View Full Version : Class of 1989....

imported_Jacali Danner
Aug 29th, 2004, 12:13:32 AM
Well, that was the year I graduated and I just returned from my 15 year class reunion and it was actually the most awesome thing I've been to in a long time.

My best friend, Mark surprised me there, he came all the way from Alabama. I nearly cried when I saw him and he said the same thing to me. He's going to visit me tomorrow before he goes back to Alabama on Monday. 10 hour drive...

I haven't seen him in 15 years, and a year ago I tried looking for him with no luck, he too is a Star Wars fan and I asked him to come up for the Ep 3 con in Indy and he said he'd see about working it in.

I wasn't sure what was going to happen tonight, in our 5 year, everyone was still in their little cliques and it wasn't fun at all. Our 10 year, never happened and now we can't wait for our 20 year.

Everyone has grown up, lost hair, gained weight and all at the same pace...it was pretty funny to see at least half of them that showed up...but Mark had been my highlight.

We were together the entire night, talking drinking, talking some more....

I just had to share this, because it was just something I wanted to share, I hope everyone at least tries to make it to their 15 year class reunion, things change so much. I hope that it will be as enjoyable to you as mine was for me and I had my doubts.

But, I guarentee that I'll be at the 20 year reunion without a doubt.

Well, I'm done and as soon as I get my pics, I shall post them!!!

Cardinal Aiyalin
Aug 29th, 2004, 07:40:56 AM
I'm glad that everything went well! Your class must be pretty motivated to see each other... My husband didn't have a 5 or a 10 year reunion.. and I passed my 5 without a whisper... I'm inching up on my 10 year reunion, but I don't think we're having one anyway..

And to be totally honest... I hated almost everyone in my high school class. They made my life completely miserable. I was the antithesis of popular -- I wasn't pretty, wasn't cool (hello, ROTC?), and wasn't fashionable (wore black.. a lot). I keep in touch with my friends from high school -- so I honestly can't think of any reason I'd want to go back to mine. Except to shove the fact that I blossomed down everyone's throats -- but that would be a little egomaniac, wouldn't it? But revenge is a little sweet.. I remember I had this huge crush on some idiot, and he found out.. He actually laughed in my face.. I ran into said idiot a few years ago, I had just graduated college and he was a waiter at a restaurant I was eating at (in full business dress).. He actually had the audacity to tell me "Well, damn, if I knew you'd look like this I wouldn't have laughed at you.." I wanted to tell him it isn't nice to laugh at anyone, but I just thanked him and left... Now look, I'm rambling..

My husband feels the same way I do... I guess High School reunions depend on what type of class you had... Yours sounds like it was pretty cool.. I'm glad you had fun at yours!! :)

imported_Jacali Danner
Aug 29th, 2004, 08:24:54 PM
Okay, here is my best friend from my class, Mark and I...


Sanis Prent
Aug 29th, 2004, 08:48:01 PM
I'm sure there will be plenty of my classmates with bigger paychecks, nicer figures, and prettier significant others than myself on my 10th reunion, so I'm really not gonna let it concern me. I still see a good many of them around, so it'll still be fun.

imported_Jacali Danner
Aug 29th, 2004, 08:54:18 PM
I nearly didn't go, because I was so sure it was going to be such a bomb.

I can't believe what I would have missed, had I not gone. Mark and I will now be able to be in touch for the rest of our lives, it's something I've wanted for a very long time and had no idea how to get ahold of him.
