View Full Version : Got Milk? (Open)

Quay'Na Rakai
Aug 29th, 2004, 07:04:28 AM
The first week after Quay had rejoined the GJO, she rested and now felt it was time to start getting out again. Seven months pregnant had begun to wear on her. She was more than hoping for the last two months to go by quickly.

The Padawan couldn't be happier, she had been accepted back into the Order and reasigned to a new Master.

Quay began to feel whole again. She walked over to the B&G and handed the guards her two sabre's.

The Padawan knew exactly what she wanted, something she had been longing for...chocolate cake, fired chicken and some milk.

Once Quay found a seat, she ordered from a server droid and began reading a book about Infants and what to expect.

Aug 29th, 2004, 10:48:21 PM
It had been a while since Time had been to the Bar and Grille. He had spent the last few months trying to track down his stolen ship, to no avial however.

As Time approached the doors to the B&G the guards (as usual) and Time had a little "discussion" about the no weapons policy. After a few minutes and a few harsh words by the gurads Time gave the gurad his blaster and walked into the bar.

Having been gone for so long he longed for a familiar face, he found one in Quay as he saw her sitting alone.

"Have time for an old aquiantance?" Time asked.

(OOC: Hey it has been a while since i have showed my mug around here so i'm not sure if ya remeber me ;) )

Quay'Na Rakai
Aug 30th, 2004, 04:39:10 AM
OOC: Yep, I remember you! Been a while, wb...


Quay had been into her book rather intently, but was very glad to see Tyme again. It had been a while.

A smile came to her face as she looked up. "Tyme, of course, my friend." She beamed. "Have a seat."

Quay put her book down. "Where've you been all this time? It's been a while."

Aug 30th, 2004, 06:31:15 PM
Tyme took a seat and as soon as he did a server droid scuttled up and asked if he wanted anything. He motioned his hand to move the droid on and looked at Quay.

"I have been all over this planet looking for my ship. It's bugging me that she is gone still with no leads. Looks like it's destiny that I will remain here.... or something like that."

Tyme was never much for down talk, especially the kind that referred to his stolen ship.

"I'm sure it will turn up," he said, sounding more like he was trying to convince himself than Quay. "But nevermind that, what have you and the others been up to?"

Quay'Na Rakai
Aug 30th, 2004, 07:41:07 PM
Quay'Na smiled and nodded, then leaned back a bit and placed a hand on her belly. "I'm expecting in about two months and I just returned to the Order myself not more than a week ago. It's good to see you again. As you said, I'm sure you're ship will show up soon. So, are you here to stay and begin your training again?"

Aug 31st, 2004, 06:44:05 PM
Tyme had forgotten that he was involved in some Jedi training. He never knew that he was cut out for the task and decided when he left to leave the Jedi buisness to those who deserved, and were cut out, for it.

"Well, I just don't know if I am cut out for it. While it would be nice to better the galaxy as a Jedi, i think my path is leading me in other directions."

He thought that might sound like he was leaning towards the thing that most of these Jedi trainees referred to as the "dark side" of the force.

"By that i mean that i am going to still hang around the Jedi Order because the only people who i know won't kill me are there... and friends too." Tyme said with a smile.

"After you have you child are you going to continue the trianing? Is the child going to train as well?" Tyme asked out of curiosity.

(OOC: Did they change the html for the sigs?)

Quay'Na Rakai
Aug 31st, 2004, 08:24:30 PM
OOC:Not sure.


Quay looked at him thoughtfully and smiled. "My child and I will be trained in the Jedi ways, I can't imagine bringing up my son any other way."

Quay's milk was brought back momentarily, she took a sip.

"It's good to see you back."

Aug 31st, 2004, 09:04:54 PM
Tyme nodded at Quay and grinned. "Well, it sure it good to be back. Especially seeing such a familar face."

Tyme thought to himself the thought of having children, and of course he could never imagine caring for a child, he has enough trouble taking care of himself! The last time he had any kind of thing he would have to take care of was the droid on his ship, which was hopefully still there when he found it.

"Wow, that's gotta be something, being able to see your child grow with you, and also train with you."

Tyme sat in silence for a second with a look of amusement on his face, he snapped out of it and turned to Quay.

"Where did you go during your time off?"

Quay'Na Rakai
Aug 31st, 2004, 09:11:29 PM
"Well, I travelled quite a bit to figure out just where I was to go and it lead me back here. I had a job at a diner for a while and met new people and spent time with my family. Things weren't as easy on the outside as I once believed and I finally decided that I needed to be with the Jedi to raise my child. It was a big decision for me."