View Full Version : Howdy Peeps!

Malcolm Trippen
Aug 27th, 2004, 09:52:06 AM
Hi there.

I'm potentially doing a new NRSF website. By "potentially" I mean "I'm going to put together a website for the NR...whether it becomes 'official' is another matter entirely". Basically, I could use some help with information.

If any of you are feeling helpful, I could do with as much information as possible. I'm starting off with the NRSF website for now...I don't know anything about the senate, so I don't wanna delve into there just yet. However, I will be covering everything Navy, Starfighter, Army, and Intelligence. However (and you'll only hear me admit this once), I don't know everything. I need some help with getting information and stuff.

I'll be breaking the site down into sections. Each military "group" will have a section (ie. each Task Force, Company/Brigade, Bureau, SpecOps Team, etc). There'll also be a section for specs...unless such a body exists, I'll come up with a name for a hypothetical "Starship Engineering Corps" or something like that. Plus, I may go into a section on planets and such...if any senate people can provide me with info, I can put anything senate-y in there.

Basically, I need all the info I can get. Any info on:
- Ship/Troop Deployments (task forces/groups, companies, etc)
- Ship Designs (lists, links to specs, etc)
- Intelligence Bureau (I know nothing about it)
- NR Planetary Holdings
- Technology
- Prominant figures (Military Commanders, Senators, etc)
- Major events in NR History (for a timeline, including some vague EU stuff, and anything major in the NR - like Bestine)
- Anything else you'd like to see on a site

If people have character bios they'd like put up, there'll probably be a personnel section. If anyone would like to voulenteer for writing any articles (for example, an account of the Battle of Bestine, from the NR PoV), or has any names of people I should talk to, sites I should visit, cliffs I should jump off, etc...let me know.

Jacen Parami, Malcolm Trippen and Kyle Raiden are all me, and this thread is here. Also, my inbox (doctor_ivan_cheztekov@hotmail.com) is open. If you have any info, as long as it ends up in one of my PM boxes, or an inbox, or on a thread where I'll find it...I'll be extremely greatful.



Any of you unit commanders, Admirals, Commodores, etc...you know my "Halo Force" thread, thats one or two threads below this? I want to create something similar to that on each Task Force (although ship/fighter specs will be linked from the relevant sections). You don't need anywhere near as much detail as mine...my unit was planned out, whereas yours have evolved. However, if you have any prominant characters, a list of what ships are availiable to you, squadron names, fighter types, etc...anything like that will make this a hundred times easier for me. Thnx.

Marcus Telcontar
Aug 28th, 2004, 10:09:10 PM
NRSF website = dont even think about it. That was my and Scorp's invention, passed on to other, but not you.

I'm actually rather pissed off you are doing something like that without floating the idea first. I dont care about your own stuff - you can do all the web work for that you want. However, you do NOT jsut go and do something without prior discussion if it should involve others

Malcolm Trippen
Aug 29th, 2004, 05:58:57 AM
I've talked with fleet people about it...sorry, I didn't realise I had to get your permission. There is no up to date NRSF site, and I thought we needed one. I offered...peeps said to see what I could come up with. I did float the idea, but I didn't come all-out and say it on the boards. I spoke to a few of the in-charges so that, if there were any issues like this, I'd find out about them before hand. The fact that they said "yeah, go for it" and didn't warn me that I'd get Marcus'd...I had no reason to assume it wouldn't be ok.

I'm potentially doing a new NRSF website. By "potentially" I mean "I'm going to put together a website for the NR...whether it becomes 'official' is another matter entirely". By that I meant, if there are any issues about making a site, I don't know what they are. I'll do it, and if it doesn't get endorsed...*shrug* I got some HTML practice.

Don't get so dang techy about it. A site needed doing. There isn't an up-to-date one. There is no message anywhere saying "Don't do an NRSF website - that's my job". So don't get pissed at me. As far as I know, there hasn't been an NRSF site for a long time, and there isn't anyone else who's gonna do one.

Take a deep breath, a couple of chill-pills, maybe stick your head between your knees, and I'll ambush someone when they come on...see if I can get this cleared up. But as far as I know, I ain't doing anything wrong.

Marcus Telcontar
Aug 29th, 2004, 06:23:57 AM

What part of "That was my and Scorp's invention, passed on to other, but not you" dont you grok?

Maybe I can see the point of a NR revamp, but I sure as hell aint goign to let you or anyone else other than those I handed the NRSF to do a site. That's not your call and you are miles out of place presuming you could do it - because that is what I see this as.

Dont like that? I dont care. When it comes to something I put a lot of time into to set up and create, you presume nothing. Offer for a NR site, or senate, or squadrons, whatever, knock yourself out. NRSF or MY hard work = Get stuffed.