSF banner if anyone asks, conamed 'Blackhawk'.

Force users were drummed out of NRSF to the main, so I suggest it's best to keep them out of the NRSF - but the guy who runs - or used to run SecCorps cause he died - doesnt have quite the same issues.

My thought is that Marcus, who is at present semi retired and looking after baby, be called back to active duty by the Chief of state, who is only NR official that knows who he is. Suggested to return under the Tohmahawk alias, reform a NRSF style team of ass kickers and go kcik ass.

Now, you may also be aware Marcus has a group of rogue Jedi behind him too. Marcus has no problems with Jedi and would summon any Force User he feels capable of keeping Blackhawk secret, that doesnt mind booting ass and works badly with others. Add in a few bad ass soldiers, you have the mix of the old style NRSF, just under a different and secret banner.

Marcus I might add is well used to working outside of the law.

Lets hear suggestions.

Jyanis Scorpion
Sep 1st, 2004, 09:49:00 PM
I just wanna know more about these rail assisted compound bows and minigun guass needle hammers.

As for suggestions, stray very far away from conformity. Keep a "standard issue" system within equipment and weapons to a minimum, so that the Blackhawks all have their own gear to suit their talents and personalities. As cool and badass as Railguns are, don't rely on them completely.

Sep 1st, 2004, 11:19:11 PM
Sounds like a wonderfull Idea.
When you need insertion just let us fleet guys know. Also look over the Mistryl Corvette Stats. One of those might come in handy if you need to get onto a less then friendlly Planet.